Chap 32 : An Impromptu Midnight Date

The story of 12 boys



*After finish recording for EXO’s showtime, Kris, Sehun, Tao, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are supposed to headed to their dorm, but Chanyeol apparently still didn’t want to go back home yet. He suddenly has this crazy idea pop out his mind*

*When they all headed to their van, he sneakily pull Baekhyun’s arm*

BaekkieTheGreat : What the… What? *He questioning Chanyeol with frown face*

PCY_HappyVirus : Hey, come follow me…We go somewhere else…

BaekkieTheGreat : Yaaa…Are you crazy? Its almost 1am and we supposed to go back to the dorm, aren’t you tired at all Chanyeol?

PCY_HappyVirus : Not really…Come on Baek…I will tell on manager something to let us go… You just have to follow me…Nae?

BaekkieTheGreat : Hah?...Owh…I don’t know Chanyeol…hurm…

PCY_HappyVirus : I don’t care Baek, you coming with me…. *Ignores the shorter and rushing to Kris who already walk too far away ahead in front of them both*

PCY_HappyVirus : Kris hyung wait…Can you help me with something? Please… I want to sneak out to go somewhere else with Baekhyun…

KrisWu : Yaaa? Right now? We had schedule tomorrow morning, are you sure you still wanna sneak out?

PCY_HappyVirus : Yeah…Its today or we never be alone again…

KrisWu : *sigh* Yeah…Like you guys aren’t roommate at all… what it is do you want from me then?

PCY_HappyVirus : Thank you hyung! I know I can rely on you! *He shaking duizzhang’s hand as a sign of gratefulness* You just have to play along okay ? I will call manager hyung after this to tell him in advance the reason Baek and me will go back a lil bit later. Your job hyung is just nodding and answering whatever manager hyung asking you about us…IF only he ask you a question okay…Arr…one more thing please tell Sehun and Tao what I’m telling you now k? I’m sure they understand. *He then explains to Kris what he plans to tell the manager in case the manager asking him about Chanyeol and Baekhyun*

*After Kris understand his role, Chanyeol called their manager*

PCY_HappyVirus : Hello? Hyung?

ManagerHyung : Yeah Chanyeol ar…Why you guys still not here yet? You guys supposed to go back dorm now…You guys had schedule tomorrow morning you know?…

PCY_HappyVirus : Arr….nae, I know that, but the thing is, Baekkie left his handphone earlier at the Makchang (intestine) restaurant’s that we just  eat earlier…Its a bit far away, so I thought Baekkie and I will go back there to pick up his phone and we will go back home with taxi…nae hyung?

ManagerHyung : Hah? But why you the one tell who me instead of him? Let me talk to him…

PCY_HappyVirus : No need hyung…his in the toilet right now… *Off course he lied, Baekhyun is just right beside him and was about to kick the giant’s shin but he avoid it* so we will come back home in about an hour… Okay got to go now hyung…we’ll be back soon! Annyeong! *He still can hear the manager still didn’t finish talking but yet he hang up the phone*

*Baekhyun who just stand beside him just sending a deep glare to the taller*

PCY_HappyVirus : What? Don’t tell me you don’t want this?

BaekkieTheGreat : Why you didn’t tell me your plan earlier? Why you keep doing things in your own way? You think I’m just kind of toy? Or pet? Who will just obey your order?*He frown and just continue walking leaving the Chanyeol in a daze*

PCY_HappyVirus : Baek wait! *He slightly run to catch up with the shorter* Hey…Why you suddenly mad? I thought you will like this idea too…

BaekkieTheGreat : Well I’m not…I don’t like it when you keep doing things without telling me. I maybe love you, but it doesn’t mean you can do everything by yourself Chanyeol.

PCY_HappyVirus : Okay, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t do this, I know…But the idea is just pop out in my head just after we about to head to the van. It so soon that I’ve to urge everything in hurry so that I can spend a bit time together with you.

BaekkieTheGreat : *He sighed* Fined. So where the hell we are going now? Don’t tell me you don’t know, because just now you act like you’re the master in this unexpected plan.

PCY_HappyVirus : Arr…That…hurm…Where should we go? *He turn his head around…looking eagerly at his surrounding while putting his fingers at his mouth and wandering…

BaekkieTheGreat : YAAAA PARK CHANYEOL! *The taller snapped* we already didn’t have much time yet you still don’t know where to go???

PCY_HappyVirus : Ahh…Mian… hehe…I’m too focus try to find excuse just for to get time for both of us, I didn’t even think where should we go or what should we do now…Do you have any idea Baek?

BaekkieTheGreat : Aishh…cinca…You really good-for-nothing… Let me think a bit… *He stop walks and thinking of something* Ahh! You did say you wanna eat ice cream right? So let’s just eat ice cream and then we just go back home okay?

