Chapter 27: A call to the Bosses

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

Long chapter ahead, just FYI ^^


The days past by quickly and soon, your last night in South Korea had arrived and you bags were already packed. 

“I can’t believe we’re going back tomorrow morning. Somehow it feels like we’ve been here forever.” You said to Suho as you lay in your bed, looking up at the ceiling.

“Really? To me it feels as if we just arrived.” He almost sounded a bit sad when he said that, so you turned your head to look at his slightly frowning face.

“Don’t worry too much Suho. It’ll solve. I’ll talk to Kris, I’ll even talk to those bosses if it’s necessary.” You assured him, trying to make the atmosphere lighter.

He snorted slightly. “Thank you.” He smiled. “But I don’t think you’ll be able to do that. I’ll just have to take my punishment.” He stated as the smile disappeared.

Suddenly, you felt just as blue as Suho seemed to feel and you turned your focus back to staring up at the ceiling. You couldn’t imagine having Suho go back to EXO while you just stood there and watched. There must be something you can do. You though quietly for a few minutes until Suho spoke again. 

“No matter what happens, I’ll always be very happy to have met you, Julia.” He said and you could hear the smile in his voice. “And honestly, even if I have to go back to EXO, I won’t regret coming with you to South Korea. This has been the best time since I came to Earth.” He stated and you smiled, showing your teeth. “I’m glad to hear that Suho.” You answered him and soon, both of you had fallen asleep. 


“We’ll land on JFK airport in a few minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and make sure all of your electronic devices are turned off.”

You felt nervous when the speaker voice announced that you were soon going to land. Even though you were happy this long plane flight was over, you knew what it meant you would soon meet the other aliens back at your apartment. You glanced and Suho who just then, swallowed hard.   

While most people walked fast, talking happily either about the vacation they were about to spend or the vacation they already had spent, you and Suho walked pretty slowly, both of you quiet.

“I guess we’ll take a cab home.” You finally said as the two of you spotted the corner that you would soon turn and then stand in front of the people, waiting to greet someone. Suho just nodded in response.

The two of you turned the corner and the first thing you spotted was a pair of eyes looking right at you. After a few short seconds, those eyes shaped in to half-moons as the owner to the smiling eyes jumped over the red tape that was put up to separate arrivals from the people waiting for them.

The owner of the eyes skipped up to you in two quick seconds and threw his arms around you, almost making you fall over.   

“Sehun.” You said, his arm covering your mouth.

“I’m so glad to see you.” He said, finally letting go of you. His eyes were slightly shiny and after looking at you for a few seconds he threw his arms around you yet again in another bone crushing hug. This time Tao came along and pulled Sehun away from you stating it was his turn now and actually lifted you up in his arms and swung you around as he hugged you tightly. You smiled, not even you parents who hadn’t seen you in a couple of months had greeted you like this.   

When Tao and Sehun both were done hugging you, Tao carried your bag while Sehun hooked his arm with yours as the three of you walked up to the rest of the aliens. As Xiumin came over to hug you, you saw Kris’ expression. He didn’t exactly look…happy. Chanyeol, who was standing next to him on the other hand, looked extremely happy and the second Xiumin had let go of you, Chanyeol did the same thing as Tao had done and lifted you up, snuggling his face in to your hair, but without spinning you around.   

“How did you guys get here? Did you all go by bus?” Suho asked and you noticed how he made sure to only look at the aliens his own height such as Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Chen. Even so, Kris was the one who answered. 

“The Bosses have sent us two cars and we drove them here. They of course also made sure to fix our licenses so that they were valid here on Earth as well.” He answered in a robotic kind of way with his arms crossed.

“Oh great… I can drive one car if you-“ Suho began but Kris cut him off.

“No thanks, that won’t be necessary. I will drive one car and Xiumin the other. And with that Kris locked eyes with you for a quick second before turning around and walking away. “I’ll wait by the cars.” He said to Xiumin who nodded.

The other 12 of you walked over to the place where your bags were going to arrive and as you were telling the curious ones about your trip back home, Luhan spoke to Suho.

“I can’t believe you did that.” He whispered.

Suho sighed. “I know. Me neither.”

“I honestly had hopes for you until the second I saw you turn that corner with her.” Luhan stated, sounding disappointed.   

Suho didn’t say anything to that but instead asked: “Has Kris told the main bosses yet?” Luhan turned his face to look at him. “No. He might be tough and all of that, but he wanted to give you a chance to explain to The Bosses why you did it. He wants it to be fair.” Luhan explained just as Kai lifted you bag of the trail.

