Chap 2 : Who's going to wash the dish ?

The story of 12 boys

[EXO – K Members]

Since EXO – M is at Shanghai, China doing several activities like performances, Interviews and such for few days, there’s just EXO – K left in the dorm. After they just finish their dinner together…

DO_Dyo : Guys, you guys should clean up your own plate after finish your meal. Don’t just leave it at the sink until they all pile up like a mountain.

yKai : Kyungsoo hyung is right guys, you guys always being lazy, not being helpful at all. Don’t just rely to our dorm aunt to clean it. I feel pity, every time our dorm aunt wouldn’t be here for weekends, it’s always kyungsoo hyung cooking for us, washing the dishes. cleaning up the table…

DO_Dyo : ……… *rolled eyes widely to Jongin* errrr…wait…I think…

Thehun_TheMaknae : What’s up with you Jongin? Suddenly nagging like you the one who always do all the things. Tsk.. *making face*

PCY_HappyVirus : It’s because all he care about is his DO Dyo, he didn’t want to make him tired and worried. Hahaha… *Jongin glare to him back*

BaekkieTheGreat : Yeah, stop all the nagging Jongin, it is not suits you at all. Eeeuww… why don’t we make a rule or schedule like who will do the dish for each day every week.. we can…

Thehun_TheMaknae : Shiro…I don’t want to. I don’t like rules…if hyung make it,then I will break it for sure, just for the remind in advance.

BaekkieTheGreat : Aigoo uri maknae,…you afraid you gonna do it if hyungs tell you to do the dish even its not your turn right? Haha, chill okey, we’re not that bad, atleast I’m not like that… *glare to Chanyeol*

PCY_HappyVirus : What?? *making derp face*

DO_Dyo : I think instead of making rules, why don’t one of you guys voluntarily  to do it, it will be end soon and saving our time instead of discussing over and over again.

$uho_Leader : What are you guys talking about? *He just finishes talking to the phone with manager hyung*

yKai : We were discussing about who will clean all the dishes, while Dyo hyung suggest that each of us should take care of our own plate rather than leave it to one person to clean it all.

DO_Dyo : Thank you Jongin for the explanation… *Jongin smirk him back*…yes its true, I suggest that, because I think if we can do a lil bit chores of our own, we can be more discipline and responsible to ourselves.

$uho_Leader : Hurm,..I agree with you kyungsoo, so palli guys, clean it all up your own plate…and go to bed after finish it…we have to get up early tomorrow for Asia Song Festival’s rehearsal. In that case let me first clean up my plate…

Thehun_TheMaknae : Hyungggg…can u clean up my plate too… pleaaaaasseeee..*making aegyo all of sudden*

*PCY_HappyVirus & BaekkieTheGreat both make a puke face at the same time* XD

$uho_Leader : Sure…Give me your plate… I clean…

DO_Dyo : Hyung !! What was you saying just now? I thought you agree with me, all of the member should be responsible of their own plate? What happen now?

$uho_Leader : I was just being nice…plus I’m in good mood today…so I thought…

yJongin : No, no no,..It can’t be like this, why don’t we just play a game, who lose will clean all the dishes without any help okey?

PCY_HappyVirus : That is actually quite good idea, plus there will be just one person who will do all the dishes..hahahaha.. Fine with me…

$uho_Leader : Okey then, what kind of game you guys want to play? Any idea?

BaekkieTheGreat : How about the simplest game, rock paper scissors? Or mukchippa?

Thehun_TheMaknae : Damn, I bad at that game…Shiro…other game please. What about who can hold their breath the longest?

yKai : No no no,’s easy to cheat in that game. What about who can stay didn’t blinking the eyes for the longest?

DO_Dyo : Guys…this is ridiculous, it’s almost an hour since we finish our meals. Yet,..

PCY_HappyVirus : owh owh, I want I want !! I’m pretty good at that game… I’ve been played that game in one of the interview… *grinning widely*

BaekkieTheGreat : But I at it, look at my eyes… it’s too small and it will be hard to not to blink..

yKai : I thought the smaller the eyes, the easier to resist from blinking?

BaekkieTheGreat : really? Let me try it first…  *he really try to not blinking his eyes for few sec*

Thehun_TheMaknae : Palli hyungs, let’s just play the damn game….my eyes already feel sleepy..

$uho_Leader : Okey then, if you guys already agreed, why don’t we started the game, the rules were simple, the first one who blink his eyes, lose and will clean all the dishes okay?

PCY_HappyVirus/BaekkieTheGreat/Thehun_TheMaknae/yKai : Nae hyung…

$uho_Leader : Okay then, but wait, where’s Do Dyo? Kyungsoo ar?

*Other members also wondering where the hell is Kyungsoo,and started to looking for him..*

*Suddenly…they all heard noises at the kitchen, the sink to be exact…*

$uho_Leader : Err…Kyungsoo? What are…

DO_Dyo : Am I doing? Hurm…Well I’m bored while waiting for you guys to decide what games to play, so I decide to wash the dishes first… You guys can carry on what you guys being doing…

*Others just staring at him blankly…*

PCY_HappyVirus & BaekkieTheGreat : Heol….


A/N : Huhuhu…I’m sorry if I’m disappointed u guys again…I really did try hard to make up the story,..Next chap will be EXO – M to be featured. So keep supported me so I can forced my brain to produced good stuff..huhu.

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