Chap 31 : Jealous?

The story of 12 boys


*So EXO finally won three awards at Melon Music Awards 2013. The most anticipated is they finally won Song of The Year – Growl which is considers as one of Daesang from the whole category. There were too much emotions mix up among the twelve of members as they were celebrates it along together with their sunbaenim – SHINee who also won Artist of The Year on the same stage in the same awards program*

*That night, the same night… Jongin is about to sleep…but yet he can’t sleep…So there he was just lying on his bed thinking what just happen tonight….reminiscing back all the memory and hardship that they all had gone through to make them become what they had achieved tonight*

*His phone suddenly vibrates….the sign of incoming call…*

yKai : Hello? Owh…Its only you…What?

Tae_Minnie : Hello? Jongin ar? Yaaa…. How come you sounded so hateful? Don’t you excited hearing my voice?

yKai : Its almost 1 am in the morning…What do you want calling me in this hour?

Tae_Minnie : Arr cinca…my mistake for calling you….

yKai : Yaaaa! Taemin ar! Wait! I’m sorry…Kyaaa...Why you acting like a girl…I’m kidding okay…

Tae_Minnie : Cinca…Well you still like that… Always wanna tease me… You don’t even do that to Kyungsoo hyung…

yKai : Hey…He’s different okay…He’s too kind to me… But you… I just can’t help but wanna keep trolling you…hehehe…

Tae_Minnie : See? Fans should hear this… they always laughing at me whenever I say you always bullying me…

*At this time, Jongin get out of the room to go the kitchen and take a bottle of water from the refrigerator…he didn’t bother to switch on the lights at the kitchen because he knew too well his own dorm which he treat like his own house*

yKai : Hahaha… Don’t blame them…They seen that as our affection towards each other…That what make us close and become best friend… But seriously, why you didn’t sleep yet? Still didn’t believe being Artist of The Year? Hoho..

Tae_Minnie : Hahaha…Nope…I just happen can’t sleep tonight…beside after what you have done to me…Thank you chingu ar…

yKai : What did I just done to you actually Taeminnie?

Tae_Minnie : Kyaaa…This Kim Jongin cinca… Look babe… I’m too tired to playing with you tonight…I just wanna say thank you for what you have done tonight…Tonight is the most of happiest night in my life…and I cry upon receiving the award…and there you are…always be there for me, comforting me all the way you could… It maybe nothing for you…but it means a lot to me chingu...

yKai : Hey hey… I did that because I love you… why did you still thanking me for? That’s what friend do right? You deserved it…Plus…I miss you…I can’t barely see you lately…I know you guys been busy with SHINee new album… yeah I know that…

Tae_Minnie : Hoho..You miss me? If only Kyungsoo heard this… But you too late….I already have Naeun now…

yKai : Owh please… So what if he heard? He’s not too dumb to misunderstand what we talking about. I know him well… and Naeun? Okay…you think I’m jealous with her? No no no…not at all chingu…

Tae_Minnie : Haha…I knew it, although I do hope you jealous….even a bit. I miss you too Jongin ar. That’s also why I’m calling you tonight. Maybe we could seek some time for us so we can hang out together?

yKai : Cinca? You know how much I want to spend time with you too...but we both had been busy lately… but I promise you I will try to find some time okay? Maybe we can go out for a movie or riding bicycle together…Okay?

Tae_Minnie : Niceu…I’ll do the same too… hey chingu…Great job for being MC for tonight… Proud of you Jongin ar!

yKai : Hehe…Thank you… You don’t even know how nervous I am during that time..Luckily Baekhyun, Suho and Chanyeol hyung also become the MC’ for the program…So it’s a bit comfortable then, at least I'm working with my hyungs…

Tae_Minnie : Naah….You doing great k…Don’t ever lose your confident… Huarghhhh!! I’m tired and sleepy now Jongin dear… I call you again next time okay…

yKai : Do you wanna sleep already? After you calling me up at this time… Owh fine…. I can always bullying you next time…cause damn! I’m tired too…

 Tae_Minnie : Aigoo..Still have thought of bullying me? You never changed right? Owh before I forgot…Congratulation again EXO for winning Song of The Year! Chuka chukahae my dear hoobae!!

yKai : Kyaaa…Thank you very much sunbaenim! We should celebrate together right?  

Tae_Minnie : Yeah we should but I really have to go to sleep now….Minho hyung had give me death glare just now because of my noisiness talking to you… Jalja dearest chingu…Sleep well okay…

yKai : Hahaha..arasso…jalja Taemin ar… Saranghae…

*He just smile after hang up the phone, he miss his best friend a lot…It felt so relieved talking to him…and it will be so much happiness if he could spend more time together with Taemin…But he understand…Their both are Idol…which had been 24/7 busy with their own schedules… thus, having just a phone conversation is more than enough to him. He then drinks water from the bottle he just taken from refrigerator…clear his throat…and plan to goes back to his room to sleep…but….*

*Just when he turns back to walk to his room….he bumps to something…or someone?*

*Whatever or whoever it is…the thing that bumps to Jongin fell onto the floor and let out a groan…Jongin can feel the moment he bump into the thing…Its not a thing…it’s a person…and judging by the scent…He knews who it was….although in dark place*


*Kyungsoo had wakes up from sleep… he looks at his phone – 1am in the morning… He can’t sleep well…Maybe because he’s too happy for tonight…He still can imagine all the members and SHINee's sunbaenim gathering on stage at the last moment…celebrating…congratulating…comforting each other…It is so unbelievable…he flash his own smile remembering all those moments…*

*He walk out of his room…carefully not try to make any sounds that might wakes up his roommates…ahead to the kitchen…he thought to drink a nice warm milk so it can help warm up his body and make him easy to sleep…*

