What am I suppose to do?

Be My Girlfriend?



Chapter 34



Few seconds passed before one of them finally gather the strength to create a distant between the two of them.


W-What just h-happened?” stuttered Sooyeon blinking several times and pinching herself all the while.


It's not supposed to happen...” muttered Kyuhyun scratching the back of his neck.


Both of them are really in an awkward state after that accidental kiss. Kyuhyun secretly stole a glance and caught the girl blushing madly.


Yah~Why are you so red?...” asked Kyuhyun in a teasing manner. Sooyeon widen her eyes and cupped her own cheeks hiding it from him.


Ch...It' not even your first kiss!” said Kyuhyun out loud. He opened his mouth to say more but nothing came out instead he eyed her suspiciously.


Or is it? But that couldn't be because...”


Before he could even finish his sentence Sooyeon had sent him a smack on his head. “Aniyo! Who said so?...” grumbled the fuming Sooyeon who's still red from embarrassment.


So you're saying it's not your first kiss right?” asked Kyuhyun the second time though he clearly know it's not.


It's not! Besides you stole the first one!” yelled Sooyeon crossing her arms and not once look at Kyuhyun.


He on the other hand was left speechless. “I-I...?” Kyuhyun scratched his head trying to understand what she meant.


It took him quite a while before completely understanding her previous statement.


Oh you m-mean...” Sooyeon refused to look at him. Instead, she stare outside onto the view of the city lights.


Kyuhyun smirked at the thought and was happy inside knowing that Sooyeon never actually dated anyone before, even though it won't help him much if she doesn't reciprocate his feelings for her.


Staring out suddenly all the memories of both of them flood through Sooyeon's mind. It's like a movie playing inside her head with all the episodes one after another.


Deep down Sooyeon discovered something new or probably something that has been there all along but buried deep inside her heart.


She loves Cho Kyuhyun...



Kyuhyun sighed as he walk side by side with Sooyeon. Neither of them brought a car along with them a while ago so they have to take the bus home and walk.


It's really tiring...” muttered Kyuhyun stuffing his hands in his pocket. Sooyeon had been exceptionally quiet which is so unlike her.


Kyuhyun glanced at her and looked concerned when he find her frowning. “Yah~What's wrong with you?”


Instead of answering or retorting back Sooyeon resort to keeping quiet. That's how confused she is right now. She's confused and doubting herself to a point she can nearly go mad.


Kyuhyun can't help but let out a huge sigh knowing that nothing would work now except keeping her company. That's one thing he learned over the years.


If Sooyeon refused to talk at any point it means that she won't speak up until her mood change.


They nearly reached the house's gate when a familiar figure stopped both of them at the same time.


Oh hyung!” greeted Kyuhyun not realizing how awkward the situation they're in. Donghae flashed his dongsaeng a smile and Sooyeon as well.


Sooyeon was left with hanging opened not knowing what to do and how to explain things surely she felt surprised at the sudden encounter.


Ah Kyuhyun~ah! You don't mind if I talk to Sooyeon for a second do you?” asked Donghae taking a step forward.


Course not hyung! I'll leave first then...” replied Kyuhyun reluctantly. Sooyeon glanced at Kyuhyun's disappearing figure with disappointment.


She had no idea how to explain to Donghae why she went missing just now and how she ended up with Kyuhyun.


Soo, you okay?” asked Donghae sweetly touching her forehead. Sooyeon raised her eyebrows, her face full of questions.


I guess you're okay now! I thought you weren't feeling well?” asked Donghae with a forced smile.


Ah oppa, I'm fine!” assured Sooyeon biting her lip not sure what he's talking about. “Sooyeon~ah, I'm hoping for an answer from you...” said Donghae with the sudden seriousness in his tone.


Donghae had been considering to ask her for some time now and he thinks now is the right time to do so. It doesn't matter to him anymore whether she'll accept him or not, all that matters now is seeing the cheerful girl again. He knew she won't be happy if she force herself to be with him.


Donghae had seen the outcome when Sooyeon is separated from Kyuhyun. It just couldn't happen it's like he's her other half and just like when they fight she lose half of her strength.


