Baek's birthday

unlucky(?) life

Italics is singing

Luhan Xiumin Chen Baekhyun Chanyeol Kyungsoo

Don't jump to conclusions yet


Baekhyun blushed as he sat on the desk and watched his boyfriend play the guitar.  The soft tunes had made students gather around to listen and watch also.  Chanyeol strummed a few more strings before stopping and looking at Baekhyun's flushed face.  He gave him a smile.

"What did you think?" Chanyeol asked.

"Its good," Baekhyun said.

"Just good?" Chanyeol asked.

"I thought it sounded very pretty," Baekhyun said.  "Can you play another song on guitar?"

"I could," Chanyeol said.  "But." He took Baekhyun's hand and Baekhyun gave him a confused look.  "How about I rap instead?"

"Rap?" Baekhyun looked more confused.

"THAT'S MY CUE!" Chen suddenly bursted into the classroom with Luhan and Xiumin behind him.

"What's going on?  Class is starting in a few minutes," Baekhyun said.

"I know," Luhan said.  "But we have to do a favor first."

"What favor?" 

"A special favor," Xiumin said while Luhan took out his phone.  He tapped a few things and Chanyeol slid off from his seat on the desk.  

"I thought I should surprise you with something," he said while connecting their fingers together while Chen handed him a toy microphone.

"Surprise for what?" Baekhyun asked.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... go!" Luhan said.

Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a smile before he started his rap.

I'm inspired to be better, remember when I used to keep you warm in cold weather? I never said much you were always so happy, I was there when no one cared on the days that you felt crappy.  Remember all the nappys that we took in elementary? I gave you all my candy so you never really shared me.  My friends in middle school would always wonder why I'm by you, little did I know I never thought that I would like you.  

Sad? Then I'll sigh too.  Hurt you? Never tried to.  When our eyes meet, electrifying like Raichu.  Highschool years, you kept on being played, I would cheer you up quick with the memories we made. Ok. Hey.  And you're more than just a friend, I was here from the start to the present to the end.  I just really need to know if you feel the same to 'Cause boy I love you and I hope you love me too~

Do you remember when I said I'll always be there?  Ever since we were ten, baby~  When we were out on the playground playing pretend.  I didn't know it back then.  Now I realize you were the only one.  It's never too late to show it.  Grow old together with feelings we had before, back when we were so innocent.  

I pray for all your love.  Gir- Boy love is so unreal, I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you, somebody pinch me~  This is something like a movie.  And I don't know how it ends girl.  I fell in love with my best friend.  

I think I'm in love.  (I think I'm in love.)  I think I'm in love.  (I think I'm in love.)  I think I'm in love. (I think I'm in love.)~


I think I'm in love.  (I think I'm in love.)  I think I'm in love.  (I think I'm in love.)  I think I'm in love. (I think I'm in love.)~


Through all the dudes that came by, and all the nights that you'd cry.  Gir-BOY I was there right by your side.  How could I tell you I love you when you were so happy? With some other guy.  Now I realize you were the only one.  It's never too late to show it.  Grow old together, had feelings we had before.  Back when we were so innocent.  

I pray for all your love.  Gir- Boy love is so unreal, I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you, somebody pinch me~  This is something like a movie.  And I don't know how it ends boy.  I fell in love with my best friend.  

I know it sounds crazy.  That you'd be my baby.  G- Boy you mean that much to me.  And nothing compares when we're lighter than air and, we don't want to come back down.  And I don't wanna ruin wha-

"What happened?" Chen asked when the music suddenly stopped.  All eyes turned to Luhan who was staring off into the distance...more like the wall.

"...huh?" Luhan asked when he noticed the people staring at him.

"The music stopped," Xiumin said.  Luhan blinked a little before he looked at his phone. 

"Oops.  I accidently paused the music."  He held up a finger signalling to wait.  "Aaaaaaaaand... now!"

-we have.  Love is so unpredictable.  But it's the risk that I'm taking, hoping, praying, you fall in love with your best friend.  

