The life i should be living

Complicated Love


While sitting in the plane waiting for take off, i took one last look at seoul  from the window of the plane and sighed.

“this is it…” I sighed leaning back on my chair. “home…” I whispered and closed my eyes.


“Hello everyone this is your captain  and thank for flying with us today. It’ll be a few moments before take off so please buckle yourselves in and get comfortable. The flight is approximately 12 hours depending on the condition today. Have a great trip and thank you for flying with Korean air!”

I chuckled a little when I heard 12 hours. I was so tired from everything, I fell asleep without even knowing. When I woke up, I heard the announcement that we were five minutes til landing. I was relieved to hear that because I was so sick of flying place to place. When we landed, I waiting for majority of the people to get off the plane before I did because I was still lazy after sleeping. When I got off, I went to the luggage area and found my stuff before hailing a cab. I got in and told him the address of the place that I had to go before going to the place president yang let me use. After 2 hours in the heavy non stopping traffic, we reached her house. I got out with my luggage and paid the man before he drove off.  I grabbed my stuff and headed up the driveway to her front door.


I knocked on the door and rang the bell and waited for her to open the door. I was kinda nervous to see her again because its been so long. I knew her way back when I use to play outside with my brother and parents when I was little. She just moved to the neighborhood and she introduced herself to me when I accidently kicked the ball into their yard. That’s how I met her and we’ve been friends ever since. Shes 10 months older than me but we got along great.

“alright alright alright! Im coming!” she shouted as she opened the door.

As she opened the door, I pouted and was sniffing like crazy because I didn’t realize that I had been crying.

“chaerin-ah! (no, im not talking about CL from 2ne1. I just like the name lol) ” I pouted and cried like a little kid. “jaejoong doesn’t love me anymore!” I said loudly dropping my bag before hugging her.
“uuh??” she said roughly. “yah…come inside” she said letting me go and grabbing for my bag.

She closed the door and followed me to the living room. She set my bag aside and came to sit next to the couch I was laying on.

“ what happened? What are you doing here?” she asked.
“I don’t wanna explain, it just brings back bad memories…” I told her.
“you gotta tell me sooner or later.”
“fine… I caught jaejoong cheating on me and now im here. I don’t ever want to see his face ever again. I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!”
“…” I heard her say softly. “so what did you do after you caught? Did you at least beat him up?”
“no, I wish though. That would have helped with my anger.”
“that don’t sound like you” she said.
“…I changed that’s why… and I came here back to you my friend…so I can just chill and hang out with you.” I smiled.
“I cant hang out with you ALL day, I got work too you know.”
“as rich as you are, you got work?? Say whuuut!” I said jokingly.
“correction, my parents are the ones that are rich, I work because theres nothing else to do.”
“so…where do you work?”
“remember that old geeky place that we use to make fun of…”
“the one over there by our university school?”
“yea that one, that’s where I work”
“ohh yeaaa that’s right! You took computer classes with me! I totally forgot!” I said almost shouting.
“yeeeep, turns out they pay a lot for nerds who knows what they’re doing. But speaking of jobs, are you gonna be living here again?”
“yea…”I said sadly.
“have you found a job yet?” chaerin asked.
“…actually that job found me…”
“what the hell does that mean?”
“my boss in korea gave me a job here at his new club?... have you heard of it? Its called NB2. I heard its in koreatown LA.”
“ohhh! The hot new club!” she said.
“so you have heard of it… Have you been there? I gotta go in and tell them when I wanna start.”
“what are you gonna be doing there?” she questioned.

*flash back*

“well… I cant keep you here so I guess i have to let you go.”
“thank you” I said bowing to him.
“does teddy know?”
“I think its best that he doesn’t…so I would appreciate it if this was kept between me and you…”
“…okay…you have my word.”
“thank you again” I said bowing.

As I was heading out towards the door, he stopped me.

“where do you plan on working when you get there? Where are you gonna stay? You love music too don’t you?” he asked.

*End of flash back*

“ he made me the main dj for the entire club. Makes mad money compared to the other dj’s because im the main one for the night til morning.”
“sooo, does that mean free entry?” she said with a big smile on her face.
“I guess…”
“plus…VIP treatment because you know the owner?”

She smiled and came to sit next to me.

“lets go there now!” she said holding on the my arm.
“now?! But I just got here, I wanna rest too you know. Plus I gotta go check out this place my boss gave me the keys too” I said holding up the keys.
“damn, he just hooking you up with everything huh?!”
“yea” I said nodding my head. “now I feel bad for quitting my job there” I thought.
“but you know you can stay here? I mean… its just me in the big house… until my parents come back.”
“oh! I was gonna asked you about that. Where are your parents?”
“…vacation” she snorted.”
“great…vacation…” I thought. “I know I can stay here, but I had my stuff sent to that address already”
“hmmm… well…lets go check out the place and head over to the club?! Come on pleeeease pleeease! Its not everyday I get to go inside the club for free… pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!” she begged.
“alright alright! Fine! If you want to but you owe me…for everytime I get you in” I said holding out my pinky.
“you got it!” she said hooking her pinky up with mine.

