Together Again...At Last

Complicated Love


Jaejoongs pov

“what? Im working here…”
“hyung! Look!!”

My eyes set on the screen and I cant believe what im seeing. Is it really her?!

“junsu-ah! Are you sure that’s her?”
“yeah! Yeah! it! It says her name right there!”
“we found her!...shes been in LA this whole time??”
“seems like it hyung…”
“whats going on?” micky asked coming from behind.
“hyung look! I found _____! I found her!” Junsu said.
“oh my god! It is her!” micky cried.
“I have to get out of here! I have to go to LA!...”
“but hyung…were still working…” micky said.
“I have to let teddy know! Hes gonna be so happy!” I said.

After work on the way home, I immediately called teddy to let him know where _____ was and I was so happy to see her face appear in front of me again. Its been a long and busy month for me but now im ready to get her back. The manager dropped us off at home and when we got there, someone was sitting on the steps by the door. We got out of the car and the manager drove off. Walking to the door, tiffany stopped us.

“jae, can I talk to you please?...”

I didnt answer and walked right pass her to open the door.

“im sorry!” she cried as we walked inside.
“hyung…I think you should talk to her…well wait for you inside…” micky said.
“yea…maybe its for the best…” junsu agreed.

My members went inside as I closed the door and stayed outside to see what she had to say.

“look jae… I know I cause a lot of hurt and pain for you by tearing you and ____ apart…I did that because I still love you jae…since _____ left, you haven’t looked at me or said anything to me, not once. I really hate… I hate being ignored by the person I love most. When you were still together with her… you would at least tell me to go away or tell you to leave you guys alone. I cant stand the silent treatment…im sorry. Im sorry for breaking you guys up, im sorry for all the troubles ive caused for you and everyone…I guess I found out the hard way huh?...if theres something you want me to do ill do it…anything…” she said turning away.

“anything?....” I said turning around.

She slowly turned around and a smile began to form on her lips.

End of pov

“yah! Chaerin-ah! Are you ready yet?! We gotta go! Your gonna make me late!” I yelled from the front door.
“alright! im almost done! I just gotta find my keys! I don’t know where I left them when we got home!” she yelled back from upstairs.
“damn…” I said to myself and started to search downstairs for her keys. “not so much alcohol today huh?!” I yelled.
“sorry! Cant help it! Why would I pass up free drinks?!” she hollered. “found them!” she screamed.
“okay then! So hurry up and come down!”

A few seconds later, she came running down the stairs with her keys in her hand.

“ready?” she asked.
“been ready” I said.
“sorry…did I ever thank you for having this job?” she joked.
“no… but it would be nice to hear it every once in a while.” I laughed.
“thanks for having this job…and for the free drinks without you it wouldn’t be possible!”

I laughed and locked the house before leaving then got in the car and took off.

“hey _____ let me ask you something.”
“sure…whats up?”
“don’t you miss korea?”
“of course…”
“and… don’t you miss your boyfriend?”
“ex boyfriend…I miss him from time to time but I learned how to forget it. Why are you asking me so suddenly?”
“I don’t know… since you got here til now, you still seem sad…its just something Ive been wanting to point out for a long time now but I was scared to tell you because I was afraid that you wont take me to work with you anymore and that means bye bye free drinks.”
“oh thanks…” i laughed. “ not sad.”
“come on… don’t lie. When you’re in the booth doing your thing, I can see it in your eyes that your some what not happy…”
“you know me so well chaerin…” I smiled.

We got to the club and it was my time to shine through the night again. Since my appearance there, NB2 has been getting a lot of people and attention lately. And of course that article about se7en and me also received a lot of attention. There’s really nothing going on between us. Even though the media suspects us. We really are close friends because since my brother has been working for president yang, that’s how my brother met him. When I moved to korea with my brother, that’s how I met se7en. Stupid media… always manipulating words and whatnot. Se7en has been hitting the club a lot maybe that’s why they are suspecting us. But oh well…what cant I handle right? Taking a quick break, me and chaerin went to go find se7en in the VIP room.

