
unlucky(?) life

Italics is singing

Luhan Xiumin Chen Baekhyun Chanyeol Kyungsoo Suho 


Henry yawned as he stepped into the campus.  He stood frozen at the school gates with wide eyes.  He stared at what he was sure was the school but looked completely different.  

He had woken up early because he had an uneasy feeling and decided to head to work early.  He had planned how he is gonna give the big news to his temporary students but he guessed it would have to wait.  There was another big news that he forgot to tell them... and it involved many banners.  

"... that was today?"


The students didn't know what was more surprising when they walked into the classroom.  The fact that it was the day of the school's annual festival, the classroom looks like it got a makeover, there are sweaty bodies piled on top of each other in the middle of the room, or the fact that their sub is getting a foot massage from a stranger.  Whispers instantly broke out among the bewildered kids.

"Is that Lee Taemin from the grade above us?" A girl whispered /fangirled.

"Oh my gosh! Luhan looks so hot sweaty."

"Who are those other strangers?  Do they go to our school?"

"Who is that guy giving Henry a foot massage?  He looks familiar."

"Isn't that the new kid Minho? He's hecka tall."

"Chen and Xiumin look so cute cuddling while they are sleeping."

"Are Baekhyun and Chanyeol dating?"

"Is Sehun dead or is he sleeping?"

"How come everyone is sweaty but Key?"

"asafdjgfsjjhfj Jonghyun is shirtless."


Henry sighed.  Because he realized that he didn't tell his students about the festival-which he was supposed to do last week- he had to do some last minute thinking and called some people who he knew he could blackmail into helping would help.  It was stressful and almost all of his helpers had fallen asleep.  He was now sitting on top of his desk and recieving a foot massage from the person he knew he could rely on for ditching him.

Henry noticed his students and flashed them a smile.  "Class!" he said happily.  "I guess I've forgotten to tell you, but the festival is today."  The students gave him a no--sherlock look.  Henry decided to continue.  "And as you may know, the person here giving me a massage is someone very popular among you guys.  It is Mr. Lee, your teacher."

"Long time no see," Mr. Lee said without looking up.

The students suddenly started talking and looked at eachother frantically.  Comments like: "Is Henry leaving?"  "No, Henry should stay."  "Thank god Henry is going."  "Yoda's here!" were heard from the students.

Henry cleared his throat.  "Before I give the teaching position back to Mr. Lee, I would be taking over until the day is over."  Some sighs and cheers were heard.  "Since this is last minute thinking, I've decided that for the festival, our class would put on performances.  If you want to sing, dance, or do a talent, write it down on the piece of line paper I stuck to the wall next to me.  All students need to participate.  You will be free to do what you want afterwards.  Decide on an MC and we pushed the desks to the wall so you can perform in the space we provided."  

True to his word, the desks were all against two sides of the walls with chairs lining another one.  The last wall had a curtain a few feet in front of it which would be where the students would be staying before they perform.  There were some intruments behind those curtains also which they borrowed in case people wanted to use it for their performance.  There were also some chairs in front of the desks in case the people want to bring food and drinks or want to put down the items they are carrying.  There was a lot of space for people to perform in the middle of the classroom which happened to be the place where people have decided to be sleeping on.  

Henry watched as the students didn't do anything and sighed.  He decided to give them more details to ease their worries.  "You guys have a two hours to practice something to do.  We are gonna decide the order of the performance randomly not by the order you put it on.  We have props and intruments if you want to use them.  Don't break them though.  Also I forgot to mention this but Eunhyuk's class is performing also since they didn't have anything either and we need as many performances as we can get.  That is why Taemin, Minho, Key, and Jonghyun are sleeping here.  We also have people that don't go to this school helping out and they are also the people you see sleeping.  Now hurry and sign up."

The students started walking toward the piece of line paper.  There were already some performances put on.  Taemin, Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and someone else are dancing and sing.  Sehun and Kai are doing a dance and Chen and Xiumin are singing while Luhan plays the piano.  There were unfamiliar names written down also.  Someone was dancing also and someone was gonna rap with someone else singing.  Someone was gonna do 'something involving a stick' as they put it.  Baekhyun and Chanyeol decided to help out also. Baekhyun would sing while Chanyeol rapped.  Kyungsoo thought it would be fun so he added his name and said he would sing.  Henry had also decided to perform and put singing, dancing, and piano.  He wrote that others would also be included.

A yawn was heard from the pile and Luhan sat up while pushing someone off his shoulder.  He suddenly noticed Yoda was on his stomache and lifted him up and placed him on Sehun's back.  "They're here?" he asked.  

Henry nodded.  "You can go to your photography class now to turn in your assignment."

