Chapter 28: A second chance

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

”Oh, remember that hot life guard with the six-pack?” Sooyoung exclaimed dreamily as she put her chin in her hand. 

“Which one?” Yoona said equally dreamily before the two fell in to another fit of squeals.

You hadn’t even been back at school for 15 minutes and you were already extremely tired of Sooyoung and Yoona. They weren’t actually telling you about their trip. They were just randomly fangirling about all the hot boys they had met everywhere again and again. And again. And again.

“Don’t you have a boyfriend Sooyoung?” You asked with furrowed eyebrows.   

“Well, it’s not like I did anything. I was just looking. In difference from miss Im here who made out with at least three different guys during this week!” And there went the squealing again.

2 hours later when you went to go eat lunch they were still just blabbering and you were even getting a headache from it at this point. They hadn’t even asked you how you’re trip back to South Korea had been.
You were randomly scrolling through your phone, trying hard to shut out their chit chatting.   

“That club was THE best! I swear all night it was like- Oh, hi Taemin.”

You looked up as the two girls stopped. In front of you stood Taemin, smiling slightly.

“Hello girls.” He looked at Yoona and Sooyoung first before locking eyes with you for a little longer. You blushed slightly and looked at the ground. 

“Heading out to eat?” Taemin asked.

“Mmhmm. Would you like to join us?” Sooyoung asked with a smile.

“Actually I’m heading to Starbucks for lunch today. I’m craving for some proper coffee. You can come along if you’d like.” He smiled.

“Sooyoung suddenly turned back to you. “Well, me and Yoona…can’t, but Julia would LOVE to join you.” As she finished the sentence Yoona gave you a push forward towards Taemin.

“Really?” Taemin looked at you with a smile.

“Ehm… Sure.” You nodded awkwardly, mentally cursing Sooyoung and Yoona.

“Great, see you later then.” Yoona waived slightly and she and Sooyoung walked off.

Taemin sighed slightly as he put his hands in his pockets slowly starting to walk. “So I heard you went back home during the break. Was it fun?” he asked, looking down at you.

You nodded, happy he had started a conversation. “It was nice. I was there with- A friend.” You cut yourself of, realizing you didn’t know how to explain who Suho was. 

“Mm. Who?” Taemin asked, still with his hands in his pockets.

“Ehh, an old childhood friend.” You lied.

“Well, sounds nice.” Taemin smiled and then came the awkward silence. After a while you realized maybe this time you should start a conversation. “So what did you do during the vacation?”

“Not much. I just stayed here. I went out clubbing with my friends but it’s just not really my thing you know.” Taemin explained as you finally got out of campus and you could see the Starbucks approaching.

“Yeah I’m not much of a party person either. Sooyoung and Yoona thinks I’m boring but I guess I just prefer staying home watching movies.” You shrugged. 

“Me too! That’s how you relax. Not jump up and down while pumping your fist in the air. That’s how you freaking exercise.” Taemin muttered jokingly and then looked happy as he was able to make you laugh.

“I know right. It’s not what I call dancing either.” You shook your head.

“I know! That’s not dancing! I mean, I LOVE to dance but not “dance”.” He lifted his fingers in the air doing bunny ears when he said dance for the second time.

You nodded. “I’ve heard you’re an amazing dancer.”

“Hmm, Sooyoung and Yoona talking about my mad skills huh?” Taemin stopped and snapped a quick dance movement before continuing walking. You couldn’t help but to laugh again.

“Absolutely.” You nodded, still smiling.

“We should go out dancing some time. Dancing for real.” Taemin suggested as he held the door to the café open for you.

“Oh no. I can’t dance.” You clarified as you walked to the line and glanced up at the menu.

“I hate it when people say that. Of course you can dance. You can walk so you can dance.” Taemin said pointing at your legs.

You snorted folding your arms over your chest. “Believe me. You haven’t seen me dance. It’s not pretty.”

“Then let me teach you. Seriously. Go out dancing. With me. REAL dance.” Taemin suggested again, his eyes serious and not leaving yours.

All if a sudden you felt shy again. “What, like, just the two of us…?” You asked, feeling unsure.

“Yeah.” Taemin shrugged. “I mean, if you want to.” He smiled. “Plus, if we’re dancing there won’t be any beverages you can spill out on me.” He said teasingly and just laughed as you slapped his shoulder.

The two of you ended up having a great time while drinking coffee and chewing on some sandwiches, discussing good movies and such. You were able to avoid the subject of going out dancing until the last sip of coffee was gone. Somehow, Taemin managed to convince you to come with him Friday night, assuring you that even if you really were bad at dancing he could turn you into a dancing machine before the night would be over.


The Friday came way too quick and you were freaking out even before you had stepped inside your apartment that afternoon.

“What’s with her?” Kai asked as you desperately ran back and forth between your room and the bathroom getting ready.

