Chap 42 : Depressed Night...

The story of 12 boys


After all OT12 EXO finish their 2nd day of HELLO Fan Meeting in Japan, they all get back to the hotel to take a plenty of rest and goodnight sleep for their last fan meeting tomorrow.  Well off course….the boys didn’t listen to the manager and keep staying up talking or playing around in their rooms.

It’s already 12.30 am and Suho had just taken a shower and get dress. Clearly not prepare to sleep. Sehun who’s been watching hotel’s television had been eyed the leader since he walk out the bathroom.

Thehun_TheMaknae : Hyung, where are you going? Is already midnight here… Aren’t you tired at all?

$uho_Leader : Owh…well…I’m just being around here…not going somewhere…

Thehun_TheMaknae : Owh really? Then why you still need to put on the perfume of yours? Don’t tell me…. *He’s making an evil face to the leader*

$uho_Leader : Okay okay….I just want to drop by at Yixing’s room okay….no big deal…

Thehun_TheMaknae : I knew it. Its too obvious. Hahaha…

*Suho looking at the mirror to get a final touch of his appearance and then grab a snapback at bedside table*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Do you really have to groom yourself just to meet Yixing hyung? You just meet him at the fanmeeting….even at the car! Omg…

$uho_Leader : SHhhh…what do you know…I just like to make myself neat and charming before meeting someone…specially Yixing…

Thehun_TheMaknae : Yeah….Yixing hyung whom you already met countless time….Yixing who happen to be our member too…

$uho_Leader : Yixing who happen to be my someone special too….You forget that…

Thehun_TheMaknae : EUuwww….I think I wanna throw up now… *He’s making a puke face*

*Suho just laughing at the maknaes’s reaction….He really doesn’t care anything….they all already knew about him and Yixing….so why bother when he try to do something for the unicorn?*

*Sehun who’s been hugging his pinku pinku while continues watching television suddenly snap and sit up straight….he obviously remember something….*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Hyung wait! *Suho already makes a way to the door to go Yixing’s room, turn around…*

$uho_Leader : What? I’m already late now.

Thehun_TheMaknae : Hyung, didn’t Yixing hyung staying with Lulu hyung in that room?

$uho_Leader : Yes indeed. Why?

Thehun_TheMaknae : Don’t you think you will end up disturbing my lulu instead of messing around with Yixing hyung?

$uho_Leader : This kid cinca… You know what, Luhan said he has plan with Minseokie tonight. I remember him telling me on the way back to the hotel. *He said with a smirk on his face*

*Sehun looks shocked and mouthshaped an “O”*

Thehun_TheMaknae : No he wouldn’t. You just said that to annoy me.

$uho_Leader : Okay, Its up to you to believe me or not. I just said what I know.

*Sehun starts to feel annoy. Luhan will never do that, especially on his birthday night.*

$uho_Leader : Well I better get going now, Goodnight birthday boy.

*Sehun still thinking, more too worried, if all Suho said was indeed true*

*Thus, he text Luhan*

Thehun_TheMaknae : “Hey there my deer hyung. What are you doing? Still awake?”

*He waits…up to fifteen minutes and still no reply or call from Luhan. His mind started to imagine Luhan and Xiumin was having fun somewhere in the middle of the night…totally abandon him….alone…on his freaking birthday*

Thehun_TheMaknae : There’s no way he would spending time with Minseokie hyung, I know they both really closed but please… Today is my birthday, should he spending time with me instead of him? Arghhh….I’m so mad right now!

*Sehun then decide to find Luhan and if its need, confronted them both…He doesn’t care anymore*

*The maknae takes his sweater and rush out to the door. He didn’t know where to go, where to head to, should he just go to Luhan’s room? But then it will be inappropriate since Suho said he will go there to meet Yixing. The thought that Luhan has plan with Xiumin makes his heart boils so much. He decides to go to Xiumin’s room instead. Deep down inside hoping he didn’t encounter both of them in the room or else he didn’t know what he will do. He doesn’t even want to think about it*

*As he reaches at Xiumin’s room, he feels hesitant for a while. Should he rang the bell or just call Luhan to ask him whereabouts?*

*But then his hand has working before he even know, Sehun finally rang the bell.*

*Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!*

*The door finally open, Its indeed Xiumin that opened the door.  Sehun just observing the older instead of enter the room*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Look at him all dress up, where the hell is he up to tonight?

The_Baozi : Sehun ar! What are you thinking? Come on in! *While gesturing the youngest to enter the room*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Owh? Owh yeah…okay… Actually hyung, there’s something I want to ask you…That is….

