More than a surprise

Complicated Love


A few days have passed and the vacation wasn’t what I expected at all. It is supposed to be the vacation of our dreams but it turned out to be a nightmare. For the last few days, tiffany has been following us around and interrupting everything we were doing together. Today is the second to last day that we are here and I really wanted to enjoy myself but sadly I didn’t really enjoy myself at all. Its morning and wake up to the smell of the ocean because jaejoong was already awake and he had open the door. I turned around and saw him sitting in the patio with breakfast. I didn’t bother to get up at all. He looked up and my eyes so he came inside.

“morning honey…” he said calmly walking towards me.
“morning…what are you doing up so early?” I asked.
“its already 10:30am”
“oh…well…that’s early for me.”
“get up, we have lots to do today.” He said smiling while running his fingers through my hair.
“oh?... like what?...”
“mmm… shopping…spa’s…go eat…swimming in the ooocean. Doesn’t that sound tempting?”
“not really?...”
“oh! and I was reading right now that they have a waterfall here for couples. I know you like stuff like that babe. Wanna go?”
“waterfall?...hmmm, ok… but right now, I just wanna sleep.”
“honey~ it’s the second to last day before we leave and I wanna do this all today so can you please get up?”
“mmmmm!” I whined. “the only way ill get up is if you sleep with me for a few more minutes” I said closing my eyes.
“noooo babe… pleeeeeease get up.” He begged.

I gasped at the answer he gave me because before he never usually denies sleeping with me.

“kim…jae…joong…did you just…deny me?” I said slowly.
“im not denying, I just want you to get up.”
“I said if you want me to get up just sleep with me for a few more minutes.”
“….fine…if you don’t want to get up, maybe tiffany would have to go with me.” he said standing up.
“maybe she will” I said sounding jealous. “then maybe…youngbae oppa would go swimming with me later…lord knows that man has a body…o0o0o0! I wouldn’t mind looking at it!... OR! Danny oppa could go.. or maybe both of them could go!” I said turning my back towards him.



(had to throw this in there… don’t his body with your eyes now lol)

It was quiet for a few seconds, then I felt something on my back. Then I felt an arm rest on my waist.

“haha… er….” I thought laughing.

Eventually we got up and did the things that jae wanted to take me too. We stopped to do one last shopping before heading back to our room then going to dinner.

“hey honey…theres something I forgot to tell you…”
“what?” I asked.
“theres a surprise waiting for you at the end of the night after dinner.”
“a surprise? What kind?”
“you’ll have to wait and see k? no more questions.” He smiled.
“but I wanna knooow. You know I hate waiting.”
“I know but just hang in there huh?”
“fine…it doesn’t have anything to do with a bed does it?”
“for the surprise. It doesn’t have anything to do with a bed right?”
“of course not… unless thats how you want to end the night” he said repeated raising his eye brows at me.”
“ohhhh okay just wondering…” I smiled.

After we were done with our shopping, we headed back to our room to freshen up for dinner with the rest of the guys. In our room, I couldn’t decide what to wear when I saw the bag with the clothes I bought jae along time ago.

“maybe its about time I give this to him…” I thought. “baaaabe! Come here!”
“what?” I hear him shout from the bedroom.
“come here!” I shouted back.
“yes your highness?” he said messing around with me.
“here” I said handing him the bag. “ I bought this for you a long time ago but I didn’t know when to give it to you.”

He opened the bag and looked inside.

“wah…”he grinned. “this is perfect for tonight” I heard him say softly.
“what do you mean by that?”
“nothing…ill wear this for a special day. Thanks honey” he said as he pecked my lips.

 Around 9:00pm, we headed out for dinner at the Le Panda D’Or. During that time, jaejoong left in the middle of dinner and didn’t say a word to me. He just got up and left. I looked at Teddy and he just shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me. Then a few minutes after jaejoong left, I look down the table towards everyone and I see that tiffany is getting up.

“Excuse me everyone, I need to use the restroom.” She said leaving the table.
“weird…” I thought while eating my dinner. 

Dinner was over about at about 2 hours later. A waiter approached me and handed me a piece of paper.

“thank you” I said smiling at her as then walked away.

I opened the piece of paper and read it.

