Chap 23 : The Hyungs Are Worried

The story of 12 boys


*On the same day, EXO M just arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport…As they were walks to head to their van…*

KrisWu : ! I forgot my sunglasses…. I had them in one of our luggages…Now what I’m gonna do with my eyes? It looks swollen…

PandaLoveGucci : Well, who tell you to non-stop sleeping. You already sleep early last night. Yet, still sleeping in the flight, don’t you get enough? …jeez, blame yourself hyung.

KrisWu : Its not the right time to nag at me Tao…Look at those lens…Damn! My pic will be all bad because of these stupid eyes.

PandaLoveGucci : You should be thankful for me for this…take it! Don’t ask anymore…

*He handed his own sunglasses to Kris. Kris look surprised and then smiled at the youngest. He then Tao’s cheeks and wears it*

KrisWu : Thank you panda…hehe…

*Meanwhile…behind them….Luhan and Xiumin walking together while talking to each other*

Lulu90 : I don’t know how to face Sehun when we meet again. Ottoke Minseok ar? What should I do? I'm so worried about him....

The_Baozi : Did you already try to contact him again?

Lulu90 : Yes I am! But he won’t pick up the called. I even texted him a bunch of messages…but he never reply me. I knew I should’ve told him earlier. He really sensitive about that bubble tea thingy. He thoughts I can only have a bubble tea with him. Its like a special event just for us.

The_Baozi : Wow…Don’t you think it’s a bit over? Its like he want to own you by himself. I know you guys have been really closed, but sometimes you have to clear something up with him. For example, this kind of thing.

Lulu90 : Huhu…the thing is I was thinking the same too… I do think having a bubble tea together with him make us feel special and indeed it bring us much closed together. Its my fault actually…Since it my favourite drink…I just can’t wait to have it and end up going out with you.

The_Baozi : You know, your problem is not sounded so serious like you just mention it. Its kind of funny actually… really? Just because of bubble tea? That made you guys fight? So silly…hehe

Lulu90 : Hey Minseok ar…You not helping me at all…. Please, do you have any idea for me to reconcile things back with him? Arr cinca…I really miss him…

The_Baozi : Okay…sorry…hurm… first thing first if it was me, I wouldn’t going out with other people to have the bubble tea or if I really really want the drink I would just ask manager to buy it for me.

*Luhan just gave him a deep glare…*

The_Baozi : Okay back to your problem… Have you try solved like an old way?…I mean, when you meet him,..just straightly apologized to him…you better be so sorry about it…

Lulu90 : Hah…Just like that? Straightly apologized to him?…hurm… I don’t know Minseok…I’m not so sure about it…any other idea?

The_Baozi : Or maybe you can buy him a bubble tea? Make a surprise event or something… Mann…It sound like you wanna proposed to him…LOL…

Lulu90 : Owh…Treat him a bubble tea! Hurm…sound promising….okay…I might be thinking of something right now…

The_Baozi : Okay great then…Let me know how it goes okay…

Lulu90 : Off course…and thank you Minseokie…you really my best friend! *Try to give him a simple hug but reject by baozi*

The_Baozi : Hey hey..This kind of thing that made your Sehun being jealous of me okay? Please restrain it…

Lulu90 : Owh C’mon…he’s not even here… *forcefully hug the shorter*

The_Baozi : Arghh…cinca….whatever lulu…just don’t come to me if you were in trouble again…You never learn the lesson…Owh…our van is here…hey, where’s Jongdae? *He looks back to expected seeing Yixing and Chen but apparently is just Yixing alone playing with his phone…* Yixing ar, where is Jongdae? Our van already here…..

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Hah? Owh…He told me he went to the toilet…

The_Baozi : What? Alone? In this airport? Jeez that boy, I’m afraid those fans will run after him and squeeze him like there’s no tomorrow…Why you didn’t tell me or our manager soon Yixing ar?

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Arrr…because I forget about it? Huhu…I’m really sorry hyung…. *He go to manager to tell him about Chen*

Lulu90 : Minseok ar! What are you doing there? Palli get in to the van! The fans are getting many here!

The_Baozi : I think I’m gonna find Jongdae first…I will bring him here as soon I found him. Tell that to our manager okay! *He dashes back to the airport to find Chen. Many fans were after him too*

KrisWu : Manager will scold him I’m telling you. He’s acting too brave… Its not like Jongdae still a kid.

Lulu90 : Easy for you to say, what if its Tao instead of Jongdae?

*Kris look at Tao who currently looking out the window while listening song from his phone…He’s clearly don’t know what happen around him*

KrisWu : If its this kid? Yeah…I will look out for him…then I will pound his head after I found him…

Lulu90 : Hahaha…I know right? So does Minseok. I bet he will do the same as you would do to Tao.

*Back to Xiumin….*

*He runs back to airport to find Jongdae. As he ran back and forth searching for toilet sign…Many fans also run after him while taking pictures and calling his name…*

*After a while…he felt his head bump into floor...Its hurt and dizzy, he fell while running…All the fans are started to gather a circle around him… just when the security guard try to unleashes the huge bunch of girls that hovering him…He feel someone taking his hand and carried him. He thought it was one of the security guard. But then he smell familiar scent from the guys back*

The_Baozi : Jongdae? Is that you? *Xiumin tries to open his eyes but his head hurt so much*

ChenChen : Hyung, what are you think you doing? How come you fell? I thought you already at the van. *Chen said while carried the oldest at the back*

The_Baozi : I was looking for you, you crazy ! I thought you will get hover by our fans while you alone. *He said in weakly tone*

ChenChen : What was you thinking? I’m not some kind of kid okay. I’m pretty good at sneaking around from our fans. You don’t have to look for me. I was so surprised when I just about to return back, I saw a bunch of girls snapping pictures… So I got a hunch…I go there, and it was indeed you hyung…

The_Baozi : I'm just worried about you Jongdae… *He said while his eyes were closed. He sounded very weakly*

*Chen slow his pace as he listen his hyung words…The securities also escorting them on the way to their van..*

ChenChen : Hyung… don’t have too…It breaks my heart seeing you like this….I’m sorry…

The_Baozi : Its okay ….As long as I know you were doing fine…

*They both reach at the van. Xiumin later got treated properly and thank god it was nothing serious…just a few of bruises on his head… After reaching the hotel, they both got earful nag by their manager. It is pretty much better than having undergo a punishment.*


A/N : Arghhhhhhhh!! I'm not feling well today...I have headache while I'm writing this chap...huhu...So, I'm sorry if its kind of lacking somewhere...I'm sorry too for the brain is not functioning well today... About the title, I used Hyungs to represent Xiumin and Luhan.but they worried bout different things...I know u guys understand it right... Thankyu again for reading my stories...XOXO

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I'm overwhelmed with emotions
Chapter 43: Im looking forward to xiuchen and the arcade.
Chapter 40: Annyeong author nim!! I'm a new reader. This fic is one of the best fics I ever read!! Please continue this fic >_<
>///< omg omg
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Dinolovehappyvirus26 #6
Chapter 35: Omg please continue ChanBaek story from ch. 35, my OTP T~T
Chapter 37: I want you to post it before hiatus. jebal..nae? :3
Chapter 37: Please post chanbeak before hiatus.
:) :)
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Can you update baekyeol for me ? :)
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Chapter 35: Updateeeee ! :333