Chapter 7: Bullies

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

The next day was a Sunday and just like most other Sundays you felt like becoming a healthy person from now on (and it usually lasted until Monday morning) so you decided to do some laundry. You had woken up early while all of the aliens were still asleep. 

“Don’t know why, don’t know why~!!” you sang as false as you could, enjoying the fact that you were alone in the laundry room. There was almost always some annoying little lady with icky-smelling laundry detergent but right now, you were there alone.     

“Dorawaaaaaahhh!!!~~” you practically scream while putting a blue shirt in the washing machine.

“Wow, you sing like an angel.” You turn around at the sound of a voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Oh, hi Luhan.” You say, just slightly embarrassed that he heard your song.

“What are you doing?” he asks as he walks up to you.    

“Can’t you see? I’m doing the laundry.” You mutter as you pick up the red sweater you had been wearing the first day the aliens arrived. One of sleeves was burned with a big hole. You sighed. Chanyeol…   

“Do you need any help?” Luhan asks. 

“Nah, it’s alright, I’m almost done.” You nod as you push the last couple of garments inside the machine. Just then, you remember that you forgot one of your hoodies that needed to be washed. “Oh! Luhan, now that you’re volunteering…”

Luhan looked at you and nodded, waiting for you to tell him what to do.

“…Could you please go to my room and get a gray hoodie? It should be by the foot of my bed.” You smile.

“So… I’m allowed to enter your room?” Luhan asks, raising his eyebrows.

You nod. “Just this once.” 

“Fine, I’ll be right back.” Luhan smiles quickly before leaving the room. 


Wow, nice room… Luhan thinks as he opens the door to the room he had been kind enough to avoid since that had been the order from you. He spots the shirt you had been talking about and walks over to it.
He’s about to leave the room as he notices a poster on the inside of your door. 


Hmm… Luhan tilts his head, looking at the incredibly good looking and extremely muscular male that was displayed on the poster.    

Is this the kind of guy Julia likes…? He asks himself slowly putting his hand of his own skinny stomach.


“I believe his name is Rain.” Baekhyun explains.   

“Isn’t that a weather?” Chen asks with furrowed eyebrows.

You were still downstairs in the laundry room, putting the now clean clothes in the dryer while Luhan introduced the rest of the aliens to the poster on your door.    

“How could we miss this when we were in here?” Kai asks as he folds his arms, studying the handsome male on the poster.  

“Pssh, he’s not that good looking.” Chanyeol rolls his eyes leaving the gathering around your door.

“But who is he?” Kris asks Baekhyun –who seems to know everything about humans and the people they have on their walls-.

“He’s some singer.” Baekhyun shrugs. 

“I’m ba- What are you guys doing?” you come back inside the room with a basket filled with newly washed and dried clothes. 

“Oh, nothing.” Xiumin quickly pushes your door shut with his foot.   

“Are you guys admiring the stunning Bi Rain?” You ask with a smirk as you put down the basket on the living room table.    

“Yeah right. Why is he named after a weather?” Chen asks.

You’re about to answer but Luhan opens his mouth first. “Do you like him?”  

You turn your head to the second oldest of the aliens, currently living in your apartment. “What?”

“Is… He the kind of person you like?” Luhan asks.

“Rain? Well, I guess so. He’s definitely handsome.” You state, smiling dreamily.

“Oh…Okay.” Luhan nods. 

“Now if you all excuse me, I’m gonna put these clothes in my dresser.” You smile as you walk in to your room.


While you spend the day cleaning your room from roof to floor, the aliens were all bored to death.
Well, in exception of Luhan, who had just gotten the great idea to go to the gym.

“Sehun! Sehun! Sehun!” he rambles quickly as he jumps the maknae who’s sitting on the sofa bed, watching a drama on TV.

“What is it?” he asks Luhan.    

“We’re gonna go to the gym!” Luhan exclaims happily.

“The what?” Sehun asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

“The gym! Come on, let’s go! I’ve even gotten an address!” Luhan exclaims, grabbing Sehun’s arm and pulling him up from the sofa. 

“Where… Are you guys going?” Suho asks a he comes out of the kitchen, watching Luhan pull Sehun towards the door.    

“I’ll tell you later, see ‘ya, bye!” Luhan hurriedly says and leaves the apartment together with Sehun.   


“Han, this is boooring.” Sehun whines as he sits seated on one of the machines in the gym.    

Luhan doesn’t answer a he pushes himself to the limit while lifting weights.
The two aliens were without any competition the pales and least muscular people in the entire gym.
A couple of well build guys, at least as tall as Kris, walked up to the machine where Sehun was seated, picking his nails.      

“Are you going to use this machine or what?” one of the males asks Sehun with a deep voice.

Sehun turns his head, glancing at the tall male. “No.” he states, crossing his legs. 

“Well then, little girl, could you move so us real men could work on our muscles.” Another one of the tall males demand rather than asks.     

“No.” Sehun states again, shaking his head slightly. 

“Oh really? Then why don’t we discuss this outside?” the buff guy threatingly walks closer to Sehun.