“Okay, now, let’s go!” Chen said and all of you left towards the parking.

The cars filled up quickly and soon just one seat was left available in each car since your bag took up a seat as well. You pushed Suho towards the one where Xiumin and Luhan sat in the front and Suho glanced back at you, his eyes saying thanks.   

You knocked on the window to the passenger seat and Tao rolled it down.

“Could I maybe sit in the front?” you asked Tao. “Fine, if shotgun, doesn’t mean anything to you.” He mumbled but smiled at you as he opened the door and let you in instead. You glanced at Kris who didn’t look back as you fastened your seat belt.

The two of you sat quietly for the first five minutes of the ride while the four boys in the back were talking loudly and playing games such as rock, paper, scissor.   

Finally, Kris pressed some button, making a black screen roll up and separate the front seat from the back seat and you couldn’t hear the others happily playing anymore. 

“How was the trip.” Kris “asked” making it sound much more as an emotionless statement than a question.   

“It was… Great. I didn’t realize until I came there how much I’ve missed my parents. And they really liked Suho as well.

Kris looked over at you with sharp eyes before turning his attention back to the road. “Did you let your parents meet Suho? An alien?” he asked.

“Well, there wasn’t much I could do about it. And it’s not like they found out he wasn’t human. Honestly, even I forgot he’s really an alien during that trip. He did a perfect job acting like a human.” You stated, watching the car, a complete replica of the one you were sitting in, driving in front of you.    

Kris was quiet for a while until you looked over at him. “I’m not surprised.” He stated calmly. “Even before we arrived on Earth I assumed Suho would do well here. I did not, however, assume he’d break the rules.” He mumbled to last part between clenched teeth but you heard it anyways.

“Don’t be too tough on him-“ you started.

Too tough?” Kris exclaimed with an offended smile on his face and eyes wide, almost looking like a madman for a while. “I couldn’t possibly be any less tough than this. You should know Julia, that I don’t want to see Suho have to go back to EXO either, but I’ve got responsibilities. He’s got responsibilities. And he hasn’t lived up to his so at least I better live up to mine. I could have called the bosses that time Sehun used his power in public. I should have called the Bosses. But I didn’t. And still somehow, I end up being the bad guy. Always.”         

You sat quietly, almost a bit scared. You had never really seen Kris like this. He was always so calm and composed, even when he was upset or angry and here he was, suddenly letting his true feelings pore out. And… Well, you felt kind of bad.   

“I’ve known Suho for years, we went to junior high together and I know he’s a great guy, don’t think I don’t. He’s never done anything bad.” Kris stated as he turned in a crossing after the other car before he continued. “I used to not be the best student. I would skip classes that didn’t interest me and… I might have gotten in to some other trouble as well. That’s why I ended up here. My father punished me by sending me to my uncle to straighten me out. Anyways, a few times I tried to get Suho to come along, I thought he could need to skip class a little to loosen up, be free for a while, but he would never do that. He wouldn’t even tag along to eat pizza when the school lunch was disgusting because we weren’t allowed to leave school property between 7 am and 4 pm. He wouldn’t even tell on us when we did it. Even though my friends thought Suho was a silly coward, I looked up to him. Somehow, I found him cool because he didn’t fall for group pressure and he kept his morals. That has always been the way I’ve looked at Suho, until 30 minutes ago when I saw him walk out of that airplane with you. Until that second, I believed that he hadn’t gone with you to South Korea. I believed that he was actually somewhere else. A part of me almost wanted him to be kidnapped by B.A.P aliens rather than having to see him break to rules for the first time.” 

“What’s B.A.P?” you asked.

Kris shook his head. “Never mind.” He mumbled.

You sat quiet for the last two minutes of the car ride as you processed everything Kris just had told you. Suddenly, you realized how unfair your picture of Kris had been all along. He was just trying to do his job, a job that he probably didn’t even want in the first place.     

He got of the car first and threw Lay the keys so that he would lock. You watched the tall leader alien hurriedly walk towards the apartment building while the rest of you slowly scrambled out of the car.

“He went to call the Bosses.” Luhan stated quietly next to Suho.


You carried your own backpack while Tao carried your big bag. “Gee, what have you got in this?” He asked as he finally had pulled it up all the staircases.   

“Nothing you shouldn’t be able to carry.” You smiled as charmingly as you could, pushing the door to your apartment open.

