
unlucky(?) life

It was a week later that Luhan got a call after school.

Luhan sighed.

"Hello?... Okay... yeah, I'll tell him... okay... bye,"  he said.  He hung up and put his phone in his pocket before going to look around.  He walked around the corner and saw Kai texting on his phone.  Luhan went to the tan skin boy.

"Have you seen Sehun?" he asked.  

Kai looked up when he realized someone was talking to him.  He nodded.  "He went near the parking lot," he said.

Luhan smiled gratefully. "Thanks," he said before running off.  Kai continued to text on his phone.


Luhan arrived at the parking lot and spotted the maknae.  

"Sehun!" he yelled while running toward him.

Sehun turned around and saw the figure who called his name.  "Did you need something?" he asked.

Luhan stopped running and stood in front of him.  "Lay called me.  He said Suho is coming over to our house so you have to walk home with me," he said.

"Oh.  Why didn't Suho tell me?" Sehun asked.

Luhan shrugged.  "They probably thought telling me was enough," he said.

"... Could be it," Sehun said.

Luhan just smiled. "Let's go!" he said enthusiastically. Sehun looked at him confused but followed him.

They were walking on the sidewalk when Luhan suddenly turned left.  Sehun stayed where he was and looked at the shorter questioningly.

"Isn't your house this way?" he asked while pointing in the opposite direction.

Luhan turned around and nodded.  "Yup!" he said while smiling.  "But I want bubbletea," he said.

Sehun frowned. "So that's why you're so happy," he said.

Luhan nodded again and continued walking.  Sehun followed and soon found himself waiting in line with Luhan at a bubbletea shop.  When they were second in line, Luhan turned to him.

"Oh yeah, I fuggot to tell you something," he said.

"What?" Sehun asked.

Luhan gace one of his most innocent smiles.  "You're paying," he said.

"... what?" Sehun said.

The line moved foward and it was their turn to order. 

"I'll have a Taro bubbletea and chocolate bubbletea," Luhan said.  He looked at Sehun. "Order your drink and pay.  I'll find a table to wait for our orders."  He walked away leaving Sehun speechless.

Sehun sighed before reluctantly taking out his wallet.  "I'll also get a chocolate bubbletea," he said before taking out some cash.  The cashier handed him his change and went to look for Luhan.  He found the shorter male sitting by the window.

"You could've told me you didn't have money.  You didn't have to trick me to pay for your drink," he said.

"I had money," Luhan said.  "I just didn't think you would actually pay."

Sehun gave him a look of disbelief.  "Wow.  I wasted money for nothing," he said.

Luhan smiled. "It wasn't for nothing," he said.  "You can consider this as charity.  Plus, you ordered a drink also so I don't see the problem."

Sehun frowned.  He was about to reply when their order was ready.  Luhan got up and got the drinks.  He handed Sehun his order.  Sehun just sighed before he took it.  "You're unbelievable," he said.  Luhan just hummed in response and walked out the door.

They were again walking.  This time Sehun was sure they were going to Luhan's house.

"Why did you order two?" he asked.  "Do you seriously plan on finishing that?"

Luhan shook his head.  "I could but this one is for Lay," he said and held up the chocolate bubbletea.

They continued their walk in silence until they got to Luhan's house.  Luhan put down the empty plastic cup that was once filled with Taro bubbletea.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys.

"You have a lot of keys," Sehun said while eyeing the keychain.

Luhan nodded.  "Yeah, but I'm missing one," he said before inserting one of them into the lock.

"Which one?" Sehun asked curiously.

"The key to success," Luhan said before turning the door knob and opening the door.

Sehun just rolled his eyes.  "Wow," he said unamused. 

"I'm home!" Luhan yelled.  

Kris looked up from the TV.  "Lay and Suho went to the park with Tao and Onew," he said.

Luhan threw the chocolate bubbletea in Kris's direction.  "You can have that then," he said before throwing the straw.  Kris swiftly caught it and bent over to pick up the straw.  

