
unlucky(?) life

"I need to know!" Kai yelled as he followed Sehun.  "I thought we were friends."

"What's so important about me?" Sehun asked as he drank his bubbletea. 

"We're friends, you're always important," Kai reasoned.

"Lies," Sehun said.

"I'm not lying!" Kai lied.  

"You know this isn't how I wanted to spend my weekend," Sehun frowned.  "I knew something was up when you said you wanted to go to the mall."

"How can you say that?  I'm hurt," Kai said and pretended to be wounded.  It must've been good acting because

"Is something wrong here?" A police officer asked when he saw the two.  Kai's jaw dropped and he looked at him with wide eyes.

"Nothing's wrong officer," Sehun said.  "He's just kidding."

"That's what they always say," the officer said.  "The other kid looks like he's paralyzed.  I'm going to have to bring you two in and check if the tan one has any wounds."


"No buts!  You're coming with me," the officer took them both and led them somewhere.


Henry was at the food court in the mall drinking bubbletea and eating food with a girl sitting across him.

"Was that Sehun and Kai?" Henry asked.

The girl turned to where the older was looking.  "Looks like them.  Is that an officer?"

"Who knows?  Wanna see what's going on?" Henry asked. 

"Sure," the girl said and they headed off.


"There's a small cut on his chest.  It's almost healing but I assume you did it?" the officer asked.

Sehun sighed.  "I didn't."

"What about the purplish bruise on his side?" the officer pointed to it.

Sehun looked at it with confusion.  "I don't even know how he got that."

"You just admit that you saw it before," the officer wrote something down and Sehun looked stunned.  The young male turned to Kai who shrugged and mouthed 'I forgot luck was never on your side'.

Sehun sighed.  "It's because we have gym together."

"So you beat him in the locker room?" the officer asked.

Sehun mentally facepalmed.  He was close to yelling and would've done it if someone didn't decide to in the conversation.

"Is there a problem here?" Henry asked.  He walked toward them with a pretty girl trailing behind.

"Who are you?" the officer asked.

"I'm Henry Lau.  I'm cousins with Zhang Yixing," Henry introduced himself.

The officer's eyes widened.  "I'm sorry," he apologized.  "Is there a reason you are here?"

Sehun, Kai, and the girl looked at him with a confused expression.  "Why is Lay suddenly important?" the girl asked with a strangely familiar voice.

Henry gave the girl an are-you-serious look.  "Don't you know he owns the mall?"

The girl shrugged.  "He may have mentioned it.  I'm not really one to remember or care about this stuff unless it benefits me."

Henry sighed.  "You're unbelievable."

The girl rolled her eyes.  "Weren't we here for a reason?" 

Henry blinked and remembered the matter at hand.  "Oh, right," he turned to the officer.  "What is going on here?"

The officer looked up in surprise because Henry started talking to him again.  "This young man is beating up this tan male."

Henry turned to Sehun and gave him a questioning look.  Sehun shook his head.  "I didn't do anything."

"We have evidence," the police pointed to the bruis and the cut.

The girl tilted her head.  "I caused the bruise.  I don't know who made the cut but it was probably me also."

The guys in the room turned to the girl with a shocked look.  The officer wrote something down again.  Sehun sipped his bubbletea while Kai just looked confused.  

"Do I know you?" he asked.  "It's nice that you are sticking up for my idiot friend but the one who made the bruise was a person named Luhan. He looks really weak and feminine but when he throws something at you then it really hurts."

"His punches hurt also," the girl said through gritted teeth.  She suddenly looked really pissed and Henry started laughing.

"May I know who this Luhan is?" the officer asked.  The girl raised her hand.

"It's me," 'she' said.  Sehun suddenly started choking on his bubbletea and Kai looked like he feared for his life.  Henry only laughed louder.

"Well... I can understand the feminine part," the officer said making Luhan glare at him.

"I'm manly," he said.