PCY_HappyVirus : Arr…Nae nae…but is it okay with you? I mean you look so full when we eat ddeobukie earlier…

BaekkieTheGreat : Yes I am full now! But I think I still can handle for just an ice cream.

PCY_HappyVirus : Okey then, let’s go eat ice cream! *Drag the shorter to the close by convenience store*

 *They both finally buy ice cream for each one of them. Chanyeol buy chocolate-vanila flavoured while Baekhyun just buy strawberry filled with jelly flavoured ice cream. The both walk away from the store and continue walking at sidewalk while eating the ice cream*

PCY_HappyVirus : Yaaa…When we all eat ddeobukkie and soondae earlier, how come you never fed me Baek?

BaekkieTheGreat : Hah? I don’t know you want me to fed you too. I fed Tao and Kris hyung because I just want them to taste our local snack here. Seolma…Please don’t tell me you jealous because of that?

PCY_HappyVirus : Owh I see…Off course I’m not jealous…You think I’m a kid?

BaekkieTheGreat : Well apparently yes…You just said why I’m not fed you just now, its clearly show that you just being kid.

PCY_HappyVirus : Owh my…I need to clear my heart…Why must we argued in everything we talk about?

BaekkieTheGreat : You just know that fact? And yet you still cling onto me right…you can’t live without me…

PCY_HappyVirus : Owh please…I already noticed since years ago… Just wanna mention it… hey, you can’t live without me either… most of our member said your life is miserable while I’m at Guam weeks ago. Haha…Looks whose talking now. *Chanyeol already finishes his ice cream and throws the wrappers into the dustbin*

BaekkieTheGreat : *He chuckled, because it is indeed true…but he try to stay cool* Owh… you already finish your ice cream? That is so fast… *He still eating his ice cream leisurely…taking his time to enjoy the tasted*

PCY_HappyVirus : Look at you, suddenly changed the subject…Blushing I guess? Hahaha…

*Baekhyun just glare to giant and look away after that*

PCY_HappyVirus : Hahaha…come here you cutie, you got some ice cream at your left upper lip.

*He pull Baekhyun closer and gave a soft kiss at the said place on the other lips to wipe away the ice cream. Baekhyun jolt in shock but he try to stay calm and let the giant kiss him…*

PCY_HappyVirus : There you are…sorry, I got no tissue to give you, so just did what I think its right…

BaekkieTheGreat : You!! Did you know we in public right now? What if someone see us? You can't just hold yourself aren’t you Chanyeol?

PCY_HappyVirus : Chill babe… No ones here…There’s also almost no car passing by here…So we good baby… *Chanyeol just grinned to the shorter*

*He’s looking around…indeed no one there…He even barely see any transport passing by the road. Probably because its already midnight*

BaekkieTheGreat : Yaa, if that’s the case, how are we going to back home now? By walking?

PCY_HappyVirus : Yeah…Looks like that Baek… hahaha... Ouch! *Baekhyun kicking his’s shin for real* hey, I’m kidding okay…there’s a bus stop in about 200 metres a head us, we can take a bus or taxi once we reach there… and IF there really was no transport at all, I can just call for taxi to come here…okay? You totally safe with me…

BaekkieTheGreat : You know this is not the perfect time to joke. And serve your right! *pointing to giant’s shin*

*Baekhyun already finishes his ice cream and they both continue to walk until they reach at the said bus stop*

BaekkieTheGreat : You see Chanyeol? There’s no bus and taxi here. Only a few cars passing by…I knew I shouldn’t follow you along in a first place.

PCY_HappyVirus : Owh please Baek, its not the end of the world okay? I can just call for taxi. *He really called for the taxi after that*

*After five minutes waiting…the taxi still didn’t come…and Chanyeol look Baekhyun is shivering like cold puppy…*

PCY_HappyVirus : Haisshhh..So cute! Why is he so cute even when he’s shivering like that? Aigoo…Poor my Baekkie… *he shook his head* Hey Baekkie, come here…why you stand far away from me? Are you scared of me?

BaekkieTheGreat : Are you crazy? Why would I scare of you? Its getting late now…its almost 2am and we supposed being sleeping right now…If I’m late for tomorrow’s schedule, I swear I will never talking to you again!

PCY_HappyVirus : Yeah right…Like I believe in that… Don’t worry the taxi will come soon…we just have to wait a bit… I said come here…You’re shivering… Come closed to me…

BaekkieTheGreat : *Ignores the giant’s word and just keep looking left and right road, clearly hoping the taxi will come sooner* …I’m freezing like death here….why wouldn’t I put on sweater before? What was the giant said? Come closed to him? The hell I won’t… I don’t know what will he up too again…Its not that I’m scared or what, but please…this is public place…*

PCY_HappyVirus : Tsk..tsk..tsk…Look at this puppy….He’s clearly freezing to death yet still wanna act stubborn…ahhh cinca… Yaaaa Baekhyun! Aren’t you listening to me at all?

