Chapter 13: One problem out of the way, a new one on it

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

A week passed without Kai and Kris sharing even one word with each other. The other aliens just ignored Kai’s and Kris’ hatred towards one another just because of that stupid fight.

Even though most things seemed fine despite the tension in your apartment, there was something eating you up from inside.       
Kai’s words from that night one week ago had bothered you ever since. He had pretty much said that he didn’t want to be here with you or even on Earth. You could just imagine what it’d be like to have to be somewhere you didn’t want to be, so there for you had thought about it all week – kind of disturbing you from your studies – and now you decided to talk with Kai about it.    

It was Saturday, about 5pm and you were, together with Suho setting the table while Kyungsoo cooked dinner with some ‘help’ from Tao.    

“Hey Suho…” you said suddenly. He looked up at you as he placed the last plate in its place on the table. “Let’s say… That one of you wanted to go back to EXO, could you do it?” you asked.  

Suho gave you a weird look before answering. “I guess so. There would probably have to be a slight ‘questioning’ once that alien arrived back on EXO, about why he wanted to leave and such. You know, our planet is all about studying planet Earth.” He explained as he grabbed some forks while handing you the knives. “Why do you ask that?” 

“No, special reason.” You shrug. “I’m just curios.” You smile up at him. 


After dinner, you left Sehun, Luhan and Lay alone to take care of the dishes as you decided to find Kai and talk to him, once and for all. 

He was sitting by the window in your living room, staring outside, looking at something far, far away. Maybe he is really homesick. You thought.   

“Hey Kai, can I talk to you?” He turned his face to you then nodded and got up. You felt awkward as you led him out to the small – super small – balcony considering you had never really talked to him.   

“So… I know you don’t really want to be here… And I just want you to know that if you want to go back to EXO, it’s okay with me.” You said, keeping your eyes on the streets down below instead of looking at Kai. 

“What…?” It was the first word you had heard him say this whole week. You looked up at him. “You made it pretty clear that you don’t want to be here, and I don’t want you to be here if that doesn’t make you happy. If you feel you should be on EXO, I don’t think you should feel like you HAVE to stay here. If it makes any difference, you have my ‘permission’ to leave. And if the other aliens would be against it – even if it’s Kris – I’ll talk to them, don’t worry.” You said, trying to get Kai to realize you were serious.     

“Do you think I want to leave?” Kai asked, looking down into your eyes.

“Well yeah, and I would be selfish if I wanted you to stay against your will. Neither I or anyone else should get to force you to stay here unless you want to.” You said, feeling incredibly mature.   

“Look, Julia. I don’t want to leave. Sure, I get homesick sometimes, I miss my parents and my sisters but I like it here too. Sure, it’s been quite tough after that fight with Duizhang, but I’ve also realized the support I have from the other aliens. Kyungsoo, Suho, Luhan, Sehun… they’ve all been so kind to me and so have you.” He smiled at you and that’s when you realized what a pretty smile he had. “I know I shouldn’t have tried to teleport in to your shower, it was very immaturely done of me and I want to apologize.” Kai said, looking away slightly, obviously embarresed by his actions from last week. “I want to stay, I do, but I appreciate that you thought of me so much.” He smiled again.   

You smiled back. “Sure thing, and if you ever feel like you want to go home, just let me know, because you know – the offer will always be there, for you and all of the other aliens too. I don’t want any of you to feel like you have no choice but to be here with boring little me.”   

“I’m sorry I said you were boring.” Kai said.

“When did you say that?” you asked.

“Eh… Never…” Kai swallowed as he remembered you had been asleep when he had said that about you.

“Whatever.” you shook your head. “Here. Let’s hug it out.” You reached your arms up and put them around Kai’s neck before pulling him in for a hug.

Kai felt surprised. He had never hugged a human before and it almost made him blush to feel your arms around him, even in such an innocent matter. He decided to play it cool and encircled his arms around your waist and held you close.
The two of you stood like that for a couple of seconds before you let go of him and he did the same.

“I can’t believe that douche got to hug her.” Chanyeol said as he watched you and Kai through the glass door that led out to the balcony.       

“Aish, don’t be jealous.” Kyungsoo muttered.

“Oh, like you’re not.” Chanyeol sneered, just as the door back into the living room was opened by Kai and both you and he stepped inside. 

Just like Kai had, Kris had kept his distance from you – and the other aliens – this last week, just Tao was persistent enough to be with Duizhang as they sat in their room.  

“Don’t you think it’s boring to just sit here all the time?” Tao asked. He was seated on the bed the two shared while Kris sat at the desk, writing reports back to planet EXO in rapid speed.  

