
Complicated Love


“_____? Jae?.... why is she talking about a baby?...” teddy asked staring at me angrily.
“” I thought while looking at jae.
“yea, they told me she was pregnant two weeks like before we came on this vacation.” Tiffany said trying to get me in trouble.
“whoa…I didn’t know that you were that kind of person…”GD said aloud.
“im not!” I said pissed off because I knew exactly what tiffany was doing.
“this is my fault….can we get a few minutes by ourselves, please guys?” jaejoong asked.

Big bang, junsu, micky and danny walked away going back to their bungalows while leaving me, jaejoong, tiffany and teddy on the beach waiting for an explanation. I took a deep breath and let it out heavily before talking.

“ok…what happened was-“
“____’s not really pregnant” jaejoong quickly said.
“...mmm…hmmm….so then why is tiffany saying that she is?” teddy questioned.
“doesn’t matter, point is that im not really pregnant ok?!” I said walking away.
“where are you going?!” teddy asked.
“I don’t know, around… I cant be around this anymore. Im getting a headache from all this. This vacation is turning out exactly how I thought it would be” I said disappearing into the darkness.

Jaejoong and teddy followed me back to our room leaving tiffany standing there by herself before going back to her room. I walked into our bungalow and sat down roughly on the couch while rubbing the temples of my head. Few seconds after, jaejoong and teddy came in.

“you okay babe?” jaejoong asked while sitting down next to me.
“yea im fine, just a little…frustrated.” I sighed.

Teddy sat down on the couch and looked at us.

“baby sis… in all seriousness…your not really pregnant right?...”
“of course not! Didn’t you hear me before?! Are you starting to trust tiffany more than your little sister oppa?! Is that it? You don’t trust me when I tell you things anymore?!”
“ok ok…calm down, I believe you… I was just a lil shocked at first ok?...its just that your my little sister and its big news finding out something like this.”
“…im sorry…its just been so frustrating with tiffany around and I don’t know if I can handle it anymore.”
“im sorry too hyung…im sorry you had to find out like this… even though its not true.” Jaejoong added.
“its alright.” Teddy said. “I don’t want you to have babies before getting married that’s all. It scares me you know…” he lightly laughed. “plus your too young to have babies right now… I mean I know jaejoong isn’t too  young but baby sis, your only 23. Wait a few more years huh?”
“oppa… you know I would NEVER have babies at this age. I still got work and stuff to do. I cant go to work then come home and take care of babies.”
“yea… at least you know” teddy said. “alright… since that’s over, im gonna go back to my room. So damn sleepy… take care of my sister aight jae?... good night.”
“night oppa…”
“good night hyung…”

Teddy locked the door and left for his room with danny oppa. I stayed on the couch with my hand on the temples of my face and I could feel jaejoong looking at me.

“stop staring at me jae…”
“im sorry babe…”
“wae? What for?”
“ I bought you here for a nice stress-free vacation and now you have a headache because of me.”
“its fine honey…” I said moving closer to him so I can hug him. “tiffany and her big mouth…” I said resting my head on his chest.
“lets go take a shower hmmm?...” he chuckled.
“mmmmm~” I whined. “too lazy, I wanna sleep.” I said with my eyes closed.
“but babe…you stink” he joked.
“if I stink then ill sleep on the couch and you go take a shower then sleep by yourself.” I said wiggling away.
“ok ok… we can take a shower later.” He said resting his head on mine.

Fifteen minutes or so have passed and we heard a knock on the door.

“jae… door” I said lazily.
“mmmk….” He said opening his eyes then getting up.

I heard his footsteps walking to the door then opening it.

“jae jae! Can I stay here? im scared by myself…”

My eyes opened quickly and I shot up from the couch. I watched her as she walked wearing a lacey tank top and booty shorts pajama bottoms.

“you have GOT to be kidding me?!” I thought pissed off.

I stared at her as she was standing in front of me and jaejoong.

“can I stay here tonight? Its my first time by myself in a room with no people. And on top of that were far away from home.”

I was so speechless at that moment because I was still mad about what happened earlier and she still has the nerves to come here and ask us to stay here for the night.

