Home again

Complicated Love

Jaejoong POV

Im finally on my way home after two days of being in the hospital and I havent seen ______ yet. Is she not worried about me at all? Has the love we had before really changed? I stared out the window on the way home and felt someone nudging the left side on my body. I looked over to see Tiffany sleeping on my shoulder. Ever since she visited me at the hospital, shes been at my side and taking care of me. I don’t know what my feelings towards her now after that….We arrived at the front of the house and Junsu, who was sitting in the passenger side, got out and opened my door.

“hey….” I said tapping on her shoulder. “get up, were home.”
“home?” she asked.
“yea… my home”
“ok…” she said slowly getting up and opening her eyes.
“uhhh…..hyung…” junsu said staring at us. “Hurry up will ya? Its kinda warm out here.”
“ok” I answered.
“don’t worry about the bags or anything… we got it” micky said from the drivers seat.

I got out with the help of Junsu and Tiffany got out of the other side. She walked around the car and came to my side and held my hand helping me. She walked me to the door and took out my keys. I opened the door and a smell hit my nose as I walked in.

“Waaah…something smells good” I thought to myself.
“is someone cooking?” Tiffany asked.

As we walked in, a figure came out from around the corner and stood in front of us.

“Hi!” she said smiling at us.
“_______?” I said shocked.
“_______!” micky and junsu yelled coming in from the door.

End of pov

“what are you doing here?” jae asked.
“I have to keep smiling…ugh…this is holding his hand….” I thought to myself with anger.  “im simply making you a welcome home dinner. Im sorry I wasn’t there, I was busy with work and I had meetings to go to.” I lied.
“Oh….” jae replied.
“wah! The house is filled with this beautiful aroma and were still standing around talking” junsu said rubbing his stomach.
“oh! Sorry, please help your yourselves. Sit down…sit down” I replied smiling at them.
“thanks!” micky and junsu replied.

We walked over to the table and there was spread throughout the table. I stood by the table and had my eye on tiffany and jaejoong. As junsu and micky sat down, I reached for the chair but Tiffany grabbed it first.

“sit here jae jae” she said smiling at him then me.

Junsu and micky looked at each other then at the situation between the three of us. Jae sat down at the end of the table and tiffany sat next to him. I walked to the other side of the table and sat down. (My failed table lol)

J |                       | Jae

“please eat, you guys must be hungry” I said talking to junsu and micky.

They nodded their head and started to eat. And as for Tiffany, I saw her putting food on Jae’s plate.

“here jae jae” she said smiling while still putting food on his plate.
“I can do it” he replied.

When he was grabbing for his spoon, I moved closer to him as everyone watched me.

“babe, don’t move… I got it.” I said to him.

He stopped and placed his hand back on his lap. I grabbed for his spoon, scooped up some food and fed it to him.

Jaejoong pov

I could feel the intensity between _____ and Tiffany but I knew I couldn’t say anything because I was still confused whether _____ and I were still talking or not. And of course Tiffany has been taking care of me at the hospital.

“Here jae jae” tiffany said putting food on my plate.
“I can do it” I told her.

I was grabbing for my spoon when ______ moved closer to me.

“babe don’t move… I got it” I heard her say.

“Babe….she said” thinking to myself.

My heart smiled because I missed the way she called me babe. When she said that I moved my hand back on my lap and looked at her. She grabbed my spoon and dug it into my plate and she fed me.

End of pov

“how is it?” I asked him.
“its as good as I remembered.”

I smiled and looked at him in his eyes and he smiled back.

“let me see how good it is…” tiffany burst out.

She ate some and started breathing heavily.

“why is it so spicy?!” she cried fanning with her hand.
“because” I started out.
“What?! Its not spicy” micky exclaimed.
“Its just perfect!” Junsu said eating some more.
“….its delicious” jae added looking over to me.

I smiled at everyones words and then looked over at tiffany.

“its too spicy! I cant eat this….” she moaned.
“As I was saying… its spicy because I know my honey bear likes spicy food.” I said placing my hand on jae’s chin playfully shaking it.
“if you cant eat it then, you can go make yourself something else.” jae told her.

After jaejoong said that, I heard snickering coming from the other end of the table from micky and junsu. When tiffany looked over, they had their heads down looking at the plate while eating.

“fine…ill eat it…” she said with her face looking upset.