I pray for all your love.  Boy love is so unreal, I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you, somebody pinch me~  This is something like a movie.  And I don't know how it ends girl- Boy.  I fell in love with my best friend.

I pray for all your love.  Boy love is so unreal, I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you, somebody pinch me~  This is something like a movie.  And I don't know how it ends girl- Boy.  I fell in love with my best friend~

"...Nailed it!" Chen said when he finished singing.

"Barely.  You kept messing up at the part where you were supposed to say boy instead of girl," Luhan said.

"And you paused the song," Chanyeol pointed out.

Luhan shrugged.  "It was near the end anyways."

"Why are they here again?" Baekhyun asked.

"Because I'm HAPPY~" Chen sang.

Chanyeol sighed.  "This was the song I was gonna confess to you with, but we both know how that went.  I thought I should sing it to you instead as a birthday present... well I only did the rap.  I asked them to do the singing for me."

"Oh yeah and here's your present," Luhan took out a poorly wrapped object (no surprise there) and handed it to Baekhyun.  "Happy birthday."

"That present is from us too," Chen said while hugging Xiumin.  

"Why is it cold?" Baekhyun asked and frowned when he noticed something seeping from the bottom.

"Just open it," Luhan said.  

Baekhyun quickly tore off the paper that kept the object a mystery.  His features darkened when he saw what was in it and everyone in the room tried not to laugh.  

"I thought this joke died years ago," Baekhyun said.

"I wasn't in your life years ago," Luhan said.  "And you could fry it in the desert with Sehun."

"I don't get how asking Sehun to help me fry bacon is related to this?" Baekhyun asked.

"What are you talking about?  Your not gonna ask Sehun to help you fry the bacon.  You're gonna fry Sehun with the bacon," Luhan said.

"... Is this about that sweater joke you guys keep talking about?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah," Luhan answered.  "Key is mad at me because of him so I plan to bring it up as much as I can."

"Why is Key mad at you?" Chanyeol asked.



"Hey Key, can I borrow your make-up?" Luhan asked the diva while Taemin was getting shorts.

"Why?" Key asked.

"I found a waterproof marker.  I didn't believe it was waterproof and thought I could wash it off afterwards but then I drew on my stomache just in case it was washable.  I haven't been able to wash it off since then."

"That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  What did you draw?"

"A flower, but I messed up and it looks like one of Kris's drawings."

Key sighed.  "Fine.  You know where it is."

"Thanks," Luhan said. 

"So... you four live here together?" Suho asked.  

It took awhile for Key to realize Suho was talking to him since Jonghyun was moping in a corner.

"Yeah," Key said.  Luhan already knew about this type of stuff so he decided to not bother speaking anymore and just wait.  He heard Kai talking about how feminine Taemin is and that was when the latter came out with the clothes they asked to borrow.  Luhan instantly got up to change because he was excited to get on the waterslide and rushed into the house with Kai not far behind.  He quickly got changed as fast as he could and rushed back outside.  He talked to Kai while heading out before he remembered something.  Before he got on the slide, he turned around and headed back to the house.  He got in just in time to see Sehun get in one of the guest rooms to change.


Sehun was in the middle of changing when he heard a knock on the door.  He looked at it questoningly and was about to open it when he noticed something and quickly withdrew his arm.

"Sorry but I'm changing right now.  Use a different room," he said while pulling on the shorts.  He heard the sound of metal hitting metal and saw the doorknob move a little.  His eyes widened when he saw the door open and revealed Luhan on the other side holding a ring full of keys. 

Sehun watched Luhan close the door and lock it.  When the other male turned to him, he realized Luhan was shirtless and was surprised to see the fragile looking boy had abs.  He knew Luhan was strong but he didn't expect this.  

"Like what you see?" Luhan asked and gave a playful wink.  

"What are you doing here?" Sehun asked.  Luhan sighed and sat on the chair that was in front of Sehun.  

"I wanted to try something before we go outside," Luhan replied.