“…whatever” I sighed walking away to the bedroom. “jaejoong…your decision” I said without looking back. I walked to the bathroom and cleaned my left hand of blood and gently wrapped it. Thank goodness for the first aid kit they have in the bathroom.

Jaejoongs pov

I watched _____ as she walked into the bedroom then looked back at tiffany.

“so?....” she asked.
“so what?”
“so are you gonna let me stay here?... please? Its really scary and quiet in my room.”
“ugh… do whatever you want.” I said before following _____ into the bedroom then closing the door.

I looked around the bedroom but I couldn’t see _____ so  I checked the bathroom and I heard the water running, so I walked in.

“thought you didn’t want to take a shower?” I said standing by the shower.
“I didn’t… but when she came, I suddenly felt dirty and just had to take one.”
“room for one more?” I asked grinning.
“….uh… depends? Is she still here?”
“I think so…I don’t care what she does. She will never rip me from you.”
“I don’t care either right now… I just wanna relax…”
“so… I can join you?”
“mmm… I guess” she said.

Right when ______ agreed, I took off my clothes and got in the shower with her.

End of POV

Tiffanys POV

“everyone is always leaving me by myself…but good news is that I can stay here.” I thought.

I sat down on the couch wondering what they are doing in the bedroom. I got curious and walked over to the door. I leaned my ear close but I didn’t really hear anything but water running.

“must be taking a shower…” I thought.

I then heard the water stop and I ran back to the couch and sat down. But they didn’t come out of the room like I thought they would so I waited there for the perfect moment.

End of pov

After our shower, I changed out of my clothes and into something more comfortable. I walked over to the bed and fell on top of it.

“aaaaah….feels good to lay down after a long day”
“let me try…”jaejoong said then fell on the bed himself. “your right… it does feel good.” He smiled.

Before we were getting ready to sleep, another knock came from the door.

“god damn it… cant we ever get to sleep without being bothered?” I whispered to jae.
“ill get it” he said.

He opened the door and of course… it was tiffany.

“what?” I heard jae ask.
“I feel really embarrassed to ask you this but uh… can I sleep with you guys?”
“hahahaaha….your kidding right?” I said from the bed.
“please… im not use to sleeping alone. Im always with my members.”
“pleeeeeease??????” she begged.

I got annoyed of her begging so I eventually agreed. She walked in and made herself comfortable…in the spot behind me on the bed.

“what the hell are you doing?! If you want to sleep in here you better sleep on the floor!” I yelled.
“but the floor isn’t comfortable”

I looked at jae and shook my head. I wasn’t about to give up the bed for her so I stayed right where I was. Jaejoong walked back to the bed, turned off the light and laid down beside me while I cuddled with him in his arms. While sleeping in his arms, an idea just shot itself into my mind.

“oooooppaaaaaa” I whined slowly.
“hmm?” he answered gently.
“I cant sleep….”
“wae? You said you were tired not too long ago. What happened?”
“I don’t know… I suddenly feel…aroused…”
“oh?...does that mean….?”

I think he caught on to what I was doing. Such a smart boyfriend he is. (LOL)

“yes baby…”
“come here then” he said pulling me up to his lips.

At first, our kisses were quiet and softly. But then eventually, they started getting louder and…messy.

“alright alright! I cant take it anymore!!” tiffany screamed as jae the lights and we looked at her. “ill go sleep in the living room couch!” she stormed out of the room and left us laughing on the bed.

“good riddance” I said sticking out my tongue. “she’ll be back…” I said softly.
“yea…” jae agreed. “but lets continue what we were doing, it was fun”
“no” I said turning away. “im tired… im going to sleep”
“but baaaabe, now im feeling aroused…”
“sorry… cant help you” I said covering myself with my back turned to him.
“mmm…”he whine sleeping on my back.
“go to sleep jae” I giggled.

I closed my eyes and sleep came quick because of what happened today. I hope theres no more drama in the next few days were here. 


Shout out to kehlin! <3 thank you so much for subscribing and leaving comments and you know i looove comments lol i appreciate you staying with me and this story i hope your enjoying it and will also continue to read many many many jaejoong fanfics in the future from me lol THANK YOU! <3 <3 <3


btw sorry for any mistakes and it being sorta rushed. hehehe 

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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)