Chap 28 : Busted!

The story of 12 boys


*Its already 3.00am in the morning…Xiumin woke up from sleep…he had sudden urge to go the bathroom. While walking to the bathroom near the kitchen, he noticed someone is there…the person looks like having a phone call. But the way he talking clearly he doesn’t want to anyone noticed him being there… Xiumin just hide himself behind the wall and try to eavesdrop the conversation. If it other member, he would just let it pass through…*

ChenChen : “Arrr hyung..please, just one more time!”

ManagerHyung : “No! how many times I’ve told you, just give it by yourself! Just when you will tell him the truth? ”

ChenChen : “Please please…just this time…this is last time I’m asking for your help hyung…I’m actually  plan to tell him soon…but not now…not this time…”

ManagerHyung : “Jongdae ar, just tell me the truth….You like him right?”

ChenChen : “Hah? Erm....maybe....I don't know”

ManagerHyung : “Then why you bother keep sending him those baozi? There’s must be a definite reason….and I don’t think of any other reason, you must like him…so much I think!”

ChenChen : "Owh fine! I like him! I like Minseok hyung! So what?, Like it a surprised thing to you….after all most of our member are flirting to each other too…”

*Xiumin chuckled,…he seem so surprised of what Jongdae just said, So its true he’s the one who sending all the baozi to him…Xiumin actually already suspected Jongdae is his secret admire, but when he think back, he didn’t received the package for quiet of some time, so he don’t think it was Jongdae*

*But the thing is….he like him too…*

ManagerHyung : “OMG! For real Jongdae? *He sighed* Looks like my works is getting tougher now. Kids nowadays. Don’t you guys have self control?”

ChenChen : “What? There’s nothing wrong with that…I just being honest with my feeling that’s all. I’m not doing anything wrong against the company k”

ManagerHyung : “Being honest? Yeah right…. No wonder you keep asking for my help to send those package for Minseok…yeah very honest Jongdae ar…Speak to yourself”

ChenChen : “Ah..about that…hehe…yeah…but I promise this is the last time I’m asking for your help hyung…nae? Please...I won’t ask again next time!”

ManagerHyung : “Just promise me you will confess your feeling to him. I can’t bear to be your middle man anymore. I’ve have a lots of work to do too”

ChenChen : “Arasso hyung…I’ll promise…”

ManagerHyung : “So how I’m supposed to give the package to him? Like usual?”

ChenChen : “Owh, Thank you hyung! Yeah…Tomorrow I will come down and bring the package to you…Then you just give to him like usual…tell him it’s a present from the fans…okay?”

ManagerHyung : “Okey then…remember, this is the last time okay? No more after this.”

ChenChen : “I know! I know! Thank you so much hyung! I really owe you one.”

*Chen hang up the phone,  while Xiumin just passing leisurely through the kitchen to go to the bathroom, like nothing happen. Chen seems shock seeing Xiumin suddenly appeared out of nowhere*

The_Baozi : Still can’t sleep Jongdae ar?

ChenChen : Ar? Owh…nae… I can’t fell asleep hyung… I thought I wanna drink some milk before try to sleep again…

The_Baozi : Yeah right….Where is the damn milk? You liar… Owh really? I thought I heard you talking to someone just now…

ChenChen : Erk….nae…manager hyung called me, he said we have to keep practiced until late night tomorrow for Melon Music Awards performance.

The_Baozi : Owh I see… arasso… All right then…Make sure to go sleep after drink the milk okay. *He enters the bathroom without any question left and just leaves Chen alone in the kitchen*

*Chen actually didn’t feel quite comfortable at all…He wonder if Xiumin actually overheard his conversation with the manager*

*The next day…Xiumin decides to plan something… but first he called the manager hyung to confirm the fact that he just overheard yesterday*

The_Baozi : Hello hyung? Its Minseokie…

ManagerHyung : Owh…kurae Minseok ar…Its only 8.30 in the morning? What it is you want to ask me? Better be important one…

The_Baozi : It is important to me… Did Jongdae called hyung yesterday? Around 3.00am?

ManagerHyung : *Hesitant*…… erm…. Yeah…..why?

The_Baozi : What is it he want from you?

ManagerHyung : Nothing much, he have something to give to me… it’s a bit personal Minseok ar…

The_Baozi : I knew it… Jongdae lied…That’s it….I’m not letting him go this time….

ManagerHyung : Minseok ar? Hello? Are you still there? Is that all you wanna ask me?

The_Baozi : Yeah…I’m here….Hyung….please stop all of this….don’t just tag along with his lies….

ManagerHyung : What are you talking about? Lie? What kind of lie?