*Then he decides to do it by the way… If he just wait for the other to reply /agree with him, it will take forever to him while he knows Baekhyun is freezing because of the cold weather tonight*

*He approach the older closely….while Baekhyun still standing and embracing himself to heat up his own body*

*Baekhyun’s not really listening to Chanyeol because he’s actually worried about tomorrow’s schedule…he afraid he will be late because they all have morning schedule, and there he was with Chanyeol still fully awake and not even close to their dorm*

*Then he felt somene approaching him from behind, and its Chanyeol!*

BaekkieTheGreat : What the…what he’s try to do actually?

*Chanyeol actually standing behind the shorter…very closed, he’s actually look like he was back hugging the older, but he’s actually was covering  Baekhyun’s body with his big coat. So now its looks like they both wearing Chanyeol’s big coat*

PCY_HappyVirus : Aigoo…why you so stubborn Baek? There…are you feeling better now? In order to make you feel more warm..let me just do this…but please….stay calm…I’m not doing anything else okay…

*Baekhyun surprised at the beginning, but after he realised what Chanyeol try to do he just stay quiet and follow the taller’s lead…He’s not freezing anymore…he felt so calm and warm being in Chanyeol’s big coat and his warm body*

BaekkieTheGreat : Erk…okay…but this look awkward Chanyeol ar… *He actually can feel Chanyeol’s heart beating behind him, he felt so nervous yet wanna stay like that forever*

PCY_HappyVirus : Its okay, you feel warm right? Let’s just stay like this for a while…at least until the taxi’s arrived…

*And then they indeed staying like that, sharing the coat with two bodies just to make each of other feel warm…*

*After about ten minutes, the taxi arrived, which Baekhyun feel so frustrated. He wishes he can stay like that for a long time*

PCY_HappyVirus : You okay Baek? You seem a bit gloomy. You not freezing again now, right?

*Baekhyun actually wearing Chanyeol’s big coat now after the giant insisted the shorter to wear it before they ride the taxi*

BaekkieTheGreat : No, I’m okay now…I’m just worried about tomorrow…and thank you so much Chanyeol ar… for keeping me warm…

PCY_HappyVirus : Hey, don’t say that…Its my will to protect you…plus, I can’t stand seeing you in miserable… I can’t let you get sick…especially after I drag you out this night…I’m sorry…

BaekkieTheGreat : Aniya…Don’t be sorry...I have great time tonight…especially after the schedules….especially with you… Just in case if I’m late for tomorrow’s schedule…I really will kick your off…and I’m not joking okay?

PCY_HappyVirus : Hahaha..Dont worry I WILL make sure it didn’t happen… Although I would love to see how you kick my … *he smirks to the shorter*

*15 minutes later, they finally reach their dorm's building....Then, there's an incoming message is send to Chanyeol’s handphone...*

KrisWu : “Where the hell are you guys? Manager hyung keep calling me asking if you guys aren’t home yet. Did he call both of you?”

*Chanyeol’s smirks. Their manager actually did called both of them before but they really didn’t noticed it because they put it on silence, but its a glad thing so they both can enjoy the time together without any disturbance*

PCY_HappyVirus : “Easy duizzhang, we already here…just  about to go up to the dorm…don’t worry okay…btw thanks a lot for tonight hyung…you the best! ^_^”

PCY_HappyVirus : We already home Baek…

*He turn his head at the back, like he can see Baekhyun who already sleeping at his back. Chanyeol actually carried the shorter at the back, because he’ already sleeping by the time they both reach their dorm’s building*

PCY_HappyVirus : Baekhyun? *No answer nor any movement from his back* Aigoo…such sleepy head… *He shook his head and press the elevator’s button*


A/N : Annyeong my fellow readers and subbies!! ^^ Wow, I can't believe I finally finish this chap. It takes so much long that I originally thought...Owh yeah, after I watch EXO's showtime ep2, I was so frustrated didn't see enough of ChanBaek interaction! *Bcoz Chanbaek its my 1st OTP in EXO! huhu..*So I came out with this least I can let my self feel satisfy...So how was it? I hope u guys can follow my story or understand how it goes...

Thank you so much for whoever you guys who subscribe my story...and also even give an upvote for me...*even I think I don't deserved it* *bow2*...keep supporting me because it means a lot to me to continue wrote this story...sorry for lame or any grammatical error for the language...until then...see you in the next chap...^^ XOXO

p/s : Miracle in December... huhu...its sooooo damn good and such a miracle to me... hope u guys being given such a miracle too... ^^ 

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:) :)
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