Chap 27 : Saengil Chukahae Duizhang!

The story of 12 boys


*EXO all OT12 were having nice happy meal together at the nearest restaurant around their dorm building. Besides of not having any schedules, they also were celebrating Kris’s birthday. They were accompanied by two of their managers while having the party*

*The restaurant was totally being occupied by all of them. But they don’t care since the restaurant was a bit hidden from the public hence there were not many customer in here*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Guys! Shhhhh! Please stop talking for a moment!

*Suddenly Yixing deem the light and everybody stay silent for a moment. Turns out Suho were bring the birthday’s cake with lighted candles on top of it. He approached EXO’s tables while started to sing Birthday song followed by other member*

*Kris looks flustered and just smiles looking at the cake and the member*

KrisWu : Wow…Thank you guys…thank you manager hyungdeul…  *Blowed out the candles, followed by the sound of handclapping after that*

$uho_TheLeader : Now make a wish! Palli!

*Kris closed his eyes for a moment. Then he open back his eyes only to notice his had been caked by Tao*

KrisWu : Yaa! Tao ar….Don’t play with food okay… *he said while stopped Tao’s hand before he tries to put on icing cake on his face again*

PandaLoveGucci : Arrr wae? This is people always do when they celebrating people’s birthday. You don’t have a right to mad at me.

*Kris just raises his brows and shakes his head to Tao as a sign to stop the silly action*

*The party going out really well…All EXO members were having so much fun while celebrating Kris’s birthday…Except Kris didn’t look so much happy after the party ended*

*He just stays quiet and didn’t talk to anyone when all of them arrived at their dorm. He just space out himself in his room…*

*At that night….in EXO’s dorm*

yKai : Did you notice Kris hyung didn’t get out of the room since we come home from his birthday party?

ChenChen : Yeah…I noticed it too… maybe he’s too tired…he probably sleeping all day…like you don’t know how Kris hyung before this?

yKai : I know…but we all saw him today he was being all happy while we having party for his birthday at the restaurant this afternoon. So I supposed he must be want to spend the rest of the day with us here or maybe going out with Tao like they always did before.

DO_Dyo : Jongin….don’t try to assume anything k… Kris hyung probably just being tired…that’s all… Speaking of Tao, where the hell he is? I didn’t see any sign of him here…. Did he sneak out again? Alone?

ChenChen : Well I overheard him talking to our manager about an hour ago, he said he want to go out somewhere…Maybe he have something urgent to do or wants to buy something? I don’t know…But whatever he did, he already tell manager hyung. So don’t worry about him.

 yKai : Owh owh, he probably wants to buy present for Kris hyung! Yeah…its too obvious okay! Hahaha…. That’s why Kris hyung didn’t want to get out from the room, he’s being sulky from the panda! *He grinned but later groaned in pained because Kyungsoo pinches his thigh…pretty hardly*

yKai : Ouch!! Arr hyung! That hurt! *rubbing his hurt thigh*

DO_Dyo : I’ve told you don’t try to assumed anything that you didn’t know. It might lead to misleading okay? Just go to sleep Jongin ar…its already your time to sleep…

ChenChen : Hahahaha… Kyungsoo ar…you really sounded like his mother….

yKai : Well apparently he is…*winked to Kyungsoo* But hyung, I really want to sleep but I didn’t feel sleepy at all now…can’t you accompany me to sleep? Maybe give me a lullbaby? Please hyung…

DO_Dyo : Owh come here…. But if you didn’t fell asleep in 15 minutes I will leave you alone…I have other better things to do beside babysit you… *Drag Jongin to his room*

*At the same time…Tao just arrived at the dorm while panting, clearly he rushes coming back to dorm*

ChenChen : Tao ar? Where have you been? Are you going out shopping again alone? At night?

PandaLoveGucci : Aniya aniya! Nothing…I was just gone out to take some fresh air…yeah…I was exercising at the park… with Tasty hyung! *He lied*

ChenChen : Hurm…really Tao? Why I feel something fishy about it? Then what is that thing in your hand? What is it in the package?

PandaLoveGucci : Hah? Arr… this? Nothing….Tasty hyung give this to me…*He lied again* I also don’t know what it is…Hyung, Kris hyung still in his room right?

