Yoda's new owner

unlucky(?) life

"Luhan get out of my classroom," Henry said with a frown on his face.

"I can't!" Luhan yelled.  "He's staring right at me!"

"You're overreacting."

"No I'm not."

"Why aren't you out of my classroom."

"Cause when I leave, he's gonna jump me when I try to walk out," Luhan said and took a step backwards.

"It's not gonna jump you and how do you know it's a he?" Kai asked.

"Well-" Luhan started to say.

"Just walk past the ing door for god's sakes, it's just a freakin spider!" Henry yelled.

"I can't because it's waiting to kill me!" Luhan yelled back.

"Then jump out the window," Henry suggested.

"I will murder you if you continue to tell my baby to commit suicide," Xiumin said.

"Can someone just kill the ing spider," Sehun said.

"Why don't you do it?" Chen asked.

"I don't want to," Sehun said.  "Plus it's a big spider."

"It's an easier target," Luhan said.

"You're the one complaining, why don't you do it?" Sehun asked.

"Because its gonna run down and chase me until it murders me when I fail to kill it," Lu han said.

"You're being paranoid."

"I'm being reasonable."

"Are you gonna say the same thing about the small spider next to it?" Kai asked and pointed to the two spiders hovering over the doorway.

"It could be the big spider's child," Chen said.

"It's gonna grow up and try to kill us when he sees us kill the big spider!" Luhan said.

"Then do you want to kill the small spider first?" Sehun asked.

"No, you'll just anger it more and my death might be more painful," Luhan said with a serious tone.

"Can someone just kill them?" Henry said.

"I heard Kyungsoo knows how to shoot a gun," Kai said.  "We could call him here."

"How do you know he has a gun right now?" Sehun asked.

"He has one right now," Luhan said, already dialling Kyungsoo's number.  "He is required to have one at all times because Onew thought it will be needed in case he has to do long distance fighting."

"Like what?" Henry asked.

"Someone decides to touch Taemin and Kyungsoo is at the other end of the hall," Chen said.  "Stuff like that."

"Why is Taemin important to why a student at this school has a gun?" 

"Kyungsoo is a spy for Taemin and Onew's dad," Xiumin said.

"You would know if you were here when Sehun got kidnapped," Kai said and Sehun glared at him.

"Hashtag guy with hatchet," Chen said.  

Henry thought it sounded familiar until something clicked.  "You were the kid that got kidnapped!?" He asked in disbelief.  

"Yup," Xiumin said.  "And we saved him."

"I saved him," Luhan said emphasizing the word 'I'.

"We probab;y wouldn't have been that lucky if Luhan hadn't decided to get bubbletea," Kai said.

"Why are you praising him when we are stuck in this classroom because he can't get over his fear of spiders?" Sehun said.

"They're watching us," Luhan whispered as he eyed the spiders.  "They talking about how they want to kill us."

"You hit the guy with a beer bottle on your first try," Kai said.  "How come you can't try hitting a spider with a shoe or something?"

"Cause if I missed that time then my life wouldn't have been in that much danger," Luhan said.  "This time my life is put at risk and I have limited running space.  I could've just turned around last time and blend in the crowd last time but this time they are watching my every move and thinking of a way to trap me."

"How are you sure they don't want to kill us also?" Sehun asked.

"Are you saying you want to be decoy?" Luhan asked.

Sehun opened his mouth to say no when Kyungsoo suddenly showed up out of breath.  "Where's the killer?!" he yelled and was about to walk through the door when Luhan stopped him.

"Don't do it Kyungsoo!" Luhan yelled.  "He's right above the doorway!  Slide he gun over before he attacks you."

Kyungsoo nodded and bent down.  He slid the gun across the floor and Luhan caught it.  He handed the gun to Kai.  "Why are you giving this to me?" he asked.

"You saaid you know how to shoot a gun," Luhan answered.

"Well, I said I know how to shoot one but not that I actually hit the target before," Kai said.

"It's just a spider!" Henry said.

"A spider that wants to commit genocide!" Luhan said. 

"You're not making any sense," Sehun said.

Luhan frowned and started to aim the gun.  "Sorry if it's my fault that you don't know what logic is," he said sarcastically and pulled the trigger.  

"At least give a warning!" Kai said when he almost had a heart attack from the sudden noise.

Luhan shrugged.  "I can still live a few more years!" he said like he just stopped a war from breaking out.

Sehun stood there with wide eyes when he saw the two spiders dead from Luhan's one shot.  "How?" was all he was able to say.

"Isn't killing a spider with a gun a little extreme?" Henry asked.

Kyungsoo's head snapped up.  "You guys wasted my bullets on a spider!?" he asked.

"We were stuck in this classroom for three hours," Kai said.  


"Walrus!" Lay yelled, suddenly appearing beside Kyungsoo.

"Why are you here?" Chen asked.

"Luhan hasn't been home so Kris started to get worried," Lay said and walked into the classroom. 

"Thank goodness you are here," Henry said and looked at Lay.  They both widened their eyes when they saw eachother.

"You're alive?!" Lay exclaimed.

Henry frowned.  "That's not how you talk to your cousin," he said.

"Cousin?" Kai asked.

Luhan nodded.  "Yup," he said.  

"How do you know?  You act like you've never met him when he started being a sub," Sehun said.

"It was all acting," Xiumin said.  

"So Yixing," Henry started awkwardly.  "How do you feel about raising a dog?"

"What are talking about?" Lay asked.

"You see, Luhan brought in a dog recen-"

"It was Sehun!" Luhan yelled.

Henry glared at him.  "Anyways, we have a dog without a home.  Dou you want it?" he asked.

"Where is it?" Lay asked.

"One of the P.E. teachers are taking it out for a walk," Henry said.

"Don't do it!" Luhan said.

"I'll take it," Lay said.

Luhan frowned.  "Why?!" he asked.  

"Let me show you him," Henry said and walked out of the classroom.

"I'm not leaving this classroom," Luhan said.

"Why not?" Sehun asked finally happy he could leave the classroom.  

"Because the spiders are gonna start haunting me when I walk past the door!" Luhan said and pointed at the spider remains.  "Someone should at least get rid of the body so it doesn't fall on me."

"I can endure three more more hours," Kai said and shrugged.


I hate science.  I haven't been able to update because of my science project.  Do you guys know anything about programmer analysts? *sigh* Waiting until summer comes.  I'm trying to update more but can't because I need ideas to put in the story and because of school.  I will update some time next week though.  Thanks for reading, comments are appreciated.

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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?