That spark

Complicated Love

After our morning breakfast, I cleaned while my brother and jaejoong were talking on the couch. I couldn’t hear a thing they were saying because of the running water and they were whispering to each other and laughing.

“yah… hyung, talking and laughing with you makes you seem less scary.” jae mentioned to teddy.
“why you scared of me?” teddy laughed.
“well…uh… the way you dress and talk is really intimidating.”
“really?” teddy said looking at himself. “I don’t see it” he joked laughing with jaejoong.
“whats so funny?” I asked slapping teddy on the shoulder.
“ow! Why you hit me?”
“You were laughing at me weren’t you?!” I questioned.
“Nah man! If we were talking about you, trust me, you would know.”

Jaejoong laughed along with him as I looked at him. I sat down next to my brother and tried to join the conversation but I got rejected. They told me it was a big boy conversation, well I mean, that’s what teddy told me. He treats me like im still 10 or something. I hate that. So I just got up and walked to my bedroom. I was curious whether Taec left messages for me. So I my phone and let it start up. As expected, there were messages but they weren’t from Taec. There were miss calls too. They were from Junsu. I read each message he left me.

“______-ah! Its oppa! Why arent you picking up my phone calls?”

“pick up! Pick up pick up!”

“if you don’t pick up oppa is gonna die!”

“Where are yoooooooou?!”

“is this even the right number?”

I laughed at the last message and called him back.

“_____?! its about time! Because of you, my mom is going crazy!” junsu yelled over the phone.
“Why?” I laughed at him.
“Its not funny! Since you promised her that you were gonna come see her with jaejoong hyung, shes going insane that your not here!”
“I didn’t say I was gonna see her today, I just said soon.”
“______-ah! You have to come now. Shes really excited to see you.”
“But-” I started because junsu cut me off.
“No buts! You have to be here!” he hung up.
“!” I thought to myself. “how am I suppose to go while they are talking?”

I got up from the bed and grabbed my bag. I then headed to the living room.

“Hey…” I interrupted them. “I gotta go to Junsu oppa’s place for a bit. His mom wants to see me. And jaejoong, she wants to see you too. So after you guys have your “big boy” talk, meet me over there.”

He looked at me and nodded with teddy looking at him.

“You know what… oppa’s gotta go too. Gotta head back to the studio.” teddy said standing up with jaejoong following him.

“Okay then” I said hugging him. “ill see you again soon k? maybe ill go down to visit you in the studio.”
“alright baby sis. Take care aight?”

We all walked outside and jae gave him a hug goodbye which has never happened before. Since Jae is too scared to get to close to teddy. I watched Teddy as he got in his car and left our drive way. I turned and looked at Jae for a bit and started walking towards my car.

“Hey! Wait!…you want me to drive?”
“No, its fine.”
“are you sure?”

I unlocked my car and got in the drivers seat with jaejoong sitting in the passenger side. We were quiet the way there, but I could see jaejoongs head turning to look at me with the corner of my eye. I pulled up the driveway of junsu oppa’s house and saw mickeys car there too.

“oh great… mickeys here too…how awkward is this gonna feel after he gave me those lingerie?” I thought to myself.  

We got out of my car and walked to the front door. Before jaejoong rang the door bell, I stopped him.
“wait…I have to tell you something first. I told junsu’s mom that we were doing great. So…”
“So you want us to act like were happy with no problems right?” jae asked.
“exactly. So…” I said sticking out my hand.

He looked at my hand and held it. With his other hand, he rang the doorbell.

Jaejoongs pov

I was having a great time talking with teddy hyung until _____ came out with her bag on her should and her keys in her hands. When she said that she was going to Junsu’s place, I felt a little jealous. But that was before she told me that I was suppose to go too. After I said goodbye to hyung, she looked at me with her sweet eyes and walked away. I followed her til we got to her car. She told me she was gonna drive so I just got in the passengers side. We didn’t talk on the way there but I did look at her occasionally. While she was driving, I kept looking at her while thinking about her.