Luhan rubbed his teary eyes cutely which caused the girls and some boys to squeal.  Luhan stepped on and over the bodies to get to his backpack.  He earned some grunts and a slap on his leg as he did that.  He dug through his bag before taking out a picture and leaving the class without getting rid of the sleepy expression.

"What's this thing?" Sehun asked sleepily as be opened his eyes to be face to face with Yoda's tongue.  He scrunched his nose as the dog continued to his face.  Sehun picked up the dog and put him on the person next to him before rolling onto his back and sitting up.  He looked at the people sleeping around him.  Chen was hugging Xiumin as they slept and Jonghyun's head was resting on Key's stomache.  'Couples' he thought and frowned.  He turned is head to be faced with the same thing.  His brother was clutching onto Lay's shirt as Lay wrapped his arms him.  Baekhyun was lying on top of Chanyeol's stomache with his head buried in the crook of the giant's neck.  

Sehun was glad that was all the couples.  He found Kyungsoo hugging Kai's arm while Kai was using Taemin's leg as a pillow.  Taemin's body was flung over Kris and Minho (He was using Luhan as a pillow but Luhan woke up and pushed him onto the other two) and Tao was hugging a panda plushie that came from nowhere.  He looked around some more and found Onew next to him.

"It's a dog," Taemin said and started to sit up.  He was now sitting on Minho's stomache but he could've cared less.  He didn't like the new kid and claims that Minho looks scary.  

"Where's my baby?" Xiumin asked as he slowly opened his eyes.

"I'm right here," Chen mumbled.

"I meant Luhan."

"Photography class," Henry said.  "To turn in his assignment."

"Oh right," Xiumin looked around sleepily.

"Why are we here again?"  Lay asked from his spot without bothering to open his eyes.

"Festival," was all Henry said.

"Oh," Lay shifted his position a bit so Suho was more comfortable before he went back to sleep.

"Don't ask us to do this again," Tao said.

"I won't," Henry said.  He didn't want to experience another morning like this.


The first thing Henry was gonna tell his students was that Mr. Lee was coming back.  When he walked into the school and realized it was the day of the carnival, Mr. Lee was the first person he called.  The man said he can't get there until an hour so Henry had decided to call the next people on the list, Lay.  Being cousins with Lay had its ups and downs.  He knew Lay couldn't say no for reasons being embarrassing past experiences.  After a long conversation, he sent students to Eunhyuk's class for help since they've become pretty good friends.  He learned Eunhyuk was in the same position and they decided to work together.  It was also a good thing that some of his students came early so he had them help also.  

Luhan regrets coming to school early for once.  When Xiumin said he left his cell phone in his locker and dragged him and Chen there, he couldn't refuse because he wondered what people when it was this early.  He was met with the sight of frantic people hanging decorations all over the place and Henry giving them an evil smirk.  Lay, Kris, and Tao soon arrived with Yoda and Henry explained what was going on.  

"So you forgot to tell us about a school festival and now we have to help?" Luhan asked.  Henry nodded.

"I called Suho to help also and he said he'll bring Sehun," Lay said as Kai walked in yawning.

Henry thanked his cousin and told two of his students to go to Eunhyuk's class for help while the rest thought of ideas for what their class would be doing for the event.


"So you're early because you left your homework here and you thought you could do it before school starts?" Eunhyuk asked Taemin.

Taemin nodded.  "Yup, guess I didn't need to because you seem to have a problem at hand."  He looked out the window to see people setting up booths and food stalls outside.  "What do you plan on doing for the festival that you forgot to tell us about?"

Eunhyuk sighed.  "I honestly don't know.  We might as well set up a daaycare here or something but I don't think you guys can babysit."

"What do you mean by that?" Jonghyun asked.  "I'm great with kids."

"I've babysat before," Taemin said.  "I babysat one in China and one in Korea."

"Oh really?" Eunhyuk asked with a shocked expression.  "What did you do when you babysit?"

"I read them 'Night' by... Elie... Wiesel?"



"You read to children a book about Jews being killed?" Minho asked as he walked in with a copy of Too Kill A Mockingbird. 

Taemin frowned when he saw him.  "Got a problem with that?  They were already in second gradewhen I read it to them.  The one I took care of in Korea was in third grade.  

"How did that work out?" Jonghyun asked.

"I started hating humanity and almost went into depression," Luhan said as he walked in the class.

"I cried myself to sleep thinking what if that happened to me," Kai said.

Everyone in the class turned to Taemin who tried to pull off an innocent look.  "What a coincedence, I read the book to these two."

"I thought you said one of them was in China?" Minho asked.

Luhan raised his hand.  "I used to live in China."

Mminho nodded in understanding and Eunhyuk asked the two why they were here. They explained Henry's situation and brought back the news that Eunhyuk was the same situation and Taemin ruined their childhood.  Henry sighed and went to talk to Eunhyuk himself.

