Chap 38 : Cold Baek

The story of 12 boys


Both of them are really good actor…They can act like nothing happen between them two. But only those two who knows and feels how hurt and how they actually miss each other. Its been a month now since ChanBaek temporary break but they still act like they both were okay. Off course they are best friend maybe because of that they still manage to treat each other like other friend would be. But somehow those feelings…cannot be hide forever…It will be explode when it reach the limit. They just don’t know or don’t realize it.

That day EXO member had practised in SM Building for upcoming GDA’s 2013…They practically had been practised really hard all day and night…  They had been practiced hard for a week and luckily that day their manager giving green light to finish practiced at 6pm so they all can have a good rest at night.

ChenChen : Yaa Baekhyun ar, what are you waiting for? Do you wanna sleep here? At practice room?

BaekkieTheGreat : No no no, I just wanna practice some more here… You guys go ahead… I can just go back home with taxi…

DoDyo : Are you serious? You wanna stay here alone? Yaaa… all the members are coming home…Aren’t you tired at all? Aren’t you hungry? You haven’t eat anything since breakfast today…

BaekkieTheGreat : I said I’M FINE !!!!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE !!

*Both Chen and Kyungsoo startled at Baekhyun’s sudden burst*

DoDyo : Okay okay we got it…Geez what’s up with you today? Come on Jongdae… *Kyungsoo  went out the practice room*

ChenChen : Are you sure Baek? *Baekhyun nod* Okay then…Take care and don’t come home late k…

*Baekhyun show OK sign and soon Chen also leave the room. Baekhyun were left alone in the room*

*But he didn’t do anything yet…what he just did is seating on the floor putting his head on his knee. Clearly he’s thinking of about something*

 *On the way to the van*

DoDyo : Jongin ar! Wait ! *He rushes up to get to Jongin and Chanyeol who happen to walk together heading to their van*

yKai : What take you so long?  Where did you go?

DoDyo : *He sigh* I don’t know what happen to Baekhyun. He suddenly want to stay up in the practice room. He said he want to practice more. He even yelled at Jongdae and me when we worried about him.


*Chanyeol’s face slightly changed at Dyo’s words. He actually feels a bit surprised too why Baekhyun behaving likes that. He knows very well when practice time is over Baekhyun become among the first member who will get ready to get home. He’s not kind of person who will stay up late to practice more*

PCY_HappyVirus : What’s wrong with him? Is he okay? Why he suddenly didn’t wanna go home? Aisshh that lil one always did something that makes me worried…

yKai : Cinca? But I noticed he didn’t talk much today…He looks gloomy too…I wonder why…Its okay…As long as he know how to take care himself….

*The moment when they want to get on the van, Chanyeol suddenly goes to the manager and said…*

PCY_HappyVirus : Hyung, I’m sorry I left my guitar at the practice room. You guys go ahead…I catch up later with taxi or bus.

ManagerHyung : Huh? Did you actually bring your guitar here Chanyeol ar? Hyung didn’t even noticed it.

*He did actually left his guitar but not today…a few days ago…he forgot to bring it back to the dorm. His excuse is just so right on time*

PCY_HapyyVirus : I did bring it two days ago but forgot to bring it back to dorm. So you guys go ahead k.Komawo hyung!

ManagerHyung : But…Chanyeol ar!!! *Chanyeol already went in SM Building before the manager said something*

*Chanyeol went to the room that had his guitar. On the same time he tries to find where Baekhyun is. Later on, he found his guitar but still failed to find the smaller boy. He already searches almost all around the SM building but still to no avail. Suddenly…he thought of something…*

PCY_HappyVirus : Seolma…There is one place that he might go…but…he rarely go there…not only if he were in deep upset…

*Chanyeol makes a move and ride an elevator…then he takes stairs all the way up the building…to the rooftop to be exact…*

*Chanyeol open the door that leads to the rooftop….and slowly takes a step ahead while eyes busy searching for any possibility of Baekhyun’s presence. Step by step…he slowly walks…then…there he is…he found him…*

*Baekhyun in the other hand, were sitting on the floor, both hands on the knees with head up looking on the sky that slowly turning to dark*

BaekkieTheGreat : What are you doing here Chanyeol? *He said without even turning his head*

PCY_HappyVirus : You said you wanna stay back practiced…Is this where you actually practiced?

*Chanyeol slowly approaching the smaller boy…but then…*

BaekkieTheGreat  : Stop right there….Don’t come close… *Chanyeol stop…and just stand back about a metre behind Baekhyun* I don’t want you to see me in this state.

*He said as he looks back down and wiping something on his face…*

PCY_HappyVirus : Are you crying Baek? Are you okay?

