The Trap

Be My Girlfriend?



Chapter 36



Who is this?!?” asked Kyuhyun as he heard a male voice rather than a girl's voice he's expecting. “Who I am would probably the least of your concerns right now, shouldn't it?” The reply left Kyuhyun even more confused than previously.


I don't care who you are!! Just tell me where is Sooyeon?!?” yelled the frustrated Kyuhyun as he try to get a specific answer.


Such a rude young man you are...” replied the man with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “Who are you? Where's Hana?!?” demanded Kyuhyun knowing very well that Hana is behind all this since she was the one who left him the warning.


Seems like you're more interested in who am I...” answered the male, “Well, let me introduce myself I am Kim Myung Dae, one of the head mafia in Seoul and most importantly father of Kim Hana.”


Kyuhyun can't believe what he's hearing. All this time Hana is a daughter of one of the most powerful mafia in Seoul. Worst Kyuhyun had a feeling he had known this guy even before his brief introduction.


The name also felt familiar to the ears. Kyuhyun was speechless for a moment before gathering the courage to speak up.


Where is Sooyeon and what do you want?” asked Kyuhyun not bothering to be polite when the man he's talking to could be the one who might hurt Sooyeon.


Honestly, I'm more interested in making my daughter happy rather than the girl itself but guess what, she's the source of my daughter's misery!” replied Mr. Kim with venom in his tone.


Let me tell you something Cho Kyuhyun, come here and we'll sort things out, shall we?” suggested the head mafia as he was about to end the call.


Kyuhyun had no other choice but follow instructions as he was given an address from an anonymous number.


Sooyeonnie, please be safe and wait for me...”



Sooyeon squint her eyes as she try to adjust to the dim surrounding. Her vision is blurred and her head is aching like there's no tomorrow. Her hands were tied behind the chair as well as her feet making her unable to move.


Sooyeon can feel her legs going numb and figure out she's probably kept captive for some time now. W-Where am I?” stuttered Sooyeon barely audible. All she can see is four man all in dark black suit with smug look on their faces.


They're all freaking her out just by their outer appearance. She doesn't have a clue of what's going on yet she felt something worse is about to come.


The room was silent until a man in a white tuxedo entered with his bodyguards. Sooyeon narrowed her eyes as she watched the man approached her. “He looks so familiar...” thought Sooyeon as she squirmed in her seat.


Ah Kim Sooyeon! Such a pleasure to see you again! It's like a small reunion isn't it? Plus, your saviour would be here any minute...” mocked the man as he leaned his face closer to the girl's.


Sooyeon was left confused as she has no idea what the man was talking about. “So how's your father? Heard he's dead...”


Suddenly, the Sooyeon grew furious at the mention of her dad like that. “Who are you?!? And how dare you speak of my dad like that?!?” yelled Sooyeon which earned her a hard slap across her cheek.


You're just like your dad! Full of yourself and never watch what's coming out from that mouth of yours!” stated the leader, his voice booming into the corners of the room.


I am Kim Myung Dae! The person who your father owes his life to and just so you could refresh your memory this isn't the first time you're here...”


At last, all the memories that Sooyeon tried to erase in the past years came back flooding her like a series of nightmares joined together. She remembered being kidnapped and brought here because her father couldn't pay the debt. She was only five by then. Now that she try to recall things she can remember bits of the bitter past.  


She realized it's the same place, same smell, same person...


You know at first I have nothing against you young lady, except the hatred I had in store for your dad, but coming to know that he's dead I guess that's the end of story...” explained the mafia leader.


But no! You let me find you again by going to the same university as my daughter, Hana and even tried stealing the one guy she wanted to be with...” continued the white suit man with a rage expression.


Now what can a father do for his daughter? Of course I need to give all that she wants in order to make her happy. Plus she lost her mom at such a young age, I felt sorry that I can't talk with her about her girl problems...” Mr. Kim never stopped talking and Sooyeon never tried to cut him even when everything finally sank in.


Now I realize that you make a perfect solution for all this! I'm sure Kyuhyun won't mind spending his entire life with my daughter as a cost for your life...”


