
unlucky(?) life

Italics is singing

Luhan Xiumin Chen Baekhyun Chanyeol Kyungsoo Suho 

Chen barged into the classroom with a pissed off expression.

"Where is he?!" he looked around the room.

"Who are you looking for?" Kai asked.

"My disowned child," Chen said.

Kai tilted his head in confusion.  "... who?"

"Luhan!" Chen yelled.

"He went to China for a week.  He should be back in a few days since he left during the weekend," Mr. Lee said as he walked into the classroom.

"He took refugee in China?!" Chen yelled in disbelief.  "I'm gonna kill him when he gets back."

"What did he do?" Sehun asked.



"I miss you so much," Xiumin said and pouted at the screen.

"You're so cute Minnie," Chen said.  "I wish I could be there to kiss your pout away."

"Then come here," Xiumin whined.

"But you're too far," Chen said.

"How am I gonna get through the day without you cuddling me?" Xiumin continued to pout.

"I'm sorry baby," Chen apologized.  "You know I can't."

"I hate the fact that you are like a thousand miles away," Xiumin said.

Luhaan sighed from his spot on Xiumin's bed.  "I don't get why you guys are doing this."

"What do you mean?" Chen asked.

"Why are you guys videochatting like you guys are having a long distance relationship?" Luhan asked.

"Because it is!" Xiumin said.

"He lives next door," Luhan said.  "You guys make it sound like one of you are in Canada or something."

"It feels like it when I'm not with my baby," Chen said.

"Are you talking about me or Luhan?" Xiumin asked.

"Of course you," Chen said.  "I hate being so far."

"Just walk over here," Luhan said.  "If you miss him that much then stop being so lazy."

"Why can't you guys come over here?" Chen asked.

"Because it's better to have one person come here than two going over there," Luhan said.  "And you're room looks messy."

"It's not messy," Chen said.  "I'm in the backyard."

"It looks more like hell," Luhan said.  

"School is almost over and I need to finish this project," Chen said.  "You should be helping also instead of letting me do all the work.  Its due tomorrow."

"And we're grateful that you are doing that for us," Xiumin said.  "But you can bring it over and we can work on it together."

"We still have a month of school left so stop complaining," Luhan said.

Chen bit his lip then sighed.  "Okay."  Chen started to gather the materials.  He struggled opening the door to get back in his house and came back outside to get his laptop.  "I have to stop seeing your face for a while until I get there.  Is that okay?"

"Of course it is," Xiumin said.  "The sooner you leave, the sooner you're with me."

Chen smiled at his boyfriend.  "I'll miss you."

"I already miss you even though I'm seeing you right now," Xiumin said.  "Just hurry and get over here."

"Okay," Chen said and closed his laptop.

Luhan saw them stop videochatting and took it as a cue to leave.  "I gotta go leave to the airport now," he said.  "Guess I can't work on the project."

Xiumin sighed.  "I'll see you in a few days," he said and held out his hands.  Luhan hugged him and went out.  Chen came into the room a few minutes later.

"Where's Lu?" he asked.

"He left," Xiumin said.  

"Does that mean I came over here for nothing?" Chen asked.

"Not really," Xiumin said and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.  "Without him, it's just the two of us in the house."  

Chen sighed.  "I'm not forgiving our child that easily."

"Let him rebel for a little, " Xiumin said.  "We can teach him a lesson later."


"So you're mad he gave you alone time with your boyfriend?" Kai asked.

"I'm mad he made me and Minnie work on the project without helping," Chen said.  "He was supposed to do the art design and pictures."

"All you're doing is designing a poster," Sehun said.  

Mr. Lee scanned his desk before taking out a folder and a note.  "He told me to give you this."

Chen took the folder.  He opened it and found a bunch of pictures and drawings.  The note said 'Trace the drawings and I took a few pics u culd use.  Check ur e-mail in case i'm nice enuf to send more pics while i'm in China.' 

Chen took the note and held it up.  "I think you need to try teaching better Mr. Lee."

"It was expected," Xiumin said.  "It's Luhan we're talking about."

Mr. Lee looked a little surprised when he saw the note.  "But Luhan's at the top of the class."

"Are you serious?!" Kai asked.

"I'm so proud of my child," Xiumin said and wiped his fake tears.



"Hey Sehun, when do you plan on having Luhan call you his boyfriend?" Baekhyun asked.

"What do you mean?" Sehun asked.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes.  "It's obvious you like him.  You could also ask him to the dance that's coming up next month."

Kai choked on his food.  "It was Luhan?!" 

Sehun rolled his eyes.  "What makes you think I like that guy?"

Baekhyun looked at him intently.  "...You're blushing."

Sehun frowned.  "I am?"

"No," Baekhyun said.  "But I do know you like him."

Sehun tried to find a way to get out of this but couldn't think of anything and sighed.  "Is it that obvious?"

"A little," Baekhyun said.  "I just tend to observe."

"How did I not notice?" Kai asked.

"It doesn't matter," Sehun said.  "We're never gonna go out."

"Because?" Baekhyun asked.

"Because you guys say so yourself that I'm unlucky," Sehun said.  "It would take a miracle for Luhan to like me."

"And then there's the fact that Luhan is never gonna call you his boyfriend unless he is on his period," Kai said.

"Am I missing something?" Chanyeol asked as he sat next to his boyfriend.  "Who's on their period?"

"No one," Sehun said.

"We're just joking about something that happened at the mall," Kai said.

"Oh," Chanyeol said.

"What happened?" Baekhyun asked.

"It's a long story," Sehun said.

"You could tell us later," Chanyeol said.