*Outside the room, everything is dark…he was about to switch on the light when he heard someone talking…A very familiar voice…He keep his stance and approaching the sound as he try to pick what or who is Jongin actually talking to…*

DO_Dyo : Well who else could it be right…off course its Taeminnie…OMG what the hell I’m doing here? Am I just stalking him? *As he continues to eavesdrop the conversation…*

 DO_Dyo : Bwo? I love you? I miss you? Hey…there’s a bit… Wait, Why I’m being so irritated? Its not like Jongin like Taemin…They just best friend…so its all makes sense…and I know how Jongin feel towards me… Pull yourself together Kyungsoo ar! *Shook his own head*

*After a few minutes later…everything is silent… while Kyungsoo still his own world wondering in his own thoughts…Something bumps him…and he knows, that something is his Jongin…he let out a groan*

DO_Dyo : Arghhhh! *He groans because his but hurt falling onto the plain floor…*

yKai : Hah? Kyungsoo hyung….That its you right? Wait…where the hell is the lamp switch…

*After he switch on the light, he search for Kyungsoo…but none….he’s not there anymore…*

yKai : Eh? I’m pretty sure I just bump to him just now…Where is he?

*Suddenly he has an idea….but he’s not sure if it will works or not but at least he try…*

*Meanwhile Kyungsoo’s actually been hiding below their dinner table…as soon as he fell he quickly move below the table which he had noticed earlier*

DO_Dyo : He’s probably not noticed me right? Owh please just go back to your room Jongin ar…

*Back to Jongin, he switch off back the light and wait for a while…. He’s moving somewhere that he thinks Kyungsoo will be heading to…*

DO_Dyo : Owh great…The lights are off back…Maybe I should go back to my room…silently…before he could noticed me…

*As he moved slowly to the room…he was about to open the door room when someone block the door and pull him into hug…*

yKai : Where do you think you going? You think you can just run off like that hyung? Hahaha…too bad you’ve been caught!!

DO_Dyo : Aoouwh…let me go Jongin ar…what are you talking about? I just want to go back to my room…

yKai : No I won’t…until you tell me why you behaving like this? You moving like a thieve hyung…You know that?

DO_Dyo : Believe me! I was just about to go back to my room…nothing else…

*But Jongin just hugging him even tighter…the older almost chuckled and hardly breath*

DO_Dyo : Ouwh! Jongin please….I can’t barely breath now….arasso arasso..I will tell you…but let me stay alive….Let me go first…

*He let go the older…Kyungsoo just panting slowly catching up his breath…*

yKai : So tell me, since when you been hiding in the dark hyung? *He talks while switch on the light again*

DO_Dyo : I was about to get a warm milk for me when I suddenly heard your voice…talking to…someone…

yKai : That’s it? Then why don’t you just go get the milk? Why bother hiding like shadow here? Wait…are you eavesdrop my phone call conversation hyung?

DO_Dyo : Well…I’m…I’m not doing it intentionally…It’s just...happen anyway… You seem so brightly talking to…Taeminnie…

yKai : Hahaha…I cannot believe this…hyung, seolma…you not jealous aren’t you?

DO_Dyo : No…

yKai : Good….because I really love him…

DO_Dyo : You WHAT? *he rolls his eyes until its about to burst out*

yKai : Yeah… Off course I love him…as my best friend…not more than that… but that expression is OBVIOUSLY tell that you jealous!

DO_Dyo : Ahh…I should know that…He turn his head down… *He regret what his doing earlier…what does he thinking? Jongin and Taemin has been closed since their trainee period…off course they are best friend..Nothing more than that…Maybe he just can’t stand sometime seeing Jongin doing mushy talking with other person…that’s all*

yKai : But you…I love you…more than just a best friend…come here my cutie hyung… *He pull the older close for a hug again…and this time kiss the other lip…*

DO_Dyo : *He can’t help but just follow the younger lead…can’t help but enjoy the sweet treatment he received…But then…*  Okay you can stop now Jongin…what if the other members see us?

yKai : Hey cutie…Its already 2am…everyone is their own dreamland… Hyung…about the things you heard earlier…you know it yourself already right? I don’t have to explain it again…right?

DO_Dyo : Yeah…I understand…but please…next time…just don’t do it in front of me…I just can’t take it sometimes…

yKai : Arr…I believe I thought I’m all alone in here…and yet suddenly its you who apparently stalking me talking to Taeminnie… So…Its not literally my fault isn’t it hyung? *He wink to the older*

DO_Dyo : Ahhh…nae… I’m sorry for doing that… I really regret it…I shouldn’t do it…

yKai : Hahaha…enough with all of this thing….as long as we trust each other k… Now should we continue what we just left?

DO_Dyo : Nope…I come to this kitchen to have some milk…not messing around with you…

yKai : Owh c’mon hyung… I can feel you like it and you want more….come baby… *try to pull the older again*

DO_Dyo : No Jongin! Please…I’m tired… and I can’t sleep…I just want drink that damn milk before continue to sleep…

*Sensing the situation he decides to stop the mushy thingy and help Kyungsoo preparing the warm milk…*

yKai : Arasso hyung… Mian hae nae? Let me help you with the milk.. I guest I can have a drink too…and then maybe we could continue…. *Kyungsoo send a deep glare to him*….arasso….we could sleep after that… >.<



A/N : Arghhhh..Lame.....Lame....Lame chappie... But I do hope you guys can follow the story.... So I decide to Introduce the first guest - SHINee's Taemin! I always wanna write story involving Kai and Taemin...because damn I ship them too...huhu... So Its KaiSoo for this time...for Kaisoo shippers... Sorry fot the lame language... and continue supporting me k... *wink2* XOXO

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