“She looks so cute today in her outfit…her hair looks really soft, wish I could touch it.” I thought to myself.

When we got to Junsu’s place, we got out and walked to the front door. Before I could ring the doorbell, she stopped me. I looked at her while she spoke to me.

“wait…I have to tell you something first. I told junsu’s mom that we were doing great. So…”
“So you want us to act like were happy with no problems right?” I asked.
“exactly. So…” she said sticking out my hand.

I held her hand and my heart smiled. Its been quite some time since the last time I held her hand. With my other free hand, I rang the doorbell.

End of pov

The door opened and I saw junsu oppa’s eyes open wide.

“Oh my god! Your finally here! Omma! _______ is here!” he yelled.

I saw his mom come from around the corner charging at us full speed. Junsu moved out of the way to let his mom through to get to me and she hugged me tight. At that time, I felt jaejoong let go of my hand and looked at us. I smiled looking at Junsu and his face seemed scared and worried at the same time.

“Hi mrs. Kim!”
“what mrs. Kim? Call me omma!” she said excitedly pulling me inside to their living room.
Jaejoong walked in after his mom pulled me in and Junsu closed the door. As she was pulling me, I saw mickey sitting on the couch.

“Oh crap…” I thought to myself.

I sat down on the couch next to junsus mom when jae and junsu oppa appeared. Jae sat down next to me while junsu sat by himself in the one seater.

“waaaaaaah! Oh my my my! You’ve grown so much! And you’ve gotten prettier!”
“thank you” I said smiling at her.
“yaaaah…jaejoong, you’ve got yourself a winner eh?!” she said looking at him.

He smiled and slightly nodded looking at me.

“So my darlings, how have you been?” looking at me and jae.
“Uh…were doing great” I said patting jae’s leg as his hand then landed on mine.
“Just great? You guys are young! You should be doing more than just great!”
“Omma!” junsu whined.
We all laughed and Junsu’s mom was getting up.

“I was so excited about you two coming, I didn’t even prepare any snacks.”

We didn’t need any snacks because we were full from our breakfast not to long ago, but it would be rude not to accept anything from an elder.

“why don’t I go help you mrs. Kim?” I asked getting up from my seat.

She looked at me with a scrunched up face.

“oh… im sorry, I mean omma” I said while smiling.

I followed her to the kitchen and the boys started talking to each other.

Junsu pov

“Hey hyung, you still mad at her from three weeks ago?” mickey asked directing the question to jaejoong.
“I am.” jae replied.

****flash back****

“mmm…so how long has this been going on?” i asked.
“For about three weeks now.”
“Hmm! I don’t know whats got hyung acting like this. He’s never not talked to you before…”
“Exactly…I don’t know why either. You have to help me.”
“Sure! This will be fun!” he said excitedly.

****end of FB****

“mad? Why are you mad at ______?” I finally said something.
“remember three weeks ago?” mickey asked me.
“No… not really.”
“Yah! How can you forget what happened!? You were there!” jae spoke.

I thought long and hard but I don’t remember. I shook my head as they looked at me.

“ugh, junsu-ah, you really are an idiot arent you?” micky said jokingly.
“Yah, don’t call me that. Are you gonna tell me what happened or what?”
“We’ll tell you but you cant tell_____, I want her to figure it out herself” jae said quietly.
“Three weeks ago” jae started. “was our album release party.”
“OHhhhhhhh yea, that’s right!” finally having that spark in my memory.
“A week before the party, Ive been telling people how great of a person _____ is and that she will always be there for me but that one night, she never showed.” Jae said.
“thaaat’s right! I remember now! I think the people at the office were sick of you talking about ______ that whole week.”

Micky laughed and just then _____ and my mom came walking in with the snacks and drinks.

alright! there you have it! you now finally know what she did three weeks ago lol
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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)