"Sure you are," Henry said.  Luhan shifted his glare to him and Henry cleared his throat.  "I believe there has been a misunderstanding."

"You're right about that.  I was wondering why such a pretty girl was so flat chested," the officer said while inspecting Luhan.

Luhan gasped and covered his chest.  Then he realized why he was flat chested in the first place and went back to glaring at the officer.  "Well sorry for being a guy!"

Henry cleared his throat again.  "I have been a temporary teacher for these three kids-"

"These three male teens," Luhan corrected.  "I'm not a kid."

"As I was saying," Henry brought the attention back to himself.  "There seems to be a misunderstanding-"

"No sherlock," Luhan said sarcastically.  Henry gave him a stern look and continued what he was saying.

"These two young boys-"

"If they are already boys then why would they be younger?  Are they toddlers?" Luhan asked.

"Can you shut up?" Henry asked.  Luhan shrugged and mouthed 'maybe'.  "These two young adults-"

"They aren't even eighteen yet and you call them adul-"

"They are best friends so I find it hard to understand why Sehun would suddenly start beating up Kai and start bruising or cutting him," Henry finally finished.

"I thought we established that I bruised him and may or may not have cut him," Luhan said.

"And why did you do that ma'am?" the officer asked.  

"We were playing dodgeball in P.E." Luhan said.  "AND I'M A GUY!"

"That's not what it looks like to me because you are clearly wearing a wig and dress," the officer said. 

"Sorry you can't see my manly features," Luhan said and did a hair flip.

"Can we leave now?" Kai asked.

"Wait," the officer held out a hand to stop them.  "How about the cut?"

"I was peeling an apple shirtless and cut myself," Kai said.

"Wasn't it the rock I threw?" Luhan asked.  "You know, when I said Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair."

"I thought that was Sehun," Kai said.

"Some things are better if you forget about them," Luhan said.  "Like how I fuggot that blind date Xiumin set up.  It was hell."

"You went on a blind date?" Sehun asked.  He felt a little jealous but hid it.

Luhan nodded.  "It was hell," he said.  "We ate outside and this fly was so ing annoying and kept flying passed my ear.  I was hecka pissed at it.  Then the guy -yes a guy- was like a hundred years older than me and he was sleeping throughout the date."

Henry rolled his eyes.  "Lay is only a few years older than you and he was sleeping because you showed up an hour late."

"Oh he told you about it?" Luhan asked.  Henry nodded.

"Never heard him complain so much about someone," he said.

"You went on a blind date with Lay?" Kai asked.  "Don't you live with him?"

Luhan sighed.  "This was how we met in China," he said.  "Xiumin thought I needed to get someone to distract me from my studies because he made a bet that he could be at the top of the class.  That wasn't gonna happen though.  He lost."

"I don't get how he needs someone to distract you if he wanted to be at the top of the class," Sehun said.

"In China, I was always at the top of the class and Xiumin needed to get rid of me," Luhan said.  "This was how we met."

"I don't get it.  You were at the top of the class?" Kai asked.  "And how did Xiumin set you on a blind date if you guys just met.  I mean, he set up the date because he needed to get rid of you but then that was when you met him... wasn't it?  This is confusing."

"Chen helped him and convinced me to go on the date," Luhan said.  "I owed him a favor because he helped me get a camel out of a classroom."

"I'm not gonna ask about that," Sehun said.  "Soooooo... how did you meet Tao?"

"I went to a place where they help endangered pandas for a field trip and Tao was volunteering there," Luhan answered.

"Pandas are endangered?" Kai asked.

"How the should I know?  I'm not a panda expert," Luhan said.

"Why are you guys still in here?  You can leave now," the officer said.

"See ya," Sehun said.

"Freedom!" Luhan ran out after him.

"Time to go," Henr said.

"Finally," Kai said.


"Hey Luhan," Sehun called out to the other male.

"What?" Luhan asked.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Sehun asked.

"I've been wondering that also," Kai said.

"Ask Henry," Luhan said.

