Chap 43 : A Late Night Date

The story of 12 boys


*The elevator’s door open…Sehun looks front and almost want to falls down…the sight in front of him was totally surprised him*

ChenChen : Sehun ar? Are you okay? You don’t look good. Come here.

The_Baozi : Yaaa… Kwenchana? Why are you all alone here? What was the thing that you want to ask me earlier when you came into my room?

*Chen and Xiumin hyung were standing in front of him, clasping hands together while talking to each other…They both looks a bit shock after seeing the maknae emerged from the elevator.*

*Sehun just standing there doing nothing and just staring at the both two hyungs. He’s too shock until he can’t even think properly. What was happening? The elevator’s door almost want to close back when Chen hurriedly grab Sehun’s hand and pull him out of the elevator.*

ChenChen : Yaaaa….Are you crazy or something? Why aren’t you moving out of the elevator?

The_Baozi : Sehun ar…Is everything okay? Are you sick anywhere? *Xiumin’s said while caress the maknae’s forehead and cheeks to check on his condition*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Ar…I’m okay hyung…Totally fine… I just don’t expecting to meet both of you here.

The_Baozi : Are you sure? Why are you all alone?

Thehun_TheMaknae : I…I’m just can’t fall asleep. So I thought to hanging out somewhere here in the hotel to have some fun. *He doesn’t know what he’s blabbing out to them. He’s not sure if the hyungs are buying with all the stuff he just said.*

The_Baozi : Really?  Alone by yourself? Where’s Luhan hyung? He must be planning something for you, especially on your birthday.

*Sehun bites his lower lip, thinking of something else to say*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Well I thought he was with you Minseok hyung… I don’t know you will end up hanging out with Jongdae hyung together….. *But then he just said….* I don’t know. He doesn’t said anything or even dare to meet me at all. He probably just too tired tonight. I don’t mind anyway.

ChenChen : Hurm..That doesn’t sounds like Luhan hyung at all. He must been care about you a lot. Its okay, just think positive okey. Hey, why don’t you join us? Minseok hyung and I were planning to play snooker at the arcade room down there. Come on, have some fun with us!

*Sehun looks shock. Now he knows who’s calling Xiumin earlier when he came into his room. Now all the thoughts about Luhan and him vanish almost immediately. Misunderstanding…what else could he possibly thinking of? He and his little….okay enormous feel of jealousy had made him totally misunderstand about the deer. Suho hyung! Why is he said that Luhan had plan with Minseok hyung? That leader must do that to get back at him for annoying him earlier at their room. Now he feels sorry to Luhan.*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Snooker? But I’m not very good at it.

ChenChen : Owh please…So what? I’m not very good at it either. We just want to release our stress out and had fun tonight.

Thehun_TheMaknae : I don’t know…

*Xiumin at the same time was busy checking on his messages on his phone*

Lulu90 : “Have you seen Sehun anywhere? If you did, please tell me where is he? I try to call him but failed. He doesn’t answer. TQ”

The_Baozi : “Sehunnie is here…with me and Jongdae. Don’t worry I will send him to you. He didn’t look good btw, you guys okay?”

Lulu90 : “I’m not sure. Where is he anyway? Please tell him to check on his phone. I’m actually planning something for him”

The_Baozi : “Okey, will surely do that. Don’t worry k.”

Lulu90 : “Thanks Baozi”

*Xiumin noticed Chen try to ask Sehun to join them playing snooker together…But he can’t allow that…So…”

The_Baozi : Sehun ar, where’s your phone? Did you bring it with you?

*Sehun checks on his own body. A while later he’s shaking his head to the Baozi. He must been accidentally left it while leaving his room earlier*

The_Baozi : Why don’t you bring along your phone with you before joining us. You know,  if there’s urgent call from our manager or other members.

*Sehun raise his brows… so do Chen….But Xiumin just ignores it.*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Okay then. I’ll go take it. You guys can go down first.

*The maknae go back to his room while Xiumin almost drag Chen to the elevator*

*In the elevator….*

ChenChen : What so rush? We can wait for him too.

The_Baozi : Why are you so slow Jongdae ar? Luhan already plan something for Sehun’s birthday tonight. He sent text to me asking Sehunnie whereabouts. So I just did what I think its right.

