Chap 35 : Taking A Break

The story of 12 boys


*Baekhyun been avoiding Chanyeol since then… Every time they encounter each other, Baekhyun will try to cut off the conversation as short as it can be. Ever since they both end up the fight a week ago he never sleep at his room. He will be sleeping in his other member’s room instead. Baekhyun actually too tired to even think about his relationship with Chanyeol because he was too busy with MID’s promotion along with Chen and Kyungsoo. He still can’t forget the night that they both got into fight which made them both become apart*

*That night, Baekhyun just got out the bathroom after finish brushing his teeth, he’s on the way to go back to his room when he heard Chanyeol, Jongin and Sehun already back. Sehun just go straight to his room but Baekhyun saw Chanyeol clinging to Jongin walking to the living room while laughing about something together. Chanyeol actually wrap his arm around Jongin’s shoulder while leaning his head onto the younger shoulder. What a lovely scene…he thought…*

BaekkieTheGreat : Wow….how sweet of you two… Maybe you should sleep in Jongin’s room tonight. Right Chanyeol?

yKai : Baekhyun hyung….No, its not what you thinking….Chanyeol hyung just messing around with me…You know how he keep declare about being my fan…

BaekkieTheGreat : Just shut up Jongin….I’m not talking to you, I was talking to that giant.

PCY_HappyVirus : You shut up! What’s up with you? Burst out of sudden? Why you get mad to Jongin? Do you have any problem Baek?

*Baekhyun snap….he was shock seeing Chanyeol backing up Jongin against him…he was taken aback*

BaekkieTheGreat : *he take a deep breath…and trying to calm down his anger….and continue…* No! I have no problem at all. I have nothing to do with you guys. I have nothing to be mad about because apparently I’m just a doll to someone who just seek for me whenever he need and dump me whenever he want. So basically I’m just nobody! NOBODY!!! 

*He enters his room with loud thump on the door….showing off his angered*

*They both silent for few moments at the Baekhyun sudden rage*

yKai : Hyung…. I feel so bad… maybe the idea of you being my fan is not such a good idea…hyung, you just stop saying being my f….

PCY_HapyyVirus : What are you talking about? Don’t talk nonsense okay…Baekkie is not that stupid to be jealous about me being your fans…Its just for fun for god sake…

yKai : That’s what you think hyung… you not Baekhyun hyung…You can’t just predict people’s feeling… plus he saw you cling on me when we just enter the dorm. Its just made it worse….Go talk to him okey…

PCY_HappyVirus : *sigh*… Sometime I just can’t understand that boy. Sometimes he’s okay, sometimes he just so unpredictable… I’m tired too you know…

yKai : Hyung….you do love him right? I mean you still love him right?

PCY_HappyVirus : I do! But it doesn’t mean I must be stuck with him 24/7? I still have things that I like to do instead of being with him all of the time…

yKai : Hyung please….you don’t have to talk about it to me.. talk to him instead…Solve your problem together k… and please…be gentle…because he’s already in bad mood…I go back to my room now…Good night hyung…Fighting okay!

PCY_HappyVirus : Arasso…Good night Jongin ar…

*Chanyeol just standing front of his door room doing nothing…he just scratch his not-so-itchy-head a few times while thinking what to say to Baekhyun….After a minute later…He enter the room…carefully…*

*The lights still on….he saw Xiumin was just sitting on his bed listening to his MP4 player with earphone in his ear…while Baekhyun…rummaging something in his closet…clearly pretend to look busy….Chanyeol give a sign to Xiumin to unplug his earphones…and once the older did what he say,…*

PCY_HappyVirus : Minseok hyung, can you please give me and Baek a moments alone? We have something to talk about…please…

The_Baozi : Aigoo…what again you two had done this time…arasso…Don’t lock the door okey, I still want to sleep on my bed tonight…

*Chanyeol just nod his head and Xiumin went out the room*

BaekkieTheGreat : Owh there you are giant….I thought you really want to sleep at Jongin’s bed tonight…what the hell you doing here? Go away!

*He talks while cleaning his closet…put on dirty clothes on the laundry basket,…totally ignoring the giant who still standing near him*

PCY_HappyVirus : Baekhyun please…stop what you doing…I know you mad…look at me…

BaekkieTheGreat : Owh no no! why would I get mad? I’m just nobody here…No one ever noticed me actually…since I’m nobody so I’ve no feelings at all therefore,  I can’t get mad! *still ignoring the giant*

*Chanyeol can’t hold it anymore…he just grab the slender hands of the older, stopping him from doing whatever he doing now and making the older facing him directly…*

PCY_HappyVirus : Okey listen..! What is wrong with you Baek? Could you just tell me? Don’t keep saying “I’m nobody! I don’t have feeling” Tell me honestly, what’s bothering you! What did I do wrong!

BaekkieTheGreat : Let me go Chanyeol!!! You’re hurting me!

PCY_HappyVirus : No!! I’m not letting you go…you will runaway and keep ignoring me again!

BaekkieTheGreat : *Struggling to let himself go from the giant’s grab* Yaaaa! Let me go Chanyeol! I’m freaking hurt now..!

*Chanyeol release the older and Baek almost fell on the floor because he’s already limping and don’t have energy left…But Chanyeol managed to keeping hold of the older to prevent him falling…*

BaekkieTheGreat : Don’t ever touch me like that again! Fine! I’m telling you just one time…so listen well Park Chanyeol!  Yes! I’m mad with you…but not the fact you suddenly become Kai’s fan or what so ever…I don’t really care about that…but I’m mad with your lack of sense… If you do love me, then you should care about my feeling or atleast…keep your promised that you made with me.!

