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Complicated Love


“hello?” the voice said.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly before speaking so it wouldn’t be obvious that ive been crying.

“hey…whats up?..”
“its been a while no?”
“yea it has.” I giggled a bit. “whats up?”
“oh nothing… I just missed my friend that’s all.”

I smiled at the word friend.

“I missed you too my friend” I said back.
“hey uh… if your not busy, wanna go out for something coffee?... or you know… if your boyfriend lets you out that is” he laughed.
“….um…you know…sure…”
“oh! really? Will he be ok with it? You know… I don’t wanna be punched again.”
“its fine” I chuckled. “ and about you being punched that last time, Im really sorry…he can be an idiot at times.”
“its ok hahah I got over it.”
“ok well then uh…ill meet you at our regular spot.”
“great! See ya there!” taecyeon said then hanging up the phone.

Once he hung up, I moved the phone from my ear, looked at it and smiled. Then I got up and went to the restroom to freshen up a bit and change out of my clothes that I wore back from the island. Not to mention it was new.

“what a waste of a good dress…stupid jaejoong. I hate you I never want to see you again” I whispered to myself.

I changed out of my clothes into something more me before I met jaejoong. Even before I met taecyeon. I had on my favorite nikes my brother got me, jeans, a tshirt, a hat and a hoodie. I was myself old self again. Im not gonna lie. I liked the way I dressed before. Why did I ever change myself? Over a guy?

“stupid jaejoong… all the I did for you and how did you pay me back? By kissing your e-girlfriend.”

I threw the thought of jaejoong away and got in my car to meet taecyeon. The drive there, I couldn’t help but think what happened on that island. Is it just MY bad luck or what? Is jaejoong not meant for me? I thought we were perfect together…despite our little arguments sometimes but… I didn’t really think much of it.

“damn it!” I shouted while driving. “damn it! Damn it all!” I said hitting my steering wheel.

Once I arrived at the café, I parked my car in the parking lot and headed inside.

“_____!” I heard my name called when I stepped foot inside.

I turned my head in the direction of my name being called and saw taecyeon sitting at a table smiling.

“hey!” I said walking over while smiling.

He got up to hug me and I hugged him back before sitting down.

“hey I ordered your drink for you so you didn’t have to wait for it.” He smiled.
“ how do if it’s the one I like?” I asked.
“because you always order the same drink every time we come here.”

I smiled and looked him in his eyes.

“what?” he asked when he caught me looking at them.
“nothing…” I said casually.
“your not falling for me again are you?” he said playfully.
“in your dreams” I said jokingly.

I thought to myself over and over again about jaejoong while talking to taec. I don’t know… maybe I am starting to fall for taecyeon again. The things that taecyeon does for me is so different from the things jaejoong does. I stared blankly at the table and taecyeon noticed.

“so uh…how are you and jaejoong? ” he asked stopping me from thinking.
“…were alright…” I lied.
“…come on____ don’t lie to me. Your eyes are sorta puffy and red and the way your dressing says otherwise. I thought you guys went on vacation? How did that go?”
“ okaaaay! Dr. phil!” I laughed messing around. “ how did you know?”
“it was all over the internet. You know… jyj fans… big bang fans… danny and teddy fan sites.”
“that’s right… fans know everything” I laughed.
“so tell me...” he said.
“….mmm… how about we go to the park and ill tell you…”
“sure” he smiled.

As I was grabbing for my drink, he noticed the gauze on my hand.

“hey! Whats wrong with your hand? Are you hurt?” he asked concerned.

I looked at my hand and scoffed.

“you’re the first to actually care…” I thought lightly smiling. “oh this… I just fell on a piece of glass.”
“what?? Did it hurt?” he asked.
“like hell” I told him.

We got up and left the café heading down to the park. When we got there, we sat down on a bench that faced the playground. We sat and watched the kids play for a while before we started talking.

“alright…so im dying to know…what happened?” he asked.
“I don’t know…where do you want me to start?”
“whatever you want to start with” he smiled.
“too much things to tell you” I chuckled. “pick something you really want to know.” I said
“…okay…why are your eyes red and puffy?”
“I knew you would start with that…but if you want to know that bad…I was crying…”
“your not gonna believe this but… his ex girlfriend tagged along with us. I don’t know how she knew about the whole thing but…there she was… the day we were leaving…”
“mmmmm….” He said nodding his head.
“and uh… yesterday I was going for a surprise jaejoong had set up but then when I got there I saw him…kissing her…” I said with tears coming back.
“ohh…” he said still listening.
“I mean…ive seen them kissing before…but this one was…different. I can tell that that kiss meant something…just by looking. It looked like they were in love again you know…its hard for me to say that but that’s what it looked liked.” I said with a tear drop coming down my cheek.

Taecyeon turned to look at me and then lifted his hand to wipe my tear.

“im sorry…”
“me too” I said lightly.
“im sorry I wasn’t there for you when you were crying…”
“its okay… at least your here now. I think ive gotten over it. I cried the whole 12 hours back” I said starting to laugh.
“that’s good… so what are you gonna do now?”
“…well since its over between me and jae, I was thinking that I go back to visit my parents…”
“your parents?...” he asked confused because he knows my parents are no longer with me.

Tiffanys pov

I was still sleeping in bed not knowing what time it was before I got up. I got up and went to the back patio to enjoy the morning breeze before going inside to brush my teeth and get dressed for today. After an hour of pampering myself to look my best, I was curious about how jaejoong and his girlfriend is doing so I walked over to their room with an evil smirk on my face because I knew how much damage ive caused to them. Jaejoong was probably mad at me for doing that but he’ll learn to forgive me after we get back together. I reached the front of their door and knocked. After I knocked and waited for a few minutes, no one answered.

