
unlucky(?) life

Henry didn't know what to think when he heard his friend, Mr. Lee, got in an accident.  His mind was a mess.  He regrets going to visit him at the hospital for he didn't know what to expect when he agreed to substitute for a month. 

He walked into the classroom and everything seemed perfectly normal.  The students were only talking and playing on their phones.  Some kids were also finishing up homework.  The students looked at him curiously for he didn't look familiar.  The bell rang and Henry took it as a cue to introduce himself.

"Hello my name is Henry. Mr. Lee has unfortunately gotten into an accident and he can't be here so I will be your substitute teacher for a month," he said.

The students went to their seats and turned their attention to Henry.  "Aren't you a little too young to be a substitute?" asked Chen.

Henry laughed. "I look young, don't I?" he said.  "But I am just a few years older than you.  I skipped a few years."

"Psssh, I don't like smart people," Luhan grumbled.  Everyone turned to look at him.

"Didn't you get all As on your report card last semester?" asked Kai.

Luhan glared at him.  "That's because I was forced to tutor you," he said accusingly.

Xiumin sighed. "But you agreed to tutor him," he said.

Luhan pouted. "But I didn't know learning was that hard," he said.

Kai was confused. So were the rest of the class, except Chen. 

"Can someone please explain what this conversation is about?" Henry asked.

Xiumin sighed again. "Luhan got in a bet that he would get good grades and surprisingly won because he was forced to study when Mr. Lee made him tutor Sehun and Kai," he explained.

Kai was shocked and felt a little betrayed.  "You were using me?" he said hurt.

"No," Luhan said casually although he felt a little guilty.  "I just thought I should try something new.  Why do you think I also dressed up as a nerd?"

"So, I was an experiment?!" Kai said feeling even more hurt.

"This is getting interesting," Chen said while reaching into his bag and pulling out a pill bottle full of smarties.  He popped open the lid and started eating the candy while the person next to him stared at him like he was crazy.  The rest of the class ignored him and watched the two people talk.

"What I was trying to say was,  I thought tutoring would be interesting.  I wasn't using you, I was just trying to see how it is to teach,"  Luhan explained while carefully choosing his words.  "It's actually really hard."

"Okay. Enough of this," Henry said.  "We need to get to the learning." 

The door opened and everybody shifted their attention to it. Sehun walked in.  He looked around for Mr. Lee and was confused when he couldn't find him.

"And you are?" Henry asked.

Sehun looked at him.  "I'm Oh Sehun," he said.

Henry nodded. "My name is Henry and I will be teaching in place of Mr. Lee for now," he said.  "Please go to your seat."

Sehun was still confused but went to his seat anyways.  Everybody stared as he walked, a small dog followed close behind.

"Why is there a dog here?" asked Henry as he eyed the pup.

"It followed me here," Sehun said.

"Don't you live far from here?" asked Luhan.

"Suho dropped me off a few blocks from here because he thought it would save time for him to get to college," he explained.  

"But his classes don't start until another half hour," Kai said.

"He's meeting with someone there," Sehun said.

"Oh," Kai said.  The dog was barking and running around the classroom.  It would sniff people and then return to Sehun's side.  Henry just stared at it while it ran.

"How do we bring him outside?" he asked.  Sehun shrugged.  The dog left his side and jumped into Luhan's lap, completely tking the other boy by surprise.

"Yah!" he yelled when it started his face.  Chen and Xiumin started laughing while the students just watched the scene.

When the dog calmed down, it curled up in Luhan's lap.  Luhan  just stayed still.  He slowly started petting the dog because he didn't know what else to do.  "Ummm... does someone want to take him?" he asked.

"Just leave him there," Kai said.  "It looks like it's close to falling asleep."

Luhan just continued to pet the dog awkwardly.  He studied the grey and brown fur.  "Hey, its a Yorkie," he said.  

The class continued watching.  The dog closed its eyes.  "Everybody get out their homework," Henry said, finally choosing to ignore the dog.

"Wait!" Luhan said suddenly.

"What?" Henry asked.

"Sehun, where was the dog before it started following you?" Luhan asked the maknae.

"Huh? Oh, it was in a box.  I think it doesn't have a home," Sehun said.

