Chapter 33: B.A.P and EXO encounter

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

Kris ran like he had never run before. He was really bad at orientation but after a few wrong turns, he finally spotted Chen, Suho and the others. Xiumin, Tao, Sehun and D.O. had also joined the small crowd.

“Is it here?” Kris asked while trying to catch his breath as he stopped next to them.

“Right over there.” Suho said quietly and pointed towards a door maybe 30 meters away. Kris could already feel the strong presence of aliens.  Aliens he wasn’t used to, which meant they weren’t from EXO. 

“What do we do now?” Baekhyun asked, eyeing his leader.

“We barge in there, kill them and take back Julia!” Chanyeol exclaimed, but the others just hushed him.  

“We’re not killing anyone!” Suho hissed. “But we ARE taking Julia back.” He said as he looked between the aliens around him. Kris nodded in agreement. “Come on, let’s go!” he exclaimed as quietly as he could before heading towards the door that oozed alien all over the street in front of it.

“Do we knock or-“ D.O. wasn’t able to finish his question before Tao kicked the door in. 10 alien heads looked inside what looked like a big dark room. However, it was soon lit up as Yongguk, Daehyun, Youngjae and Zelo stepped inside through a door opposite the one the EXO aliens had entered and the lights. They stopped in their tracks as they spotted the enemy aliens over by the other door.  

“Damn it.” Yongguk growled through gritted teeth. “HIMCHAN! JONGUP!” he then called. Only seconds later the two called aliens appeared in the living room, both of them looking quite drowsy. Once they spotted the EXO aliens, both of them quickly awoke however.

Someone else who had awakened from Yongguk’s yelling was you. You sat up on the couch and had to take a double take as you spotted the aliens you had started to miss so dearly.

“Julia!” Baekhyun was the first one to spot you and quickly dashed to get you from the couch, but the furniture was located closer to where the six B.A.P aliens were standing and Zelo grabbed you before Baekhyun could do so.
You felt incredibly confused as the tall, skinny alien pushed you to stand behind him. You were still too tired to even process what was really happening.


“To slow.” Zelo grinned at Baekhyun.

“Give her to us.” Chanyeol growled slowly through gritted teeth as he stared at Zelo with a murderous look in his eyes.   .

 “You have no right to be here. Earth is EXO’s planet. You’ll be reported to our bosses.” Suho stated with hate filled eyes. 

Jongup and Daehyun exchanged worried glances. They didn’t want to go back to Mato but the only thing that would be worse than that would be put in prison on EXO.

“Wow, wow…” Yongguk put his hands out in front of him as if to try and calm down the EXO aliens. “We haven’t done anything to harm Earth.” He defended himself and the other five.

“No you’ve  just kidnapped a human girl.” Chen said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

“But we haven’t harmed her either. Look.” Zelo pulled you to stand in front of him.

“I think we need to take a closer look to confirm that.” Xiumin said as he stepped closer. He walked all the way up to you and Zelo and when he was close enough he carefully picked up your left arm and started to examine it. Then he quickly lifted his other hand and froze Zelo as he tugged on your arm and you hurried over to the other EXO aliens.

“What have you done?!” Jongup yelled as he stared at Zelo in horror. “Un-freeze him now!” Himchan roared.

Xiumin eyed them and then exchanged glances with Kris. He then un-froze Zelo. “Too slow.” he said with a smirk as Zelo shuddered.   

“Tell me, why did you kidnap Julia if you weren’t going to do anything to her?” Kris asked, eyeing all of the six aliens from Mato.    

“We needed to find out why all of you were here all of a sudden. She hasn’t been to much help though.” Yongguk eyed you slightly as Chen ruffled your hair. “Because you love us don’t you.” He whispered next to your ear. 

“And why did you need to know that? We are EXO aliens. We have all the right in the universe to be here. You on the other hand… Not so much.” Suho said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Yongguk eyed Himchan who nodded slowly. “Because we were afraid you had found out that we were here. That you were gonna send us back to Mato, maybe start another war.”

Kris furrowed his eyebrows. “You were afraid we would start another war? Wasn’t that your intention?” he asked, sounding confused.

“Flyer, you of all people should know I don’t want to fight anymore. And neither do Himchan.” Yongguk said as he looked in to the EXO leader’s eyes. 

-----Flashback to war # 3012 EXO vs. MATO ------

Kris couldn’t even remember the last time he ate. He couldn’t even feel the hunger anymore. He tried his best to stay away from the fights and for the past few hours he hadn’t seen a living soul. A part of him was still very angry with his dad for sending him to Kris’ uncle who in turn sent him out in war. Kris couldn’t fight. Well, he had about a week of training before he was sent to Mato with some other militaries. That wasn’t enough. Kris couldn’t fend for himself and he certainly did no good in protecting his planet.     

More time passed but Kris didn’t know how much. The only way he knew it wasn’t a whole week was the fact that it had gotten dark for the first time since he had gotten away from the latest fight. The stars were the only thing lighting up the ground he was walking on. 

