Question Time

unlucky(?) life

It had been an hour after the man was arrested and two police officers were practically getting ready to bang their heads on the table 


The five students were taken to the police station and questioned one by one with Luhan first.

"What is your relationship to the victim?" the police asked.

Luhan brought his eyebrows together in confusion. "Victim for what?" he asked.

The police man sighed. "For the kidnapping," he said.

"There was a kidnapping?" Luhan asked.

"Yes. It happened like 5 minutes ago," the policeman said.

"Actually it happened like an hour ago because that's about the time the lockdown thing went off," Luhan said.

"Yeah. That one.  What is your relationship to the victim, Oh Sehun?" he asked again before taking a sip from his coffee mug.

"We're married," Luhan answered.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" The policeman said before he started to choke on his coffee.

"I was just kidding. I'm his tutor and we're classmates," Luhan said.

When the policeman stopped coughing, he asked "Why were you at the scene of the crime? What were you doing?"

"Drinking bubbletea," Luhan said. He then reached his hand across the table to grab the said drink.

The policeman slapped his hand away and Luhan pouted.  The man sighed.  "I need another person in here!" he yelled.

Luhan tilted his head in confusion. "Why?" he asked.

"Because we aren't gonna get anywhere if we keep switching roles," the policeman said. 

"Did you need something sir?" another policeman said as he entered the room.

"I need your help questioning," the first policeman said. The other one nodded. 

"Why is the table dirty?" he asked.

"Because it is. Now sit," the first one said. "Luhan, how did the kidnapper pass out?" 

Luhan stared at the first policeman and then the other one. He was getting tired of the questioning.  He sighed and opened his mouth to reply.  "I walked out of the bubbletea shop and went to where Sehun was supposed to be at.  I took one step and then another until I got there.  When I got there, I put my hand on the door and then I pushed it open... quietly.  I saw the big scary man with the hatchet and decided to stay in the shadows for a while.  I was still trying to be quiet.  When the big scary man tried to attack my friends, I threw a beer bottle at him.  The beer bottle went CRACK! and broke on the guys head.  Then it fell to tthe ground in many peices. The man dropped the hatchet and fell also," Luhan explained like a parent trying to tell their child where baby comes from.  The explanation took about ten minutes because he was talking slowly.  The second policeman was banging his head on the table halfway through the story.

"We get it," the first police said.  He seemed to be just as annoyed as the other one was. "Where did you get the beer bottle?"

Luhan rolled his eyes. "I decided to get drunk so I ordered beer at the bubbletea shop," he said sarcastically. The two police looked at him unamused.  "I found it on the ground."

"Okay Luhan, you can leave now," the second police said.  

When Luhan left, the two policemen said and called the next person for questioning.


"Why were you at the scene?" the police asked.

"To rescue Sehun," Chen said.  

"How did you find his location?" 

"Luhan tracked his phone by texting him."

"Do you mean the kid that was in here before?" 

Chen nodded.

"What's your relationship to him?" 

"He's my child," Chen answered.  "I've been told I look pretty young for my age."

The policeman widened his eyes. "You guys don't look related," he said.

"That's because he takes after his other father," Chen said. "But he has my beautiful singing voice."

The policeman nodded. "Wait a minute. Other father?"

"Yup!" Chen said.  "I believe he is gonna be questioned next so I'll take my leave."  He strode out of the room.


The same as Chen's but having to explain how Luhan is Chinese and they are Korean.

SEHUN'S TURN~ (Did it differently because it is not as interesting as the others)

Police: Why were you at the scene?

Sehun: I was hostage

Police: Were you scared?

Sehun: Only when he held the hatchet or tried to delete my flappy bird

Police: What's you highscore?

Sehun: 83. I'm still trying to beat it

Police: What did the man do?

Sehun: Take me somewhere and tie me up.  He kicked me a few times and started playing with my phone when I got a text message.

Police:  What were the text messages?

Sehun reluctantly showed the policeman his phone and the policeman tried not to blush.