"Can I go to my photography class?" Luhan asked.

"Photography?" Sehun asked.

"Luhan thought that he wouldn't have to do much work if he chose photography because it was just taking pictures," Chen said.

"Photography is hard," Luhan said and sighed.  "I finally finished my assignment and I had to put in a lot of work.  I was planning on just using photoshop but I thought I should put my computer skills aside and actually do work."

"Wow," Henry said in acknowledgment.

"He meant Kris said that he won't be able to get a good grade in a class without trying to make things easier for himself.  Luhan is only putting effort because he is challenging himself or something like that." Lay said.  They turned to Kris who nodded in agreement.

"Can I see what you did?" Henry asked.

Luhan sighed and reached into his backpack.  He pulled it out of his backpack and gave it to Henry.  "Don't get your fingerprints all over it," Luhan said.

Henry was astonished with what he saw.  The picture was nothing short of beautiful.  "You sure you didn't use photoshop?" 

Luhan nodded.  "It was hell finding that place.  Also the model was a ."

Kris flicked his forehead.  "Be nice.  You'd be complaining also if you were stuck in mud for an hour."

Luhan rolled his eyes.  "It was also a pain waiting for the timing to be right and there was so much complaining."

Henry tuned out the ranting boy and stared at the picture in awe.  "It's really nice," he said.

"Are you serious?" Kai asked and decided to see it also.  "Wow."

Curiousity came over the rest of them and they decided to see the picture also.  They were shocked by what they saw.  In the picture was a setting sun in front of a small body of water.  A man was half lodged in what looked like a river bank with a lifeless expression and held a gun in his hand.  He had some dirt and what seemed like dried blood skillfully put on his face and on the clothes that wasn't in the water or mud.  The sun reflected on a dark red coloring the water which looked like blood.  It gave the perfect image of someone dying in battle.  There wasn't really anything you can complain about.  The angle and timing was perfect.

"Are you sure you didn't murder your model?" Sehun asked.

"You can ask the model himself," Luhan said.  The group looked at him in confusion until Kris raised his hand.

"I am fine and I am not dead," he said.  The group looked at the picture then back to him.

"Oh," Xiumin said.  "It doesn't really look like you."

"Kris, show them your arm," Luhan said and tugged at Kris's long sleeve.

"What's wrong with his arm?" Chen asked.  

Kris sighed and pulled his sleeves up.  His hand and more than half of his arm was red.  "I think it was the dye we put in the water for the blood."

Everyone started laughing at how his arm looked.  Henry came back to his senses and reminded them of why they were there.


After finally thinking of the idea of doing performances, they got to work on how they would make the room.  Henry's room was bigger so they decided to use it instead of Eunhyuk's.  They spent the time placing desks and chairs against the wall and asking for things to use from other teachers.  They were lucky that the school didn't really have a band and no one uses the music room so they were given permission to use the abandoned instruments.  They had to clean the room and find places to put the props.  

They also had to decide on what to do.  Taemin didn't like the idea of letting Minho be in their group but the group said yes because they wanted to torture their now maknae.  

It took a while but they finished a few minutes before students actually started coming to school and everyone fell asleep with sweat covering their body.  Mr. Lee arrived and Henry told him to give him a foot massage for ditching him.


"Now all of you practice your act or whatever.  Be ready for when we call your name."


"The first act is Baekhyun and Chanyeol," the MC said.  The two came out.  SInce Baekhyun loved his birthday present so much, they decided to do best friend by Jason Chen.  Instead of Chen singing, it was Baekhyun of course.  Chanyeol rapped again because there was no other part he could have.  The crowd applauded when the song ended and they returned back behind the curtain before telling people they are leaving to see the rest of the festival.

Tao of course did a wushu performance and Sehun and Kai did run and gun.  Taemin, Key, Jonghyun, Onew, and Minho sang and danced to a song called Lucifer that they made up themselves and Taemin had to admit Minho was pretty good.  Luhan suddenly decided to solve a rubik's cube instead so he did that and people actually found that entertaining.  It was now Suho and Kyungsoo's turn.  They decided to do this together because they were both singing.  

I've always been a man with a plan.  Always prepared never once to leave it to chance.  But it's all unscripted when I'm with you.  It seems familiar, yet it all feels so new.

All of a sudden I miss you.  Thinking of all of the things we've been through.  Oh no it's not that I planned to.  But I think it feels like maybe I'm falling for yoanme

Just don't know, were we ever meant to be?  Suddenly, oh, you caught me so off gaurd.  Wfelilovsunexpetedly. So unexpectedly. Unexpectedly.

The crowd fell in love with the voices of the two.  Suho looked at Lay the whole time and the latter blushed.  Kyungsoo didn't seem to be singing to anyone but kept darted his eyes in a ccertain direction.  Sehun listened to his brother and Kyungsoo singing.  

