Rise and Shine

Complicated Love

Its finally morning and Jaejoong is still laying in bed. He opened one eye to look over to the other side of the bed but it was empty. There was smell of food in the air so, he figured _____ is in the kitchen cooking. He got up to go to the kitchen, as he opened the door, he heard laughter.

“hahaha! Oppa, you did not really do that?!” he heard _____ laugh talking to her brother.

Jaejoongs pov

“I havent heard her laugh in so long….” smiling to himself.

I walked over towards the kitchen and saw _____ and her brother making breakfast together. Seems like shes having a great time with him.

“Hey bro, your up. Its about time. Breakfast is almost done.”
“yea…” Jae said weakly.

I noticed ____ turned around to look at me after I sat down at the table. Her expression when she talked to her brother disappeared as soon as she looked at me. She didn’t seem angry…it was more of a concerned face. Then she continued to cook white teddy got out plates and set them beside her. She then placed an equal amount of food on each plate and teddy bought them to the table.

“wow, hyung…this looks good. Thank you.”  I said politely.
“don’t thank me…” teddy said pointing to _____ repeatedly.
“Thanks honey-” stopping myself quickly.

She was quiet for a moment and looked at me.

“Your welcome.” she said with a straight face.

End of pov

As I sat down at the table next to my brother, I heard my phone ring.

“Ugh… damn, couldn’t you wait til im done eating first?!” I angrily thought to myself.

I let out a loud sigh and got up to find my phone. I walked to my bedroom to find it charging on the side table. I jumped on the bed and rolled over to my side and unplugged my phone. It was a text. A text from Taec.

“Hey _____! What are you doing?”
- TaecC00L

“I was about to eat breakfast. You?”

“Sitting in a meeting listening to the directors talk.”

“Oh. Well its not really listening if your texting me now is it?”

“your right, but I needed something to do. Its putting me to sleep. I miss you….”

“I miss you too but theres nothing we can do. hahaha”

“Wanna go grab a drink later today?”

“You know I don’t drink…”

“oh yea… that’s right….sorry I forgot. Its been so long since we broke up.”

‘Its only been about two months….”

“yea…but let me be real with you for a second…. What happened to us?…”

I stared at that text for a while before I could answer.

Teddy’s Pov

“what is she doing in there for so long?” Teddy said aloud.

Jaejoong shook his head as he kept taking bites of the food in front of him.

“Hyung….” jae said clearing his throat. “ can I talk to you for a bit?”
“speak up man! I can barely hear you.”
“Shhhh! Hyung…
“Oh, my bad. Whats up?”
“Theres something I need to tell you”

I looked at him with a what-is-it face.

“Hyung… im scared…..”
“scared?…. scared of what?”
“of mine and ______ relationship.”
“well…. As you can see, were not doing as great as you think we are.”
“I know.”
“look, just cause I don’t live here doesn’t mean I cant tell the obvious. I know you and my baby sis is having problems. I can tell because before you and her were inseparable. She always told me you could be the one. The one that made her happy. She has never once cried about you. Sometimes… she would call me… in the morning when I was still working and she would tell me what a wonderful day she had with you. But now, its not the same. Whats going on?
“Well….it started three weeks ago…..

End of pov
I stared at the text before I could answer.
“Since your being real with me… ill be real with you….Taec, I loved you, I really did. But since you gained more popularity, you just sorta forgot about me. You sometimes didn’t come home, I called you and you barely had time to speak to me. You got defensive when I confronted you about your scandals. I was your girlfriend at the time and you never once defended me. So, I decided that I had enough and you could do whatever you want.”

“I truly loved you too.”

“No you didn’t... don’t lie to yourself. If you really did love me, you would have called more often to see how I was doing and if I was ok at home by myself. You would have came home and at least at dinner with me instead of going out. You only asked me to be your girlfriend because you liked having me around.”

“I see…so, what does Jaejoong have that I don’t?

“what he has…is real love. He loves me with his heart, soul and body. There is nothing he wont do for me. Even though, hes mad at me right now, I know that he still loves me no matter what I do to him…I don’t know what I did wrong but im gonna find out somehow and fix it.

“So why did you hang out with me that day if you have so much anger inside of you?”

“Because you know what…. That’s what jae also taught me. He told me Friends are important so I have to keep them close. Its hard to find good people who will listen and have your back. Now if you will excuse me, I have breakfast waiting for me. Don’t bother texting back.

After I sent that text, I turned off my phone. I got off the bed and went back to the table. I walked out and saw jaejoong whispering to my brother. I sat down in front of my plate and started eating as they stared at me.

“what?” I said my mouth full of food.
“what were you doing in there for so long?” teddy asked.
“ill tell you later.”

I saw jaejoong with the corner of my eye as I was eating. He seemed to be…smiling and smiling at my brother.
“what the hell’s going on?” I thought to myself.

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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)