Off To Work Again

Complicated Love


“don’t worry baby…daddy will handle it” he smirked.
“Uhh… daddy…” I said being sarcastic. “I let you handle it last time… and look where we are now… shes still here!” I whispered.
“I got it” he said getting up.
“no!” I said pulling him back down.

Then his phone rang. He took his phone out and looked at the caller id.

“Its teddy hyung… alright baby… ima let you handle it this time” he said smiling then answering his phone walking away.

Tiffany looked up when she saw jae walk away from the table. The feeling at the table was really awkward because I don’t really talk to tiffany nor do I want to.

“so….what are you doing here?” I asked.
“Will you excuse me for a moment…I have to use the bathroom.” She said getting up ignoring me.
“That’s cool…everyone is just leaving me here…” I said to myself still eating my breakfast.

Tiffany POV

I walked towards the bathroom but stopped in from of their bedroom door because I heard jae talking to someone.

“oh nae hyung (yea bro) …I told her this morning…she seems fine with the idea. But I haven’t told her where were gonna be going though I want her to be excited. Yea….but theres something I wanted to ask..or really theres something ______ wanted to know. She asked if micky and junsu could come along too. They can pay for themselves” he laughed.

“going?...where are they going?....” I thought.

“so its cool?... alright thanks hyung. Ill let _____ know. Thanks again for this trip hyung. I owe you big time! Alright…. Bye.” He said hanging up the phone.

After he said bye, I hurried myself to the bathroom and closed the door before he could see me.

End of POV

Jae’s POV

I walk back to the table to see that ______ is the only one there.

“wheres tiffany?” I asked.
“She went to the bathroom” _____ answered.
“ohh damn… I thought you got rid of her because I have good news to tell you baby…” I smiled.
“Oh?... what is it?” she asked.
“I asked hyung if junsu and micky could come and he agreed.”
“Oh awesome! The more people the better!” she said hugging me.
“whats awesome?” I heard a voice from around the corner say.
“Nothing….” I told her.
“are you sure? ______ sounded pretty excited just now.” Tiffany said.
“its nothing”_____ said staring at her.

End of POV

“well… thanks for that little breakfast… I have to get going now. Manager called.” Tiffany said walking to the front door.
“See ya!” I replied happy to see her leave.

As she closed the door, I felt relieved again that her presences wasn’t near me. Also, she didn’t say anything about a baby.

“honey…” jae said looking at me.
“im gonna go call junsu and micky right now for a heads up.”
“ok…” I said nodding my head smiling. “since no one is eating… I guess ill clean up…”

I cleaned up the table and the kitchen while jaejoong was still on the phone. After I was done, I sat down on the couch and the tv.

“alright! Music performances!” I thought to myself.

I turned up the volume forgetting that jaejoong was on the phone. Jaejoong came out with a smile on his face and sat down next to me.

“im so excited baby!” he said leaning on me. “its our first vacation together! We’ll have so much fun! Arent you excited?” he asked with his chin on my shoulder.
“how can I be excited if I don’t know where were going?” I complained.
“your right… never mind… you can tell me how excited you are when the time comes.”
“mmmm~~” I said.
“what are we doing today?” he asked.
“I don’t know… anything you want to do?” I asked then my phone went off.

I grabbed it off the coffee table and answered it.

“hello?....yes? sir… again?... will do sir. Ill be there in a few minutes. Alrighty… goodbye.”
“let me guess…. President yang?”
“yep…” I said nodding my head.
“hes been calling you every weekend now. I hope your getting paid over time” he laughed.
“well im on call 24/7. Plus hes the big boss man, I gotta do whatever he says or else he’ll fire me.” I giggled back.
“your right… well I guess he gave us something to do huh?”
“what do you mean?” I asked.
“Well since your going to work… I might as well go with you because I have to talk to teddy hyung anyway.”
“OK then… im gonna go change then we can go.” I said getting up.
“ok… ill wait for you right here.

I walked to the closet and changed out of my weekend clothes into something more presentable and Teddy approvable. Once I changed, I walked into the living room and to the kitchen to get my keys and bag while jae got up and followed me.

“want me to drive?” he asked.
“sure.” I replied.

When we got our stuff, we walked out the door and went off to the YG building. When we arrived at my work place, I got out the car and so did jae after turning off the engine. He locked the door and walked over to me and held my hand as we entered the building. We got into the elevator and I walked jae to the studio that teddy is always in. We entered the room and I saw danny with teddy.

“Hi OPPA! Hi danny!” I said waving to them. “im here to drop off my date so please don’t harm him in anyway… if I find out something has happened to him, I wont forgive you guys easily. Ok?” I told them.

They laughed and continued what they were doing.

“ok babe… im gonna be two levels up from you ok… ill be back as soon as I can.” I said kissing him.
“don’t worry baby, ill be ok. Im just here to talk to teddy hyung and danny hyung.”
“Ok…im leaving now. Be good!” I told him as if he was a little kid.

He smiled and waved as the door closed.

Teddy POV

“AY! Sit down make yourself comfortable. We got a lot of things to talk about before my baby sis gets back.” I yelled over to jae.

He sat down on the couch while I pulled up a chair for myself in front of him as danny is sitting in the chair I was in before.

“So, heres the deal… in two weeks we are going to be going to bora bora for a week.” I said handing him the tickets.
“oh wow… you already booked the flight…wow hyung your really amazing…”
“yea… tell me something I don’t know…” I chuckled. “I want you to show my baby sis the time of her life. Create an unforgettable memory with her. Something that she can cherish for the rest of her life. Can you do that?”
“aren’t you being a little corny teddy?” danny asked smiling.
“ay… shut up… this is for my baby sis ok…don’t you care about her?”
“Of course man… shes like my sister.”
“Ok then… me being corny at this point is for my baby sis.” I said focusing on jae again. “will you be able to give her that unforgettable memory?”
“of course I can. Trust me on it” jae replied.
“alright… then were set. In two weeks… its off the paradise.” I said leaning back on the chair.
“wouldn’t she need time off from work though to go?”
“Don’t worry about it… before I told you about the vacation thing, I went to ask the president first. He knows everything there is to know.”

End of POV

“ahjusshi! Whats wrong with the computers again?”
“I don’t know… all I wanted to do was update the software and it just changed the setting on me.”
“did you read the instructions before clicking something?” I asked.

I scoffed and shook my head. I worked on the computer for a few minutes before getting it back to original setting then updating the software. Once I was done, my phone rang. I picked it up.

“hello?...yes sir, im here…yes I helped the ahjusshi with the computer. Its perfectly fine now… no problem… that’s all?... are you sure?...ok then…good bye.”

I walked back to the studio and walked in. I saw that jae was actually having a good time with my brother and danny. I didn’t want to ruin their moment so I just walked in without saying a word.

“oh! About time!” jae cried when he noticed me.
“yea…it wasn’t as bad though… the computer today. Whats in your hand?” I asked.
“the plane tickets….why?”
“how did you get them so fast?”
“teddy hyung got them for us.”
“ohhh awesome. Let me see…”
“gladly…” jae said handing me the tickets.

When I looked at the ticket I felt happy that we were going on vacation then something caught my eye.

“whats wrong?” jae asked.
“the ticket says… bora bora…”
“yea… and?”
“bora bora….” I whispered.


i know this isnt a chapter that your expecting it will be the next on im promise!
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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)