With the clothes, I had bought in my luggage, I went to go glam myself along with chaerin. Within an hour, we got ourselves ready. We looked great even though our clothes were normal. Chaerin wasn’t the type to wear dresses to clubs. We liked to wear jeans, jackets or hoodies and hats more than wearing ty clothes to the club. After we were done, we hoped in her car and took off to the place, that president is letting me use for however long I wanted to stay there.


We followed the navigation system all the way to the house and got a big surprise.

“………this……is…… the place….hes…letting you….use?!......” chaerin asked with open.
“I…guess…so” I said with my mouth open as well.


We got out of the car and walked up slowly staring at the place before actually reaching the door.

“from a man as rich as president yang… im not surprised he has a house like this” I thought in shock.

We got to the front door and I pulled out the keys. Once I got it to unlock, I open the door and swung it open while we stared inside. Again, we walked in slowly with our mouths open while I closed the door behind me.

“________? wouldn’t be a friend if you didn’t ask me to stay here with you tonight.” Chaerin said causing me to laugh.
“then I guess im not a friend huh?” I told her.
“doesn’t matter what you say, im coming here to stay with you!”

I walked up stairs while she walked towards the back of the house. We met up again in the backyard. I was on the balcony while she was standing under me staring at the pool.

“this view is great!” I shouted down to her.
“look at this pool! This house is insane! And your gonna be living here?!...for free!?!”
“I guess so” I laughed.
“oh my god…im so staying here with you. This is my vacation right here!” she shouted up to me.
“fine with me! still wanna go down to the club?”
“hell yeah! Lets go!”
“alright! Meet you by the front door!”
“okay!” she shouted back.

At the front door, we took one last look inside before leaving.

“ill be back for you okay?” chaerin said to the house.
“your so stupid… lets go.”
“my friend! You don’t understand! like this don’t happen every day to me!”
“yeah…yeah…” I said pulling her out of the house.

We got in the car and drove off to the club. It took us an hour to get there because of traffic. When we got there, I remember president yang told me to find a middle age man who will be standing next to the bouncer. Come to find out…that middle age man was his younger brother.

“excuse me?” I said getting his attention. “im _____ park and president yang told me to come and find you.”
“ah!... _______ park! Im glad you’re here! My brother told me about you!” he said smiling and shaking my hand. Please lets go inside the office. Its quite loud and busy out here.”

I bowed my head and followed him into the hidden club office holding chaerin. We got to the room and he told us to sit down.

“My brother told me everything so we can skip the introductions and why you’re here.” He said smiling.
“yes… thank you” I smiled back.
“so when do you wanna start?” he asked.
“…I don’t know… I just got here and I kinda wanted to take a break…for a little before working.”
“that’s fine…how about Thursday?”
“yah! ______! Why don’t you start work early?... so you wouldn’t have to think about you-know-who!” she whispered.

I thought about what she said and shes right. I wanted to take a break from work for a little before working again but i get the feeling that im gonna be thinking about what happened.

“….umm….how about tonight?...”
“tonight?? That’s great! Now we don’t have to look for a main dj for the night.” He said.

We all stood on our feet and I gave him a hand shake before heading out to the booth. When we got there, manager yang was explaining that the dj that was there right now was someone who they were testing out for the job as side dj’s when the main dj cant be there. As the music was playing, manager yang got the guys attention and told him dealio with me and who I was. They both approached us and he introduced me to him.

“______?...this is Daniel…or tablo.”
“ohh…nice to meet you” I smiled shaking his hand.
“whats up?” he said.
“oh and this is my friend chaerin.”

They shook hands also while the manager walked away back to his office as we were trying to get to know each other better since we will be working together. When the song ended, tablo took the mic and started speaking into it.

“alright alright! Everyone! the night is young and the beat aint stopping! Tonight, I got a big surprise for ya’ll! In the house, we got ______ park! Teddy parks little sister! If you don’t know who teddy park is he produces music for se7en big bang 2ne1 and such!”

Each time he mentioned an artists name everyone cheered and hollered while holding their drinks in the air.

“so as your main dj for NB2 and the rest of the evening! Give it up for _____ park!” he finished.

He stepped out of the way and pointed to the turn table that was next to him. I walked up and everyone in the club saw me. I worked the turn table like theres no tomorrow as chaerin and tablo watched me. After I showed my skills, I played a song that everyone could dance too while I went to talk to my friends.

“wow! You really are teddys sister aren’t you?” he smiled.

I nodded my head then looking at chaerin who seems happy the entire time.

“hey! So I gotta go! I have somewhere I gotta be. The night is yours!” he said running out.
“weird…”chaerin said. “like he said… the rest of the night is yours! Go rock the house” chaerin said pushing me.
“alright!” I smiled.

Our night went on and on until the club closed which is at 4 in the morning. I was tired so thank god chaerin was driving. We got to the house and dragged out feet inside the house and into guest bedrooms. We didn’t care about taking showers or taking off our clothes. We just fell asleep with our clothes on. 


sorry for errors! lol 
this is what i can come up for right now cause im so tired and hungry.
lol but anyway... see ya in the next chapter! which is...i dont know when. hahaha

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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)