Chapter 20: Sing Star

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

Extra long chapter to celebrate 100 subbies! :D Thank you so much everyone



”I don’t want this anymore~” you whined, throwing your head back as you were being pulled through another store by Tao, who was still just as excited and energetic as he had been when you had arrived at the mall.

“Come on now Julia! Now you’re going to try on clothes.” Tao smiled as you realized you were inside a store that sold only female clothes.     

“But I don’t want to…” You made a face. There was really nothing in the world that you found more boring than trying on a bunch of clothes. Especially pants since they required you to take off your shoes.   

Exactly 19 minutes and 43 seconds later, you were being pushed in to a changing room by Tao and he reached you clothes that together weighed more than you.
“Taoo~ Please don’t make me do this.” You gave a pathetic try on aegyo but of course, Tao didn’t fall for it. 

You refused to try on any clothes and just sat inside the changing room with your arms crossed. They can’t force me into doing anything. You muttered inwardly, bringing out your stubborn 9-year-old side.       

“I’m not hearing any clothes getting tried on.” I heard Tao’s voice from outside. You sighed, glaring up at the ceiling.

“You can’t make me do this.” I muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.

“Oh I think I can. If you don’t try on the clothes I’ll just do it for you.” Tao threatened.

“I hardly think you’d do that.” You rolled your eyes, poking the pile of clothes with your toes.

“Maybe not, but I’ll just go find Chanyeol and get him to help. I think both you and I know he wouldn’t hesitate to help you try clothes on.” Tao said.

You got up, realizing the day would pass faster if you just tried those damn clothes on. “Fine. But I won’t try on everything.” You said.    

“That’s okay. Pick your favorites.”


“’Pick your favorites.’ Yeah right…” you muttered as you tried on the 13th piece of clothing. You had tried on 5, pretty much out of your own free will, but then Tao kept forcing you to try more on. The boys were all parked in the big pink couch outside of the changing rooms, ready to judge whatever you came out wearing.     

Chen was bored to death. He had his head leaning on Baekhyun’s shoulder, only opening his eyes when you came outside. Baekhyun was at least at a talking state, discussing something with Chanyeol, who sat next to him. Kris and Sehun were just like Chen, extremely bored, both letting out constant disapproving grunts whenever you showed of what you wore.

“Next time, try and model it better. You have to make us believe it.” Tao said. He was sitting on the arm rest to the couch with his left leg crossed over his right one, giving all of his ‘advice’ an extra touch with his fingers.

“If you don’t shut your pie hole I’m gonna make you believe that I can do it for you.” you muttered before walking back to the changing room.


“Finally! I’m home!!” You let go of all your bags and kneeled down on the ground, arriving back in your apartment. 

“Enjoyed shopping, huh?” Kyungsoo raised an amused eyebrow. “I don’t ever want to have to go through that again.” You rolled over on your back and stayed there on the floor for a couple of minutes before you shot up. 

“How’s Lay?” You asked, suddenly worried.

“He’s much better, thanks to you.”

You turned your head and saw Lay, walking and talking, finally without the pained expression on his face.   

“Oh my God, how long was I gone?” You asked, wondering how Lay could have gotten so much better just during the day.

“I think about 7 hours.” Lay smiled charmingly, showing of his dimple.

“Ah, I’m so glad you’re better.” You exclaimed, hugging him, snuggling your face in to his light blue sweater.

When you let him go and turned around Xiumin stood there. “I’m also better.” He smiled widely and reached out his arms, ready for a hug.   

“Better from what?” You asked with a raised eyebrow. “From… the hugging disease…” Xiumin lied. “Now fast, hug me before it gets worse!” He exclaimed and quickly pulled you in for a hug.  


“What’s this?” Kai asks, holding up your old Play Station 2 as he had been looking around for a DVD movie to watch.

“It’s a game console.” You explain while drying your wet hair with a towel since you just stepped out of the shower.    

“Is this a game console?” Kai asked, with raised eyebrows.    

“Yeah, what…? Do game consoles look different on EXO?” You asked.

“Yeah, veeery different.” Kai said. “What kind of games can you play on it?”   

“Well, Sing Star’s fun.” you walked up to Kai and picked out the Sing Star game.   

“What do you do?” Kai asked, eyeing the game.

“Well… You sing…” You say, not really sure of how to best explain the game you hadn’t played at all for the past three years.

“Yey, let’s do that!” Luhan exclaimed excitedly from his spot on the couch.


7 minutes later, everyone was gathered in the living room. Kyungsoo had fixed some snacks since it was Saturday after all and you were choosing language on the Sing Star game.

“Alright, who wants to go first?” You asked, holding the mikes.

“I want to compete against you Julia!” Tao exclaimed and so the two of you battled it out with Infinite’s ‘She’s Back’. It wasn’t really a fair battle though since you knew every single word of the lyrics by heart, while Tao never had heard the song. 

“Congratulations Julie.” Tao smiled and ruffled your hair as your dominating score shone on the TV-screen. 

“My turn!” Sehun shot out of the couch, dragging Luhan with him and they chose f(x)’s ‘La cha ta’.

You had to hold your stomach because you were laughing so hard. None of them knew a single word of the lyrics and soon Sehun gave up, sitting back down on the couch with a big pout. However, Luhan kept going until the very end of the song and despite not knowing any of the lyrics, he impressed you with his beautiful voice.    