"What is it?" Sehun hesitantly asked.

"Something that would be embarrassing if we got caught doing it by the others," Luhan said.

"W-What are you talking about?" Sehun was unsure where Luhan was going with this.  His mind was filling with weird images and he started to get red for some reason.  He was suddenly aware that they were both shirtless.

"Something I've never tried before," Luhan said.

"B-but, what if the others are wondering where we are?" Sehun asked.

"Why do you sound so scared?" Luhan asked.

"B-Because...uh," Sehun didn't know how to answer.  He cursed himself for stuttering and his face was becoming red.

Luhan was amused that Sehun was getting flustered.  He thought it was kind of cute and funny at the same time.  "You do realize I'm talking about make up right?"

"... huh?" Sehun seemed dumbfounded at Luhan's sentence.

Luhan shrugged.  "You need to cover up your scars so I asked Key to borrow his make-up.  Most of the is waterproof so you should be okay.  I've wore make up before but I never tried putting it on so I wanted to see if I can apply it on you.  I'm not risking myself."

"..." Sehun wanted the ground to swallow him up or something because he thought he would die from embarrassment at that moment.  It didn't help that Luhan started singing sweater weather while he put the make up on his arms.  

One love, two mouths, one love, one house.  No shirt, no blouse, just us, you find out.

Luhan didn't even seem to notice he was singing.  Sehun heart started beating quicker at the beautiful sound that was Luhan's voice.  He felt strange but thought it could probably be the effect of finally taking off his sweater after so long.  It was pretty hot.

"I'm done," Luhan said.  Sehun was pulled away from his thoughts and looked at his arms.  The marks that were once there aren't visible anymore. 

"Thanks," Sehun said.

"You should be bowing to me or something," Luhan said.  He looked at the make up and frowned when he realized it was almost half gone.  "Key's not gonna be happy I used this much make up on a drawing of a crappy flower."

"Flower?" Sehun asked.

"I needed an excuse to get the make up.  I didn't think you would want him knowing about your scars so I made up an excuse." Luhan started walking out of the room.  

"Why did you help me?" Sehun asked.

Luhan stopped in the doorway and turned around to face Sehun.  "You said that if I had any problems, you would be there for me.  I said you could do the same and come to me if you have problems.  Don't you remember?" With that, he left.  Sehun watched him disappear and thought back to the time he let himself be vulnerable.  Maybe Luhan is nicer than he thought.


Sehun couldn't stop thinking about that time at the party.  He now sees Luhan a little differently... literally.  Luhan had walked into the room thirty minutes late with pink hair.  

"What happened?" Henry asked when he saw Luhan's new look.

"I got in a bet with Lay in the beginning of the school year to be nerdy.  Then I promised someone they could give me a makeover when the bet is finished.  I guess we put it off until now and pink hair was my punishment for giving him bacon on his birthday." Luhan explained. "But I still work this look." He pretended to do a hair flip and strutted to his desk in a diva like fashion.  

"He learns so well from his father," Chen said and did the same thing but wth a little more sass.  Xiumin just rolled his eyes and walked to his desk.

"Oh yeah Henry," Luhan called from his desk.  "You can't give us detention yet cause we agreed to take the dog."

"Which you would be taking home with you after school," he said and pointed to Yoda sleeping in the corner.  "Why did you give you're friend bacon for his birthday?"

"I'll just give the dog to Kris.  And I gave him bacon be-"

"Bacon... Bacon... Bacon....!  It's Baekhyun's birthday!" Kai exclaimed when he finally remembered.

"... I'll give him dollar," Sehun said.


Happy Birthday to Baekhyun!  It's stupid how I finish this chapter two minutes after.  I was supposed to update on his birthday but its 12:02 now so it just passed :(  Anyways, this chapter is pretty long.

This was Chanyeol's confession song/birthday present: (Best Friend by Jason Chen)

This is the song Luhan sang: (Sweater weather by The Neighbourhood)

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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
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Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
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Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
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Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?