I kept feeding jaejoong and smiling at him. He stopped me from feeding him anymore and looked me.

“im full…you should eat too.”

He grabbed the spoon from my hand and scooped up food from my plate.

“aaahh” he said opening his mouth.

He fed me and it felt kinda weird with a bunch of people watching us but I guess you can say it’s a way to get back at tiffany for earlier. After dinner, we all went to sit at the couch after cleaning up and by we I meant me, junsu and micky.

“Thanks for dinner!” micky said rubbing his stomach.
“yea… thanks! Im so full! I cant move.” junsu said.
“so… what do we do now? Games…movies? Anything?…” I asked.
“uh… anything is ok with us” junsu replied with micky nodding his head.
“what do you wanna do hyung?” micky asked jaejoong.
“movie?…” he answered.
“ok… comedy or horror? Cause those are the only type of movies I buy” I told them walking towards the tv.
“horror!” junsu and micky cried out.
“w-w-wait…. don’t I have a say in anything?” tiffany said sitting by herself.
“what kind do you wanna watch then?” I asked.
“Romantic” she said looking at jae.
“nope sorry don’t have that kind. Horror it is” I said quickly.
“but… I hate scary movies… and im sitting by myself….” she said.
“you can sit with junsu and micky if you want… its better than sitting by yourself…” said jae.
“nooo…..I think ill just…” tiffany said getting up from her seat. “ill just sit next to you.” she said sitting closely to jae.
“Nooooo she didn’t…..” I thought angrily to myself.

I popped in the movie and dimmed the lights then walked over to the couch and sat down next to jae leaving a space between us. Junsu and micky were laying together on the floor with a blanket and pillows in front of us. We had a blanket also as a shield during scary parts. But its rarely used because we don’t really watch scary movies as much. During the scary parts, I could see from the corner of my eyes that tiffany covering her face using jae’s shoulder.

“I cant watch the movie with her all up on jae like this….” I thought to myself.

I sighed quietly to myself but then I felt something touch my hand. I slightly lifted the blanket and saw jae’s hand on top of mines then he held it. I placed the blanket back down and looked at him. He smiled at me to reassure me that everything will be ok even though tiffany is next to him. I gave back a tiny smile and held his hand under the blanket. As the movie progressed, jae would every now and then tickle my hand causing me to laugh to myself quietly. We didn’t really pay attention to the movie because we already saw it. I turned slightly towards him mouthing the word stop but he would still continue to tickle my hand. I got up to go to the bathroom but he was holding on to my hand.

“bathroom…” I mouthed to him and he let go.

I walked into our bedroom and used the bathroom. When I came out, I thought of an idea that I just had to do. I turned off the bathroom light and headed back towards the living room. Halway to the living room, I stopped, got on my knees and crawled quietly to the back of the couch. As quietly as possible I positioned myself for the right moment to scare tiffany. Since ive seen this movie so many times and memorized each part, I picked the perfect time to scare her. I quietly started to rise until only my eyes could be seen from the front and looked at the tv screen then back at tiffanys head.

“here comes the scary part” I thought to myself.

I then messed up my hair and moved it to the front to cover my face. Thank goodness for background music or else me messing up my hair would have given it away.

“3...2...1.…” I counted down to myself.

After 1, I quickly popped up and scared her.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” she screamed letting out a piercing scream.

At this point, junsu and micky quickly sat up turning around to analyze the situation.

“yah!!!! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!” she yelled getting up.
“Yes” I thought. “No” my mouth replied. “hahahahahahahahaha but you should have seen the look on your face though… that would have been photo of the year!”
“its not funny! What if I died or something right now?” she cried.
“you look fine to me” I said while still laughing.
“well im not!” she said.
“ok ok…..im sorry hahaha” I said walking back to my seat. “…” I thought to myself
“that scared me!” junsu said with his hand on his heart.
“sorry oppa…hahah I didn’t mean to scare you. But pay attention to the movie, your gonna miss the ending.”

Tiffany sat back down but jae got up.

“Can we talk to for a second?” he said grabbing my arm and dragging me back to the bedroom. “You guys finish the movie, we’ll be back” he told them.

When we got to the bedroom he closed the door and locked it. The expression on his face seemed pretty pissed off. I wonder what I did wrong?


lol here is the longer chapter i said i was gonna write.
Hope you enjoyed it thanks! ^^

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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)