Chap 16 : The Truth is... - Part 1

The story of 12 boys


*As soon as Baekhyun went out of Suho’s room, Chen follows him from behind. Apparently Baekhyun is not going back to his room but…*

ChenChen : Baekkie ar! Wait !  where are you going?

BaekkieTheGreat : What the….why are you following me? The meeting is still in proceeding…Go away!

ChenChen : Listen to me first. I’ve something to tell you.

BaekkieTheGreat : What? Can’t you wait first? I have business to deal with. *He used his eyes to showed sign to the toilet*

*Chen didn’t realize that he followed the other to the toilet. Then he just smile while scratch his back head*

ChenChen : Owh…I see…okay,…take your time I’ll wait in the kitchen.

*Baekhyun just shaking his head and went in the toilet. A few minutes later,… he saw Chen sitting on chair at dining table*

BaekKieTheGreat : What Jongdae? What is it the things you wanna tell me…

ChenChen : Erm…The thing is…why don’t we talk about this in your room? *He drags Baekhyun to his room and sat on Baekhyun’s bed*

BaekkieTheGreat : Okay Jongdae….now we here, what it is? You really make me nervous now…

*Chen looks hesitant for a while….but then he finally open his mouth*

ChenChen : Baek, chingu ar…remember two days ago we had late night practice at SM, when we both went to the toilet and then you leave me all alone in there. Not just that, you switch off the light and lock the door too…

BaekkieTheGreat : Owh that…So? Its not that I leave you there alone for a long time…I did come back to you few minutes later…

ChenChen : Yeah but still…Its was scared of me Baekkie ar…

BaekkieTheGreat : Okay okay..I’m so sorry, at first I indeed intend to prank you by leaving you alone…but after I got out the toilet, I ran into Jonghyun hyung and we have chitchat for a while. That moment I totally forget about you in the toilet and got carried away talking to him.

ChenChen : What? You forget about me? Yaaaa!….

BaekkieTheGreat : Relax, I’m really really really sorry… thank god I remember about you when his manager calling for him and I immediately come back to you.

ChenChen : I bet you guys would totally go out for drink if it wasn’t his manager called for him. And then I’m probably be dead alone in there…>.<

BaekkieTheGreat : Again Jongdae…chingu…I’m very very sorry  if that upset you.

ChenChen : Its okay..Its all in the past now…just don’t do it again….Its not funny at all..

BaekkieTheGreat : Okay…I understand…So that’s it? That’s all you wanna tell me?   

ChenChen : Nope….I just wanna be honest to you…

BaekkieTheGreat : Hah? Yeah, about what you just told me earlier? Or something else?

*Chen takes a deep breath and let out big sigh…*

ChenChen : It’s me who hide your shoes. I did that as pay back of what you did to me at the toilet.

*Chen close his eyes and look away, he didn’t dare to look into Baekhyun’s eyes*

BaekkieTheGreat : WHAT??????? *He screams…while Chen still look away, almost want to hide his face from Baekhyun* Jongdae ar! Why?? Why you didn’t tell me about this sooner? You know how I blame Chanyeol about this. Why you didn’t confess during the meeting? While we talking about this? WHY?

ChenChen : I’m scared, to tell the truth in front of all our member. Its embarrassing…I’m sorry Baekkie… but I indeed want to tell you about it…just not in front of all people…I hide your shoes to get back to you, so you know how hard, how pain it is to me…when the time you pull prank at me..

BaekkieTheGreat : That is not even the same situation Jongdae! Manager hyung scold me…I make all the member waiting…and we all late from our schedule…. You know what…I understand you wanna get back to me, but what make me mad now is you didn’t tell me sooner! Now how am I supposed to tell Chanyeol?

*CRACKK!!....The door opened*

PCY_HappyVirus : To tell me what? That Chen is actually hide your shoes? Hah Baekkie?

*Chanyeol put each of his hand on his waist, staring deeply at Baekhyun*

ChenChen : I think I’ll better leave now. Goodnight guys.


A/N : Sorry for the short chapter this time....but will continue in the next chap...Really sorry for my lame english... XOXO ^^

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I'm overwhelmed with emotions
Chapter 43: Im looking forward to xiuchen and the arcade.
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>///< omg omg
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:) :)
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Can you update baekyeol for me ? :)
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