Enjoying the Night

Complicated Love


After maybe about 2 hours of napping, I woke up to jaejoong’s sweet face next to mine. My eyes opened slightly and stared at him as he slept. I don’t know why but I ran my hand through his hair then down his jaw line. I turned around carefully to get off the bed being careful not to wake him and slowly got up. I walked out to patio outside the bedroom into a sunset and stood there for a second loving the breeze when I heard my brothers voice. 

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“baby sis!”
“______!” I heard big bang screaming.

I waved and smiled then walked to the stairs that was attached to the patio. Since the bungalows were so close together, they swam over racing each other.

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I stuck my legs in the water and started swinging it back and forward.

“First!” danny exclaimed.
“awww damn hyung… that aint fair!” jiyoung cried. “you were closer then any of us were.”
“yah yah… don’t be mad, ill be happy to race you again.” Danny laughed.
“your on!” he accepted. “come on youngbae, daesungie, seungri-ah, hyung. Lets beat him.”
“ohhh~ you guys go ahead, im tired.” TOP said.
“Me too” youngbae said after.
“yea… ima stay with my sister” teddy said.
“you guys !” jiyoung cried. “alright then, its just me, danny hyung, daesung, and seungri then.”

They line each other up and youngbae started the count down.


They raced to GD’s bungalow, which were two bungalows down. I watched in excitement along with the other people I was with.

“whoooooo!” I heard screaming coming from the end. “Now do you think that was fair jiyoung-ah?!” danny laughed.
“waaaah hyung, I think its because of your muscles.” GD said in disappointment because of his loss.
“hyung, its ok” daesung said comforting him. “you can have muscles too if you work out.” He laughed.
“Better luck next time hyung” seungri added.

They swam back slowly and came to hang with the rest of us. We laughed and joked around when something caught dannys attention.

“yah, how come your not swimming with us?”
“I don’t wanna get wrinkly plus im in a white dress thank you very much.” I answered jokingly.

They all groaned and started to flick water at me.

“hey! Im getting wet! Stop!” I said with my hands blocking my face. “oppa! Stop them! What kind of a brother are you?! If someone picks on your little sister your supposed to kick their butts!”
“I cant kick their butts if I know them” he smiled.

While they distracted me with them splashing water on me, Danny grabbed my ankles and pulled me in.

“aaaaah!” I screamed a loud high pitch cry before hitting the water.

Jaejoongs pov

While I was still sleeping, I heard a loud scream and it sounded like ______’s scream. So I quickly got up and ran in the direction of the scream.

“BABY! What happened!? Whats wrong?!” I yelled running outside.

I reached outside and stopped in my tracks to see that my girlfriend is holding onto danny hyung.

“yah! Oppa! Ahhh! I hate you! Im not that good of a swimmer you know! Take me back to the little dock!” she yelled.

I stood and watched as danny hyung carry her in his arms bringing her back to our dock. When she got close, I reached for her hand and wrapped my arm around her waist with the other and pulled her up.

“ill be back ok? Ima go get you a towel. You must be cold…”
“mmm ok….” She told me.

I ran inside and found towels laid out inside the bathroom. I grabbed one and went back outside quickly. She was squeezing the water from her dress as I got outside. I wrapped it around her and helped her to the bed and closed the behind us. I held her arms as we got to the bed and sat her down.

“im fine babe… im not hurt or anything” she giggled.
“mmm… I know but I just wanna make sure you don’t catch a cold or anything.”

She looked at me and smiled and I smiled back. Later that night, we met up with the rest of guys and tiffany for dinner at La Villa Mahana. Our dinner table was sorta hectic because there were so many people but I enjoyed it. Teddy sat at the end, danny and _____ next to him but opposite sides of course. I sat next to my girlfriend and next to me was…tiffany. It felt so uncomfortable to have her there with my girlfriend sitting next to me and her brother staring at me every few minutes. I can see that stare anywhere. It was the don’t-you-dare-cheat-on-my-sister stare. Big bang sat on the same side as danny and junsu and micky sat on our side. Junsu and micky hasn’t really officially met big bang but they were getting along with each other just fine. They were talking and eating together. It was great to see that my members are enjoying themselves.