He still hadn’t seen a single alien and he liked the quietness. Though he was barely able to finish that thought until he heard something. 

“We can’t stay here forever.”   

“Well we don’t have anywhere else to go.”

“Should we just go back… And fight?”

“…You leave if you want to. I’m not going back there unless I’m…forced to.” 

Kris slowly walked closer to the voices. They were both deep, even deeper than Kris’ own voice. He feared he’d meet the eyes of B.A.P warriors which would get him into trouble. He wouldn’t stand a chance against two of them even if they were only half of his height.

“I’m not leaving you here… I’ll sta- !” Himchan exclaimed as he spotted the EXO alien. He scrambled up into a standing position and Yongguk quickly followed. Himchan pulled out his sword and directed it towards Kris.

“What are you? A time controller? A ghost talker? Teleporter?” Himchan asked Kris with his sword close to the latter.

“I’m neither.” Kris answered. He didn’t want to admit he could fly. He still couldn’t control his power too well.    

“It’s two against one, you know you don’t stand a chance, EXO alien.” Himchan almost spat out the last words. Yongguk gave Himchan a look. “Clam down. Remember, we don’t want to fight.”

“You don’t want to fight?” Kris snorted. He didn’t believe a single word they said. After all, he had been raised in a quite conservative EXO family and thought very lowly of anyone from Mato.

Himchan and Yongguk glanced at each other. “Well, we’ll fight you if you fight us… But we’re not going to start.” Yongguk said as Himchan slowly lowered his sword.

Kris eyed them with an eyebrow raised. “Okay… Well I’m not gonna start it either.” He knew he should fight. He knew his father would rather see him dead in a battle for his planet than surviving because he was too much of a coward to be in one.

The air between them got quiet as no one uttered a word. 

 “Oh, you’re a flyer.” Yongguk stated as he suddenly spotted the ring Kris was sporting. Kris quickly covered his right hand with his left, but it was too late. 

“I heard those are special.” Himchan nodded.

Kris couldn’t respond as an ear deafening sound was heard from behind. All three of them fell to the ground.   
Yongguk and Himchan quickly got up as they saw a big war-machine from Mato.
Kris also got up and felt at loss of what to do. So this is how I die. He said to himself as he stared at the huge grey-green machine in front of him.   

“What’s that?” he whispered out, not really expecting anyone to answer.

“It’s something you should avoid.” Was Yongguk’s answer as two B.A.P warriors stepped out of the machine. “Is that an EXO alien!?” one of them yelled, obviously referring to Kris. The other one quickly lifted something that looked like a huge gun in Kris’ direction but Yongguk quickly shield Kris with his own body. “Don’t worry, leave him to us.” He smiled.

The alien lowered his gun. “Well we can watch.” He muttered.   

Yongguk turned to Kris. “I hope you’re good at acting.” He mumbled. Kris raised his eyebrows. He didn’t understand what Yongguk meant by that. Himchan raised his sword once again and put it only a few inches from Kris throat. “Just pretend you die!” he hissed as he pulled his sword quickly through the air. Kris eyes widened. Then he realized what Himchan had done. Kris fell to ground and tried to imitate the noises he had heard dying warriors make during his short time in war.   

“There we go.” Yongguk stated as he turned back to the two other warriors.

------Flashback ended--------

“Tha…That was you?” Kris furrowed his eyebrows. Yongguk nodded. “I think I’d remember the only flyer I’ve ever met. And the only EXO alien I’ve ever saved.

“Wait… They saved you?” Suho asked with huge eyes staring at Kris.  The latter nodded slowly. “I didn’t recognize them at first. They were blonde back then.”

“Don’t remind me.” Himchan muttered as he pretended to shudder.

“So… What do we do now?” You asked as you decided to finally speak up.

“How about a replay?” Yongguk asked, directing a raised eyebrow to Kris.

“We all just leave each other alone?” Kris raised an eyebrow right back.

“Sounds good to me.” Zelo smiled. “No one even asked you.” Youngjae glared at him. “Well don’t I have a say?” Zelo muttered.

“Shhh.” Yongguk hushed. “We’re sorry for…borrowing Julia.” He said. “It’s okay. But next time you ‘borrow’ someone, fix an extra bed would you.” You said.

“I sleep in a tent, don’t you complain.” Sehun muttered.


So it all ended well as you and your aliens returned to your apartment. 

“Are you sure you’re okay Julia?” Xiumin asked as he put an arm around you and you nodded “I still don’t trust those bunny lover aliens.” Chen muttered.   

“I think they’re nice.” You smiled. “Now I’m going to bed again since it’s… 5am…” you yawned.

The aliens all sat down in the living room relaxing for a moment after the hectic night.

“Hey…” Sehun suddenly opened his mouth. “Where’s Luhan and Kai?” 


I'm not really sure how this chapter turned out because I re-wrote it so many times... But I hope you liked it ^^

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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!