"Su- OW!" Sehun suddenly hit his head on the table when someone came behind him and jumped onto his back while slinging their arm around his shoulder.

"I heard my child's name and I do not like what you're talking about," Chen said.

"What are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked.  "Xiumin is..." he looked around for the baozi.  "coming toward us."

"Hey guys," Xiumin said.  

"Minnie~" Chen said before he threw Sehun's now lifeless body away and made his boyfriend sit on his lap.  "I miss our disowned child already.  I'm sorry I didn't think he would get so emotional and go to China.  He's all alone and won't have anyone to protect him."  He wiped his fake tears.

Xiumin frowned.  "Stop calling him disowned," he said.  "And stop worrying, Kris is with him."

"You gave our child to Kris?!  How could you do that?" Chen asked.  "He can't be under the care of that angry bird.  Kris will probably let him be eaten by prey."

"Aren't Kris and Luhan cousins?" Kai asked.  "And what prey are you talking about?  Is there an animal trying to kill him?"

Chen looked like he was in thought until a realization shown on his face.  "... They are cousins," he said like it was an amazing fact.  

Xiumin rolled his eyes.  "Did you forget that?  They sorta look the same... kinda."

"Well sorry I didn't bother remembering I had a huge face as my nephew," Chen said.  

"I still want to know who would want to prey on Luhan," Kai said.  "Maybe they can be... nice animals?"

"NO!" Chen yelled.  "They are viscious animals that will stop at nothing to get him!  You can't trust this species."

Kai paled.  "Are you sure it's not just birds?  Penguins are nice and cute."

"They can't fly," Chen said with a serious face.  "They're too stupid to do that."

"Then what are they?" Baekhyun asked.  "He started to become curious."

"They are... humans," Chen said dramatically.

The whole table gasped.  "Wait... aren't we humans?" 

"Yes," Chen said.  "But there are people out there that can't handle themselves.  Like... THAT GUY!"  He pointed to the male.

"... Sehun?" 

"Stop over exaggerating," Xiumin said.

"But I can't!" Chen said.  "People are trying to steal my child."

"Has he always been this dramatic?" Baekhyun asked.

Xiumin shrugged.  "You should've seen him in China.  I almost thought he was gonna propose... and we weren't even dating yet."

"Wow," Chanyeol said.  "Well I guess- Nevermind."  He got up because the bell rang and dragged Baekhyun with him to class.

"What do I do with him?" Kai asked and pointed to Sehun.

"If he's still breathing then leave him outside and let the sweater do the job," Chen said.

Kai looked confused for a moment.  "... YOU WANT ME TO BURN MY FRIEND!" 

"It's one less predator," Chen said.

"Stop making Sehun the bad guy," Xiumin said.




It has been two weeks and Luhan hasn't come back from China.  Chen has been trying to put the blame on Kris and thinkining about the worst case scenarios.  Xiumin never stopped worrying and Chen didn't make the situation better except for the few times he tried to get the older to cheer up because he also wanted to believe that everything was fine while still thinking about the worst.  Taemin had even thought about going to China because 'Luhan is basically his son also because he took care of him since he was in kindergarten' which led Kai to believe that he was Taemin's son also.  

Chen paced back and forth in the classroom with the phone close to his ear.  He frowned at what he heard.  "Luhan's not picking up."

"Kris isn't either," Xiumin said and tossed his phone onto his desk.

"Your pacing is distracting the students.  Can you guys stop using your phones while I'm trying to teach?" Mr. Lee asked with an irritated expression.  "I won't hesitate to confiscate it, you know?"

"Then why haven't you done that yet?" Chen asked annoyed as he retyped the number and brought the phone to his ear again.

Xiumin put a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder.  "I'm worried too."

Chen's expression softened.  He sighed.  "I just have a bad feeling.  I think it's a motherly instinct or whatever you call it."

"I thought I was the umma," Xiumin said.

Chen rolled his eyes.  "Parental instinct."

"Much better," Xiumin said.

Sehun yawned then raised his hand.  "Can I go to the bathroom?"

Mr. Lee looked at him suspiciously.  "You've been awfully calm," he said.  "Leave your phone on my desk."

Sehun nodded and left his phone on the teacher's desk before heading out of the classroom.  He headed to the bathroom but stopped when he heard something.  He walked closer to a closed class room door and leaned in to hear it.  It was singing.

Baby don't cry tonight

Sehun recognized the voice like it was yesterday.  The singing was clearly Luhan's.  He couldn't forget how Luhan sounded when he sang because it was probably one of the things that made him fall for the deer like boy.    He slowly held his breath and twisted the door knob.  He realized that he was looking into a music room with Luhan sitting down and singing while he played the piano.  He bit his lip and wondered if he should go in.  After a while, he did.

Luhan continued to sing and play the piano without noticing the other's presence which Sehun found a little odd because it was sometimes impossible to sneak up on him.  He listened to the song and waited until the other was finished before making his presence known.  He heard Luhan stop playing the piano and took it as a cue to be noticed before clearing his throat.

"You... have a really nice voice," he said.  He didn't know why but he thinks he started blushing and cursed himself for stuttering.

Luhan jumped and quickly turned around.  "Y-you scared me!"

"Sorry," Sehun apologized and his face seemed to get redder.

Luhan examined Sehun's face intentively which made the other feel awkward and shift uncomfortably.  He then said the words that made Sehun's heart stop.




"Do I... know you?"


I GRADUATED MIDDLE SCHOOL TODAY!!! :D  Sorry it took a while to update but I was busy... kinda.  I sorta feel like this chapter isn't good even though I typed half of it last week and tried to think of ideas to put in it.

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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?