“I have to do it.” Kris answered, not taking his eyes of the hologram screen in front of him.

“We could go out shopping again some day.” Tao suggested.

“I don’t think I’ll have the time.” Kris mumbled.

“Well you’re no fun.” Tao sighed. “Julia will never like you if you’re this dissocial with her.” He stated, glancing at his Duizhang. 

Kris shrugged slightly. “That’s not what I need to be concerned about.”   

“I thought our MISSION was to be her soul mates. You’re not putting any effort in to even getting to know her.” Tao stated.    

“Tao, please.” Kris sighed. “I need to work. If you want to talk to someone, go somewhere else.” He muttered.

“Fine.” Tao sighed and got up from the bed and left the room. 

Kris sighed as his favorite of the other aliens shut the door to their room. I hope he wasn’t hurt by what I said… Kris thought to himself. He shook his head. Truth was, Tao’s words had really hit Kris. He knew it was true that you wouldn’t like him if he kept going like this. He had almost not talked to you at all but you had walked in on him screaming at the two youngest aliens, at least one of those times, you clearly picking the others side.   

Kris sighed again. He knew he wasn’t the most popular in your eyes and he had already slowly started to realize that you would never choose him in the end. He wasn’t sure exactly how long time it was left before 11 of them would be send back to EXO, but he was still convinced he wouldn’t be chosen to stay. Why would you want him? Kyungsoo could cook, Chen could sing, Baekhyun was almost already like a human since he knew so much about the human life, Suho and you were obviously already close, it was clear how much you liked Sehun and treated him as your own brother. She even took Xiumin out for ice cream. Kris shook his head again. Kai probably even has a bigger chance than me of getting picked by her.                     


The evening went on and you were sitting on the couch reading a magazine with Kai on one side of you and Chanyeol on the other. While they were enchanted in this week’s episode of ‘Running man’ (A/N: Lol, no idea what day that airs) you read an article about what ice cream flavors were healthier than other. You just shook your head at it. Bull. I’ll eat whatever freaking ice cream I want… you muttered inwardly.   

Ice cream… Suddenly you realized all the aliens –excluding Kris who you knew sat in his room writing something important – except for Xiumin were sitting with you in the living room.      

“Hey guys, where’s Xiumin?” You asked suddenly and looked around the room. No Xiumin.

“I don’t know…” Suho also looked around with furrowed eyebrows. 

“He went out like three hours ago.” Chen said carelessly, lazily watching the TV.

“He went out? Where?” you asked. 

“He was going to get ice cream.” Chen stated. 

“Ice cream? Three hours ago? He should have been back two and a half hour ago. At least. Are you sure he hasn’t returned?” you asked worriedly.    

“Yeah I’m sure. He’s not here.” Chen said. 

“Well then where could he be? Can’t it take three hours to buy ice cream?” Luhan asked.

“Not unless he decided to buy it in New Jersey.” You said, getting up. 

“Where are you going?” Lay asked.

“I need to go find him.” You stated as you started putting on your pink sneakers.

“Should we come with you? You can’t go alone.” Suho said.

“No… You’ll just get lost too…” You mumbled. 

“Well somebody has to go with you. We can’t let you go out all on your own like this. Don’t you remember what almost happened?” Tao asked you with a serious expression.    

You looked at him and nodded. “Come on Chen, let’s go.”    

 “Chen?” Tao asked.

“Why me?” Chen asked.

“Because YOU should have told me that Xiumin left since you were the only one except him who knew about it.” You growled at him. Chen got up from his chair and spent about 30 seconds finding his shoes in the major pile of aliens footwear before the two of you left.

“Can Chen protect her if something dangerous happens?” Lay asks.

“Please, he couldn’t even protect himself.” Kai muttered.


“We’ve been looking for 40 minutes now.” Chen sighed as he pretty much dragged his arms behind him.

“I don’t care! We have to find him.” You swallowed back your worried tears that had begun burning during the past minutes.   

“Hey don’t worry.” Chen grabbed your shoulder. “We’ll find him.” He smiled encouragingly. You were just about to smile back when you felt your phone vibrate in the pocket of your jacket. You quickly took it out and furrowed your eyebrows at the unknown number. Who the heck was calling you?      

“Hello?” you asked once you’d answered it.  

“Is this Julia Kim?” a dark unfamiliar voice asked in the other end. 

“Yes…” you said slowly.

“I’ve got your friend Xiumin.”


DUN DUN DUN  *evil writer laugher*


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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!