Don't sweat it

Complicated Love

Jaejoongs pov

“aaahh….” letting out a sigh. “She really left…”

I sighed and finished rolling the rest of the kimbap.

“This is my baby’s favorite food.” I thought to myself. “and shes not here to eat it.”

I took out a knife and began cutting them in to decent size pieces placing them on a plate. After I was done with that I took the kimbap over to the table and placed it on the placemat as I walked over to the fridge to pour me a glass of water. I sat down at the table feeling alone with no one to talk too. I ate in silence reminding myself that my girlfriend isn’t here. Suddenly, I wasn’t so hungry anymore. I sat looking at the kimbap wondering where she’d had gone too and if she had eaten.

“Ah! I cant take it anymore! I have to find out where she is!” I yelled.

I took out my phone and called _____. But I quickly pressed the end button soon after. I walked over to the couch roughly sitting down. Something in my mind triggered my finger to press the camera button. The camera started up and I went to my phones photo album. I went through the pictures smiling at the pictures of me and her. I scrolled through til I stopped at one picture in particular. The picture of her kissing my cheek while I was laughing.

“My baby….come home. I miss you. Where did you go?” I said softly.

I took a deep breathe and called micky.

“Yah! Yoochun-ah! Help me!_____ went somewhere and I don’t know where. Im really worried. She left home without eating and im scared that she might have fainted somewhere. She didn’t even take her wallet with her. How is she gonna eat if she doesn’t have her wallet?” I asked in a panic.  
“whoa calm down bro. what happened?”
“______. She left. She left without eating and she didn’t tell me where she was going.” I tried to tell him calmly.
“Ohhh… so just call her. I don’t see what the problem is.”
“ Noooo Yoochun-ah. You KNOW what the problem is. Im not talking to her for embarrassing me that night.”
“Ohhhh that’s right… but that was three weeks ago hyung. Let it go.”
“im trying but I cant. It just hurts me so much.”
“hmmmm…. allright… I’ll tell what you what I’ll do. Ill send her a text message asking where she is and ill call you back.
“alright yoochun… BUT! don’t make it seem like your worried cause then she’ll be suspicious. Ask her casually, like how you would normally talk to her.”
“Ok…ok… ill call you back. Bye.”

Micky’s pov

“Ahhhh…hyung. Always looking for problems for yourself and dragging innocent people like me down with you.

“______…..______..... where are you?…..” scrolling down the contacts. “Ah! There you are!…..

After the laughter ended, I heard my pocket ring. I pulled out my phone and it said 1 text message. I opened the text and saw micky’s name.

“ahnyeong ____! Are you home? Oppa has something to give you. I saw it today at some shop and bought it for you.”
-Yoochunie4Ever <3

“Ahnyeong Oppa! Aww you didn’t have to buy me anything. But im not at home right now. Maybe you can drop it off tomorrow?”
-iiBoyzGurl ( the signature refers to being jaejoongs girlfriend lol)

“Ohh… really?….aww I really wanted you to see it. I think it fits you quite nicely. Where did you go?”
- Yoochunie4Ever <3

“Im sorry…. I came over to a friends house. Cause jaejoong was being mean to me and unplugged the tv so I couldn’t watch the music performances from earlier today.:

“Oh… ok. Oppa will drop if off tomorrow for sure then. Your gonna love it. See you tomorrow. Good night. Get home safe ok?”
-Yoochunie4Ever <3

“I will. Thank you oppa. Good night”

Micky’s POV

I have to call jaejoong hyung now….

The line rang then I finally heard a “hello?!”

End of Pov

“Hello?! Yoochun-ah! Where is she at??!”
“Its fine, shes at a friends house.”
“Really?….ok then I can calm down now…or at least try too. Did she say what friend?”
“no…sorry. Forgot to ask.”
“Well text her and ask her. I gotta know which friend!”
“I already told her goodnight hyung! Im sure its ok. Stop freaking out so much.”
“I cant… I keep thinking that she probably went back to see her ex.”
“its fine hyung. Go rest for a while. Before you know it she will be back home. Ok?”
“Alright… thanks yoochun. Night”
“Night hyung. Oh wait!”
“I kinda told her that I got her something and I was gonna drop it off tomorrow.”
“and….I think you should go buy her something. I told her that it was something that she was really gonna love. You know her well so pick out something nice! Bye!” Yoochun yelled quickly hanging up the phone.

Jaejoong closed his phone, looked at it and smiled.

“crazy yoochun-ah…” he thought to himself.

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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)