Ferris Wheel

Be My Girlfriend?



Chapter 33



Sooyeon kept on looking at the scene laid out in front of her eyes. “Wah! The city look so bright even at night!”


Kyuhyun smirked watching the girl the whole while. “Do you remember the first time we rode on a ferris wheel?” asked Kyuhyun all of the sudden.


Sooyeon remembered the day like it was yesterday and nodded instantly. “Of course! We even fought over who will sit beside omma...”


They both laughed at the memory. Sooyeon let out a sigh unconciously, “Wouldn't it be great if we could do it all over again? Hanging out will omma, ajusshi, appa...”


Suddenly the girl stopped hearing her own words. Kyuhyun watched her expression changed in a matter of seconds.


You know he's always there with you...” Sooyeon turned to look at him. “He's inside your heart isn't he?”


The girl nodded undoubtfully and was grateful for a second that Kyuhyun can actually lift up her mood.


Let's change topic! Umm, what about you...” suggested Sooyeon. Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow, “What about me?”


Hmm, your girlfriend...I dunno,” continued Sooyeon randomly. “My girlfriend huh? I don't have one...”


Disappointment flood through the girl's heart. She had see it coming. He clearly doesn't see her as his 'girlfriend' anymore and surprisingly Sooyeon was quiet sad about. Why so? She has no idea...




Sooyeon shook her thoughts away and focused back on the person across her. “Really? You know you're never good at lying...”


Kyuhyun smirked, “How would you know? Besides, I'm not the one who's in a relationship right now...”


Sooyeon bit her bottom lip and avoided further eye contact. “You...Do you like Donghae hyung?” blurted Kyuhyun without much thinking and made Sooyeon go speechless.


Honestly, she had no idea how to respond to his previous question. “I-I d-don't know...Plus, I'm not in a relationship just to let you know...”


Kyuhyun himself kept quiet after realizing what he had just said. “Nevermind...Forget that I even asked,” ordered Kyuhyun after a moment of awkward silence.


Hmm, since we're talking about this I might as well ask you a question I've been wanting to ask for a long time...” stated Sooyeon with a goofy smile.


What is it?...” asked Kyuhyun getting curious himself. “What's your ideal type of girlfriend?”


Kyuhyun burst out laughing at her ridiculous question, “Why would you ask that?...”


Sooyeon pouted at his reaction, “I just want to! I mean it's Cho Kyuhyun we're talking about right here plus people around the campus say you never have a girlfriend and if I didn't pose as your fake girlfriend you'll probably never get one...”


Come to think of it, another rumor might spread out if they know we're actually only pretending...” Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes at the girl, “Like?...”


Sooyeon hold her laughter, “Like...Well, they can easily say that you're g-...”


Kyuhyun raised his palm, “Don't you ever!...” Sooyeon shut tightly and pressed her cheek together to avoid laughing and end up rolling on the floor.


She know this might annoy Kyuhyun to the skull. “Yah~Why are you acting like that?!? I know you want to laugh...”


You know what? I'll tell you my ideal type of girl...” said Kyuhyun making Sooyeon widen her eyes in excitement. “Really??...”


Kyuhyun sigh knowing how childish the girl's reaction can be. Kyuhyun motioned the girl to come closer. Sooyeon sat on the edge of her seat and lean in so she can listen to him.


But that wasn't what Kyuhyun meant. “Yah~Come here! I can't talk to you like that!” yelled Kyuhyun making Sooyeon flip her smile upside down.


Arasso! You don't have to yell...” As a result Sooyeon turned to sit beside Kyuhyun and as if she could handle more he lean closer to her making the gap between them almost invisible.


You, really want to know?” asked Kyuhyun staring straight into her eyes. For a second the girl start to doubt herself but then again part of her really wanted to know.


She wonder if he would say the exact thing he used to say as his ideal type of girl years ago.


Kyuhyun's smirk broaden and he started off by describing how his ideal type of girl should look like. Since they're so close Sooyeon just froze in her spot knowing that one movement could cause inevitable skinship.


Kyuhyun though had another reason to get so close to the girl. Well, he needs to describe his ideal type of girl accurately right? And what better way than to describe the girl herself.


If only Sooyeon was clever enough to figure out what's truly going on.


Kyuhyun was nearly done talking when a loud noise and the machine jerked into a halt right when Sooyeon and Kyuhyun was on top of the ride.


Just when they thought things couldn't go any more intense the unexpected happened and they just couldn't move a single muscle when they realized what's taking place.


Their lips met and everything just froze...


Sooyeon's heartbeat was beating rapidly and faster than usual...


Kyuhyun can't think straight at the moment...


It's just like they're stuck in the moment...





Oppa, when you grow up what kind of girl will you date?” asked Sooyeon with her chubby cheeks. “Umm, I don't know...But I think I know what she would look like...”


Sooyeon stared at her oppa confusingly, “What do you mean oppa?”


Hmm, I will date someone who's just like our Sooyeonnie! She must be pretty and chubby like you...” exclaimed little Kyuhyun while pinching his cute little dongsaeng's cheek.


Oppaa!” whined Sooyeon rubbing her cheeks. Kyuhyun chuckled looking at the cute litle girl he adores so much.


Sooyeonnie, what about you?...” asked Kyuhyun hoping for the same answer like his. “Of course, I want to date someone like appa...”


Kyuhyun pouted and crossed his arms. Although he know how much the little girl loves his dad he too wish that she would want to date him in the future.


Sooyeon giggled at how her oppa reacted. “Also, I want to date someone like oppaa! So my boyfriend has to be like appa and oppa combined together!”


Kyuhyun break into a grin and clapped his hands. “Jinjja? Then my girlfriend should be like omma too right?...”


Sooyeon can't help but agree more and nod her head. “I wish he/she would be...” they both silenly wished in their hearts.


Just like our Sooyeonnie...”


Just like Kyuhyunnie oppa...”

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Heya, I just read your story and OMG it was so good! I loved everything about it! I loved Kyuhyun and Sooyeon's relationship! It was so cute and sweet! I was so mad at him for avoiding her, but now I'm happy they r together :). Great job author-nim! Hope to read more great stories by you! Keep up the amazing work!!! :) :) :)
Cuppycakes #2
@kyuloversuju: Hahah it's okay :D Thanks! Glad you like it :)

@hae_ki: It's alright :) Hahah I guess it is kinda long...I was actually thinking about a sequel which is like a spin-off focusing mainly on yoonhae but I'm still thinking about it though =P
hae_ki #3
awwwwww~ that was so cute and sorry it took me THIS long to finally read everything to the end and comment XD

though i had to say, i skipped some parts and looked for the dialogue and sometimes i wish yoona and donghae could've more closure or new beginning that they already have in the fic hehe
kyuloversuju #4
haha kind of late sorry, but it was an awesome story!!:))) <33
Cuppycakes #5
@kyuloversuju: Aww thanks a bunch ^^ Glad to know there are still ppl reading this fic :DD
kyuloversuju #6
:'))))) omg that was the best ending!!!!!!!! <3333333
Cuppycakes #7
@blackjackvip: Thank you :DD
blackjackvip #8
LOVE IT! :D <3
Cuppycakes #9
@hotkey: Thaank yoou!! I'm glad that I'm able to actually finish this fic :p <br />
<br />
@kprincess1995: Wow! I wonder how long it took..<br />
Thank you very much :DD
I read everything in one go<br />
and I love it<br />
It made me cry and giggle from sweetness<br />
The ending is so nice, everyone is happy:D<br />
nice story:)