Chap 33 : Between The Cold Medicine and The Lollipop

The story of 12 boys


*Xiumin already feels uncomfortable on the way they go back to the dorm. He worried that he might catch a cold. But he just keeps himself quiet and carefully cycling on their way back home. He doesn’t want anyone know that he’s sick because its only become a burden to them. Besides, he doesn’t want they worried about him, especially Chen*

*Although Xiumin doesn’t let anyone know his poor condition, he keep coughing a lot and because of that he purposely slow down his cycling path and let the other members lead the way in the front…He did that so the rest wouldn’t noticed his current condition which getting worst and worst*

*And off course, all of them didn’t notice at all….except one…*

*Chen noticed the elder slow his cycling path and keep left behind…he also noticed that the baozi keeps cover his mouth and he rather look uncomfortable at all. From that moment he already noticed that his hyung, is rather sick now…or caught a cold to be exact*

*As soon as they all arrived at their dorm building, instead of put his bicycle back to the storage room, Chen turn around, sneakily and left the place*


The_Baozi : Where is Jongdae? I thought he’s the first one to arrive? *Cough2*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Arr… He text me saying that he wants to buy lollipop… *While making blank face, he push the elevator button and everyone enter it*

The_Baozi : Lollipop? Really? Jongdae? That’s doesn’t sound like him at all. If its lulu, I might still believe it. *cough2*

Lulu90 : Bwo? Lollipop? Since when Jongdae into lollipop?

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Owh I don’t know hyung. I just tell you what he told me in the message.

The_Baozi : Whatever it is, It still dangerous going out alone in the middle of night, we just come back home, why does he still bother about lollipop? *cough2* Cinca…this unicorn really can’t tell a lie at think I believe in that?

*Lay just shrugs his shoulder*

Lulu90 : But are you okay Minseok ar? You don’t seem good at all… you keep coughing all the way until we arrive here.

The_Baozi : I’m okay, I’m okay…Just feel a bit cold…

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Really hyung? You don’t seem okay to me… Or the fact that I tell you the most popular in EXO makes you chill up until now?

The_Baozi : Aniya!! Don’t keep saying that…people might believe its true.

Lulu90 : But it is true…I don’t see why you piss off because of that. You should be proud Minseok ar.

The_Baozi : No I’m not lulu! I’m not as famous or popular as you guys or the rest of member! *Cough2* Please don’t keep saying that okay, I’m not comfortable at all. *cough2*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Arasso hyung, I’m just want to tease you… But about harabuji in the toilet that recognized you as EXO’s Xiumin is a fact okay…No one can deny it.

*Xiumin just sigh and get out of the elevator, he walk ahead still fighting against the cold leaving the two boys behind in a dazed*

Lulu90 : I don’t understand…Is he’s on period pain or what? Burst out all of sudden…

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Let it go hyung. He indeed didn’t look good. I think he might catch cold. Don’t you noticed he keep coughing a lot?

Lulu90 : Yeah, I noticed it too. Owh no, we still got schedule tomorrow’s morning. I’m worried about him, Yixing. Maybe we should go out buy a cold medicine for him.

Unicorn_JiuJiu : No need hyung.

Lulu90 : Hah? Why? Don’t you worry about him at all Yixing?

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Because Jongdae already took care of it.

Lulu90 : Hah? *Luhan clearly blank and Yixing just smile at him*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Come on hyung, I tell you inside… *Yixing enter their pin code’s number at the entrance door, and both of them enter the dorm*


*Just when they all arrived at their dorm building, Yixing’s phone vibrates – an incoming message*

ChenChen : “Hyung, I’ll be back soon… I’m going to buy cold medicine and hot pack for Minseok hyung. Please tell the others something else and please don’t make them worried about me…Thank you hyung”

Unicorn_JiuJiu : “Why you don’t ask me to come along with you? Are you crazy? Going out again alone tonight?”

ChenChen : “Don’t worry hyung, I’ll be fine…In fact, there’s pharmacy just around our neighbourhood. So, it wouldn’t be long okay?”

Unicorn_JiuJiu : “Arasso, come back soon and be careful k... Arrr, could you buy a lollipop for me?”

