After School Program

unlucky(?) life

Bold is movie

An old man appeared on the screen with something that looked like a box.  There was a static sound and the man was turning something on the box.  A radio?  Soon, voices were heard.


The voices coming from the box were saying things that they couldn't make out.

Hello?  Is that you?  ... I'm sorry!

The man was yelling stuff as the voices continued to talk.  The kids watched the screen as the man fell down the stairs and...




"What happened?  I wasn't paying attention."


"I... I don't... I don't know what I saw."


"This is why I'm not looking up," Taemin said and Kai glared at him.  Right now, they were at the afterschool program.  It was there third day there.  The people there broke up into seven groups with about fifteen people each.  Some groups had more and others had less.  Taemin and Kai were fortunate enough to get into a group that did basically nothing but it got a little boring just staying in a room that was cold as with the AC freezing the whole place.  The staff member they were put with, Siwon, had decided to go to another class and watch a scary movie.  Not wanting to stay bored any longer, the kids agreed.  They were watching a movie that Siwon claims to have watched already called Haunt.

Taemin has refused to look up from his sudoku game that he was playing on Kai's phone.  Kai sat next to him watching the movie but glancing at his hyung every once in a while because he doesn't want to look at the screen.  

There's a house, and there's a tragedy.  This one is mine.

A bunch of flashbacks showed on the screen and Taemin heard the sound of a baby crying and a few comments coming from Kai about death. 

On the screen, kids were walking around a house and viewing the rooms.  They were most likely checking to see if they want to move into it.

"Don't get that house!  It has a basement!" a student said.  "It's obviously haunted!"

"That house is a definite no.  It has an attic also."

What do you think of the house?  I just saw a pool in the backyard.

"I think you should get the out and- OH !  DID YOU SEE THAT?!?!"  a kid yelled followed by a chorus of screams when they saw something happen with a portrait in the house.  Kai jumped when he saw the scene and hugged Taemin.  

"I should sleep," he said to himself.  

"You're not falling asleep on me!" Kyungsoo said and smacked his arm.  It just so happened that the younger was forced to enter the program also because he failed a test when he forgot to study.  It wasn't his fault Onew gave him an impossible task of getting him fried chicken sold five hours away because he was curious if it tasted better.  Kyungsoo already knew it would be pointless to tell the older that the chicken would be cold by the time he got back and did the task with no complaints.  

The kids' parents ended up buying up the house and a scene changed to one of a girl getting beat up in a different house.  It changed back to the house the kids moved into and a boy walking towards the front door telling his parents he was going on a walk.  He was outside when a figure was behind him.

"Look behind you!"

"Is that a girl?" 

"No!  Don't look behind you!  Are you crazy!  It could be a ghost!"

"I think he already saw her."

"Oh it's the girl who got beat up.  She's his neighbor."

"Why is Siwon hiding behing a lamp?"

The students looked around confused for the said person.  They soon found the person in the corner of the room with his knees to his chest and a lamp being held in front of his face.  He was visibly shaking and the students laughed.

"I thought you said you already saw this," Kai said.

"I did but its still scary," the scared man replied.

The boy talked to the girl and they parted ways.  He went to his house and found... the girl?  

"What the hell?  Why is she in his house?"

"Why the hell are they looking in the closet?"

"It's that box thing that the man was using in the beginning of the movie!"

This box is used to talk to spirits.  Want to try it out?

The girl said this as he took out the object.  The kids in the room instantly started screaming their disapproval.

"Don't do it!  Tell that girl to get the out!"


"Say no!"

"Whyyyyyy!  Why did you agree?"

"The girl looks happy that its working!"

"Get away!"

"I can't understand what it's saying."

Taemin started laughing when he heard them scream because it was funny to him.  He wasn't paying attention but he knew it was scary by the way Kai was clinging onto him and Kyungsoo clinging onto Kai.  

It worked!

"No sherlock," Kai said as he glared at the girl in the movie.

No!  It wasn't supposed to work and we were just supposed to go 'oh well' and leave it.

"Kai I'm trying to concentrate on the game," Taemin said.  

"You should watch the movie," Kai said.

Do you... like me?

The girl asked in another scene of the movie.

"That's what I call love at first sight!"

"What the hell?!"

"Damn what is this?  Its only their second day knowing eachother."

"Better love story than Twilight."

I think they are trying to tell us something.  We should go back and see what it is.

Back to the box and a load of complaints from the students telling them to run.  Now a voice from the box was clear.

She's coming.  She's coming.  Go away!  ... It's too late!  She's here!  Stay where you are!  Don't move!

"Why the are they running!  The ghost said to stay!"

"The ?!  Why are you going in the basement?!?!?!"

"It's the woman with the baby!"

"Oh my god I think the guy is possessed now!"

Minho bit his lip unable to look at the screen any longer because of fear.  Yes, he was in the room also.  He looked to the right and his fear instantly vanished.  He was mesmerized by the most beatiful sight he ever seen.  A person with long hair and pale skin wearing a bored expression.  The person talked to someone before looking down at something.  Despite the lack of emotion, Minho thought the person was pure perfection... Nah.  It was just Taemin.  Call him crazy but this was love at first sight for Minho.  It doesn't help the fact that Taemin actually thinks he is crazy but he's been trying to change that.  He's not sucessful though.  He saw Taemin whisper something to the person he was talking to earlier -Kai- and saw the tan male grin.

