Chap 39 : "What If...?"

The story of 12 boys


*DUMM!!...There’s a loud sound of door that just being smack by Baekhyun*

TheBaozi : Aigoo….You surprise me Baekhyun ar,…you already home? Why you all alone? I thought Chanyeol was with you?

*Baekhyun just shrug his shoulder….*

BaekkieTheGreat : Minseok hyung…I take a shower first…

TheBaozi : Owh? Ar…nae…

*He then grabs the towel and moves to the bathroom*

*In the bathroom….He left the water running but yet he just stands still…thinking deeply of something…or someone…*

BaekkieTheGreat : Why you do this to me Chanyeol ar? I thought you already forgotten me…I thought I didn’t mean anything in your life anymore…why? After a month you suddenly said sorry….suddenly you turn around to me…I thought we just be friend…just best friend… I don’t know what to do now…I’m too scared to be hurt anymore…specially by you…

*He placed his right palm on his chest*

BaekkieTheGreat : Dear heart….please be strong…I do still love him…I never will stop loving him actually… I can’t never lie to myself but I’m too scared to face the reality…enough is enough…I should move on…you should move on too dear heart…but can’t I even move on if the person keep clinging and hold on to me?Arghhh.. I hate this kind of feeling!!

*He hit the bathroom wall with his fist as to release his emotion*

BaekkieTheGreat : Strange….Its not hurt at all…I feel nothing…Its what inside that hurt me more…

*Baekhyun takes a heavy sigh and then he continue shower with couple of tears that emerge from his eyes…washing along the waters that running up to down his body*


DO_Dyo : *Knock! Knock! Knock!* Baekhyun ar, palli finish your shower then join us for dinner. I’m cooking cream spaghetti tonight.

*Baekhyun heard Kyungsoo’s talking but he choose to stay silent*

*During dinner,…*

Lulu90 : Sehun ar…open your mouth…. Aaaaaa *He feed the maknae a spoonful of spaghetti into his mouth*

*Sehun just open his mouth and eating with over happily face*

ChenChen : Owh please you two… no need to show you guys over excessive affection in front of us k…

TheBaozi : I feel want to puke…

yKai : Kyungsoo hyung, what are you doing there in the kitchen? Palli join us eating here.

DO_Dyo : Aaar? You eat first; I still have something else to finish here…

yKai : Bwo? No…I don’t want to eat without you… I will wait for you hyung…

PandaLoveGucci : Kris hyung, I want to be feed to like Sehunnie…. Arrr…feed me hyung… *Panda’s whine *

KrisWu : Arr cinca… You not a child anymore Tao ar…eat by yourself…

*But Tao keep pestering Kris to feed him…Kris end up just shoving him a spoonful of spaghetti without even look at panda’s face…Tao eat it happily…*

Sehun_TheMaknae : Lulu hyung love me more than Kris hyung love you Tao ar…

PandaLoveGucci : Shut up Sehun…you don’t even know what love is…

SehunTheMaknae : Yeah right like you the only one knows about it…please… look look…I don’t even ask for it…

*Sehun were showing off  to Tao when Luhan feeding him again like a baby while Tao were just turning to the other way…Clearly piss off of the maknae’s behaviour*

*Kris suddenly leans on Tao’s face and whispered something on the other’s ear…making the panda goes giggling at whatever Kris said*

KrisWu : Don’t worry baby…I’ll make it up to you tonight…Just wait…

*Tao’s smile endlessly until they all finish eating…*

ChenChen :Why you just staring at the spaghetti Baekhyun ar? Aren’t you hungry?

*Baekhyun who happens just staring at the bowl of cream spaghetti the whole time suddenly chuckles at Jongdae’s word.*

BaekkieTheGreat : Arr? No…I’m not really that hungry actually… Where’s Suho and Yixing hyung? I don’t see them tonight.

ChenChen : Owh, Yixing ask Suho to accompany him shopping around Myeondong. He said he wants to get new hand phone case since he broke the old one…

TheBaozi : Like I don’t know what they both up to.

ChenChen : LOL.. I know right? They both just wanna have a nice date at night… But bad time for them…Look, it was raining heavily outside…

TheBaozi : Yeah…bad time? Or they both can do other thing like….getting wet together? Hahaha…

*They both end up laughing together. But Baekhyun just smile bitterly…he not really in the mood to join chitchatting with other member. His mind obviously thinking of something else…Its raining heavily outside….and Chanyeol still isn’t home…*

yKai : Baekhyun hyung, Do you know where Chanyeol hyung now? Because I can’t get a hold of him…I try to call him but its just keep telling to leave a message…

BaekkieTheGreat : Why would I care about him? He didn’t tell me where he’s going anyway.

