The Night Goes On

Complicated Love


Jaejoongs pov

“what are you trying to do?!”
“what do you mean?”
“I mean why are you always around us?! Leave us alone! We came on this trip for the two of us!”
“if its only for the two of you then, why are there other people here too?”
“yes, that’s true but they aren’t around us all the time like you are. What do you want? Why wont you leave us by ourselves?”
“isn’t it obvious?.... I want you back jae jae… I cant stand her being around you. Why wont you take me back? You met her a few months ago, you cant possibly fallen deep in love with her already?...”
“ha…funny thing is…. I have fallen for her. DEEPLY in love with her… I don’t care if I just met her a few weeks or days ago… i’ll love her the same.”
“No! you cant love her. What about me? Us?” she asked.
“…there is no more us tiffany. There was no more us when you started seeing that other guy…”

I started walking away but she grabbed me and hugged me tight.

“jae im sorry! When I was still with you… I didn’t know how good I had it until you left. That other guy… when we started dating, he was so over protective and controlling I couldn’t take it anymore. When I broke up with him… you were gone. You didn’t pick up my phone calls, you never answered my text messages and you were never home when I went to go see you.”
“that’s right… and im glad I didn’t.” I said removing her arms from around me. “If you hadn’t dumped me and I didn’t go out to breakfast by myself that one day, I never would have met her. But im glad I did. I don’t regret not picking up your phone calls, or answering your messages. You did this to yourself. I don’t need you anymore tiffany. Leave us alone.” I said walking away.
“jae!” I heard her cry behind me.

End of POV

Tiffanys POV

“jae!” I cried.

But he didn’t bother to look back.

“its because of her that me and jae cant get back together! Ill show him! Ill show him that deep down inside he still loves me and not _______!” I thought angrily.

End of POV

I laughed with my brothers, big bang, junsu and micky when I saw jae walking back towards us. When he walked out from behind the trees, I saw his face was angry, but when he looked at me, he smiled.

“hey baby…” he whispered as he sat next to me.
“hey… whats wrong?...where tiffany?”

He didn’t answer. Just looked at me, smiled and shook his head lightly. I let it go because it seemed like he had a lot going on in his mind.

“yah! Im bored!” GD suddenly shouted. “lets have  a dance battle!”
“what?!” we all shouted at the same time.
“out of the things you want to do here, you want to have a dance battle?” taeyang questioned him.
“yea! Why not?! Its always been a dream of mine to have a dance battle on the beach.” GD said proudly.
“im down” danny smiled.
“me too.” Teddy said.
“oppa! You don’t even know how to dance and you wanna have a dance battle against GD?!” I said loudly.
“yea why not? You’ll never know. I might win.” He joked.
“alriiight….” I told him smiling.
“we need judges…who wants to be judges?” daesung asked.
“o0o0o! o0o0o! I wanna be a judge! I mean we’ll be judges!” I said while raising jaejoongs arms with mines.
“yaaaah…if I wanted to dance” jaejoong pouted.
“fine then…go dance. i’ll be a judge with someone else then.”
“oh oh! Araseo araseo!” he answered quickly hugging me because his jealousy kicked in.
 “ok so judges are ______, jaejoong, micky and me” Top oppa announced.
“yes!” the judges answered.
“alright, lets get it poppin!” taeyang said jumping up.
“ok first up is GD vs Teddy!” micky started.
“why do I have to go against GD first? I wanted to go against Danny because I definitely know that he cant dance for shizz” teddy said jokingly.
“hey!” danny shouted.
“fine you big baby! GD vs Daesungie Oppa” I said pointing to them.

GD pulled out his phone and played a song. They battled it out for 30 seconds while we judged them on creativity and cool dance moves. Thirty seconds was up and it was time for the results.

“I vote for…daesung” micky said.
“I vote for…GD” jaejoong answered.
“me? uh… I vote for…. Daesungie oppa” I laughed.
“oh! baby girl! How you gone do that to me?!” GD shouted.
“im sorry! I liked… daesungie oppa’s style of dancing better. It was funny!”
“yea, I vote for daesung too!” top said.
“WHAT!? This cant be happening!” GD cried falling on his knees covering his face.
“yes! I WON!” daesung cried and ran around on the beach.

We laughed at daesung whose running around the beach and at GD whose ashamed of his loss.

“ok! Next up! Taeyang vs Seungri!” Micky shouted.

For 30 seconds, they danced to the song then stopped.