Kai nodded and smiled a mischeivious smile before getting out of his seat.  Taemin gave him a thumbs up and laughed as the younger crawled to the middle of the classroom trying to be unseen.  The teens were to focused on the movie anyway because there was a bathroom scene going on.  There was screaming again with the comments that people say during scary movies and Kai took it as a cue to sit down.  He waited until the class was calm enough and saw Taemin slip out of the room.  He in a deep breath.




Kai started laughing.  Satisfied that the students were freaked out by his outburst.  He took out his phone and typed something into it while going back to his seat.  Kyungsoo rolled his eyes then jumped when he heard a loud bang on the wall.  Another round of screaming came when the clock fell down.

"Did Taemin plan this?" Kyungsoo asked when he saw Kai trying not to laugh.

Kai nodded.  "Did you not hear us talking like ten seconds ago?" he asked and Kyungsoo shook his head.  As the movie continued, Taemin would occasionally tap on the window loud enough for few people to hear or come in a throw something across the room to scare them.  His favorite was pulling the chair out from under Minho.  It was funny seeing the shocked face of the frog as he fell and hearing the people scream from the sudden noise.

The movie finally ended and Taemin, Kyungsoo, and Kai decided to leave and go to the other classes in the program.  Taemin didn't want to watch Insidious 2 because he saw the first one and that was an experience he didn't want to go through again.



"The chicken wings are done," Kris said and Onew was over by the grill in seconds.  

The boys were looking for an excuse to have a barbeque and they decided to have one to celebrate Kai, Taemin, and Kyungsoo being gone afterschool for the rest of the school year.  They have about four hours until the three come home.

"When are we gonna grill Sehun?" Chen asked when he noticed the boy giving the grill an uneasy look.

Sehun glared at him.  "Don't you dare."

Chen shrugged.  "Someone had to say it since Luhan's sleeping and he lost his memory," he said and pointed to the sleeping figure on the mat they placed on the grass.  They decided to have the barbeque at Sehun and Suho's house because Taemin and Kyungsoo don't know where it is and Kai wouldn't really think to look for them there.

"Hey you guys!  Kai texted me," Chanyeol said.  "He said he's scared and that Key should tell Taemin to stop pranking so much."

"Can't do anything about that," Key said but took out his phone anyways to text the male.

"Ok," Chanyeol said.

"Hey I got a text from Kyungsoo that Kai shouldn't be falling for Taemin's pranks when he knows what's going to happen," Jonghyun said.

"Taemin said to tell Kai that he shouldn't have gone back in the room to watch the second movie," Key said.  "And something about a frog falling.  He also put that he wasn't the one who made the clock fall and that was just a coincedence."

"I got a text back from Kai tha-"

"Can you guys shut up!  I'm trying to sleep!" Luhan yelled at them.  "... nevermind I can't go back to sleep."  He sat up and yawned.  He frowned.  Every once in a while he would remember something.  It started with him remembering his parents death.  He thought it was a dream at first but went to Kris to confirm it.  Now he can't even look at Sehun without his face turning a little red and his heart beating faster.  He knows he used to like the male but didn't believe it at first until he finds himself falling all over again.  No one knows he's been remembering things though.  He wants to know more of how he was like before. 

He tries to get up and Xiumin rushes over to help him stand.  After many days of being dragged around and carried to places, Luhan starts to feel vulnerable and tries to stand on his own.  He could walk a few steps now and stand for a few seconds before his legs give out.

"He wouldn't be struggling like this if you guys didn't leave him in a daycare center," Jonghyun said when Luhan almost fell.

"I had to check on how the mall was doing but I didn't want to drag him around," Lay said.

Tao shrugged.  "They also accepted him so I don't see the problem."

"You guys could've just left me at home!  Those kids were monsters," Luhan said.  "And I don't look twelve."

"Actually we said you were nine and that you look a little old for your age," Lay said.

"I'm gonna slap you guys," Luhan said.

"If you can even reach us," Tao said.

The door slammed opened after he said that.  

"I found them!" Kai yelled.  "Now someone go to the bathroom with me.  I'm scared."

Taemin rolled his eyes.  "No one is gonna appear when you shower."

"But the girl was right there in the shower scene!" Kai exclaimed.

"You shouldn't be scared," Taemin said.  "At least she wasn't a ghost."

"That makes it even more scary!" Kai said.

"I agree with Kai," Kyungsoo said.

"Then go to the bathroom with him," Taemin said and pushed the two back into the house.  He turned to the group.  "I already knew about the barbeque because I heard you guys planning."

"Its been four hours already?" Key asked.

Luhan looked at his wrist.  "Yes."

Sehun gave him a questioning look.  "What are you looking at?" He leaned in to see Luhan's wrist.

Luhan quickly pushed him away.  "My invisible watch." 

"So are we gonna try using Sehun's sweater to fry the beef or not?" Xiumin asked.


I might just rush this.  I'll probably have about five more chapters or less becuz I'm not sure if i want to continue this story.  Also, the movie that they are watching in the beginning is a real movie and I'm not sure if some parts are right cuz i can't remember and there is no way i'm actually gonna watch the movie.  I was just in the room and i listened to it so I don't even know how the main characters look like.  Its called Haunt or Haunted.   

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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?