ChenChen : “Hah? Hurm…nae hyung…Please take care of Minseok hyung..He really didn’t look well… =( ”

*Yixing sigh, he knows Xiumin didn’t look good tonight, but when Chen told him that he want to go buy the medicine for Xiumin, he also worried about the younger. He worried Chen just being alone cycling in the middle of night. But things already happen, he just hope Chen will come back soon safe and sound*

The_Baozi : Where is Jongdae? I thought he’s the first one to arrive? *Cough2*

*Present time*

*Xiumin enters his room, its dark…he switch on the lights…No sign of the two-beagle line. ChanBaek still didn’t come back home yet nor do Tao…he think*

*Nevertheless, he doesn’t care, he changed his clothes and just wanna go off to sleep. He didn’t care anything else. Just when he about to close his eyes, the lights went on making him blinking at the sight*

The_Baozi : *Cough2* What the… Please…I’m trying to sleep here…

$uho_Leader : Minseok ar, Yixing told me you catch a cold….kwenchana? Are you okay? Should we go to clinic?

The_Baozi : Well I have a cold, off course I’m not okay silly… No no, I’m fine….No need to go anywhere… I rather be sleeping now…Don’t worry Suho…

$uho_Leader : Are you sure?  Look at you, your freezing to death! Let me just call manager hyung…He will take y…

The_Baozi : I said I’m fine! Can you just please leave me alone! I just wanna sleep now… *Cough2*

$uho_Leader : *He snapped at Xiumin sudden burst, but he try to calm down…*But…you caught a cold…you should…Hey Yixing…

*Yixing who happen to just standing at the Xiumin’s door room can’t hold it anymore…He just take leader’s hand and drag him away out of the room*

*Outside the room*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Just leave him alone Junmyeon, Jongdae’s on his way back here bring the medicine for Minseok hyung. I think just let him handle the things okay…You don’t look rather good either…Are you okay? *He said while putting his hand on the other arm*

$uho_Leader : I’m fine…Just tired a bit…Jongin’s kids…Cinca…Changnan aniya…They all really hyperactive. They all almost drain out my energy tonight. I don’t know how Jongin can handle the three of them. *He sigh*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Its okay…Its normal like that. Puppies indeed cute but they all are very active and fun to play with. You have Byul, you must know it too right? So its okay. All you need now is a goodnight sleep. But before that, you wanna have some milk before sleep? It will help you feel calm and off course feel better.

*Suho just nod…clearly too tired even to speak…*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : *He just flash a smile at the leader* Come here leader… Himne babe! *He takes the leader’s arm and drag him to the kitchen*

*At Xiumin’s room*

*He wants to sleep, but he can’t sleep. Why? He thought all the tiredness and the sickness he had will make him easy to fall asleep. But apparently not*

The_Baozi : Why is it hard to fall asleep? Please eyes do close and let me fall asleep… *He closes his eyes and try to sleep again but no to avail. Its already countless sleeping position he try to help him sleep but still failed*

*He was freezing to death, even he already put triple layers of cloths on his body he still feel cold…coughing and sneezing countless time*

*Xiumin naturally feel bad mood whenever he fell sick, that’s why he treat the other member coldly…He doesn’t mean it but it just happen anyway because of his mood*

*On the other hand….Chen already come back to the dorm…bringing the cold medicine and also a pack of lollipop? along with him*

*He's on his way to find Yixing to give the package of lollipop to the unicorn. Just when he about to knock Yixing’s room, he noticed Suho and Yixing at the kitchen…talking to each other happily…So he just when to them eventually…*

ChenChen : Ehem2…Sorry to interrupt but Yixing hyung here’s your…well…the thing that you order earlier…*naturally gave it to the unicorn* well continue chattering both of you…but before that, where is Minseok hyung?

$uho_Leader : He’s at his room. He said he wanna sleep. But I don’t know Jongdae ar, he’s really not in the good mood..You know how he is whenever he gets sick. Try to be nice with him okay?

ChenChen : Don’t worry hyung, I know how to treat a moody patient. *leave the two boys both alone at the kitchen although he still can hear Suho questioning Yixing, what was the thing that he gave to the unicorn earlier…He just grin while heading to Xiumin’s room*

*But suddenly he changed his thought, he went to his room first, changed his clothes, brush his teeth, after five  minutes he walk out the room to go to Xiumin’s when he noticed the Hongdae’s line are back…But where’s ChanBaek? Arghhh…Its not the time to think of other people, he knock on the door, asking permission to enter the room but silent…No answer.*

ChenChen : Hurm…Is he sleeping already? It can’t be…How can he sleep in that state? Should I just enter the room? But he’s already in the bad mood…I might just make it worst.

*For about one whole minute he just stand in front of the door, not entering nor turn back his step…Until the door room were suddenly opened*

The_Baozi : For god sake Jongdae! What are you doing in front the door? *Cough2*

ChenChen : *He also snapped at the presence of Xiumin in front of him* Arrr…I’ve been wandering if I should enter your room or not…

The_Baozi : Well why don’t you just come in then? Or at least knocking the door before enters my room?

