miss you

Complicated Love

I arrived to work with breakfast in my hand and let myself in. I got in the elevator and pushed the button to go up. I reached my floor and walked out passing other people who also work in the building. I bowed and greeted each of them and headed towards my work room. When I walked into the room, I heard loud music playing.

“waaaah! Sounds good bro!” I hollered as he turned around.
“hey, baby sis. About time you got here.”
“why? Is it cause your hungry or you want me to work on the music with you?” I asked sarcastically.
“both” teddy said immediately.

I set the food down on the table behind him as teddy got up. I walked over and sat down in his chair and faced the computer in front of me.

“yah… do something with that beat” he said pointing at the screen.
“ew, don’t talk with your mouth full. ’s gonna start flyin out.” I said trying to avoid his mouth.
“fine” he said quickly and sticking out his tongue.

I listened to the beat and started working like a crack addict. (its just an expression don’t be scared lol) I edited, cut and added sounds that would make it sound better. Once I was done, I let it play all the way through one time. With the constant yelling coming from behind me telling me what I should add or take out, we completed a song 30 minutes later. We listened to it again after changes. Just then someone walked in and I heard teddy yell with a drink in his hand.

“Hey boss!” teddy yelled.

I turned around and saw the president so I stopped the music and got up to greet him.

“Good morning, president yang” I said bowing to him respectfully.
“Good morning…that sounded pretty good just a moment ago. You made it?”
“I was just editing it, teddy came up with the beat.”
“ooohhh….” the president said slowly nodding his head.
“skills in editing right boss?” teddy said taking a big gulp from the drink.

The president nodded his head and smiled. Then he turned to face me.

“Oh! Why don’t you have some breakfast?” I said stretching out my hand towards the table where teddy was sitting.
“no thanks… I already had some earlier.”
“awww, ok.” I said sitting down.
“but hey, since I found you, theres a problem with the computers in the photography room. They said something about the pictures arent loading into the computer.”
“Yah, _____ I don’t know why you be messing with computers when you clearly like making songs with your oppa.”
“ hahahah! True but I don’t want to be the one responsible when a song goes down hill.” I said smiling.
“Check that out for me will ya?” the president said smiling at the talk between me and teddy.
“I will.” nodding my head.
“thanks so then ill see you guys later huh? Keep up the good work.” the president said exiting the room.

Me and teddy waved til the door closed and I continued the work in front of me. Once that was done, I made my way over to the photography room and checked out the problem. I did a bunch of trial and error to see what the problem was and it was easily fixed after an hour later.

Jaejoongs pov

I sat in the conference room listening to the producers talking about our next event that will be happening in the next few days. But every now and then I would drift away from the conversation and daydream.

“the fan meeting event will be at the kpop dome. Approximately that place can fit about 10,000 people. Tickets sales have been rising through the roof and lets hope everything will work out as planned. Thank you.” the producer said getting up from his seat walking towards the exit.

“hey hyung! Are you ok?” junsu asked worried.

When I didn’t answer micky and junsu looked at each other and shrugged.

“helllllllooooo?” micky cried.
“HYUNG!” junsu screamed.
“Huh? What?….” I finally said.
“are you ok?” junsu asked again.
“yea… im good.”
“don’t look like it” micky snapped.
“what are you talking?… im fine.”
“I told you so…” micky said spinning in the chair.
“told me what?”
“that you were taking it too far and now look what happened hyung. I warned you.”
“don’t listen to him hyung. You have to try to fix it.” said junsu.
“I cant….”
“well what are you gonna do? Stay single for the rest of your life?” micky asked.
“I don’t know… I cant fix it cause I don’t know where shes at…..” I said blankly.
“ill call her for you hyung and see where shes at” junsu said taking out his phone.
“its no use…shes not gonna pick up.”
“how do you know?”
“its common sense junsu-ah. You work with me and shes pretty smart.”

Junsu didn’t listen and called her anyway.

“darn…” junsu exclaimed.
“told you…..” I said sadly.
“hey!” micky suddenly said stopping the chair from spinning. “ We have a photoshoot today.” he said laughing.
“ohhhh yah! You scared me!” junsu yelled.
“we should get going….” I said slowly.

We got up and grabbed out things and headed to the van that was waiting outside.

End of pov

My day went pretty good today. I couldn’t show any sad emotions or else my brother would question me like no other. I ended my day in the studio chilling with my brother on the couch while music played softly in the background. I was laying on the couch while my brother was playing on the ipad sitting in the chair in front of me.

“stupid zombies…diiiie!” he yelled.
“your stupid oppa…its just a game.” I said sinking my face into the pillow.
“it maybe a game to you but this is what I take pride in.”
“what the hell is that suppose to mean?”
“well…GD beat this game in four days and I wanna try to beat his record.”
“if you say so….hey what time is it?”
“8:32pm” he said looking at the time from the computer.
“ohhhh damn… I gotta get going.”
“Everything good with you and jaejoong?”
“uh….yea. Were good.” I said getting up. “Well, ill see you tomorrow oppa” I said grabbing for my keys inside my bag. “and make sure you eat dinner please and don’t play that game so much.”
“ok, ok…. See ya later. Good night”
“good night” I said hugging him as he was playing his game.

I rubbed my hands over the screen just to piss him off but apparently I just helped him.

“bye” I said walking out the door.

I got back to my hotel room and went straight to the bedroom. I jumped on the bed and stretched. I laid on there with my eyes closed for 30 minutes before getting up to take a shower. After the shower, I got hungry so I ordered room service and had dinner by myself while watching dramas on tv. When the drama was over, I turned off the tv and walked to the bedroom. I sat down on the bed facing the window. Through the window I can see the lights of the city. I sat and stared for a few minutes before laying myself down to sleep. I got comfortable and hugged a pillow.

“Good night, jaejoong…” I said quietly to myself.

Jaejoongs Pov

“Thank you for your hard work everyone!” we screamed while bowing.

We walked out of the building and into the van and drove off. The manager dropped me off first because my house was closer compared to the other members. I unlocked the door and let myself in then locked in. I the lights and went to change after taking a shower. I came out drying my hair with a towel and walked to the kitchen.

“Im not even hungry….force of habit I guess…” I thought to myself.

I then walked to the bedroom and climbed into bed. I grabbed for my phone and stared at it for a while. But then I just set it aside and laid down facing the side table. I laid still staring at the picture of me and _____ in the picture frame with the words “Forever Love” on it. I smiled and closed my eyes.

“good night, ______”


i know its been a few day since the last update but its been hard thinking these days lol
i got another story coming up thats why. 
yes its another jaejoong fanfic lol i havent written the first chapter yet but
look out for it. thank you! <3

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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)