PCY_HappyVirus : Are you done? Why would I’m the one who must take care of your feeling…you don’t ever think of my feeling at all? You think I’m just happy seeing you flirting and acting aegyo with all the members? You think I like to see that? Please Baek…don’t think you’re the one who being neglected…That’s your biggest problem! You too much think of yourself… you see my fault but you didn’t even realized your own mistake!...

BaekkieTheGreat : No I'm not! Off course I always think of your feeling, and don't tell me you jealous of me because of that? Chanyeol? Its like you dont know me at all! I'm like that! and its not flirting, its the way I expressed my feelings to the other members...being sweet and cuties to them...Why you make a fuss over this lame issue?

PCY_HappyVirus : Owh, you think so? So why you even being jealous about me and Jongin? You did jealous right? The fact that I more expressing my feelings more to Jongin lately...

BaekkieTheGreat : Owh please Chanyeol...I'm not jealous okay...I'm not that lame! and I think this fight will never lead us anywhere...we just keep arguing the same thing over and over again....Honestly, I'm so tired...I'm tired of all this mess....

*They both silent for a moment…after a while*

PCY_HappyVirus : You know what….I had enough of this too..this fight will never going to end Baek,…So I was thinking…maybe we should take a bit of distance…we should stop for a moment…and see whatever led us after this…If we still love each other…things will get better…or if not…yeah…we should stay as friend…since we all in one group and living under one roof…

BaekkieTheGreat : *He actually shocked of what Chanyeol sudden decision….he can feel he almost cry but he tried to hold it on* Okey! Fine by me…! …Taking a break  maybe a good idea after all…I can look back again of what I did wrong before this…and reflect my feeling to you…so…I guess this is a temporary goodbye? *He tries to crack up a joke to cover up his sadness towards the sudden break up…*

PCY_HappyVirus : hahaha…*He helplessly laugh…clearly try to keep himself as steady as he can be…deep in his heart…he felt like his other half been torn away…* Yeah…I guess so…

PCY_HappyVirus : Hey Baek, this isn’t a goodbye k, we just take a break for a while and reminiscing our feelings back …I just hope the best for us… Meanwhile, just treat me as a friend…a best friend, which we are right? *He pats Baekhyun’s head*

*Baekhyun on the other hand almost wants to burst out crying…but he still manages to keep it hold…*

BaekkieTheGreat : Pabo ya…why do you must saying those things… I feel wanna cry now Chanyeol ar! Arr…Sure…We still friend… Owh okay…I think I better sleep at other member’s room tonight…. You know…we shouldn’t be seeing each other too much to keep off the feeling from coming back…right?

PCY_HappyVirus : Sure…whatever you think it’s the best for us… Good night Baek…

BaekkieTheGreat : Good night giant… *He went out the room….*

*Honestly, he don’t know where to sleep…because he just want to cry and let out all his feelings that have been compiled up to his chest…So he just knock on whatever room that reach his steps…*

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

KrisWu : Baekkie ar…what is it? Its already 1am now…

BaekkieTheGreat : Hyung….Can I sleep here tonight?

KrisWu : Sure…Off course you can…make yourself comfortable…But are you okay? Is there something wrong in your room?

BaekkieTheGreat : ……….. Its just…hurm…. Hyung…. *then he silent…and tears are start forming in his eyes, suddenly he hugs the older while sobbing like a kid*

KrisWu : *In dazed* Yaaa Baekhyun ar…Are you okay? Its okay…just cry….just let it out…don’t hold it anymore…after that go to sleep okay…Tao is not sleeping here today so there’s bed for you…*He said while hugging back the younger and pats his back*

*While Baekhyun keep crying without stop for about five minutes before he fell asleep in the older’s hug*

*Present time*

ManagerHyung : Yaaa Baekhyun ar…what are you thinking of? Palli get out of the van! We already late for the interviews!

BaekkieTheGreat : Owh? Arr…nae hyung! *He snapped off from remembering all the memories in the past*

*He get off the van and quickly ran off to get to the other member who’s already miles ahead of him*

*Because of his quickly act to ran off to the other members, he almost trip his own feet which made him almost fell onto the road*

BaekkieTheGreat : Owh my…!!

*Just when he thought he would fell on the hard road, but nope…he didn’t feel anything…he didn’t fell…someone has grabbing his back and preventing him from fell off the ground…*

*He doesn’t have to turning his head to find out who was helping him…he just knew from the scent he just smell…He know, there just one person who have scent like this…*

PCY_HappyVirus : Are you okay?

BaekkieTheGreat : Hah? Ar…Yes….I’m fine…Thank you Chanyeol ar…

PCY_HappyVirus : Glad to hear that...Just be careful next time okay… *He winks to the older and continues to walk past Baekhyun*

BaekkieTheGreat : I’m fine….but my heart not…I miss you giant…Can we become like what we use to be before? but the most importantly, do you even still love me?

*He said in his heart…while just looking at the back view of Chanyeol walking in front him…*


A/N : Hye my lovely subbies and readers! So I decide to write again...since I have some times now...but honestly, I've been edit this chap over and over again...Idk I just bad writng the fight/argue scene between those two....forgive me if its not good enough for you guys...since I still new at this...Yeah, ChanBaek will have short break between them...*love is not always involve a nice thing*...But I can't separate them for too long...they perfect for each other...So we'll see how it goes for them in next few chaps since I'll be writing other otp in next chap...>.<

p/s : Happy New Year guys! Yehet !! ^^ XOXO

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:) :)
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