Kai got up and knelt toward the dog.  "It looks healthy," he said.  "and it's a boy."

Luhan smiled.  "We could make it a class pet!" he said.  "Let's name it Yoda."

The students looked at him like he was crazy.  Henry looked uneasy.

"I'm not sure Mr. Lee would be happy with me keeping a dog in his class without permission," he said.  "You guys should take him to the vet... also the dog isn't green so I don't think Yoda is a good name."

"Hey! Yoda is a great name.  They're both short and hairy.  Plus, who said I was naming him after the character from Star Wars?" Luhan said offended.  "And what are you talking about?"  he asked after that.  Henry looked at him confused.  "Mr. Lee doesn't have to know since he's not gonna be back until another month.  We can decide who can keep him till then.  Also, since your the teacher now, your taking him to the vet."

Henry let the last sentence sink in.  "...," he said.



Yoda woke up when the bell rang and jumped out of Luhan's lap.  The students chased it around the room until Kai grabbed hold of him.  He then gave him to Henry who reluctantly took him and left the room.  Luhan and Kai left the room after that to wash their hands. When they returned, Taemin, Key, Jonghyun, and Kyungsoo were in the classroom.

"We decided to eat with you guys," Taemin said.Luhan strolled over to them.  Kai went to Sehun who was on the other side of the class.  He wanted to talk to Taemin but didn't want to leave Sehun alone.  Baekhyun and Chanyeol came into the classroom.

"I heard there was a dog so I decided to check it out," Baekhyun said.  He looked around the room.  "Where is it?" he asked.  "Were you guys talking about him?" He pointed to Jonghyun.

"No.  For starters, we are talking about an actual dog.  The sub took him to the vet," Sehun said.  "And that guy your pointing to is older than you."

Baekhyun widened his eyes. "But he's so short," he said.  

"That's Jonghyun hyung." Kai said.  "He's a year older than us."

"Oh," Chanyeol said.  He glanced at Jonghyun for a moment before he turned his attention to Baekhyun. "You do realize you are just as short as him Baek."

Baekhyun blushed.  "Shut up," he said.  

Chanyeol smiled.  "Let's go meet them," he said. He grabbed Baekhyun's hand and went towards the other group.  Kai was eager to follow so Sehun had no choice but to follow also.

"Hey Luhan," Chanyeol said while grinning.  "Can we eat with you guys?"

Luhan was confused for a moment but then smiled.  "Sure," he said. 

The seven made room for the four people who joined.  "My name is Chanyeol, this one is Baek and this is Sehun and Kai," Chanyeol said while pointing at the others.

Kyungsoo gave a small smile.  "We already know Jongin but my name is Kyungsoo," he said.

"I'm Taemin," Taemin said while holding up his hand.

"I'm Kibum," Key said while raising his next.  "Call me Key." He pointed to Jonghyun. "This dinosaur is Jonghyun."

Jonghyun just nodded. "Yup," he said.  

Taemin turned to Baekhyun.  "You have a weird name," he said.

Baekhyun blushed a little.  "Baek is my nickname that Chanyeol gave me.  You guys can call me that but my full name is Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun," he said.

Taemin smiled.  "Lee Taemin," he said.  "Some people call me Taeminnie, the same way I call Kai Jonginnie."

It was now Kai's turn to blush.  Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Sehun bursted out in laughter.  Taemin smirked.

"That was a long time ago," Kai said.

"It's not that long to me," Taemin said.  "Don't you remember what I explained when the semester started, Jonginnie?"

Kai paled. He forgot that Taemin was in a coma.  He cursed himself when he also forgot that Taemin liked to .

"I forgot about that," he said.

"You fuggot," Luhan said mockingly.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol looked at him surprised.  Sehun realised that they weren't there when Luhan explained it. 

"That's how Luhan says forgot," Sehun said.  "He's just too lazy to actually pronounce it."

"Oh," Baekhyun said.  "What's with Luhan these days?  He was hecka nice when we met him now he's just lazy and sometimes violent," he whisperred.  "Is he bipolar or something? Is this because he got a makeover?"