ChenChen : I already knock on your door, but you didn’t answer me. So I thought you may have fallen asleep…

The_Baozi : Owh…yeah…I can’t sleep…*cough2* So I put on earphone to listen the song. Thought it might help me to sleep. But still didn’t work. Owh that’s why I didn’t noticed you knocking the door. Sorry. But why would you want to do in my room anyway?

ChenChen : Its okay hyung. I know you sick. You caught a cold aren’t you? So I thought to give you this. *Presenting the cold medicine wrapped in package in his left hand* and this… *the hot packs in his right hand*

The_Baozi : Owh I see… Well put it on my desk. I’ve to go the bathroom now *cough2* *He just left the younger and went to the bathroom while sneezing non-stop*

*Chen is actually in dazed. Suho said he is in the bad mood...So he preparing himself to face the moody baozi, but now he seems….well off course sick but rather okay…not really in a bad mood…or is it?*

*Xiumin returns to his room just to find Chen sitting on his bed…But he didn’t look shock at all…*

The_Baozi : Why you still here? Don’t you have to sleep now?

ChenChen : Arr…I just wanna make sure that you eat the medicine. Then I will go back to my room.

The_Baozi : I said I will eat it… You should go to sleep now…

ChenChen : Not until you eat it first…Please hyung….just do this for me…*he pleading to the older*

The_Baozi : …Why must he sounds like that? Stop it Jongdae, You know I can’t resist your voice…especially when you pleading like that… Owh….fine fine! I eat now…Give it to me…*cough2*

 *He finally gives in*

ChenChen : Assa! That my baozi hyung…*He gave the medicine to the older* you have a cold, off course you have to eat it…after all I already buy it just for y…I mean… I mean…Its manager hyung who gave me the medicine…

The_Baozi : Manager hyung never knew I was sick silly… So you were saying? “after all I already buy it just for?” for who Jongdae ar?

ChenChen : Arr… What I mean is…Otw I was going back here…Yixing hyung told me that you sick and give me the medicine to give it to you…So there you are…yeah…

*Xiumin still give a suspicious look at the younger…Not really believe what Chen is blabbering about..but he decide to not anymore and just eat the medicine…But then…When he unpack the package...he seems shock*

The_Baozi : Tell me Jongdae, since when lollipop become a cold medicine now? *He grin while passing the package of lollipop to the younger*

*While Chen is completely in state of shock, in fact more shock than Xiumin…Suddenly, Yixing abruptly dash in the room…*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : I believe this is mine…*He snatch the lollipop package at Chen’s grip* and this is yours Minseok hyung…*He gave the other lil package which is cold medicine in his knuckles to Xiumin* please get well soon and good night. *He dash out as soon as he finish the sentences*

The_Baozi : What the…What just happen? Did he just switch the package? Jongdae ar? *and he sneeze again*

*While Chen already cover his face with both of his palms, clearly embarrassed yet still shock of the thing that just happen*

ChenChen : Arghhh…How come I can accidentally switch the package? !! I should just check before giving the package to them…Damn! Damn!!

*Actually, Chen bought both cold medicine and lollipop at the pharmacy earlier. Yeah, pharmacies indeed sell a lollipop too…That’s why the package was the same and even he himself got confused which one is it.*

ChenChen : *he take a deep breath* Okay hyung…firstly, let’s just take your medicine okay…and I will explain later…

The_Baozi : No…explain first and I will eat the medicine after that. *He said firmly*

*Fully awares that Xiumin already have no mood that night due to his cold…Chen didn’t want to push and pull anymore…*

ChenChen : Okay okay…After I realize that you caught a cold, I decide to  go back to the pharmacy near our building just to buy you the medicine and hot pack…

The_Baozi : And the lollipop?

ChenChen : I don’t know, Yixing hyung told me to buy it too…that’s all…and apparently they do sell the lollipop too at the pharmacy…So thats why I got confuse, turn out give a wrong package to both of you...Now please eat this hyung…Look I already wrap it off, you just have to drink it.

The_Baozi : *He look at the Chen for a while…the he smile…* Arasso…give it to me then…*He takes and drink it…finally*

The_Baozi : Thank you Jongdae ar…for all the thing you have done tonight…You know you don’t have to do it right? *He said while preparing himself to sleep back on his bed*

ChenChen : Hyung, I do it, because I really care for you. You don’t have to thanks to me actually… Now go to sleep…Its already late…Its not good for you condition now…

The_Baozi : Arasso…I sleep now… you have to sleep too… *He pull his blanket up to his neck…covering all his body…But he still shivering*

 *And Chen noticed that…He feel so bad seeing the older all alone, (Where the hell is ChanBaek anyway?), shivering under the blanket*

*So he decided…to accompany him…tonight, he crawls to Xiumin’s bed, slipping his body under the blanket and lying beside the older *

The_Baozi : What are you doing Jongdae ar? You might get infected from me…Just go to your room instead…I’m fine…

ChenChen : No…I will not…I’m strong…Let me keep you warm tonight hyung… Can you turn your body to the left hyung?