You put down the backpack as you saw Kris stand in the middle of the living room with a bright blue light shining all over him.

“They’re here now Bosses.” you heard him state as you all took of your shoes.

“Good.” A deep voice boomed.

Kris motioned for the aliens to come over and all they all lined up on either side of Kris while you stood on the side, watching.

“Now, Bosses, I believe Suho has something to tell you.” Kris stated, swallowing.

Suho nodded and took a step forward. “Bosses, I have done something very wrong.” He stated, not taking his eyes of the big blue screen in front of him. It was clear he was prepared to take whatever punishment he’d get. 

“You? Has really Suho Joonmyun done something wrong? I can not believe that.” The man on the screen stated, obviously thinking this was some kind of joke.

“It is sadly true, Boss. I’ve… Broken the rules.” Suho stated with his arms behind his back.

“Really now…?” you could practically hear that Boss dude raise an eyebrow. Suddenly, another voice came from the screen. “What is it that you have done then?” 

Suho swallowed before he began explaining. “You see bosses, our soul mate, Julia, was going back to her home country, South Korea, for a week and…I did the stupid thing of following her there.” Suho explained, suddenly looking very ashamed. 

“You did that?” The second voice from the screen sounded incredibly surprised.

“Yes, bosses, I did. I regret it deeply and I’m prepared to take whatever punishment you’ll give me.” Suho said, now with his face directed towards the floor.

“Is Julia still in South Korea?” the first voice, the very deep one, asked, apparently looking at Kris because he answered. 

“No Boss, she is here as well.”

“Then bring her out.” The boss said and Kris looked hesitating at first before he waved you over. You slowly walked to stand next to him as Baekhyun moved over to make room for you.

The big man on the screen smiled at you, making him not look the slightest bit intimidating, but you understood he had a great deal of power in his hands.

“Well hello there little Julia. I’m glad to finally see you.” He said and you nodded slightly in response. “Now, could you please tell me what happened? Did Suho really go with you to South Korea?” 

You looked over at Suho, who nodded at you before you looked back at the boss dude. “Yes, he did. He came along, and he met my parents. They really liked him.” you said quietly.  

The boss dude raised his eyebrows. “He met your parents?”

“Yes and they got along well.”

Now the other boss dude spoke up. “And what did you introduce him as? Hardly an alien I suppose.”

You shook your head. “No, I introduced him as my boyfriend.” Well technically, Suho introduced himself as your boyfriend but you figured that wasn’t really significant.

“Your boyfriend?” the other boss dude asked and I could feel the other aliens were surprised as well.

“And your parents accepted him?” the first boss asked. I nodded. “Tell me Julia, did Suho use his powers while in South Korea?” the boss dude asked. 

“No, he didn’t.” you stated.

“Thank you Julia, may we now talk to the aliens in privacy?”

“Sure, I’ll go unpack.” you mumbled and left.

The Bosses were quiet until they saw you had left the room together with your bags. Then they turned to Kris. 

“I knew we made the right decision putting you as leader. Your uncle will be so proud when he hears.” The main Boss smiled. Then he glanced at Suho. “As far as Suho concerning…”

Everyone in the room held their breath, including you who had your ear pressed against the door from inside of your room.    

“…I think it seems as if he’s done something quite right here. He stayed by his soul mate’s side no matter what, even if it included him having to break rules and risk his place on Earth. Now Julia’s parents also know and like him, which means he is one step ahead of the rest of you.” He said the last part with his eyes on Kris.  

“Excuse me Boss, but what do you mean by ‘ahead of us’?” Chanyeol asked.

The Boss looked a bit bothered as he glanced at Chanyeol before answering. “You’ll find out in time.” Then they turned their attention back at Kris and gave him a meaningful look before asking. “Is there anything else on your heart?

Yes, some aliens from B.A.P. “No, Bosses.” Kris said. “Thank you.”

“We’ll hear from you soon then. Goodbye.”

And with that, the call ended.

“You get to stay!” You exclaimed as you burst out of your door and ran over to hug Suho. “I can’t believe it.” He mumbled in to your hair. Sehun, Luhan and Kyungsoo joined in the hug and soon it became one big group hug. You saw Kris standing by the side with a faint smile tugging on his lips.

“Come you to.” You said with a smile. Kris hesitantly walked over but as he put his arms around the pile of aliens and one human girl, he smiled brightly showing his teeth. It was clear that he was just as happy as everyone else that Suho got to stay.  

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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!