"I like this song," he said.

"Really?  You don't seem like the type to like songs like these," Kai said.

Sehun gave a soft smile.  "I think I feel like I can kinda relate to it."

"What do y- Does Oh Sehun perhaps like someone?!" Kai whispered yelled.

Light blush stained the younger's cheeks.  It couldn't be noticed because the room was dark.  "Maybe."

Kai widened his eyes and started poking his friend to try and get answers.  Sehun didn't budge and continued listening to the song.  He unconsciously glanced in Luhan's direction who was sitting across the room.   Luhan was showing his side profile with his head lying on Xiumin's shoulder.  He suddenly had an urge to look right and he ended up making eye contact with Sehun.  His heart suddenly started beating faster.  They stared at each other until they both decided to look away with red on their cheeks.  Luhan snuggled more into the crook of Xiumin's neck.

"This is a cute song," he mumbled.

Xiumin looked at his child in confusion.  "Did you just say cute?"

Luhan nodded without looking up.  "Hey what's up?" Chen said as he sat down with food and drinks.

"Luhan said this song is cute," Xiumin said.

Chen suddenly put the food down and checked Luhan's temperature.  "Are you sick?  Is the world ending?  Did you spend too much time with Lay's unicorn?"

" what's wrong with my unicorn?  It's fabulous," Lay said from in front of them without breaking eye contact with Suho.

Luhan rolled his eyes.  "I'm fine.  Nothing's wrong with me."

"You sure?" Xiumin asked.  "I don't want my baby to be sick."

Luhan gave a small smile.  "I'm okay umma."

The song ended and it was now Chen and Xiumin's turn.  They decided to change the song and dance also since Luhan isn't playing the piano.

Baby all I want is you you you you you.  All I want is you you you you you.  All I want is you you you.  All I want is you you you you you.  Baby your all I want.

See the years just keep passing us by.  And with it, you still keep catching my eye.  And you just keep improving, loving how you do it.  You're the sweetest music to my life.

And you just can't do no wrong.  It's been you all along, you were the one for this song.  Baby, maaybe I'm gone.  And yes I got it bad.  Usher being told me that.  Hope you know I mean that.

I rather give you time instead of roses.  See your face instead of cash.  I rather give you love instead of clothing.  Is that too much too ask?

Baby all I want is you you you you you.  All I want is you you you you you.  All I want is you you you.  All I want is you you you you you.  Baby your all I want.

Now it might seem a little bit strange.  I know every dude aint feeling this way.  Baby they ain't got you, most of them ain't met you.  You know you the soundtrack to my life.  If I'm Jay-Z you're Beyonce.  I need you like the Pistons need Chauncey.  Believe me when I say that this ainn't make believe, baby you were made for me.  Hope you know I mean that.

I rather give you time instead of roses.  See your face instead of cash.  I rather give you love instead of clothing.  Is that too much too ask?

Baby all I want is you you you you you.  All I want is you you you you you.  All I want is you you you.  All I want is you you you you you.  Baby your all I want.

I don't need the money or the cars.  No.  I don't need the celebrity status at the bar.  No.  I don't need the service up in V. I. P. No.  Momma this is grown up, check my I. D.  (Imma say it again) 
I don't need the money or the cars.  No.  I don't need the celebrity status at the bar.  No.  I don't need the service up in V. I. P. No.  Momma this is grown up, check my I. D.

I rather give you time instead of roses.  See your face instead of cash.  I rather give you love instead of clothing.  Is that too much too ask?
I rather give you time instead of roses.  See your face instead of cash.  I rather give you love instead of clothing.  Is that too much too ask?

Baby all I want is you you you you you.  All I want is you you you you you.  All I want is you you you.  All I want is you you you you you.  Baby your all I want.

The crowd cheered for them as the song ended.  A few more performances were put on by the remaining acts.  Lay wanted to dance but he ended up doing the singing part of Outsider's pierrot's tears while Kris did the rap.  He still got to do a small dance though when he didn't sing.  Henry played the piaano sang a song called Trap which he forced Taemin to sing with him and dragged in another teacher named Kyuhyun.  Eunhyuk sang a song with a guy named Donghae as the last performance.


You guys must've hated those long paragraphs.  I plan on ending this fic soon because I didn't plan on so many chapters.  I know how I want the ending but I don't know how to get it to that ending... did that make sense?  And I thought the colors that I used were ugly together but not my fault cause I used the same colors for the people in chapter 29... sorta is my fault because I chose those colors.

Suho and Kyungsoo's song:

Chen and Xiumin's song:

Even though I didn't bother to write it, Kris and Lay's song:

You already know this one but it's Taemin, Key, Jonghyun, Minho, and Onew's (SHINee) song:

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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?