The two boys turned to the oldest.  "He's pretending to be my girlfriend," Henry said.

Sehun started choking on his bubbletea again and Luhan patted his back.  "W-why?" Kai asked.

"Some guy keeps flirting with me and I told him I'm straight.  He told me to prove it so I asked Luhan," Henry explained.

"I may or may not also owe him a favor," Luhan said.  He sipped his bubbletea with an annoyed expression when he was suddenly pulled back by someone.  The two students were gonna tell the man to get away from Luhan when Henry held up his hand and said Luhan can handle it on his own.

"Hey girl," a man said as he swung his arm around Luhan's shoulder.  "I couldn't help but notice your pretty face.  Mind if I borrow you tonight?"

Luhan raised an eyebrow until he realized the man was talking to him.  He let the words register in his mind before he thought of an excuse.  "I'm on my period."

"That's okay," the man said and gave him a wink.  Luhan frowned in disgust and shoved the arm off his shoulder before walking toward Sehun and hugging him.

"I'm also on a date with my boyfriend," he said coldly.  Sehun widened his eyes in shock.  It wasn't a surprise when his heartbeat quickened.

"Kiss!" Kai whispered loud enough that only Henry heard.  The latter looked at him with a questioning look.  "Me and Baekhyun ship them and have been betting on when they are gonna kiss."

"Why do you guys bet so much?" Henry said.  

Kai just shrugged before he pulled out his phone and took pictures of his two friends.  He sent them to Baekhyun who replied immediately.

"You bring you girl to the mall when she's on her period?  That's a pretty bold move considering she can any moment.  Why don't you give her to me until she's done?"

"I do not ," Luhan said with an annoyed tone.  

"You sure?" Kai asked while he was texting.  Luhan kicked him and Kai bit his lip to hold in a scream.  "I'm sorry."

Sehun sighed.  "Can you please leave us alone?" he asked.  He pulled Luhan in front of him and put his hand on the other male's chest causing him to yelp.  "I'm sure you don't want someone as flat as my girlfriend."

Luhan stepped on Sehun's foot.  "Babe, I thought we agreed that was a sensitive topic."

Kai gaped at the two.  "And I thought my acting was good."

"Shhhhh.  I bought popcorn," Henry said.

Sehun glared at the two.  "Why didn't you just say you were a guy?" he whispered into Luhan's ear.

"How would I explain that?" Luhan asked.  "It will just get complicated and I might have to strip."

Sehun blushed at what Luhan said and decided that it was true.

Luhan sighed.  "I'm sorry but we have a movie to catch.  If you excuse us and go bother someone else," he took Sehun's hand and lead them to the movie theatre.

The man was watching them.  Sehun leaned toward Luhan's ear.  "What are we gonna do?  We don't have tickets."

Luhan stopped and looked around.  "Oh here it is," he said when he found what he was looking for.  It was a pocket that was attached to the dress.  It was barely noticable so Luhan had a hard time finding it.  He pulled out two tickets and handed one to Sehun.  "When we get in then I'll text Henry to buy another one for him and Kai.  We'll have to wait for him and I'll continue my fake date with him."

"Okay," he said.  He glanced behind him and the man was still there.  He bit his lip before he slung his hand around Luhan's shoulder.  "L-Let's go."

Luhan gave him a confused look.  His face became a little red but he hid it by resting his head on Sehun's shoulder.  


"We're back es!" Luhan yelled as he entered the house.

"We?" Tao asked.

"Yes.  We," Luhan said as he walked into the kitchen with Henry.

Tao tilted his head.  "Who's the girl?  Where's Luhan?"

"I am Luhan," Luhan said and sat down.  Tao's jaw dropped.

"What happened?" Tao asked.

"Life happened," Luhan said.

Kris walked in yawning.  His eyes landed on his cousin.

"You're going back to you're crossdressing phase?"


I don't know.  I just decided to update.  Sorry this chapter isn't that good.  

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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?