“Seungri” micky said.
“Taeyang” jaejoong said pointing.
“me too. Taeyang oppa!”
“youngbae” top said.
“oooh! Yaaah! That’s not fair! I don’t think the judges like me!” seungri complained.
“yah! Just accept your lost and come sit next to me” gd said sadly.
“NEXT!” I yelled laughing because of GD.
“ok next is… danny, teddy and junsu right?” jaejoong said.

The three of them took turns dancing  until their time was up. After they were finished, it was time to determine who won.

“teddy!” micky laughed
“micky oppa! Don’t vote for him to make him feel good! Vote for someone who you think really won the battle!” I shouted smiling.
“he was really good though!” micky answered me.
“I vote for teddy too!” jaejoong shouted.
“Yah!...then I voted for Junsu oppa!”
“I thought danny hyung was pretty good” top laughed.
“you really thought that was good?” teddy asked Top.
“yea” he replied smiling.
“ok, so our three winners daesung, taeyang, and teddy! Stand in front of us and duke it out for 1 minute then we shall for vote our winner.

The minute passed and it was time to reveal the winner.

“teddy” micky said.
“teddy” jaejoong said.
“I vote for taeyang oppa!”
“…..daesung-ah” top said.
“oh shoot! I won!” teddy screamed.
“what the heck?! He actually won!” I said in amazement.
“ I told you baby sis!”
“I think this voting was rigged!” I yelled.
“how was it rigged?” teddy questioned.
“because you intimidated them to vote for you!”
“I did no such thing!” teddy said acting surprised. “don’t matter! I won!”
“won what?” a voice came from behind.
“the dance battle…” seungri answered.

That voice belonged to tiffany.

“oh really? Sounds fun! Can I join?”
“sorry! Its over.” Teddy answered.
“awww… cant we start again?” she asked.
“o0o0o! how about we make it a girl dance battle?!” Gd said shooting up from his seat.
“girl dance battle?” I said confused. “ I don’t wanna battle her.”
“what is that suppose to mean?” tiffany said defensively.
“it means whatever you want it to mean.” I sternly answered her.
“woah woah woah! Take your anger out in a battle!” GD shouted.
“fine!” I said finally agreeing.
“ok… then the judges will be all the guys.” GD explained.

GD played a different song from his phone and she started. Without being ashamed of what she was doing, Tiffany was dancing ily in front of jaejoong then the rest of the guys. It made me want to her punch her. How could she dance like this in front of my family? When her minute was up, she walked and stood on the opposite side of me and stared.

“think you can do better?” she asked.
“A LOT better!” I answered. “GD, play the song”
GD restarted the song and I started to move along with the song with no complication. Like a true hip hopster, I danced and threw in a y move in there every now and then. The last 10 seconds a threw in a move that I learned two weeks ago at work. All the guys murmured to each other then looked at me as I finished.

“waaah! ______! Where did that last move come from?!” taeyang asked shocked.
“oh, you mean this?” I said showing them again.
“yea!” taeyang said.
“I learned it from jae wook oppa two weeks ago.” (for those who don’t know, jae wook is YG’s choreographer lol)
“I should have known… I knew it seemed familiar.” Taeyang said smiling.
“alright! Voting time.” Teddy said immediately. “without a doubt, I vote for my baby sis”
“me too! My dongseng-ah all the way!” danny said.
“______!” junsu and micky shouted.
“______!” Top and taeyang said.
“I vote _____ too!” daesung said.
“sorry tiffany but I gotta vote for my baby girl.” GD said.
“my girlfriend…I vote for my girlfriend…”jaejoong said.
“tiffany-sshi!” seungri yelled.

We all looked at seungri angrily but we let it slide because we knew he liked to impress girls.

“guess I won” I said walking pass her to get to jaejoong.

As I passed her, she tripped me and acted like she did nothing wrong. I fell to the ground and something pierced my hand.

“aaaah! Ow….” I said softly.

Jaejoong ran over to me and bent down to look at me.

“babe! Are you ok?!”
“aaahh….” I cried softly in pain. “my hand….” I said lifting it up for him to see.

My left hand had a huge cut from a broken glass that was buried in the sand.

“oh !” I heard my brothers yell while running towards me.

Everyone gathered around me then tiffany bent down also and looked at me.

“oh my gosh! Are you ok?! I didn’t mean to trip you.” She said acting like she cared. “I hope I didn’t hurt your baby too…”
“baby?....” teddy said then everyone else.
“oh! she didn’t tell you? She’s pregnant with jaejoongs baby”
“what?!” teddy shouted.

Jae and I looked at each other worriedly while receiving stares from everyone around us.


hehehe took a while for this update but i hope you like it :D
sorry for any mistakes haha 
please comment you know i like reading them comments lol 
thank you! <3

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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)