“its 11am in the morning, they cant possibly still be sleeping.” I thought.

 I knocked and knocked until finally the door opened. But when it opened…it wasn’t jaejoong or his girlfriend.

“can I help you?” the guy said.
“your not jae jae…” I said.
“im sorry? Are you looking for someone? Im Daniel im here with my wife, were on our honeymoon.”
“oh….” I said with a strange not-caring face. “congratulations… im sorry to bother, please continue with whatever it was you were doing” I smiled then walked away.

The guy closed the door and I walked away confused because I KNOW that’s the room jaejoong was staying in.

“did they switch rooms on me?” I thought.

I thought on it for a while then I started to question myself.

“he wouldn’t leave me here…would he?” I said picking up my pace of walking.

I headed for the checkout office and talked to one of the staff who saw us when we arrived.

“excuse me? i wanted to know if my friends whose was staying in room 1229 changed rooms…” I asked with my heart beat pounding.
“ room 1229?...they have checked out already ma’am…” the lady said.
“checked out?! When??” I said.
“about 4 hours ago”
“4 hours ago?! And what about the other guys I arrived with? Did they check out as well?”
“as a matter of fact… they did…”

My mind was in a race when she told me they have checked out already. How can they just leave me here? Those bastards…jae, you are so gonna get it when I get back to seoul.

“so, is there a boat to take me to the airport right now?”
“ the next one leaves in about 20 minutes”
“great! Umm, if I don’t make it back here in 20 minutes could you tell them to wait for me??”
“ill try my best ma’am” the lady said.
“thank you!” I said running back to my room to pack my stuff.

End of pov

After my coffee with Taecyeon, I headed over to the YG building to talk to the president about something urgent while Taecyeon returned to practice. I arrived at work after a few minutes of driving and entered the building. I took the elevator to the office where the president is and knocked on his door.

“yes? Come in” he said.

I entered his room and bowed to him.

“oh _____?...your back early aren’t you?”
“oh… yes I am” I said with a forced smile.
“is there something you need?” president yang asked.
“ummm….yes…. I wanted to talk to you about something” I said nervously.
“oh?...what is it?”
“i…would like to…quit my job here…” I said cautiously.
“quit? Why? Is there something wrong?”
“no no no” I denied quickly. “ I love working here I really do…its just that… I don’t know… its hard to explain…” I said looking at the floor.

I heard him sigh before speaking again.

“you have to give me a good reason for leaving ______.”
“…okay…” I said hesitating. “I was thinking that I should go back home…back to California, where I was born”
“you don’t like it here in seoul?” he asked.
“no no… I LOVE it here in seoul...but don’t get me wrong, I just want to go back and visit my parents grave and… possibly stay there.”

He nodded his head lightly as he was listening to me.

“when do you plan on leaving?”
“as soon as possible sir…as soon as tonight …”

He sighed again.

“well… I cant keep you here so I guess i have to let you go.”
“thank you” I said bowing to him.
“does teddy know?”
“I think its best that he doesn’t…so I would appreciate it if this was kept between me and you…”
“…okay…you have my word.”
“thank you again” I said bowing.

As I was heading out towards the door, he stopped me.

“where do you plan on working when you get there? Where are you gonna stay? You love music too don’t you?” he asked.

I looked at him with a confused face and didn’t say a word.

Taecyeon’s POV

After practice, I headed over to ______’s house to give her a helping hand in packing her stuff and shipping them to California for her because shes afraid that she wouldn’t have enough time to leave before jaejoong got back. I rang the doorbell and she opened the door.

“thanks for coming Taec, you don’t know how much this means to me” she said.
“no problem. It’s the least I can do for my friend whose in pain.” I said joking around.
“shut up” she said with a weak smile. “now hurry up and help me. I wanna be out of here before any of them get back.”

I did what she said and packed her things with minutes. She really didn’t have much. Just a bunch of clothes, make up and shoes. The rest was jaejoongs stuff, thankfully or else we would be packing for forever. I would try and stop her but once she has set her mind to something…it will never change. That’s just the type of person I know her to be. When we were done inside, she helped me move her 5 boxes into the car. Her luggage and bag, she carried herself. I watched her as she walked out of her house where she lived with her boyfriend and lock the door. She walked over to me with a gloomy face while looking at the ground then she looked up.

“lets go…”  she said sadly.

She turned around for a last look of the house and we got in the car.

“are you sure you wanna do this?” I asked.

Without saying anything else, we were heading for the airport.


for starters... i dont know anything about time change. so the night and day thing in different places... im no good at that lol
so just read whatevers there and dont think of it lol sorry!
Sorry for any mistakes or grammar issues :D 


thanks for reeeeeading!!  <3

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Kris_Paulene #1
Chapter 44: Just found it and finished it in.. well.... 5hours I guess... Gonna read more tomorrow! Nice one!!! DAEBAKK!!!
redblossom07 #2
whoah! i love this story! gosh! waaahhh!!!
koleyn #3
kyaa~~ so sweet.
SaffyMaffy #4
Finally, what a sweet ending! Love your story! :D
I like it.....Good job.....Nice story....
SaffyMaffy #6
New reader here! :)
faerie2010 #7
I loved this fan fic~
So sweet!!!!! Jae is so *sigh*..........
aw, that's great! ^^
koreankendi #10
Good fic! Im glad everything turned out well. :)