Chapter 11: A “friendly” game of soccer

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

The Teams:


Luhan -

Xiumin –

You had decided to try and prove Xiumin wrong. You wanted to show him and the rest of them that you could be a threat on the field. But once the game really had started, everybody started using their powers to win and since you didn’t have any power of your own, you mostly stood by the side and watched the aliens play in both fascination and amusement.     

Xiumin got extremely annoyed as Luhan once again used his telekinesis to make the ball impossible for Xiumin or any of his teammates to catch, as Luhan himself ran towards the goal in a remarkable speed with the ball flying about 1 decimeter above the ground.     

“Hey! Don’t you think that’s sort of cheating!?” Xiumin called after Luhan but as Luhan just ignored him, Xiumin instead started running of behind Luhan to trip him but both his attempts to do so, as well as his fellow team mates’ tries to stop the ball, failed.    

Soon Luhan had made 4 goals for his team this way and Xiumin was pissed. “KRIS!” he called and Duizhang looked up. He wasn’t used to the other aliens calling him ‘Kris’ instead of ‘Duizhang’ but since Xiumin actually was older than him, he let it pass. Kris had been almost as little help for his team as you had been and had pretty much literally just watched the game.    

“You go be the goalkeeper!” Xiumin shouted and Kris gave him a look before walking over to his team’s goal, exchanging the post with Chen.   

The game started again and Lay quickly passed the ball to Luhan who started running again. He was already pretty much the fastest player on the court but as Chen – who could also run pretty darn fast - came close, Luhan did what he already had done multiple times and lifted the ball above the ground with his power, making it quickly switch directions if someone from the opposite team ever tried to kick it.    

Once again Luhan was close to the making a goal and Xiumin grunted in frustration, hiding his face in his hands as both him and his fellow team mates – including you of course – had seemed to give up.

Kris straightened up from his earlier position of leaning on one of the goalposts as Luhan came running close, without anyone else near him.    

Luhan slowed down a short distance in front of the goal but lifted his hand and made the ball shoot in the air towards the goal. Luhan had just had the time to place his happy smirk on his face as Kris, out of standing position flied up in the air and to the side, catching the ball just before it could hit the net.

Luhan quickly dropped his smile as Kris slowly landed safely back on the ground with the ball in his hands, raising one eyebrow towards Luhan.   

“Oh YEAH!” Xiumin was the first one to react in words after Kris’ awesome saving and you just stood there, staring at the three meter tall leader alien. Did he just… fly? You asked yourself, slightly recalling that time when Xiumin told you about the other aliens’ powers.    

Because of Kris’ new and highly praised position of goalie, Luhan’s technique wasn’t useful anymore. 

Instead, your team finally started to catch up. It became a more even match between the two best players, Xiumin and Luhan, but when Xiumin froze Luhan’s feet so that he fell over and scratched his elbow while Xiumin laughed evilly, you went in and stopped them. “Okay, you two!” you called. “Unfreeze him.” You said to Xiumin who did so, afraid of your sharp tone. “You two are NOT allowed to use your powers anymore!” you said, pointing and glaring at the both of them before walking back to your earlier position of doing nothing. 

Even though Xiumin and Luhan obeyed your demands, that didn’t stop the other aliens from using their powers.

Chen and Tao came running towards the goal, passing the ball between each other and Kyungsoo – who was positioned closest to the goal except for Kai who was the actual goalkeeper - freaked.
“Stop them Kyungsoo!!” Luhan shouted as he was too far away to be able to stop them without using his power.

Kyungsoo had a worried expression on his face and you overheard Sehun snicker at him before Kyungsoo, in pure panic stomped on the ground right where Tao – who currently had the ball – ran. Tao stumbled right in the crack that Kyungsoo had created in the ground and the ball slowly rolled off the court. 

“I’m so sorry! Are you okay!? I just freaked!” Kyungsoo quickly sat down on the ground, checking to see if Tao was okay.  

“I’m fine, don’t worry ‘bout me. Nice blocking by the way.” Tao smiled slightly before getting up and jogging over to go get the ball.

“Good job Kyungsoo, you can really be useful after all.” Kai smiled at Kyungsoo who unsurely smiled back.