“whats wrong baby? How come your not eating?” she asked me.
“oh… nothing, just enjoying the site of this table.”
“mmm” she smiled. “its awesome huh? Everyone here together and eating a meal together. I love it…”

I nodded and smiled at her then held her hand as I ate with the other.

“Hey! Junsu oppa! Micky oppa! Where were you guys this afternoon? I didn’t see you swimming with the rest of the guys.” _____ shouted down the table.
“oh…. We knocked out after getting here.” Micky said laughing.
“yea… that was a long flight. Plus the boat ride to here…. Exhausting!” junsu chuckled.
“I don’t blame you, me and jae took a nap after getting here.” She told them.
“ I took a nap also…” tiffany said shyly.
“waaaah…tiffany-sshi…I was wondering where you were…” seungri said out of no where.
“yah yah! Look at seungri” GD shouted while nudging TOP’s arm and getting everyone attention. “Hes tryna to make a move.” GD laughed along with the others.
“Down boy!” Teddy hyung shouted jokingly.
“What?” seungri questioned.
“we all know what your doing… craving attention again aren’t you?” daesung asked.
“ohh! Come on you guys! Im not like that anymore! Honestly!” seungri defended.
“suuuuuure” taeyang replied.

End of POV

swimupbar.jpgWe all laughed at the conversation at the table and in no time at all, dinner was over.  After dinner, we all decided to head to the beach with a couple drinks. I didn’t want one because I hated the taste of alcohol so I had a fruity drink with me. I sat down in the sand with jae facing the water as the others went to go do whatever they wanted. And like always, we had tiffany with us.

“im so loving this right now” I told jae resting my head on his shoulder.

“yea…” he said resting his head on mine.
“jae jae… this is boring. Cant we do something else?” tiffany complained.

I took my head off of jaejoongs shoulder and just looked at her.

“uh… you know… there are other people besides us. Why don’t you go and play with them?” I told her.
“I don’t really know the other people besides junsu oppa and micky oppa.”
“Then go find them.” I said.
“Uh… honey…” jae said looking at me. “give me a second ok? Ima go talk to tiffany and straighten things out.”

Jae got up and pulled tiffany up along with him and walked away pass the trees. When I lost sight of them, the rest of the guys came up to me and asked if they could sit with me.

Teddy’s POV

I walked along the beach with the guys when I turned around and saw that my baby sister sat down in the sand with jae. Then I also see tiffany beside him. I stopped and stared at them for a while until danny asked what was wrong.

“Oh… nothing just lookin out for my sister you know…”

Danny turned around and looked also and shook his head.

“that girl will never leave them alone will she…” danny said.
“nah…” teddy answered. “hey guys…” teddy said getting attention from all the guys. “can I ask for a favor?....”

Everyone looked at each other confused and then looked at teddy.

“you guys all know how my little sister is towards you all. Shes caring, loving and shes always on the look out for us right?... I think its time for us to look out for her…Now, that girl tiffany…I don’t like her. I have a bad feeling about her. I know she use to date jaejoong but right now hes dating my sister and im getting the feeling that she wants him back. So if ya’ll don’t mind me asking… help me out my watching out for my sister when tiffany is around them.”

Everyone agreed to the condition because they know exactly how my sister is towards them. When I was done talking to the guys, I saw jaejoong grab tiffanys arm and pulled her towards the trees leaving my sister sitting by herself. That’s when we decided to walk over to her and join her.


this one seems a little longer no? lol
anyway... sorry for any mistakes, im maaaad sleepy right now and 
I wanted to write it as quick and update as soon as possible. 
thanks for reading!!! <3

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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)