Chap 30 : Special?

The story of 12 boys


*After they all finish watching Running Man...*

PCY_HappyVirus : Kyaaaa…. I can’t believe we all lose to them! For god sake we have 11 members while they just have seven members. If only I join the show…

*Baekhyun drag Chanyeol to their room while said…*

BaekkieTheGreat :  Hey you giant come here….You and your big mouth… Aigoo…

*Chanyeol reacts at Baekhyun’s act with locking the smaller’s head with his arm as  they enter their room together, Xiumin followed them from behind…*

The_Baozi : Yaaaa! Wait! You two! Don’t ever think to do something else okay, I wanna have a goodnight sleep today in my room! *Enter the room as well*

*The fake sibling (HunHan) already went to their room quietly while Kyungsoo put Jongin to his bed with the help of Chen*

ChenChen : I don’t understand Kyungsoo….you can just wake him up and told him to go to bed by himself…why bother bring him to bed? He’s already big boy now. *Kyungsoo just kicking Chen’s shin instead of answer him as a reply*

KrisWu : Tao, you wanna sleep in my room or your own room tonight?

PandaLoveGucci : Your room off course! *Followed the older to his room*

*Suho takes out the DVD and put it back to the case, and when he turn back, he saw Yixing sitting on the floor while his back against the couch. He’s clearly sleeping now*

*He just shook his head and move closely to the unicorn*

$uho_Leader : Yixing ar! Yixing ar! *He try to wakes up the Chinese boy by shaking his arm*

*Yixing wake up instantly and because they faces is too closed, Yixing accidently push the leader away a bit hard, making the other fell back and his head hit the coffee table*

$uho_Leader : Ouch! Ahhh… *While rubbing his head*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : OMG! Junmyeon ar! I’m so sorry! *He quickly get back to Suho and apologize* I thought you were the bad guy…

$uho_Leader : I’m a bad guy? *He confused*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Owh… I’m sorry, I have a dream….a bad dream actually…. someone try to hit me with metal rod….So scary! But are you okay? Let me look at your head….

$uho_Leader : Wow, you still can have a dream while sleeping like that? Owh, its okay… Nothing much actually….Ouch! *Yixing actually touches the bruise on leader’s head*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : See? You have bruise on your head….Let me take a bag of ice… you wait here k…

$uho_Leader : Its really fine actually Yixing…. No need to…

*But the unicorn already left him and head to the kitchen rummaging something in refrigerator…a minute later he comeback with a bag of ice in his hand, he then put it on the leader’s head*

$uho_Leader : You don’t have to do this actually…the pain will be gone soon….Its nothing much…

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Hey, I’m the one who cause you in pain, so I’m supposed to treat you…at least to do this to you… 

*Suho just smiled back to the unicorn*

$uho_Leader : You really kind Yixing…Let me take the ice bag….You don’t have to hold it…I can do it by myself….

*But the Chinese boy resist….He reject the leaders offer and continue treated Suho like baby*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Please…let me do this Junmyeon…Don’t be stubborn okay….I’m the healing unicorn, let me treat you with my superpower…

*Both of them burst to laughter at the Yixing’s statement*

$uho_Leader : Yeah….I forgot you’re the unicorn…the infamous healing unicorn in exo planet… *Both continue to laugh*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : You forgot? Tsk tsk tsk..How could you… I’m very famous in our planet you know…

$uho_Leader : Yeah… VERY FAMOUS!

*After a while, Suho hold Yixing’s hand, stopping him from continues putting the ice bag on his head*

$uho_Leader : I think that’s enough Yixing….The ices also already melting…My head is okay now…

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Are you sure Junmyeon? If you still feel hurt, I can refill the ice bag with the new ice…

$uho_Leader : Please stop…Aigoo…we might run out of ice if I let you to do that…

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Hahaha….aniya…we will not…I can always ask Minseok hyung to freeze the water to make ice cube….Just tell me how much do you want? You want to fill up the refrigerator with the ice? Anytime babe…

*Suho burst out to laugh again…followed by the unicorn*

$uho_Leader : OMG….That’s enough Yixing….my stomach already in pain laughing at your nonsense jokes….