The old man gave a Sooyeon a smirk which gave her goosebumps instead. “Well for you honey just take it as you're paying your daddy's unfinished debt! Lucky for you, all you have to do is stay away from Cho Kyuhyun.”


You're sick!” yelled Sooyeon as tears stream down her cheeks. She realize how unfair it would be to Kyuhyun if it actually happen.


You can't do that! I'll pay you but please don't involve Kyuhyun in this!” begged Sooyeon as she felt the stab in her heart.


Too bad honey! I don't want your money all I want is my daughter happy...” replied the old man as he prepare to leave. “Now you wait here while I sort things out with your lover boy and then I'll let you go...”


Sooyeon bit her lip hearing all this plus her head is still aching. All she can do now is hope that Kyuhyun won't fall into the old fox's trap. “Kyu, please don't...”



Kyuhyun arrived at his destination in a short period and was already waiting for the appearance of the head mafia.


Ah here you are, young lad!” called out Mr. Kim with his bodyguards trailing behind him. “Where is she?” asked Kyuhyun with a stone-like face.


She's safe...somewhere,” stated the old man with a smirk. Kyuhyun can't help but felt betrayed. “I promise I'll agree to your conditions but just let me see Sooyeon...” pleaded Kyuhyun.


No can do..” answered the man in white suit, “Let me tell you something Cho Kyuhyun, I can't and won't trust you until you prove yourself so in the mean time it's either you call someone to fetch the girl or I'll send her home myself but I can't guarantee her safety...”


Kyuhyun balled his fist but since he know who's in control, he tried to cool down his anger. “Fine...” Sure that his hyung can take proper care of Sooyeon, Kyuhyun dialed Donghae and tell him the address without explaining further.


Good! Now you should spend time with my daughter! I'm sick of seeing her sulking in her room...” ordered the head mafia as he motioned the guards to bring Kyuhyun to his daughter's room.


Miss Hana, you have a special guest,” said one of the bodyguards as he knock on the door. From outside all they can hear is her screams and yells. Sighing Kyuhyun speak up and when she heard the familiar voice the door immediately opened.


Kyuhyun!” gasped Hana her face full of evident shock which can't be faked. Kyuhyun sighed while Hana motioned the rest to leave.


Why are you here?” asked Hana somehow knowing already that it's against his will to be there at the moment.


Long story...” replied Kyuhyun. “I got plenty of time...” answered the girl as she crossed her arms. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes as he get down to explaining although he's sure nothing much would change.

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Heya, I just read your story and OMG it was so good! I loved everything about it! I loved Kyuhyun and Sooyeon's relationship! It was so cute and sweet! I was so mad at him for avoiding her, but now I'm happy they r together :). Great job author-nim! Hope to read more great stories by you! Keep up the amazing work!!! :) :) :)
Cuppycakes #2
@kyuloversuju: Hahah it's okay :D Thanks! Glad you like it :)

@hae_ki: It's alright :) Hahah I guess it is kinda long...I was actually thinking about a sequel which is like a spin-off focusing mainly on yoonhae but I'm still thinking about it though =P
hae_ki #3
awwwwww~ that was so cute and sorry it took me THIS long to finally read everything to the end and comment XD

though i had to say, i skipped some parts and looked for the dialogue and sometimes i wish yoona and donghae could've more closure or new beginning that they already have in the fic hehe
kyuloversuju #4
haha kind of late sorry, but it was an awesome story!!:))) <33
Cuppycakes #5
@kyuloversuju: Aww thanks a bunch ^^ Glad to know there are still ppl reading this fic :DD
kyuloversuju #6
:'))))) omg that was the best ending!!!!!!!! <3333333
Cuppycakes #7
@blackjackvip: Thank you :DD
blackjackvip #8
LOVE IT! :D <3
Cuppycakes #9
@hotkey: Thaank yoou!! I'm glad that I'm able to actually finish this fic :p <br />
<br />
@kprincess1995: Wow! I wonder how long it took..<br />
Thank you very much :DD
I read everything in one go<br />
and I love it<br />
It made me cry and giggle from sweetness<br />
The ending is so nice, everyone is happy:D<br />
nice story:)