ChenChen : And that is?

The_Baozi : Omg…. What I just told him to do?

ChenChen : You just told him to get his phone and …..Owh…. yeah… now I get it… hehe… Sorry…

The_Baozi : You little ….Come here…. *He pull the younger closed to give a quick kiss on the others lip*

ChenChen : Just that? I want more…

The_Baozi : That’s enough… Remember where we are now…

ChenChen : Okay, but let me give you a warning… Those who lose will obey anything that the winner wants…. I repeat ANYTHING!

The_Baozi : Hohoho…You got it !

*Back to the maknae, Sehun walks back to his own room while his head keep thinking what is going on around here. He just mad and blew off the deer because of his own misjudgement. He didn’t even think a bit of what Luhan would feel because he’s too ego to care about it.*

*As soon as he enters the room, he grabs his phone and checks if he got any miscalled or messages. He’s in a hurry before until he forgot to bring along his phone when he went out the room a while ago*

*He enters his passwords and there’s five miscalled; one from the manager and the others are from Luhan and also three messages; one from Tao and two from….Luhan*

*He reads the Tao’s message first*

PandaLoveGucci : “Yooo Sehunnie…Wanna go have some drinks with me? It’s your birthday night! Must celebrate it together! What do you say?”

*He sigh….even Tao want to celebrate his birthday together after the fan meeting, why can’t Luhan do the same?*

*Then he opens Luhan’s messages, the first one said…*

Lulu90 : “Baby…Happy Birthday again! I know we already celebrate it together with our dear fans just now at the fan meeting. But that’s different. I just want to spend time together with you on your special day. So if you accept my offer come to meet me at 1 am. Where? Meet me at the most impossible place I would go. (It’s still in the hotel though…but where exactly? Dig a lil dipper Sehunnie)”

*Sehun doesn’t need to think where is the place that refers by the deer. He already knows it. He looks at the watch almost immediately…Its already 1.30 am… Would Luhan still be there by now? After what already happen? He feels so guilty now. He feels to hit his stupid head on the wall. How can he be so stupid? He shakes his head and press open to the Luhan’s next message*

Lulu90 : “Whatever you saw just now. Its does not of what you think it is. Come here. I’m still waiting for you”

*Sehun went out the room and almost running heading to the place that stated by Luhan. He takes the elevators and press the highest floor that it could possibly had in the building. After that he still needs to climbs about two stairs until he reach the destination*

*He opens the door and take a forward steps…glancing everywhere around the place. The place is so windy and cold. He wondered how Luhan could restrain in this kind of weather. That hyung is so easy to catch a cold. He continues to search any possibility of human’s presence…glancing at the right and left…searching and searching….*

Thehun_TheMaknae : There he is… What is he thinking… Meeting me at this place… Pabo hyung…

*Sehun finally found the deer.  Luhan was standing at the edge of the building, looking up the night view at the sky. He slowly approached him…carefully not making any noises… Step by step….until he was just behind the deer who’s happen still not noticed the maknae’s appearance.*

*He slowly gave him a warm hug from behind. Luhan flinch a bit, but then he calm back because he knew who it is judging from the scent from the other one.*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Sorry …

*That is all that pop out from his mouth, because he truly feels guilty to the deer*

Lulu90 : Its okay. Somehow I know you will finally come.

Thehun_TheMaknae : Why you so nice to me anyway? After what I’ve did to you.

Lulu90 : Because I know you didn’t mean it and also because I love you.

Thehun_TheMaknae : Fair enough. *He kisses the deer’s nape*

Lulu90 : Hurm…this feels nice… I miss it…

Thehun_TheMaknae : Me too. May I ask something? Why you choose this place? I thought you scared of height?

Lulu90 : Nothing… I just want to enjoy the night view in Japan. Its so beautiful! *Sehun takes a look at the view too..he finally realised what Luhan means. It is a beautiful sight of night he ever seen…*

Thehun_TheMaknae : My deer hyung is getting more brave now. I’m so proud of you.

*Luhan giggled*

Lulu90 : Thirsty? Wanna have a drink?

Thehun_TheMaknae : Sure!