The_Baozi : Hyung…I already know it… please just stop all of this.

ManagerHyung : What? You know? Minseok ar…hyung don’t quite get what are you talking about…

The_Baozi : Cinca this hyung… I already know…what Jongdae being up to…I know he’s actually the one who keeps give me the baozi… I also know….that he likes me… *Xiumin’s voices getting slow as he talking to the manager*

ManagerHyung : What? How did you know?

The_Baozi : I overheard your conversation with him last night…I actually heard he said he like me…

ManagerHyung : Owh you know what…..Well, its actually a good thing to me…I already feel tired helping him passing all those packages to you…The fact that you guys just live under one roof…How he so stubborn didn’t want to confess his true feeling to you…How he kept pleading me to become you guys middle man…I’m so tired! Hyung have many work to do instead of being “the postman” here.

The_Baozi : I know hyung… I understand…because of that you have to help me ended all of this.

ManagerHyung : Hah? I still have to help you? Owh I thought I already being free from this matter.

The_Baozi : You will be soon hyung. Just help me this one okay… I’ve plan how to catch that Jongdae kid.

ManagerHyung : Okay okay… I still don’t understand how I can just follow what you guys want.

The_Baozi : Its because you too kind and love all of us…

ManagerHyung : Maybe. But before that, I wanna ask you. I already ask this to Jongdae… Did you like him too? I mean Jongdae?

The_Baozi : Hah? Me? I don’t know…What do you think hyung?

ManagerHyung : Aigoo…look at this kid… how can you ask me back…its your feeling, not me…

The_Baozi : Hahaha…arasso arasso… I actually didn’t notice this feeling until the time when I got a lil accident at Beijing airport…. You must be still remembering that hyung, right?

ManagerHyung : Arrr….yes yes I did…Owh…wow…Jongdae must be happy if he knows this…

The_Baozi : Okay okay…Don’t tell him first okay…back to the plan…

*After discussing about 15 minutes….Xiumin already seal the deal with the manager hyung…He just want Chen to stop all of this useless effort…Why he can’t just confess his true feeling to him? Is it because he afraid being rejected? Owh c’mon…be a man…*

*As a promise, Chen come down the ground floor to headed to the parking lot, he bring those familiar package again with him*

*He approached to the manager hyung van when he spotted it from afar. He knocks on the tinted window as a sign of his arrival, the window was rolled down and there was the manager in the front seat give him thumbs up sign and direct him to put those package in the back seat. *

ManagerHyung : Hey there Jongdae, you can put that at the back seat….Just open the door, its unlocked.

ChenChen : Okay hyung….Komawo…

*He opens the back door. Put the package at the back seat….but then someone talking to him from the back seat…Chen snapped, because he’s totally didn’t noticed the person presence*

The_Baozi : Aren’t those package for me Jongdae ar?

ChenChen : Minseok hyung? What…what are you doing here? Luhan hyung told me you were in the bathroom.

The_Baozi : Thanks to Lulu for helping me lying to you. But that’s not even the main point here. What are you think you doing? And you still didn’t answer me, I bet those package is for me?

ManagerHyung : I leave you guys alone here…Hyung need to go to your dorm for a while…

ChenChen : Arr? Erm….aniyo…no,this package is for manager hyung..he ask me to bring this to him.

The_Baozi : Let me see that package. Give me! I bet those are the same baozi you keep sending to me before this…

*Chen try to defend the package from being grab by Xiumin, but the older was a lil faster. He grab the brown box and open it in front of Chen. Indeed, it was a package of ten delicious baozi in it*

*Chen look dumbfound and blank. He just runs away from the van. He ran without any direction. Xiumin follow him from behind*

The_Baozi : Hey Jongdae wait!!

*As Chen runs away…he look back, Xiumin was following him…He don't care, he just run...he was too embarrassed of what just happen. How can he get busted by Xiumin? Didn’t he be careful enough before this?*

*Suddenly….KaBOMMM!!! * *There’s sound of car crash followed by people’s screaming behind him. Chen stopped…His heart beating rapidly…He didn’t want to look back. He silently pray and hoping its not Xiumin who just being hit by the car. He cannot bear what will happen if it was true…He might kill himself unknownly.*

*Chen slowly turn back, but too many people surrounded the accident’s scene. He can hear people keep whispered among them… “Who’s that poor boy?” “OMG look at the blood!” “Is he still alive?” after a moment he heard ambulance’s siren from afar and its getting near and nearer to the scene*

*Chen takes step by step to the accident scene. He still can’t see who the poor boy who just got hit by the car….but someone tapping his shoulder from the back, he turn around…*