Police: Is that your girlfriend? ...or boyfriend?

Sehun: No.  

Police: You can leave now


"Why were you at the scene?" the police asked.

"To rescue Sehun," Kai said.  

"How did you find his location?" 

"Luhan tracked his phone... I think."

The policeman nodded.   "Chen said they found his location by texting him.  I saw the texts and they were from you.  Were you the one who sent them?"

Kai looked confused. "I don't remember sending any texts," he said.

"Do you know who sent the texts then?"

Kai searched his memory. "I think Chen had it," he said.

The policeman was confused now. "What is your relationship with Chen?" he asked.

"We're classmates," Kai said.

The policeman was even more confused but decided to shrug it off.  "You can leave now," he said.

Kai nodded then left.


When Kai left the room, he saw the others and went to them.  Xiumin and Chen were talking to eachother but Sehun and Luhan looked annoyed.

"Did they get in an arguement?" Kai asked Xiumin.

"No," Xiumin answered. "Luhan is always like that when he has to do something he doesn't want to do.  He's just really annoyed so leave him alone because most of his replies are gonna sound really sarcastic if you try to talk to him."

Kai nodded confused. "Okay," he said.

"You guys ready to go?" Suho said as he walked up to the students.

"Yeah," Sehun said.

"I'm Suho," Suho said to Chen and Xiumin. "Nice to meet you." He held his hand out.

"I'm Minseok," Xiumin said while shaking Suho's hand. "But you can call me Xiumin." 

"I'm Jongdae," Chen said. "But I go by Chen." He shook Suho's hand and then put his arm over Xiumin.

"It's great to meet new people," Suho said.  He then turned to the rest. "So I'm dropping you guys off?"

"Yes please," Kai said.

The six got into Suho's car with Sehun in front and Suho driving.  Luhan, Kai, Xiumin, and Chen sat in the baack with Luhan in the middle and Xiumin sitting on Chen's lap.

Luhan was staring out the window on Kai's side when he suddenly remembered something. "Hey Suho, can we get some bubbletea?" he asked

"Why?" Suho asked from the driver's seat.

"Because I left mine at the police station," he answered.

"Oh I saw it and I was gonna get it when I was done but I forgot," Sehun said.

"You fuggot... How could you forget my bubbletea?" Luhan said while pouting.

"Relax. We'll by you bubbletea," Suho said completely shocked by Luhan's action. "But apologize to Sehun first."

"Why do I need to apologize? I didn't yell at him," Luhan said.

"Yes, but you did call him a ," Suho said.  Xiumin and Chen tried to stifle a laugh while Sehun kept on his pokerface.

Luhan cocked his head in confusion. He blinked a few times until realisation hit him.  "Oh! You mean that. I didn't call him a . That's just how I say forgot because I'm to lazy to pronounce it right," Luhan explained.

"Oh," Suho said.

"Oh my gosh! I wanna try doing that," Kai said. "It'll be hecka funny if someone misunderstands."

"It gets annoying to explain though," Luhan said.  


Suho dropped Xiumin and Chen off and was pulling into Luhan's driveway.  

"Thank you for the ride and bubbletea," Luhan said while unbuckling his seat belt.

"No problem," Suho said. He then turned to Luhan before the male could exit the car. "Luhan what is the name of the man who picked you up yesterday?" he asked blushing a little.

Luhan looked at Suho with confusion now on his face. "My cousin Kris. Why?"

Suho blushed. "Just thought I should know who your gaurdian is," he said.

"Oh. Okay," Luhan said. He proceeded to get out of the car and waved goodbye to the three as he walked to his front door.  The car drove away and Luhan entered his house.


HI! 11 chapters later and author finally decides to leave a note LOL. This is my first story and I thought I should tell you guys that I'm still in middle school so I'm not sure what it's like at highschools OTL. I'm a bad author.  Sorry to the people who were trolled because they thought this story would have sulay and thank you for reading. :) 

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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
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Chapter 36: Who's that ?
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Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
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Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
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Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?