*After they both calm down….*

$uho_Leader : Yixing ar… why you suddenly call me Junmyeon? No one ever call me that except my families, our manager and our sunbaes…

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Owh…You noticed that didn’t you?

$uho_Leader : Off course I noticed…Its way too obvious…

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Hurm…I don’t know either… It just spill out of my mouth…

$uho_Leader : Hah? That’s ridiculous okay…

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Hahaha… okay okay…I guess I want to be special…you know…Its only me that call you Junmyeon… Can’t I? If you don’t like it….Fine…Forget it…Suho is nice too…

$uho_Leader : Wait wait…not that I don’t like it… I like it a lot!!!! You said you want to be special? What kind of special?

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Hurm… what do you find the special means to you?

$uho_Leader : Special to me…means someone that must be so closed to me…or someone that related to me…or maybe…someone…. that have a feeling for me… *He stares at the unicorn*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : If that’s the case…where do I belong then? Based on your meaning of special?

$uho_Leader : Yixing is my friend and my teammate…but he’s not so closed with me since the beginning of my trainee’s period…we only close when we in EXO….he’s definitely not someone related to me….so the only left… but is it? Okay, I’m not making my own assumption here… I’m too afraid to admit it… what if he only think its because we closed each other? Just as a close friend since we at the same age… Owh how I wish its because he had feeling for me…

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Hey Junmyeon ar! Hello!! *waving his hand to leader’s face* are you there?

$uho_Leader : Arrr? *He snapped* Yeah…I’m here…

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Wow… I thought you sleeping with your eyes open….what are you thinking? It took you that long to think…maybe the idea of calling you Junmyeon is my mistake…I’m sorry Suho…

$uho_Leader : No! Don’t be…You can call me by that name… Because…You are special to me…

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Cinca? Wow…thank you Suho…I mean Junmyeon… But I still want to know what kind of special I am to you.

$uho_Leader : Owh that…Off course you special to me because you are my closest friend! Right?

*Yixing seems disappointed at Suho’s answer, but then he smile back…*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Off course! That would be the only reason for me to call you Junmyeon! Well, I better go to sleep now…Good night….Junmyeon…! *He walk to his room without turning back, leaving Suho in dazed*

$uho_Leader : Good night Yixing! Thanks again for the treatment unicorn!

*Yixing enters his room looking disappointed*

 Unicorn_JiuJiu : Closest friend? Since when we so closed? Arghhh!! *He kick off his closet, the noise had wake up the other Chinese boy in the room*

KrisWu : What’s wrong with you? *Kris sound angry while shifting his position facing Tao’s face who sleep beside him*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : Nothing…I’m sorry Kris….continue sleep okay…

KrisWu : if you feel so insecure….why don’t you just confess to him instead of letting frustration over the closet… *Kris still talking…while obviously already close his eyes try to sleep back*

Unicorn_JiuJiu : *He’s taken aback….obviously shock* How on earth did he know what I’m been thinking and feel now? Did I ever mention to him before this? Owh….spooky…. Junmyeon ar… Am I just that special to you? Just as your closest friend? Wait…why I’m like this? Is that meaning I’m gay? No…It can’t be… I like girls… pretty girl… with a nice smile…….. Junmyeon is pretty… Junmyeon has a nice smile… Junmyeon…..ZzzzZzzz…..


A/N : Hohoho....I supposedly post this chap by tomorrow...but I don't know what I've been thinking...suddenly feel want to post this chap here we are...a bit SuLay moment...muahaha...Yes, I still want to keep this two battling with their own feelings...As they both has the same feel for each other, but they still not ready to confess their truth feeling...well just lets see where this two love birds go...  how did it goes so far? Did you guys like it?

In every chap that I wrote...forgive for my poor lame language or any of grammatical mistakes...*I will keep saying this just so u know... >.<* So for the next chap, who do u guys want to see? Hahaha...I still don't have a clue what should I wrote...If u guys have some ideas...

p/s : Can't wait for EXO comeback this Thursday! Miracle in December... Woot2!! ^^ XOXO

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:) :)
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