"What flavor is it?" he asked. 

"Chocolate,"  Luhan said before heading to his room.  Sehun followed.

Luhan opened his bedroom door and jumped on the bed.  Sehun awkwardly stood in the doorway and looked around.

"You know, no matter how many times I see your room, it's still hard to get used to," he said.

Luhan rolled over and sat up to face Sehun. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"It's just... It's hard to put into words," he said.

Luhan rolled over again and grabbed his blanket.  He covered himself and took his phone out of his pocket.  He threw it to the other side of the bed.

"I'm going to sleep," he said.  "Wake me up in an hour.  You can do whatever you want, just don't break anything."

Sehun raised an eyebrow.  "You're gonna sleep in jeans?" he asked.

Luhan nodded.  "I'm used to it," he said.  He closed his eyes and was asleep in seconds.


Luhan woke up.  He rubbed his eyes and saw Sehun doing his homework.  He checked his phone and found out that he's been sleeping for two hours.  He slowly got up making sure that he didn't make any noise.  He tiptoed acroos the room and leaned over Sehun.  Sehun was too engrossed in what he was doing.  Luhan decided to lean closer when he noticed faint outlines of something on Sehun's wrist.  Luhan's eyes widened.

"You used to cut?" he asked.

Sehun turned around in shock.  "When did you wake up?" he asked.

Luhan grabbed Sehun's wrists and studied the faint outlines.  They were scars.  Sehun quickly retracted his hand.

"It's none of your business," he said.

"It is if you're my guest," Luhan said.  

"It isn't if I already stopped," Sehun said.

"It is if I'm curious," Luhan said. "Now spill.  When did you start?"

Sehun sighed.  There was no way he could change Luhan's mind.  "My parents died in a fire on my sister's birthday.  She died with them.  Me and Suho are the only ones who survived because we went out," he said.  "I started cutting a little while later when I went into a depression.  Suho caught me.  We had a big arguement.  At first, I didn't care if I died, but then I realized I can't leave Suho alone.  I soon stopped after that."

Luhan softened and gave Sehun a hug.  "I'm sorry," he said.  

"Why are you apologizing?" Sehun asked.

"... I noticed you wear long sleeves everyday.  It clicks now.  Your other friends don't know," he said.  "It must be hard.  To make the wrong descision and have it haunt you.  Also hiding it must be painful."

Sehun gave a sad smile.  "Baekhyun figured it out.  The others don't have a clue," he said. 

Luhan was silent.  He hesitated to ask his next question.  "Sehun, h-have you... ever thought about suicide then?" he asked.

Sehun looked at the shorter with surprise on his face.  "Once," he answered.  "Why are you asking?"

"If you were to try to commit suicide... how would you do it?  Where?" Luhan asked.

Sehun thought for a while.  "I thought about jumping off a building.  Maybe the one at school or my house," he said bitterly.

Luhan's expression was unreadable.  "My parents died to," he said.  "I went into a depression like you, but never thought about hurting myself.  The way this desk turned out was the result." he pointed to the desk Sehun was doing homework on.  At first, Sehun was surprised it was really sturdy with the scratch marks and broken appearance.  Now when he looked closely, he can see pieces carefully glued on.  "I threw a tantrum.  My hands bled and the desk broke."

Sehun continued to stare at the desk.  Realization hit him.  Sehun lost a lot but still had Suho.  Luhan had no one.  He has no family to care for him. He thought back to when he met Kris.  It seemed like him and Luhan haven't seen eachother in a long time so Luhan was facing things alone.  The thought almost brought tears to Sehun's eyes.  He pulled Luhan closer. 

"If you have any problems, tell me," he said.  "I'll be here for you."

Luhan gave a sad smile.  "Only if you do the same," he said.


I'm adding a lot of drama. :(  This wouldn't have happened if I thought up a different ending but there's no turning back now.  Thank you for reading and look foward to updates :)





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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?