I know...” mumbled Sooyeon with her head bowed. “Soo, I'm not going to burden you with myself anymore so let's just sort things out now shall we?...”


Tears was forming in Sooyeon's eyes and she can't figure out excatly how she'll face Donghae. Even now when she's finally able to sort out her feelings she still doesn't want to hurt Donghae cause he meant a lot to her.


You have an answer already don't you?” asked Donghae with a hint of sadness in his voice. “Oppa, I-I...”


Sooyeon can't prevent the tears from falling, “Mianhe oppa, I know I'm being unfair to you and keep you holding on for so long but I...”


Donghae didn't let her finished her sentence, “I know Soo, and it's not totally your fault! I should have known. No, actually I know this would happen...”


At times it would even occur to me how you would reject me but imagining and facing reality it two different thing I guess...”


Sooyeon bit her lip trying very hard to control herself but she can't knowing she'll hurt Donghae oppa.


Sooyeon~ah! Don't cry! I'll be fine! I promise! But in exchange I want you to be happy too...” With that Sooyeon can't help but sob freely.


Donghae took a step further and wrapped his arms around her. “Don't cry! I'll still be your oppa who you can come and lean on!” comforted Donghae like how he always would.


But it wasn't helping Sooyeon the least bit. In fact, that is what kills her. He's willing to stay by her side even if she's turning him down. She's really grateful towards him knowing that he's still willing to be the oppa who would stay by her side when she needed someone to lean on or a shoulder to cry on.


It hurts her knowing he'll still be there for her and yet she can't do anything return.


Mianhe oppa...” sobbed Sooyeon, “Mianhe...”


Donghae stood there running his hand through the girl's hair while waiting for her to calm down. He can't prevent the tears from forming in his eyes but one thing he knows for sure that what he's doing now is for the best.


Gwenchana Sooyeon~ah! I'm ready to let go but I'll make sure that after this you and my dongsaeng can finally be together...” promised Donghae with no sound.



From above, a pair of eye was watching the scene taking place below. It stung him inside seeing his hyung hugging and comforting the girl he wanted to protect but he was the one who made his hyung promised to take care of her.


What right do I have to be jealous of them now?” muttered Kyuhyun staring at the ceiling.


Kyuhyun doesn't know until when he can keep up with all this. He know very well he can't just brush off Sooyeon just like that as if she's never there.


Recently he even thought about giving up the whole thing and just confessed to her but Hana's warning still ring in his mind.


What am I suppose to do??”


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Heya, I just read your story and OMG it was so good! I loved everything about it! I loved Kyuhyun and Sooyeon's relationship! It was so cute and sweet! I was so mad at him for avoiding her, but now I'm happy they r together :). Great job author-nim! Hope to read more great stories by you! Keep up the amazing work!!! :) :) :)
Cuppycakes #2
@kyuloversuju: Hahah it's okay :D Thanks! Glad you like it :)

@hae_ki: It's alright :) Hahah I guess it is kinda long...I was actually thinking about a sequel which is like a spin-off focusing mainly on yoonhae but I'm still thinking about it though =P
hae_ki #3
awwwwww~ that was so cute and sorry it took me THIS long to finally read everything to the end and comment XD

though i had to say, i skipped some parts and looked for the dialogue and sometimes i wish yoona and donghae could've more closure or new beginning that they already have in the fic hehe
kyuloversuju #4
haha kind of late sorry, but it was an awesome story!!:))) <33
Cuppycakes #5
@kyuloversuju: Aww thanks a bunch ^^ Glad to know there are still ppl reading this fic :DD
kyuloversuju #6
:'))))) omg that was the best ending!!!!!!!! <3333333
Cuppycakes #7
@blackjackvip: Thank you :DD
blackjackvip #8
LOVE IT! :D <3
Cuppycakes #9
@hotkey: Thaank yoou!! I'm glad that I'm able to actually finish this fic :p <br />
<br />
@kprincess1995: Wow! I wonder how long it took..<br />
Thank you very much :DD
I read everything in one go<br />
and I love it<br />
It made me cry and giggle from sweetness<br />
The ending is so nice, everyone is happy:D<br />
nice story:)