“whats up oppa?!” I greeted hugging him.
“we cant be seen together anymore” he laughed.
“why not?” I smiled.
“because apparently everyone thinks were together!”

I laughed at his sentence and shook my head. I looked over at chaerin who is dancing away to the music while drinking. Not very surprising. I got up and walked over to her.

“chaerin-ah! No more drinks! I don’t want you to be drunk! You know you’re the driver!”
“don’t worry ______-ah! I got it!”
“okaaay!...if you get drunk im so gonna kick your for not listening to me and im not gonna let you come to work with me on your non working days.”
“that’s not fair! You’ve been using me and my car for the past month you’ve been here! Me coming with you to work is like …. You paying me back without cash!”
“aaaaand!... ive been letting you stay with me at president yangs house since I got here. So I think its plenty fair!” I screamed.
“damn it! allllways gotta use the house thingy against me…fine! Ill ease up on the drinks.”
“good… plus your driving home a very important person” I joked.
“ohh yea right… ms celebrity.” She said making fun of me.

The night went by quickly and we were so tired out. We get out so late plus the hour drive home…so its like 5 something by the time we get home in the morning. Chaerin was a little tipsy but she managed to get us home somehow, I will never know how she does it. She parked the car and went inside the house. We dragged our feet all the way to the guest bedroom and she fell on the bed.

“yah…at least take off your clothes…” I said tiredly. “are you uncomfortable in them when you sleep?” I asked.
“it is but im too lazy…” she answered sleepily.
“damn…its so late but I wanna take a shower. I feel really gross and I smell like alcohol.

Chaerin didn’t answer so I walked to the bathroom with short pajama bottoms and a tank top and a towel. Im assuming she fell asleep already. I got in the shower and felt the relaxation as the water hit me. I washed my hair and brushed my teeth and everything else to make myself feel clean. When I was done, I got out and dried my hair before changing clothes. Once I got changed,I walked back into the bedroom and found chaerin under the covers with the blanket over her head.

“you lazy , you could’ve told me to turn off the lights instead of pulling the blanket over your head. How the hell are you gonna be able to breathe?” I said as I walked over my side of the bed and sat down.

Before laying down, I made her my hair was semi-dry before going to sleep for the night. I laid down with my back towards chaerin and turned off the lights. I then let my head the plumpy pillow.

“ah…” I said softly. “good night chaerin” I said even though I know shes sleeping already.

I closed my eyes but I wasn’t sleepy. I was thinking about what she said earlier. About me looking sad and some what not happy.

“chaerin-ah…” I said quietly. “about what you said earlier… i am unhappy and sad...Im unhappy and sad because I miss being in seoul. I miss being around my brother…I miss my car…I miss my house…I miss the bed I slept on…but more importantly… I miss the man I love. Everyday, I wonder what he’s doing and if hes taking care of himself…I wonder what hes doing right now…” I said as I heard chaerin turn in bed.

Then I felt an arm rest on my waist.

“yah!...chaerin-ah…I know you drank tonight but you didn’t drink that much to turn lesbian on me” I said lifting and flickering her arm away. But it came back. I did that a few times before I got mad and the lights to see what her deal was. I the lights and turned back quickly to pull the blanket off of her.

“jae…” I said quietly almost a whisper. “what the hell are you doing here?! Your not chaerin! Where is she?!” I yelled.

I tried to get off the bed but he grabbed me and held me down.

“Shes fine…shes in another bedroom. Shes really passed out” he smiled looking at me.
“yah! let me go! What are you doing here?! How did you find me?!... how did you get in?!” I shouted trying to get out his grip.
“im here to take you home baby…”
“no! im not going anywhere with you ever again! I hate you!”
“you don’t mean that… I heard everything you said before.”
“…I didn’t mean what I said!”
“baby listen to me…I don’t care what you say. I want you to come home and live with me again. Everyday I have suffered because you weren’t there with me.”
“why do you need me?? you have tiffany!”
“… I don’t want her…” he replied.
“don’t lie to me jae…  I saw you kiss her that day. You still love her! Just admit it!”
“I don’t love her… I love you”

I looked at him with relieved eyes but then I had to snap out of it.