*He got cut off by suddens phone ringing which turns out is Xiumin’s phone*

The_Baozi : Owh wait the sec maknae ar. *While pick up the phone*

*Sehun looks a bit shock but then he just nods and waits for the older. He sits on the chair near the bed.*

The_Baozi : Hello? Yeah…….are you out already? I’ll be there in a moment………..Really? Can’t wait to meet you……….Make sure you prepare all of your energy to get lose by me! Hahaha…

*Sehun who has happen overheard the older conversation cannot hold it anymore. He knows Suho was right.*

*So he finally motions “I think I better get going” and pointed himself then to the door to Xiumin who still on the phone while looking at him. Xiumin give an okay sign and nod. Sehun then went out the room with the mixed feeling*

*Sehun feels like everybody didn’t care about him, well at least that night…on his birthday night. He feels hopeless, spiritless and devastated. Why must it happen tonight of all nights? He doesn’t feel to come back to his room. He just presses the elevator button and get in the elevator with nowhere to go. As soon as the elevator door opens, he realised that he already at the ground floor. He saw there are still many people at the lobby hotel. He looks at his watch, its already 1 o’clock. Sehun walks with nowhere to go. He then decides to take a rest and sit on the sofa at the hotel lobby.*

*Sehun feels so bored yet depressed,  so he just do what he likes to do; observing people around him. That is so lame but that is what he always likes to do. All the member already aware about it. That is why he doesn’t really talk to people. While he busy observing people that passing by, he noticed one figure that he obviously knows from a far. That person is none other than Luhan. Luhan apparently just walk in the hotel while holding something. Sehun take a close look while Luhan still walk a head, obviously didn’t noticed Sehun’s presence.*

Thehun_TheMaknae : I cannot believe it! He bought a couple of bubble tea and having it with Minseok hyung! What about me then? Didn’t he care about me at all? Didn’t he want to celebrate my birthday together? Why? Is he thinking I will spend my birthday with Tao instead of him? Is that why he totally ignore me right now? I can’t take this anymore.

*Sehun slowly approaching Luhan who still walks on and still didn’t notice the maknae’s presences. The maknae finally pats the back of deer,  Luhan turns around looking so shock. He takes few steps back because he obviously didn’t think hewill encounter with Sehun down here. Luhan quickly shove his hand that holding the bubble tea at his back; obviously try to hide it from Sehun. But its too late,Sehun already noticed it*

Lulu90 : Sehunnie? Hey….what are you doing here? *Luhan tries to sound as casual as he can be*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Stop it hyung. Don’t you try to lie to me. I cannot believe this! I know I’ve been close with Tao lately…I know you were jealous! But If you think that spending time together with Minseokie hyung tonight while enjoy that bubble tea on my birthday will get back to me…You wrong! I’m not! I’m so happy for both of you!

Lulu90 : But…but Sehun ar…That’s not true….Listen to me first….! I….I….

Thehun_TheMaknae :No! I don’t want to! Just have a very blissful date tonight! Good night!

*Sehun quickly walk away and head to the elevator….He presses the button and get in the elevator without looking back to Luhan who’s been calling him and tries to catch up with him*

*At the end…Sehun ‘s already in the elevator leaving Luhan at the ground floor looking hopeless*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Gosh…What the hell that I just did? Did I just ditch him alone? Owh forget it…what he did now is just too much…

*Sehun takes a deep breath to calm himself who still mad at the deer*

Lulu90: How can this happen? Owh dear god…This is the worst thing that could happen today… *Luhan sigh*

*The elevator door are finally open….Sehun plans to return back to his room, go back to sleep and forget everything….until he realised the things in front of him…He almost want to falls down….*


A/N : A hang over chap....I'm sorry...being lil meanie this time... I don't know what I've been wrote for this chap...just follow my brain that apparently not really in the best state...huhu...Anyway I hope its not all crapy and you guys can still enjoys it.

I had pass 100 subbies! OMG! thank you so much for the kindness of yours... *bows2* I know this fic is not the best you guys have been read..but as I've been state in the foreword, its just for simply casual reading...I'm not good writer too...but again thankyu2 so much for all the supports! I will upload the continuous chap as soon as I finish write it! It won't be long I promised! Its actually funny how this chap been wrote. I want to write SuLay chap in the first place but end up to XiuHan/HunHan...LOL...

p/s: Someone call the doctor....I might going overdose right now... *cough2, if you know what I mean* ^^

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I'm overwhelmed with emotions
Chapter 43: Im looking forward to xiuchen and the arcade.
Chapter 40: Annyeong author nim!! I'm a new reader. This fic is one of the best fics I ever read!! Please continue this fic >_<
>///< omg omg
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Dinolovehappyvirus26 #6
Chapter 35: Omg please continue ChanBaek story from ch. 35, my OTP T~T
Chapter 37: I want you to post it before hiatus. jebal..nae? :3
Chapter 37: Please post chanbeak before hiatus.
:) :)
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Chapter 36: Cute sulay....><
Can you update baekyeol for me ? :)
PutriLoveHae #10
Chapter 35: Updateeeee ! :333