*Luhan takes out the mat and spread it out so they both can sit on it enjoying their little date. After that he takes out bubble tea’s wrap and present it to Sehun… *

Lulu90 : Here you are… Enjoy your drink baby!

Thehun_TheMaknae : Thanks lulu hyung. *He drinks it while the eyes still set on the sky night view.*

*For about ten minutes the two of them just stay silent….drinking bubble tea….looking at the beautiful night view…and glancing each other once in a while.*

Lulu90 : I’m sorry for making you misunderstand about me. I was trying to make a surprised to you. But I guess I’m not very good at it.

Thehun_TheMaknae : Hyung….I’m the one who should feeling sorry, first I don’t think wisely, second I’m getting misunderstand of what actually didn’t happen, and third I’m getting mad at you! So I’m sorry hyung. I’m such idiot.

Lulu90 : Its okay… its all been cleared up did we? Owh happy birthday again Sehunnie. May God bless you and your life is full with happiness.

Thehun_TheMaknae : Thank you hyung. My life is indeed in happiness, especially after I met you. You one of the reason I’m happy. Please remember that.

*Luhan just smiles to the maknae*

Lulu90 : Owh….you so sweet… *He pinch the maknae’s cheeks*

*Sehun takes Luhan’s hand and pulls him closer*

Thehun_TheMaknae : How about, I make it up to you…

Lulu90 : H….how? *Luhan ask back even though he kind a knows what Sehun’s mean*

Thehun_TheMaknae : You already know what it is…

*Sehun kiss the deer….very soft and gently….Luhan react at the kiss as he open his mouth and let the other travel all over his mouth.*

*As  they kiss Sehun push Luhan gently so he now on top of the deer… They made out for about few minutes…until Luhan broke the kiss and pants heavily*

Lulu90 : Sehun ar…urhhhh…wait….Are you try to….you know…do it here?

Thehun_TheMaknae : You naughty hyung… I would like to, but unfortunately no…  We still had a last fan meeting, and I don’t want our fans wondering why you all tired and limping tomorrow. *He winks at the deer*

Lulu90 : Owh….why you so sweet baby? Come here! *he pulls Sehun for a hasty kiss before the maknae broke it once again*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Careful hyung… Don’t be so rough…Or I might be getting naughty tonight.

*They both smiles at each other and just like that they both spending time together at the hotel rooftop for the next hour, until Suho called Luhan to ask them to get back to the hotel and sleep*

Lulu90 : Come on Sehunnie. We better go back to our room. Its already late at night.*Luhan already got up and get ready to leave the place while Sehun still there lying on the mat.*

 Thehun_TheMaknae : But I don’t want to leave. I like it here.Just the two of us in the middle of night. You should switch off your phone. Damn it!

Lulu90 : Owww… We still have many times to do it. Come take my hand and get up. I still need to return this mat to the hotel staff.

*Sehun do what Luhan’s order him to do. But unwillingly…Off course…He makes frown face showing he’s not happy with the sudden interruption by Suho*

Lulu90 : Stop it Sehun….Your face looks ugly doing that. Okay, here’s the good news, Suho won’t be back to your room. He will sleep at my room instead. So, I have to sleep at your room. Is that okay now?

*Sehun’s face change immediately. He smiles so bright but still didn’t say anything.*

Lulu90 : I’ll take that as a yes. Come on baby…I’m getting sleepy now…. Huaaarhhhhh! *He’s yawning*

*Sehun pull Luhan for a quick kiss before saying….*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Palli hyung! I can’t wait! *The maknae already leave the deer alone and almost run back to his room*

Lulu90 : Yaaaa….cinca….How can he leave me alone here?

*He just shaking his head and continue to walks heading to Sehun’s room*


A/N : Update! Yeah....But I'm so sleepy right now. Still have to work tomorrow. I've promise u guys that I will update this chap soon rite? There you are. HunHan special. Hehe.. Check out my new poster fic by Hyunmi_Vampire! *Thankyu so much dear* Now my fic being upgraded and I feel so much eager to write... ^^

Since I feel so sleepy, I'm so sorry in advance if there's a grammatical/spelling error in this chap. *Will get it fixed soon* Do comment and subscribe if you love my story... got to get my beauty sleep...XOXO 


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