You were able to pick a dress surprisingly fast (it only took about 40 minutes) but when it came to the hair you experienced quite some trauma. If you would just let it hang freely you were most likely going to hurt Taemin with it if he would spin you or something considering the fact it had gotten pretty long. If you put it up in a ponytail it’d be the same problem. At last you decided to put it in a bun but you had never been one to fix hair so you had to redo it at least 10 times, not even exaggerating.  

When you were finally done you walked out in to the living room, putting a lip balm in your purse.

Xiumin whistled when he saw you from the couch. “Wow, Julia. You look gorgeous!” he exclaimed and got up to examine you closer.   

You blushed slightly, hoping Taemin would react the same way. You twirled to show of your dress. “Thanks.” You smiled. 

“Ey, where are we going? Should I also get dressed?” Sehun asked as he came out from the kitchen rolling up his sleeves.

“No Sehun. I’M going out. I suppose you’re going to stay inside. No, I don’t suppose it. You ARE going to stay here.” You said firmly before walking over to the giant pile of shoes – most of them belonging to aliens with giant feet – to pick a proper pair for the evening.

“Are you going out alone?” Suho asked, suddenly sounding a bit worried. “This is not Seoul, that could be dangerous.” He stated as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Not alone, don’t worry. I’m going out with Taemin.” You smiled.

“Who’s that?” Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows trying to recall whether he had heard that name before or not.

“Oh, just a guy.” You shrugged as you tried on a pair with low heels. They would make you taller, but surely not taller than Taemin and they were also fairly easy to dance in.

“A guy?” Suho raised his eyebrows. You nodded and the aliens glanced warily at each other.

“Forget it. You’re not going out with some guy.” Baekhyun shook his head firmly. You made a face. “Don’t overreact. We’re just going out dancing.” You assured as you stood in front of the mirror, making sure you looked presentable.

“I’m pretty sure Duizhang won’t let you go.” Tao stated simply.

“He’s right.”

You turned around as Kris voice also appeared in the conversation. You just sighed. “Sorry Kris but you can’t decide over me.” you stated, fixing your earring.

Kris took the whole scenery in quietly. Just like the other aliens he didn’t like the idea of you going out alone dancing with some dude he had never met.

“Sorry, but we won’t let you go.” Kris stated coolly before turning around and walking back inside his and Tao’s room.

You practically dropped your chin. “Excuse me? Who are you to decide over me?” you exclaimed. But it was too late. Kris had shut the door and couldn’t hear you.

“I don’t care. I’m going.” You headed towards the door but Luhan and Sehun blocked it.

“Don’t you realize how stupid it sounds? You have 12 soul mates here, only to serve you, yet you insist on going out with one human.” Luhan stated.

“12 really handsome aliens at that.” Sehun added but you just rolled your eyes.

“Oh yeah and you’ll dance with me I suppose.” You said, starting to grow really annoyed considering you were about to be late.

Kai appeared next to you, putting your hands on his shoulders as he put his on your waist. “Music please.”

Chen walked over to the stereo to put on some song but you let go of Kai and broke out of his grasp before Chen could do so.

“This is ridiculous. Would you please just let me go?” You pleaded, glancing towards Sehun and Luhan who were still blocking the door.

“Sorry Julia.” Sehun shrugged.

You let out the most frustrated groan/sigh before you walked off towards your room like a whiny 5-year old that didn’t get her will.

The whole keep-Julia-away-from-that-Taemin-guy thing became ridiculous really quick. They actually took turns on guarding the door.

However it was soon D.O’s turn and he had to let over the dinner making to the others which caused him to constantly glance worriedly towards the kitchen.

When Tao let out a girlish scream, accusing someone of burning him and Baekhyun barked something about “That’s not a frying pan Duizhang!” D.O hurried inside the kitchen.

This was when you saw your chance and quickly snuck out of your room with your shoes in one hand and your purse in the other. You had already texted Taemin saying you’d be a little late so there wasn’t any extreme rush. However you ran as quickly as you could down all the stairs once you had shut the door as quietly as possible. 

Once outside you decided it would be the fastest to take the bus the first bit and then you knew the perfect short cut to the dancing place.   

“I’m going to dance with Taemin, I’m going to dance with Taemin, I’m going to dance with Taemin~” you sang as you sipped down the back street that would save you at least 5 minutes.

It was completely empty so once you were done singing about dancing with Taemin you continued pulling of an extremely fake version of K.Will’s Please Don’t.

Suddenly you felt a random blow of wind behind you as you passed the backside of a bar.

You turned around furrowing your eyebrows. It wasn’t a windy day. Besides, how could it be windy on a small back street, tucked in between high buildings?

Since you didn’t see anything you continued, this time singing Sunggyu’s 60 Seconds.

“Nice singing.” A deep voice stated behind you and you froze as you quickly turned around. Before you could see who the voice belonged to, something was pulled over your head and before you had reacted, strong hands gripped your arms and you let out a panicked cry.






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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!