Hey baby, this is the second to last day that
we are here and I wanted to do something
for you to remember this vacation.
Find the waterfall and you will find me
don’t be laaaate
- Love Jae

I read the paper and looked up. Everyone was still talking and having a good time. I didn’t know whether I should tell them or if I should just get up and leave. I thought back and forth and just ended up telling my brother.

“oppa…jaejoong is waiting for me at the waterfall, im gonna go now. He told me not to be late.” I whispered.
“mmm, okay” he smiled.

I got up and left the table waving to everyone and just telling them that I was going somewhere.

Teddy’s POV

“hey bro…where’s _____ going?” danny asked.
“to her surprise my friend” I smiled while watching my sister walk away.
“a surprise?...”
“yep… since this vacation has been hell because of you know who…jaejoong is making it up to her by asking her to marry him.”
“whoa!” danny said shocked.
“and… your okay with that?”
“yea, why not? Shes gonna have to get married sooner or later right?” i said. “if a guy is man enough to ask me to marry my little sister, then im all for it.” I added.

End of POV

Jaejoongs pov

Before heading out to the waterfall, I went back to the room and changed into the clothes that she had given me. After I was done changing I headed out to the water fall with a basket of rose petals. I reached the walkway that lead to the waterfall and I was walking towards the water fall, I dropped the rose petals, making a path. When I was done with that, I waited.

Photobucket“its 11:29…” I thought while looking at my watch.

I must admit even though I spend every day and night with _______, but its really nerve wrecking to ask her to marry me. Then I started to question myself.

“what if she doesn’t want to marry me? what if her brother changes his mind on me marrying her? What if she doesn’t love me anymore?” I thought questioning myself

“11:30pm…” I said softly.

Because of the sound of the waterfall, I didn’t hear footsteps but saw a pair of arms wrap around me. I closed my eyes and puckered my lips. Her soft warm lips touched mines and we kissed passionately. When I opened my eyes, my heart stopped. She smiled at me while I glared at her.

“hi” she said smiling at me.
“tiffany! What are you doing here?!” I yelled.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a figure running away into the softly light path.

“_____?...______!!!” I shouted trying to run after her but tiffany caught my arm.
“hey! Where are you going?!” she asked.
“how did you know I was here?!” I asked her frantically.
“…after you left, I sorta followed you here…”
“do you realized what you have done?!” I shouted. “you just made me lose the love of my life right now! Possibly forever!”
“great! So then we can get back together” she said grabbing on to me.
“let go of me!” I said tugging my arm out of her grasp but then she grabbed me again.
“where are you going?” she asked again.
“im…going after my fiancé” I told her with power.

She grabbed my arm again and I pulled it away from her and ran after _____.

End of POV

“oh crap…its almost 11:30 and im not even there yet.” I thought to myself trying to find my way to the waterfall.

I wondered around until I eventually found the waterfall sign. As I walked in, I saw rose petals on the floor. My face lit up like never before as I walked along the path. But soon after…my smile began to disappear as I got closer and closer to the two figures in front of me. I stopped in the dark before they could actually see me. I realized who it was and I turned back around and ran. As I ran, tears fell heavily down from my eyes and they could not be stopped. I ran back to the room and packed my stuff quickly before jaejoong got back and tried to explain himself. Honestly, I didn’t want to hear it. What I saw with my eyes was enough. As soon as I got done packing, I went to the checkout and they arranged my ride to the airport as soon as possible. But before, I couldn’t leave without saying anything, so I wrote on a piece of paper and left it on the bed.

Jaejoongs pov

I chased ____ as fast as I could because I lost a lot of time talking and being held back by tiffany. When I reached the room, I looked everywhere for ____. I checked the living room, the patio and the bathroom but she was nowhere to be found. I walked to the bedroom and fell on the bed.

“aaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!” I screamed into the pillow.

I then look to my right and found a piece of paper. I grabbed it and sat up. I quickly opened it and saw the words that I thought I would never see.

Good Bye…
-Love _____

yeeeeesss! i have finally updated! how do you like this chapter!?? lol
it might seem a bit rushed beause it is. I just wanted to speed up the process 
to get to like... the drama part of it i guess you can say. hahah

thanks for reading and goood niiiight! <3

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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)