BaekkieTheGreat : How do you find me here? *Clearly not answering giant’s question*

PCY_HappyVirus : Come on Baek….We already know each other for long time…Off course I will know where you would be…

*Baekhyun scoff at the taller’s answer*

BaekkieTheGreat : Owh I see…you found me….so what do you want from me now?

PCY_HappyVirus : Whats wrong with you? I thought you were just fine earlier during practiced…and you still didn’t answer my question…why do you cry? Are you okay? Do you have any problem? You can tell me Baekhyun ar…

BaekkieTheGreat : I’m fine ! I don’t cry! I just want some time alone! ALONE! Go away Park Chanyeol!

*He buried his face on his knees*

PCY_HappyVirus : I’m sorry…I can’t leave you alone…  You can go blurt out or even get mad at me all you want but I can’t leave you… Not this time… not anymore…

*Baekhyun stays silent…*

PCY_HappyVirus : Baek….I’m sorry….

*Baekhyun finally turning back and face the taller*

BaekkieTheGreat : Sorry? For what?

PCY_HappyVirus : For everything…

BaekkieTheGreat : I don’t understand what are you talking about… We clearly don’t have anything to be sorry about…If you don’t wanna leave me, I will leave!

*Baekhyun walks away as he head to the door to leave, but as soon as he reach the doorknob he feels his hand being pulled and Chanyeol was holding it firmly as he doesn’t want to let it go.*

BaekkieTheGreat : Let it go Chanyeol!

PCY_HappyVirus : No! Listen to what I wanna say Baek.

BaekkieTheGreat : I don’t have time to listen to your words…Its been over a month! We have nothing to say to each other! Its all over!

*Baekhyun said as he struggles to let his hand free from Chanyeol’s firm grip…but he failed…Chanyeol is too strong for him*

PCY_HappyVirus : No its not over!!! How can we solve our problem when you were the one who keeps running away like this?

BaekkieTheGreat : Excuse me? Me? I’m the one who keeps running away? Haha…Looks who talking now…Hey giant…do you know its always been you the one keeps running away…you the one who keeping distance from me…Don’t even try to denied it. And now you want to solve our problem? Don’t try to make a joke here…its not funny at all…and let go of my hand!

PCY_HappyVirus : I’m not running away from you…those past month it’s a time for me to rethink again of what I’ve been done to you, to realize how important you are to me…to reflect myself of what I’ve been doing wrong to you. Obviously not keeping distance from you… *He finally let the slender hand go…*

BaekkieTheGreat : Owh really? I thought we already finished whatever we have together, because I feel so. So…thanks to you…a past month was the time for me to forget whatever we have in a past. We are not more than a friend now. Its too late for you now… Get it?

*Baekhyun turns away and leaves…leaving Chanyeol all alone…Dumbfound…*

PCY_HappyVirus : Baekhyun ar… Its only just a month and you already become so cold to me. Or Is it too late for me now?

Fighting Chanyeol! Don’t give up yet! 


A/N : Annyeong guys! I know I know...Its been few months I didn't update. I just been busy with work and maybe...because of that, suddenly I don't have feeling to write. I don't know why. *not because I'm not into EXO, I still do!* Just so u know if I don't have feel to write I will not write. Because of that, I left u guys hanging with ChanBaek story. *Cheongmal miannae* 

I feel bad to u guys. So I decide to continue least finishing ChanBaek's chap...after that let see...I will try to keep updating the story if I had time...I hope my feels to writing fic will comeback again! *maybe after EXO's comeback? Hope so!* 

I'm sorry again because this time its just a short chap and I left u guys hanging again with this two lovebirds story...huhu...I try to finish the story in the next won't be long again...*hope so*... Thank you so much for keep supporting me...I really appreciate who those subscribe/left the sweet comment and even upvote me...see u guys soon.. XOXO 

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I'm overwhelmed with emotions
Chapter 43: Im looking forward to xiuchen and the arcade.
Chapter 40: Annyeong author nim!! I'm a new reader. This fic is one of the best fics I ever read!! Please continue this fic >_<
>///< omg omg
Chapter 38: Omo ChanBaek T.T
Dinolovehappyvirus26 #6
Chapter 35: Omg please continue ChanBaek story from ch. 35, my OTP T~T
Chapter 37: I want you to post it before hiatus. jebal..nae? :3
Chapter 37: Please post chanbeak before hiatus.
:) :)
sujuxexo #9
Chapter 36: Cute sulay....><
Can you update baekyeol for me ? :)
PutriLoveHae #10
Chapter 35: Updateeeee ! :333