
unlucky(?) life

"I'd like to start a bet but then it might end up like the others," Baekhyun said and sighed.

Sehun rolled his eyes.  "We were all wrong about why Luhan hung out with Xiumin and Chen at the beginning of school and you thought I was stupid enough to believe his lie about the world ending.  Good luck on having another bet without getting your money returned."

"I still can't believe this," Tao said while crying.  "I wanted to have Sehun as a brother in law."

The people in the room looked at him with confusion.  "Brother in law?" Kai asked.

"Won't that mean one of your brothers would have to marry Sehun?" Luhan asked.  "At least that's what Kris said it was supposed to work when he introduced me to who he said was my family."

"That's right Lu," Kris said before turning to Tao.  "Last time I checked, you were the only child."

"I am the only child," Tao said.  He went up to hug Luhan.  "Luhan, you're like a brother to me.  I feel like we've become closer in the days we spend living together."

Luhan blinked innocently while everyone broke out laughing now that they finally understood what Tao meant by having Sehun as a brother in law.  Sehun's face turned red from embarressment and he turned away.

"I don't get it," Luhan said.

"He means-" Baekhyun covered his boyfriend's mouth and turned his attention to Kris.

"Now, can you finally explain why Luhan lost his memory?" he asked.

"And legs," Lay added.

Key looked at Lay with confusion.  "Is there something wrong with my grandchild's leg?"

Jonghyun choked on his drink.  "We have a grandchild?!"

"Of course!" Key said.  "Luhan is like a son to our Tae so that makes him our grandchild.  The same goes for Jongin as well."

Now it was Kai's turn to choke.  "Me?!" he pointed to himself with wide eyes.

"Yes," Key said.  "Taemin has taken care of you for more than half of your life so you are basically his child and our grandchild.  It kinda makes sense becaause you two sort of look alike."

Taemin sighed and slumped in his seat.  "This family thing is getting out of hand," He turned to Kai with a questioning look.  "Did I really take care of you for more than half of your life?"

Kai scrunched his face up in thought.  "Let's see..." he tried to remember how long he's known Taemin.  "You were helping out at my preschool so that's how we met... I'm seventeen right now. If you subtract the seven years you were gone and the time before I entered preschool then I think it's a little less than half my life."

"Wow..." Chanyeol said.  "When did you learn to calculate like that?"

"I've been tutoring with Kyungsoo," Kai said and looked at the shorter who blushed.

"It's sad how Luhan can't yell at you for not giving him credit for tutoring you also," Baekhyun said.

Luhan looked confused.  "I'm tutoring you?" he asked.  "I'm sorry I forgot most of my knowledge and I can't do that anymore."

They looked at him in shock.  "Did he just apologize?!" Lay asked in disbelief.

"He even said forgot instead of fuggot," Suho said.

"We need to get him checked," Chen said.  He hugged Luhan and started fake crying.  "There's something wrong with my baby."

Kris cleared his throat.  "We already got him checked.  Now can I explain the story?"

The room became silent and they turned to him.  "Sorry for stopping you from telling the story.  Please continue."

Kris sighed.  "Please refrain from drinking anything until I'm done," he said.  "Think of it as a choking hazard."

Jonghyun pushed his drink to the center of the table so it would be harder to reach if he became thirsty.  Others did the same.

"To start off, Luhan lost his memories," Kris said.  He was met by someone mumbling a sarcastic 'no sherlock'.  He sent that person a glare and continued the story.  "As you all can guess, it happened in China."

"Are you gonna keep stating the obvious or are you gonna tell the story?" Kai asked.

Xiumin hit him and gave him a look to tell him to shut up. 

"I'm not sure all of you guys know this, but Luhan has a fear of heights," Kris continued while ignoring Kai.  "Apparently his friends in China thought it was a good idea to try and help him overcome it."

"But doesn't he still go near heights?" Sehun asked while remembering the time on the roof.

Chen sighed.  "Luhan is scared of them but goes near them to try and act brave.  He seems calm but he's actually screaming inside."

"I'm still here," Luhan said.  "It's interesting learning about myself."

"So the thing is," Kris brought the attention back to himself.  "We made Luhan try things to overcome his fear.  He sprained his ankle on the first thing we made him try..."

"Which is?" Taemin asked.

Kris bit his lip.  He looked like he was not trying to laugh.  It took a while but he had his serious face on again and said with the most serious tone he can muster up.  "Pole dancing."

The people didn't need a drink to choke.  Some of them choked on their own saliva while others broke out in laughter.

"What are you trying to make my child do?!" Xiumin yelled.

"Please stop interrupting," Kris said.

"What's pole dancing?" Luhan asked.

Kris sighed.  "I'll explain later."

"You will explain nothing to him!" Key yelled.

"Back to the story," Jonghyun said in an attempt to calm the raging diva.

"After that didn't work, we took him to an amusement park," Kris tried to continue again.  "His ankle was still sprained and I guess we should've got it checked because he got heavy after like ten minutes.  He punched me when he was forced onto a rollercoaster with us.  Long story short, ride broke and Luhan fell off.  We were lucky he survived but he wouldn't wake up for three days.  He ended up losing his memory and he can't walk for some reason that the doctors can't explain but say it might have something to do with his ankle being sprained."

"My poor baby!" Xiumin said and hugged Luhan.

"How come his leg looks okay?" Sehun asked.  "How come he doesn't have a cast or wheel chair?"

Kris rolled his eyes and pointed to something in the corner.  It was a wheel chair.  "I'm not gonna sit on that thing unless I have to," Luhan said from his seat.  "I rather be carried."

"I'm not sure why his leg looks fine either.  He didn't fall that far down from the ride," Kris said.

Key snapped.  "Who were his friends?  What were their names and where do they live?"

Kris shrugged.  "I can't remember most of them but the ones I can remember had nicknames."

"Luhan whats my name?" Suho asked.

Luhan looked at him with confusion.  "... who are you again?"

Suho sighed.  "I thought so," he said.  "I think we may need to reintroduce ourselves.  Can you please name the people you know?"

Luhan thought for a moment and scanned the faces around the room.  He pointed to the person across from him and everyone held their breaths.  "Sehun...nie?"

"It's fate!" Baekhyun said and Sehun blushed a little.  "He got it right."

"Bacon," Luhan said while pointing to him.


"Calm down Baek, he was close enough," Chanyeol said.

Luhan looked at the giant.  "I forgot you... you're scary," he said and turned to Kris.  "Galaxy."

"Yes!" Kris said and fist pumped the air.  Tao scoffed at how the older persisted to try to get at least one person to call him galaxy.  As if he didn't have enough names and he even went as far as taking advantage to Luhan's confused state.

"Stop giving your cousin false information Wu Yifan," he said.

"Tall," Luhan said and pointed to Tao.

Tao gasped dramatically and looked offended.

"Kay," Luhan said.

"It's Kai," Kai corrected.


"It's Key."

"He was close enough sweetie."


"He's trolling us on purpose!"






"My real name?"


"... I don't remember you."


Luhan nodded and turned to a guy that was suddenly next to him.  The two stared at eachother until the guy smiled.  Luhan tilted his head.  

"I'm sorry... I don't remember you."


I've kept you guys waiting.  :P  I wanted to make you guys wonder more and finish a book I've been reading for a while now.  I want to rewrite my description because it doesn't match with the story anymore.  Any suggestions?

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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?