Kyungsoo over-heard this and almost started laughing.  "Luhan isn't bipolar," he said. "He's just like that.  He's always nice when you meet him but he will let his real personality show when he gets to know you.  He actually is nice though.  He's only violent if you really piss him off or if you did something really stupid and facepalm isn't enough to show how he feels.  Lazy is a yes, but that's only because he doesn't like to take time doing unneccessary things.  That's why he hates running and anything physical, except for some things.  He likes trying new things and doing things that most people would say no to.  Like sky diving or something dangerous like that."

"So that's why he saved me when I got kidnapped," Sehun said. 

"I can hear you guys," Luhan said. 

The boys immediately went quiet. 

Luhan sighed. "What Kyungsoo said was true but he forgot to say that I'm manly," he said.

Taemin laughed. "More like childish," he said.  Luhan pouted and Xiumin hugged him.

"Hey! He's my kid and I wasn't planning on telling him that until he gets to college," Xiumin said. Luhan was speechless.

Chen patted Luhan's head. "I'm sorry you had to learn it this way son," he said.  Taemin, Key, Jonghyun, and Kyungsoo bursted out in laughter. 

"Hey, I've been wondering this for a while," Jonghyun said while clutching his stomache.  "Who's the mom and who's the dad?"

Luhan looked at Chen and Xiumin. ', he brought it up.' he thought.

"Ummmm... we haven't decided that yet, Luhan said.

"Are you guys serious?! And you call yourselves parents?" Jonghyun said to Xiumin and Chen.

"Psssh. You say it like it's easy," Xiumin said.

"It is," Jonghyun said. "I'm the appa and Key is the Umma. Taemin is our child."

Taemin and Key nodded.  Xiumin, Chen, and Luhan stared in disbelief.

'I'm screwed' Luhan thought.


"So are you also Luhan's cousin also?" Suho asked Lay who he ran into in the hallway during lunch.  They were now sitting in the cafeteria.

"No," Lay said.  "We're just friends that decided to live together."

Suho became confused. "You guys live together?" he asked.

"Yup," Lay said then smiled.  Suho blushed.  "Because his parents died recently, he was sent to Korea because his aunt who didn't want to take care of him.  We are family friends.  I came to Korea with my friend Tao because I got accepted into this college and we both thought one extra person living with us won't be that bad.  Then we got Kris, but he's pretty helpful around the house.  Must feel lonely though."

"Kris, Luhan's cousin?" Suho asked. Lay nodded.  "Why doesn't he go to college like you guys?"

"Oh, you met him?" Lay asked. Suho nodded. "Well... he just got out of an asylum recently.  He said he wants to try catching up on his studies by himself before actually attending school. He seems to be doing good so far.  Must be lonely though.  I think he has a lot of time to himself because he even learned English and can almost speak it fluently."

Suho nodded again. "Why was he in an asylum?" he asked.

Lay shrugged. "I don't know. I think Tao knows but I would rather ask Luhan about it," he said.

"Okay," Suho said.  "What are you majoring in?"

The question caught Lay offgaurd. "Huh? Oh, I'm majoring in dance," he said.

Suho smiled. "Really? I'm majoring in vocals," he said.  Lay smiled also.  

"So we're botth in the music department," he said. "How come I've never seen you?"

"Who knows?" Suho said.

Lay laughed. "It's kinda ironic though," he said. "We both major in music but we met through Luhan who doesn't want anything to do with singing or anything physical like dancing."

"What do you mean?" Suho asked curiously.

"Luhan used to love singing but he got stage fright when he was bullied," Lay said.

"Oh," Suho said feeling a little pity towards Luhan. "But didn't he do the air rock thing?"

"That was because he wanted the prize, and that Chen wouldn't stop bugging him nonstop and followed him to the bathroom," Lay said.

"Oh," Suho said. "Was he that desperate?"

Lay laughed.  "You should've seen Luhan's reaction when Chen showed up while he was showering," he said. "I was laughing so hard I almost fell off the stairs.  Tao burned his hand when he accidently hit the pot of bamboo he was cooking and Kris messed up his drawing... I think he messed it up."

"You have an interesting household," Suho said.

Lay smiled. "It is," he said.  "You should come over some time."

Suho blushed. "M-maybe," he said.





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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?