The_Baozi : Yaaaa…How can you just ran away like that? I still not finish…

*Chen didn’t actually heard what Xiumin said because as soon as he saw the  baozi behind him, he just quickly grab the older and hug him tightly*

The_Baozi : Yaaaaa Jongdae ar….What are you doing? People are watching us…Let me go…

ChenChen : Hyung! I’m so glad you still alive! Thank you for staying alive! Thank you! *He said while hugging the older*

The_Baozi : Hah? Yeah…Arasso…arasso… *He just let the younger do what he just do helplessly*

*After a while he let go the hug, and then they both watch closely the scene that just happen. They ask around, and turn out that boy try to across the street but unfortunately got hit by the car...The boy’s seems get injured pretty bad on his head. The poor boy finally being sent to the nearest hospital for the treatment,,...both of the boys then continue to walks*

The_Baozi : I think my question already had the answer.

ChenChen : Hah? What question? *Pretending to know nothing*

The_Baozi : That hug is the answer right? You like me right Jongdae?

ChenChen : …… Hug? Owh…That because I was worried…What if its really you being hit instead of that boy? That’s normal act right?

The_Baozi : Cinca… Unbelievable, after all what just happen you still denied it. You should see your face when you hug me… Stop it already Jongdae… I already know it… Manager hyung also already tell me everything… Now what you want to say?

ChenChen : If you already know, what’s the point to ask me then?

The_Baozi : Yaaa…Look at you….first you seems so shock and embarrassed about it…now you just act like it nothing to you…

*He grabs the younger’s hand and drag him at one corner at the road…where no people passing through it…*

The_Baozi : I know about it, but it doesn’t mean I just can let it go like that…

ChenChen : Hyung! What are you doing?

The_Baozi : So its indeed you…my secret admire all of this time?

ChenChen : Yes! Yes! YES! Satisfy?

The_Baozi :But why don’t you just tell me? Or just give me the present directly instead of being so mysterious about it?

ChenChen : Because it soooo unlike me…I’m actually not a person who give the present to other people. You will think its weird if I just shamelessly give it directly to you like that.

The_Baozi :…… Okay…that might be true….but why you keep give the package to me? I think including this…its already five times…

ChenChen : Hyung! I thought you said you already know about it? Why bother keep asking about it?

The_Baozi : I don’t care….I wanna hear it by myself…

ChenChen : Arrghhh..cinca….fine….Minseokie hyung… I like you!!! So much! I soooo scared just now when I heard the accident that just happen…I thought it was you….That’s why….I hug you….unknownly.... *He turn his head down*

The_Baozi : *He just smile whe he heard the younger confession* Although I already know it…Its better if I heard it from the person himself… Now come on, let's go back to our dorm… *he try to hold Chen’s hand but the younger move back*

ChenChen : Hyung, you okay with it? About me liking you?

The_Baozi : Aigoo… Why you so slow Jongdae ar…? Can’t you tell from how I act after I knew it? Do I seem so displeased about it?

*Chen still look blank….His face showed that he try to process something in his head*

*While Xiumin just smile watching his dongsaeng blank face, he just grabs Chen’s hand again and said…*

The_Baozi : C’mon Jongdae, let’s just go back to our home k?

ChenChen : Owh? Arr..Nae hyung… ^_^

*Chen so glad things actually work out well…now Minseok hyung already know his feeling and he’s okay with it…He feels like all his burdens have been lift up…now he can continue liking the older without any pressure…Only….he didn’t know if Minseok hyung like him too or not…but that’s not the important thing here…he can just make the older like him back…Or can’t he? Arr well…So that two young boys go back to their dorm while holding hands*

The_Baozi : Jongdae ar….I wish I can just tell you that I like you too…but…maybe next time okay….Thank you for finally being honest with me…. *He said to himself while glance at the younger*


A/N : New chap is up! I feel I didn't write about this two otp for quiet some times... So, yeah...its pretty hard to think of idea to wrote this chap. But I don't expect it will be so long...huhu...So I'm sorry if its pretty lame to you guys... *mian2*... Owh, since my fanfic almost reach 30th chap...I thought I want to slow it down a bit... Don't worry I will keep updates, but it will takes a few days okay...not everyday like I used too...

If u guys noticed, I already changed "ManagerHyung" text color...Its to avoid confusion between The_Baozi and ManagerHyung...Its pretty same at first...So I changed it... So for next chap...please anticipated it... and keep support me... XOXO

p/s : Todays is my happy virus Birthday !! Saengil Chukahae Park Chanyeol !! *throw confetties* ^_^ -happy mode-


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:) :)
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