“i don’t believe you…” I said looking away.
“then…allow me to explain” a voice said coming in to the room.
“tiffany??” I said.

I got up to get a good look at her and jae was still holding onto me as he sat up as well.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.
“jae asked me to come along with him just in case you don’t believe him… so I can explain to you what happened that day.” She said.

I looked at her angrily confused as she was explaining.

“…jaejoong doesn’t love me, he never did because he had you…that day on the island, I kissed him thinking that if you two broke up, me and jae could be together again. I had these thoughts that you were in my way. So I did everything I did to break you guys up…im really really sorry…” she said.
“and for the record… I didn’t know that it was tiffany that day. All I heard was the waterfall and no footsteps…I didn’t know that she followed me to the waterfall and I didn’t even think it could have been anyone else because you were the only person I told to meet me there.” Jae said.

I sat in silence soaking in everything they had just said.

“so baby…come home…” jae said leaning his head against mine.
“….not until you tell me how… in the hell…you got into this house? This is private property!” I said.
“I came here to explain everything to you and all you care about is how we got in?” jae said smiling.
“I think I can explain that!” another voice said coming in from the door.
“oppa?!” I cried. “how are you here??”
“I came with jaejoong and tiffany. Without me, they would have never got in” he said holding a pair of keys in his hand”
“what?” I asked confused.
“big boss man gave me the extra spare keys to his house here.” Teddy answered.
“extra key- don’t tell me president yang told you where I was?...that man… he gave me his word and stuff…that liar…” I said.
“he didn’t tell us anything. You were all over the internet…with your picture with se7en.”
“damn…” I whispered.
“and didn’t it occur to you WHY he let you use his house and gave you a job at the club?”
“he knew something was up because you told him that it was best not to tell me. the president is smarter than you think kid.”

Again I was silent then looked at jaejoong who has been holding on to me since he got here.

“guys…can we have a moment… alone please?” I asked looking at teddy and tiffany.
“ yaaaaaah! _______-ah! How the hell did I end up in the other room!? And why are you yelling?!” chaerin screamed walking in while rubbing her eyes.

As she entered the room, she was surprised to see my brother there and tiffany…and jaejoong.

“whoa teddy! Nice to see you again bro its been a while!…what are you doing here?” she asked him.
“we’ll be leaving you alone now” teddy said dragging chaerin out with tiffany walking behind them
“have fuuuun you two!” tiffany said before closing the door.

Jae finally released me and reached for my hands and held it. I looked at him and he looked at me.

“so…everything that happened…wasn’t because you love her?”
“I never loved her. My eyes are set for only you baby… don’t you know that?”
“… I know that now…” I smiled.
“does that mean…we’re together again?” he asked getting excited.
“mmm hmmm…” I answered with a smile still plastered on my face.
“yaaaaaaaaah!!!” he screamed then hugged me tight.

I giggled as he lifted me up and lightly throwing me on the bed.

“I missed you so much baby!” he cried.
“I missed you too…”

I stared at him as he smiled at me.

“aaaahhh! I cant take it anymore!!” he cried then kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and tighten the kiss like I couldn’t get enough of it.

“haven’t done that in a while!” he said as he resurfaced.
“I know, don’t you just miss it?” I asked
“terrrrribly!” he answered emphasizing the word. “wanna do it again?” he asked.
“uh…how about later?...its almost 7 in the morning and… I just got off of work 2 hours ago.”
“awww… ok…if my honey is tired and wants to sleep then I will not stop her” he said cutely.
“good…cause I don’t think I have enough energy right now anyway even though I am excited that you’re here with me again…”
“rest up so you will have plenty of energy later.”

I nodded my head and smiled as I turned off the lights and laid down next to jae facing him. Something that makes me love jaejoong is that he brings out my inner child when were together. That’s why its so fun being with him every day. He makes me act like someone i myself dont even know... before I closed my eyes, I still couldn’t believe that he was there with me so I placed my hand on his face and caressed it as I fell asleep with me in his arms.


yesss! i got to update! 
how do you like it?? lol 
and dont worry it hasnt ended....yet lol 

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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)