“I think it’s time for me to show you guys how it’s done now.” Chen got up from his chair with a confident smug on his face. His behavior annoyed you. He could be the sweetest sometimes but once he got cocky it was obnoxious.     

“Fine. Bring It on Chen Chen.” you said as you got up, taking the red mike from Luhan.

Some “Oooooh~”s were heard from around the room but you were sure of your win. You even let Chen pick the song he wanted.   

You had to swallow when Super Junior K.R.Y’s ‘Sorry Sorry (answer version)’ came up on the screen. You knew the lyrics okay but the song was full of high notes you wouldn’t be able to even get close to hitting.

Chen on the other hand did a remarkably good job despite not knowing the lyrics. He read it fast and hit every high note that came in his way perfectly.

You almost didn’t earn any scores at all when you got parts that were hard to sing, which meant Chen stood as the winner once the five minute song was over. Man I wish I could swipe that smile of his face right now.  

“Anyone else wants to try and beat me?” Chen asked with a disgustingly confident face and everyone in the room were quiet.

“Huh, didn’t think so. I guess I can just be crowned the king then.”   

“No, Kyungsoo will compete against you.” Kai said suddenly but Kyungsoo just stared at the younger alien.

Chen raised his eyebrows. “Come on Kyungsoo.” Kai hissed trying to push him up from the floor.

“No! I can’t” he exclaimed and tried to hide.    

“Yeah don’t force him Kai.” Chen said. “He can’t help that he’s a coward.”

Those words seemed to change Kyungsoo’s mind. “Fine. Not that I’ll win, but sure. Let’s go.”

You all applaud him and you reached him your mike and noticed him swallowing hard, obviously nervous.

The song started playing and it was one you hadn’t heard before. Chen was the first out of them to sing and of course did a good job. The music played for a couple of seconds and Chen looked over at Kyungsoo who looked very nervous. He probably knew all of you had your hopes on him.    

He came off to an unsteady start and you winced. Not because it sounded bad but because this meant Chen would win yet another round, which would only boost his confidence.     

“Come on Kyungsoo! I know you can do it!” Kai called as he clapped his hands and it was as if that gave Kyungsoo yet another kick and suddenly he gave his all. His score increased immediately and his beautiful voice seemed to surprise everyone excluding himself. In difference from Chen’s light, ‘clean’ voice, Kyungsoo’s was deep and a bit raspy but it sounded absolutely wonderful.

Soon Chen had gathered himself from the surprise of Kyungsoo’s good singing and the song was building up for a bunch of high notes by the talented duo that sang the original song.  

Chen started off with an amazing high note and smiled confidently. It made you nervous since you had no idea whether Kyungsoo could hit high notes or not. But, very much to yours and everyone else’s (except for Chen) Kyungsoo pulled of his high note just as perfectly and ended up losing towards Chen with only 200 points.      

“Good job Kyungsoo.” Suho patted the runner up on his back. Kyungsoo seemed very proud of himself despite loosing and Chen seemed disappointed that everyone had their attention on Kyungsoo even though he was the one who had won.   

During the rest of the night, Chen refused to play anymore. He sat in a chair, moping, probably over the fact that he suddenly had competition when it came to who was the best singer among them.

“Can all of you sing good? Is it like an alien thing?” You asked once Kyungsoo and Baekhyun had finished of an amazing duet and you realized Baekhyun also had a ridiculously good voice.

“Haha, not Duizhang.” Sehun laughed.   

“Yah!” Kris roared from his chair. It was true. Kris was the only one who hadn’t sung a single song during the entire night. He had been sitting quiet, just laughing at the other aliens, and you had almost forgotten he was there.   

“Come on Duizhang! Prove him wrong!” Tao encouraged as he took Baekhyun’s mike and tried to give it to Kris.

“No. I don’t want to sing.” Kris declared, refusing to take the mike.   

“You mean you can’t.” Sehun raised an eyebrow. Kris narrowed his eyes at the maknae. “If I were you, I’d watch my skin. You’ve already pissed me off once and if I wanted to I could make you go back to EXO in an instance. I’m sure your parents would be happy to know their son uses his power carelessly in public and harasses his leader.”    

Sehun quieted down and the room tensed up.   

“Okay everyone….” you said in a try to get the awkward tension to loosen up. “Who wants to go for a rap battle with me?”    

Chanyeol won over you with more than twice as many points and you were once again extremely impressed by their skills. Chanyeol hadn’t been the best at singing and had lost towards Suho with kind of much, but he was obviously the king of rapping.    

“Hey Duizhang…” Tao started carefully, being the first one to even look at Kris since his threat towards Sehun. “…Don’t you wanna rap with me?” he asked the leader.

“…” Kris was quiet for a while but you could see on his face that he liked the idea. “Fine… BUT only if we play it as a duet and not a battle.”    

“Sure thing Duizhang!” Tao smiled excitedly and gave one of the mikes to Kris.

You were honestly surprised that Kris had any musical talent at all and he and Tao pulled of an awesome cover of some old hip hop duo song, only missing out on some words here and there which was an awesome accomplishment for not knowing the song.    

“Wooh!” everyone applaud and you would definitely say the night had been wrapped up with a great performance.    

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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!