ChenChen : I guess so… I also didn’t see him at all tonight…he probably just sleeping all day today…

PandaLoveGucci : Okay good then… *He go straightly to Duizhang’s room*

*Tao tries to open the door, but its lock.*

PandaLoveGucci : Hyung, open the door please… *Knock!Knock!Knock!*

*No answer, the door still locked*



*The door still locked and no answer from Kris at all*

*Tao continue knocking the door….but instead of him…its Chen that looks frustrated, he when to the kitchen and comeback with the screwdriver*

ChenChen : Cinca… Why I’m the only one who helps you guys? Why I’m the one who always involves in your love fight? *He sigh and try to unlock the door*

PandaLoveGucci : Jongdae hyung what are you doing? What are you talking about?

*Then the door is opened and Chen just give a sign to panda to enter the room*

 ChenChen : Just get in and good luck….owh god…I feel like I being the cupid of all this time…huh…

*Tao get in Kris’s room….only to noticed the taller just sit on his bed reading some kind of book…He’s clearly fully awake and purposely didn’t answer nor open  the door earlier. He even didn’t look at Tao when the maknae enter the room*

*But Tao fully aware why Kris behaving like that….he look at his watch, almost a quarter before 12.00am…*

PandaLoveGucci : Kris hyung,… You not going to ignore me forever aren’t you?

*Kris still didn’t budge from his position at all*

PandaLoveGucci : Look, I know why you behaving like this… please stop…its your birthday…You should be happy…

KrisWu : I am happy….earlier….while we at the party…but once I realized something is not right….yeah…It totally cut off my mood…

PandaLoveGucci : I’m sorry…. For not wishing your birthday earlier… hey, I still had time okay…Its almost 11.45am and it still your birthday! So , happy birthday Kris hyung!

*Kris stand up and come close to Tao who still stand near at the door room, He almost whispered to panda…*

KrisWu : Well its too late okay…it took you that long to wish me? *He smirks and then goes out the room to head to the bathroom*

*Kris actually don’t understand….they already celebrate his birthday together and having a very splendid meal today at the restaurant, yet the panda didn’t wish him a happy birthday , not even once!*

*He not really expected a present or what, just a simple wish from his dearest dongsaeng…but yet…it doesn’t make any sense…Did Tao try to put a joke or play prank? Well he obviously don’t like the idea*

*When he comes back, he almost bumped to Tao because he stand too close to the door. Suddenly Tao grab both of Kris’s hand and pull him so the taller faced him and against the bed*

KrisWu : What do you want Tao?

PandaLoveGucci : Hyung, Saengil chukahae! Happy happy birthday to you!

KrisWu : Did I said its too late earlier?

PandaLoveGucci : Nope…its not…its 11.56am… I still have four minutes left before 12.00am…

KrisWu : Well its too late to me…You think its something you can play joke on me….well its not Tao…

*Tao suddenly hugging the taller….He hug so tight, so Kris can’t let go off the hug easily*

KrisWu : Tao what are you doing? You think this can make me go easy on you? Let go off me!

PandaLoveGucci : No I won’t hyung! Its already three minutes before 12.00am….Let’s just stay like this for a moment…

KrisWu : Tao…please…I really not in the….

PandaLoveGucci : Please…let me finish…you just have to hear me hyung… Today is your precious day. Today is your born day….thank you for being born in the world…Thank you for become the great person, great hyung and leader so I can lean on you whenever I need it….Thank you Kris mum for having this amazing son…. Wu Yifan gege, just thank you so much for always been there for me…. Happy birthday…. *He still hugging the older but he can feel Kris isn’t struggling anymore…he also being quiet all of sudden*

*After about three minutes…he let go of the hug and look at Kris…*

PandaLoveGucci : Hyung…I’m sorry for wishing your birthday late…Trust me, It’s not that I forget or try to play joke on you…but I’ve my own reason and my special way to wish it to you…hope you can understand… Good night hyung… *He went out the room without waiting for Kris’s answer*

*Kris just being left there looking dumbfound of what just happen, he turn back to his bed and he found something being put on his bed*

*He takes a close look and it turns out it is brand new panda plushy sat beside his Ace’s. There’s a note left below the plushy…he takes and read it…*

PandaLoveGucci : My small present for you hyung… You can name him whatever you want…I hope he can be your Ace’s friend…. Again…I’m so sorry… ^_^

KrisWu : *Let out a little laugh…and then he just smile….* Tao ar, since when you become romantic?

*Kris put the panda plushy close to his son, Ace…*

KrisWu : This your new friend Ace ar…Zizi the panda….


A/N : Huarghhh... I feel so sleepy while finishing this chap...So sorry for late update... So yeah TaoRIs for u guys....Thank you fot all my readers and subscribers... *bow2*

p/s : Congratulation EXO for winning Album Of The Year at MAMA2013 !! *throw confetties*

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