The game continued for another 20 minutes and Tao tried to time freeze the opposite players many times but always managed to either not freeze anyone at all, or accidently freeze someone on his own team. By now, you sat on the side of the court with your knees drawn up to your chest, watching the interesting game.    

As Chanyeol then tried to burn the ground that Xiumin was running on, both you, Suho and Kris had had enough with the use of powers, besides, it was starting to get hot outside and more people turned up in the park, obviously making it a bad idea to use inhuman powers while playing soccer. 

A break was required and all the aliens flocked around you as Kyungsoo took out the picnic basket he had gone up early this morning to pack. “There’s one sandwich for each of us. Don’t eat to fast or you’ll get a cramp once we start playing again.” Kyungsoo ranted as he gave out the sandwiches to the hungry players. 

Everyone was truly enjoying the food and even though you hadn’t actually really played, you thought it tasted somewhat extra good because of today’s sporting.   

“Do we really have to play anymore? Can’t we just lie here?” Sehun asked as Luhan tried to pull him up for the second part of the game. You agreed with Sehun as you thought lying in the sun was way nicer than standing on the field, just trying to not be in the way of the game.

In the end, all the aliens were back on the field, Xiumin determined to take the lead as the score was 4-1 after a goal made by Xiumin himself. 

“And remember, no use of powers.” Suho declared as quietly as he could but still loud enough for all the players to hear.

You couldn’t deny that the game was far more boring when no powers were used but it was still a nice, new experience to lie there in the grass with the sun shining on your face as you were wearing Kris’ sunglasses, watching your 12 soul mates play soccer. You weren’t very focused on the game, not even when Chen scored 4-2, but your attention was turned back on once Kai opened his mouth.

“Aish, it’s so freaking hot.” He grunted before pulling his white T-shirt over his head and throwing it besides the goal. None of the other aliens even raised an eyebrow at his actions but you on the other hand were now watching Kai, and Kai only as he jumped up and down slightly – always ready to catch the ball – with his abs shining in the sun. 

The rest of the game didn’t interest you at all, you were just watching Kai and this soon got noticed by the aliens. 

Kai first felt a bit uncomfortable when he noticed you were watching him, but then he realized this was a golden opportunity for him, and instead of putting his shirt back on or trying to somewhat cover his upper body and the rim of his boxers that was also visible, he went all out and suddenly got more active in the game and started to run up the court a little bit to help his team even more.   

The other aliens were not as amused though and Tao, Luhan and Chanyeol were all seriously considering taking their own shirts off, but they all knew they didn’t have the muscled stomach to match with Kai’s.

By now, you had even taken off the sunglasses to be able to get a proper look of Kai as he ran around the court, kicking the ball every chance he got.

Suho was probably the one that was liking the attention you were giving Kai the least, and he knew that if anyone had the abs to match Kai’s, it was Suho himself.

You can’t Suho, it’s a ridiculous idea. And besides, it’s fun for Kai to get her attention for once. The angel part of his conscience popped up on his shoulder.  

Don’t listen to him, this is about you Suho. You’ve got better muscles than that little child. Take of your shirt and you’ll see that she will notice you instead of him. The devil part showed up on the other shoulder.   

He shook his head and even though he realized it was stupid of him to try and gain your attention by stripping out of clothes, he hesitantly reached down to the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head in one swift motion. He quickly threw it aside and as if the shirt had been holding back all of his fighting spirit, he immediately got in to the game and gave both a surprised Xiumin and a surprised Luhan a run for their money - or, ball.

You were also surprised but not at all unhappy as you realized another shirt had been thrown to the ground. After looking at Kai for probably 5 whole minutes, you now gave Suho and his quite defined abs your attention.

After another 15 minutes, the game had ended, 4 to 4 once Xiumin and Baekhyun managed to goal as Kai was to busy running around the parts of the field that was not his goal, trying to show up in front of you.

The 12 sweaty boys – two of them shirtless – now lay down on the ground in front of you, all panting for their breath, and you had to say yourself, it had been a successful ‘fun’ day.  


It's been a while... Well you all know school, right? :P


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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!