Almost but not quite....

Complicated Love


“whats wrong?” jae asked.
“the ticket says…bora bora…”
“yea… and?”
“bora bora…” I whispered.
“Dongseng-ah…whats wrong?” I heard danny ask looking concerned.
“oh… uh…nothing. Can you excuse me for a minute please?” I said standing up heading for the door.
“babe?” I heard jae call after me.
“what the heck?” teddy asked confused.
“ill go see how shes doing…” jae said getting.
“wait jae…” danny interrupted. “ is it ok if I go talk to her instead?...”
“ummmm….” Jae said sounding unsure. “sure….” He said sitting back down.
“thanks….” Danny answered and walked out the door.

After I left the room, I walked down the hallway to the bench tables that were in front of the kitchen. I sat down and rested my head on my arms as I heard footsteps approaching me.

“_____?...whats wrong?”

I looked up and saw a concerned face.

“don’t tell me nothing… somethings wrong, I know it. Ive known you seen you were in elementary school.” He said sitting down.

I sighed and looked him in his eyes.

“…nothings wrong… im…just really happy….”
“That’s it?...” he asked.

I nodded my head and looked at him again.

“ohh well then… why did you walk out all sad and stuff?”
“I wasn’t sad… I just wasn’t sure how to show my happiness.”
“baby girl…” he said playfully hitting me on my head. “why did you throw us off like that?”
“oooww… what did I do?? All I did was walk out!” I cried then smiled.
“aigoooo!” he cried back getting up from his seat.

I got up also and walked towards him.

“thanks oppa for coming to see me even though nothing was wrong….” I said hugging him.
“no problem dongseng-ah, you know ive always got your back no matter what like ive got your brothers back.” He said hugging me back.

Jaejoongs pov

“whats taking so long?” I questioned myself.

I sat quietly on the couch while teddy hyung resumed his work. I got tired of waiting so I got up to go see the situation about my girlfriend. I got up and slightly opened the door when I saw ____ and danny hyung hugging.

“what the heck is this?!” I questioned myself again. “calm down jae… _____ and danny hyung are close friends, almost family… do close friends hug each other like this for so long though?...stop it jaejoong! These silly thoughts are gonna make you go insane.”

When I saw them walking back to the studio, I closed the door and went to sit back on the couch and acted like nothing happened.

End of POV

“hey baby” I heard jae greeting me while getting up to kiss me.
“ohh! Yaah! Not here…” I whispered to him while looking at danny.

Danny just smiled and walked over to teddy oppa and sat down on the chair next to him.

“waaae?” jae whine.
“its uncomfortable!... and my brothers are here!”
“fine…” he pouted.

Danny’s POV

Me and _____ walked back to the studio and as we entered the studio I heard jaejoong’s voice.

“hey baby” I heard jae greeting her while getting up to kiss her.
“ohh! Yaah! Not here…” she whispered to him while looking at me.

I smiled because they are such a cute couple. I walked away from them and back to the empty chair next to teddy and sat down.

End of POV

Jaejoongs POV

“hey baby” I said greeting my girlfriend while getting up to kiss her.
“ohh! Yaah! Not here…” she whispered to me while looking at danny.

I only kissed her just to show danny that she was mine and MINE ONLY!

“waaae?” I whine.
“its uncomfortable!...and my brothers are here!” she replied back to me.
“fine…” I pouted.

End of POV

That evening we spent the rest of the day with my brothers until we headed home after being out all day. We climbed into bed after a long day after taking a shower and changing out of clothes. I let out a relief sigh before letting my head hit the pillow.

“whats wrong?” jae asked.
“nothing… it just feels really good to be in bed that’s all” I told him.
“mmm~ your right… it does feel good to be in bed” he said moving his body closer to mines.
“hmmm?...” he answered sleepily.
“… I want to have fun on this vacation k?... I don’t wanna have any drama coming along with us.”
“mmm… araseo…go to sleep baby, I know your tired.”
“ok” I said nodding. “good night honey…” i said kissing him on the lips.
“night…” he answered back.

The two weeks of work have passed and vacation is finally here! Before I left work, I stopped by President Yang’s office to thank him for letting us have this needed vacation. After I left his office, I rushed home to pack my stuff because after today, it is goodbye Seoul and hello paradise! While packing, I remembered something that I had forgotten about. I ran to the closet and went through my drawers and pulled out a bag.

“Jae’s clothes I bought for him…I should surprise him with this” I smiled to myself. (remember the clothes she/you bought for him in the beginning of the story with Junsu lol its about time she/you gave it to him right? Lol)

Luckily jae wasn’t home from work yet so I had time to think about how im going to surprise him. I walked back to the bedroom with the bag and placed it next to my suit case. I continued to pack until I heard the door open.

“_______?!” I heard jae yell.
“Im in the bedroom!” I yelled back frantically because the clothes I bought him was visible.

I was so scared that he was going to see it that I quickly threw it into my suit case and threw my folded clothes on top of it so he wouldn’t see.

“hey baby” he said finally reaching the bedroom.
“hey!” I said turning around and walked towards him. “you ready for tomorrow?” I said grinning widely. “of course I am” he said in return hugging me.
“you can let go of me now, I have to finish packing before it gets late. You have to pack too mister!”
“no…you smell good” he said tickling my neck with his nose.

I giggled and tried to get away from him but he still wouldn’t let go.

“jaaaaae!... we can hug all you want while we’re at bora bora.”
“what if…I wanna do more than just hug?...”he said pulling away smirking at me.

I smirked back at him and chuckled while slowly moving my face closer to his.

“in your dreams jae!” I laughed pushing him away.
“why not?!...” he complained. “its not like we never did anything.”
“we didn’t” I said smiling shaking my head.
“don’t be so sure baaabe” he said.
“what are you talking about?...” I asked stupidly.
“remember….that day…”
“what day?”
“that day…junsu and micky and tiffany was here…”
“then they went home… and… I carried you to the bathroom…” he said smiling widely at me.
“oh yea….” I thought to myself. “nope! Sorry don’t remember!” I told him.

He walked closer to me and wrapped his arms around me.

“want me to refresh your memories??” he said breathing on my neck.
“ok! Ok! I remember! Gosh jae… stop being so nasty.” I smiled.
“ only with my honey” he told me.
“can you go pack now please?”
“mmmmm!” he whined. “k…”
“good boy” i told him.

He walked to the closet and bought out his suit case and a bunch of clothes and packed while I was completing my suit case. I closed mines up and placed it by the bedroom door. Then I walked back to the closet and bought out a big purse for my make up and any beauty supplies that I needed. Once that was done, I went to go place it next to my suit case by the door. Jae was still packing his clothes as I sat on the bed and watched him as he put his clothes in one by one.

“what?” he questioned when he caught me staring at him.
“nothing…” I said shaking my head and shrugging my shoulders at the same time.
“I don’t know… ive just never seen anyone pack so slowly and neatly…” I told him.
“well… now you know that your boyfriend is a slow packer.” He smiled.
“If you say so darling!” I smiled back.

I laid down on my pillow and fell asleep not caring that I didn’t take a shower or eaten yet. Before I fell into a deeper sleep, I told myself that I would get up early to shower then eat before leaving. I set the alarm to 8 in the morning and fell asleep with jae still packing his clothes and his necessities.  


i know this isnt the chapter i said i was going to write but its getting there I PROMISE!!!
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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)