*Baekhyun still had guts to lie when he obviously worried about the giant whereabouts, but what can he do…because he also doesn’t have a clue where the hell is Chanyeol now…and raining heavily outside is obviously doesn’t make him feel ease at all*

DO_Dyo : Are you okay Baekhyun ar? You don’t seem good at all… *Kyungsoo finally joins them eating dinner*

BaekkieTheGreat : What? I’m all okey chingu ar… Don’t worry about me k…

DO_Dyo : You know I’m not talking about yourself…I’m talking about you…and Chanyeol…

BaekkieTheGreat : Me and Chanyeol? Nothing wrong with us okey…We both are good….yeah…

*He tried to avoid Kyungsoo’s doe eyed staring straightly into his eyes*

DO_Dyo : You know…you can lie to me…but you can never lie to yourself Baekhyun ar…Its for your own good…

*Kyungsoo is right…He sometime got a goose bump of how that doe eyed boy can feel if there is something wrong with him…Its like he got the sixth sense or psychic power …*

yKai : Have you tried to call him hyung? You the one who closed with him…That’s why I thought you might know where he is now…Or should I call manager and tell him about Chanyeol hyung?

BaekkieTheGreat : NO!! Please don’t. I call him. Just don’t tell manager hyung.If you excuse me…I’ve done eating…Thanks Kyungsoo for dinner.

*Baekhyun takes his bowl that still full with spaghetti to the sink…Later, he enters his room*


*In his room, Baekhyun roams around…walking back and forth…wandering something in his mind*

BaekkieTheGreat : Should I call him? Or not? What if he’s on the way back here? Or what if he got into trouble? What if he got drench in rain and feels sick? That’s why he can’t comeback home? What if he got into accident? What if….

*So many “what if” appears in his mind, and most of it is not end in a good way. Baekhyun finally seat on his bed and stare at his phone*

BaekkieTheGreat : Wait the minute…why would I worried about him? Its not like I’m the only one who actually care about him…other member can call him too…but…Jongin almost want to tell manager about Chanyeol…I can’t let manager know… Things will get into serious trouble if manager knows about this…But…again…what if what I said earlier to him that made him frustrated and doesn’t want to come back home? What if it leads him to do something terrible? Chanyeol ar…why the hell aren’t you back yet??? Do you seriously want to torture my feeling after what I said to you? Its not fair Chanyeol ar…Why must I’m the one who get hurt and feel worried? Its just…not fair…

*Baekhyun looks at the clock on his phone screen,…It shows 10.15pm…He shakes his head….and try to call Chanyeol’s phone number….After a while…He failed…He only can reach the voice messaged. Its whether he off his hand phone or his phone has disappeared or broken…and if that’s happen…what would happen to Chanyeol? All the negative thoughts have been cover almost 90% in his mind, he needs to do something…and he needs to do it quickly…*

*Baekhyun rush to the entrance door and he wears his shoes without even tying the laces…obviously not thinking straight…when he almost wants to open the door…someone pulls his hand, making him stop and he turn to the person…*

DO_Dyo :I know your worried about him but at least…think of yourself first…take this…and tie up your shoelaces…

*Baekhyun looks a bit surprise…he always amaze how Kyungsoo can feel how he actually feeling…he takes the umbrella from Kyungsoo’s hand and tie up his shoes.*

BaekkieTheGreat : Thank you so much Kyungsoo ar… *He smile at the other and then went out from their dorm*

DO_Dyo : Be careful Baekhyun ar… and Fighting!


A/N : Hello again! Another chap has been update...I've told u guys I will update the story soon right? hehe... but the thing I write and get too long and I have to cut it into about half...and here I was, updating 1st part of the whole chap...Dont worry the last part would be soon to be update...I just have to finish write it and give some editing before update it...It won't take a long time...

After finish this ChanBaek story...I don't know if I want to continue to write this fic again...or I should write new fic instead? what do u guys think? huhu...I do love to write as it will helps me improve my english....but it always depends on my mood...*I hate it...I know*...But just so u know...seeing u guys subscribe and give a comments to my story has boost up my spirit to continue writing...Because of that all your support is very important to me... XOXO




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I'm overwhelmed with emotions
Chapter 43: Im looking forward to xiuchen and the arcade.
Chapter 40: Annyeong author nim!! I'm a new reader. This fic is one of the best fics I ever read!! Please continue this fic >_<
>///< omg omg
Chapter 38: Omo ChanBaek T.T
Dinolovehappyvirus26 #6
Chapter 35: Omg please continue ChanBaek story from ch. 35, my OTP T~T
Chapter 37: I want you to post it before hiatus. jebal..nae? :3
Chapter 37: Please post chanbeak before hiatus.
:) :)
sujuxexo #9
Chapter 36: Cute sulay....><
Can you update baekyeol for me ? :)
PutriLoveHae #10
Chapter 35: Updateeeee ! :333