The_Baozi : What?

ChenChen : Please hyung…

*The baozi gives up and follow the younger said…then he felt Chen’s warm body approaching him from his back…Chen actually is hugging him now from the back while them both lying on the bed…*

*Xiumin feel awkward at first but then he feels the warm heat from the younger’s body…He feel warm now…not shivering like before…Not just warm…but calm too…he feel sleepy now…*

The_Baozi : Jongdae ar… Don’t leave me… at least for tonight…

ChenChen : I won’t hyung…Just sleep okay… Good night…

The_Baozi : Good night…Jongdae ar, I think I like you…but I’m wrong… I think I love you…

*Both of them fell asleep after that…and they stay like that, not moving even an inch…*

*Its almost 3 o’clock in the morning…suddenly someone open the door room*

PCY_HappyVirus : We already here Baek…Owh Tao is sleeping in Kris’s hyung room again…

BaekkieTheGreat : Where are we Chanyeol? Why is it dark here? *Baekhyun speaks in his half sleep*

PCY_HappyVirus : We already in our room…Its dark because Minseok hyung already sleeping…But wait…Why it seems more than one person on his bed? *He talk while put Baekhyun gently on his bed*

BaekkieTheGreat : What did you said? *He blinks his eyes and tries to look at Xiumin’s bed*

*With just depending on the dim light on Xiumin’s bedside’s lamp…Chanyeol move closer to see who the other person who sleep with the eldest*

PCY_HappyVirus : Owh my lord…Its Jongdae! I don’t know they both in this kind of relationship?

BaekkieTheGreat : Keep your voice down giant! You might wake them up. You know what…just let them be…Its so sweet…and I’m getting back to sleep…You just go back to your bed and sleep…Its already 3am for god sake…I will definitely late tomorrow…*He sigh and lying back on his bed*

PCY_HappyVirus : Alright alright… but we can’t lose to them Baek… *He slipping his body on Baekhyun’s bed and lying beside the shorter*

BaekkieTheGreat : OMG! You really out of your mind didn’t you? Get off my bed!

PCY_HappyVirus : Nope…make me…

*Baekhyun know, it useless because Chanyeol is a giant and he can’t force the giant off the bed just with his small body. Plus, he’s already feel sleepy so he decide to just let him be*

BaekkieTheGreat : Okay! I give up…Just because I’m too sleepy now…And this is just for tonight okay? No hugging no kissing no skinship at all!

PCY_HappyVirus : Hehe…arasso…Good night Baek…Sweetdream… *He quickly peck his lips to the other and go back lying on the bed facing the opposite site from Baekhyun*

BaekkieTheGreat : Yaaa…What did I just said? Owh forget it…Good night giant…I hope my bed didn’t collapse tomorrow… *He sigh again and continue to sleep, he has to squeezing and adjusting his small body to fit in the limited space that has been full up with Chanyeol’s body*

*At the end both of them fell asleep too* 


A/N : This is probably the longest chap I ever wrote! *Hope you guys didn't get boring* Huhu... At the starter of this chap, I was a bit lost actually...but then...once the idea come, you know....Its just out of control...huhu...I hope you guys can follow the story too...After watching EXO's showtime...I can't help, but the idea is kept coming...-.- As you guy can see, today's main character is XiuChen....and a lil bit of SuLay and ChanBaek! huhu...ChanBaek idea come very last minute...Plus, I can't just resist them...huhu... So who do you guys want to see next? *I think I know who* ^_^

Neomu2 kamsahae to my lovely readers and subbies...Lots of love to you guys...keep supporting me nae? See you guys again in next chap...XOXO

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I'm overwhelmed with emotions
Chapter 43: Im looking forward to xiuchen and the arcade.
Chapter 40: Annyeong author nim!! I'm a new reader. This fic is one of the best fics I ever read!! Please continue this fic >_<
>///< omg omg
Chapter 38: Omo ChanBaek T.T
Dinolovehappyvirus26 #6
Chapter 35: Omg please continue ChanBaek story from ch. 35, my OTP T~T
Chapter 37: I want you to post it before hiatus. jebal..nae? :3
Chapter 37: Please post chanbeak before hiatus.
:) :)
sujuxexo #9
Chapter 36: Cute sulay....><
Can you update baekyeol for me ? :)
PutriLoveHae #10
Chapter 35: Updateeeee ! :333