“No thank you. I prefer staying in here where I can watch Luhan.” Sehun states, nodding towards Luhan, who now has moved on to a machine working on his abs.    

The three tall males starts to chuckle as they see Luhan, pushing himself to achieve abs similar to Rain’s. 

They abandon Sehun and instead walks over to Luhan.    

“Is this the ‘I-do-not-belong-here’ day or what?” one of them asks Luhan, who stops, looking up at the intimidating males with round eyes.   

One of them practically picks Luhan up from the machine. Sehun sees what happens and get up to help his elder friend. “What are you doing? Couldn’t you see he was working out?” Sehun asks.    

´”Work out? You call that working out? And what are you guys? Gay?”  

“I don’t know what that means but don’t talk to us in that way.” Sehun says, folding his arms over his chest while Luhan is worriedly glancing between Sehun and the scary guys.   

“Oh? You have a problem with that?” one of them asks, pushing Sehun slightly.

“Don’t touch him.” Luhan peeps feeling helpless. 

“You did not just do that…” Sehun growls before he forms his mouth to an ‘o’ and blowing out wind towards the three males.                

“Noo, Sehun, don’t-“ Luhan tries to stop him, but Sehun just blows out more air that suddenly hits the three ‘bullies’ and they all just chuckle. 

“What are you trying to do?” one of them asks. 

“You guys do not belong here. Go shop at H&M or something instead.” Another one says, before pushing Luhan just like his friend pushed Sehun a moment ago. Luhan falls to the floor, landing on his .
Seeing the person that he cares the most about get hurt fires up Sehun’s fury. 

He opens his mouth again and this time he manages to get his power to work. He blows out wind and it hits the bullies like a door made of iron and they all fall into a pile on the ground.      

“Oh, ! Quickly Sehun! Come on!” Luhan gets up from the floor and pull a still angry but very much satisfied Sehun out of the gym before their bullies can follow them. 


“You did WHAT?!” Kris asks sternly and folds his arms over his chest as Sehun sits alone on the couch, looking down at his hands folded in his lap. He didn’t fear those bullies at the gym at all but he had to have respect from Kris, they all had. 

“Don’t you know how much trouble you –and all of us- could get into because YOU used your power around humans that shouldn’t know about our existence?!” Kris rants on, more furious than any of the aliens has seen him before. “I ASKED YOU A QUESTION.” Kris says sternly as Sehun doesn’t answer.

“I’m so sorry duizhang, I just got so mad when they pushed me and Luhan.” Sehun quietly explains as he keeps looking down at his hands.    

“That is not an excuse!”    

You enter the living room as you’ve grown tired of cleaning your desk. “What are you guys doing?” You furrow your eyebrows as you see Kris standing in front of the couch, where Sehun is seated while the other 10 aliens all stand around the room, watching the two quietly.     

“Oh, Duizhang is just scolding Sehun because Sehun used his power with humans that aren’t you and now Duzhang is mad because that is against the rules –to use your powers around humans that aren’t you-  and now we all might be in trouble and that is what we are doing.” Lay says in two long breaths and you give him a weird glance before looking at Kris and Sehun. 

“When did you use your power Sehun?” you ask.

“At the gym…” he answers quietly.

“The gym?” You ask completely surprised. You had never ever spent even a second inside a gym, and now one of your soul mates had exposed his power at one.

“It doesn’t matter. What you did was WRONG Sehun!” Kris scolds the maknae. 

“I’m sorry…” Sehun squeaks.

“Sorry doesn’t cut it! I wouldn’t be surprised if the main bosses decide to send you back to EXO when they hear about this!” Kris keeps scolding Sehun. 

You furrow your eyebrows and walk up to stand in between the two. “Stop screaming at him, can’t you see he’s about to cry?” You ask Kris as you sit down next to Sehun and put your arms around him. 

Kris suddenly straightens up, surprised that you decided to defend Sehun insetad of joining Kris’ scolding of him.

“There, there…” You comfort Sehun as he snuggles his nose in to the crook of your neck. You smile, you’ve never had any siblings and you had never had anyone in your arms like you had Sehun right now. You had to admit, it felt kind of nice.     

“Is this really happening…?” Kris looks around the room in disbelief.

“How can you scold him? He’s just a kid.” You look at Kris with an accusing voice as you caress Sehun’s head.

“He is older than you though…” Kris mumbles quietly.    

“Don’t worry Sehun.” You say again and pat the boy’s back.

“But what if they send me back to EXO?” Sehun asks with worried eyes.  

“They won’t. Right Kris?” you say the last words turned towards Kris, with a stern voice. 

“B-but I really need to report everything that happens to the main bosses.” Kris says. 

“I don’t think it’ll be a problem if you leave this out, right?” you look at him with raised eyebrows.

“…Of course...” Kris mumbles as he nods slightly before leaving the room.  

“Ooooh…!” Kai hoots. “I think we’ve met Duizhang’s superior.” Xiumin states which cause you all to chuckle –even Sehun.   






LuLu is working on his abs~

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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!