Chapter 45: The End

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

Approximately three years later



Julia Kim. ” Your name was finally called. You knew you had now officially graduated and survived college. It made a shiver run down your spine. You practically jumped towards the center of the stage and accepted your diploma with the biggest smile you ever thought you’d wear. As you joined the crowd of the others, Sooyoung and Yoona hugged you. You still almost couldn’t believe it. You had successfully graduated collage.

It hadn’t been a piece of cake. Then again, collage was hardly supposed to be, right? But you were fairly certain you were the only one, at least at your own collage, who had 12 alien soul mates to take care of.

Though it wasn’t like you had to take care of them. They weren’t babies. Even though some of them acted like it sometimes.

During these past years, you had gotten pretty used to living on EXO. It was huge, yet felt smaller than earth. It was more as though everybody knew each other, yet the planet with all its complicated systems and different rules made it all seem much bigger.

You weren’t the only human on the planet, but there weren’t many. Among millions of EXO aliens, there were about 30 humans. And some of you met up every now and then, discussing the big differences between the two planets and playing some good old card games.

You and your 12 aliens lived together in a huge house. It was quite the comfortable contrast from the small apartment you had been cramped in on earth. Everyone had their own room, the living room was big and the dining room almost even bigger. To top it all off, there was a soccer field in the backyard.

“Congratulations sweetie!” your mom called out and hugged you closely as you joined your parents and Suho in the crowd of newly graduated students and their relatives.

“Dad, are you crying?” you asked, eyebrows raised.  

“No.” your father denied. You just laughed, deciding now wasn’t the time to . Instead you hugged him next and then let Suho wrap his arms around you and kiss you on the cheek. He had a proud smile in his face and you took a deep sigh of relief, once again realizing that you actually had graduated collage.


After a whole evening of celebrations with your parents, you and Suho, both tired but excited, returned to EXO.

Opening the door, the living room that greeted you was dark but you could hear whispers from around the room. You looked at Suho with furrowed eyebrows but he just face palmed, shaking his head.

“Oh, she’s here!” you could hear Chanyeol exclaim and then the next second, 11 aliens jumped out from their various hide outs around the living room.


“Smooth.” Suho stated next to you with a slight sigh as he closed the door behind you. You ignored him and instead ran towards the first pair of open arms that awaited you with a big smile.

“Thank you!” you exclaimed, letting Kai spin you around in his arms.

“Time for celebration dinner!” Sehun exclaimed.

“Geez, Sehun, timing, please.” Kyungsoo sighed.

“I am so full I don’t think I can take any more food.” you sighed, holding your post-pizza-pregnant stomach. “And no more spinning me around either…”

“But there’s ice cream.” Xiumin smiled as he took his turn and wrapped his arms gently around you.

“Really? Well, can’t deny ice cream, can I?” you joked and before you knew it, you had engaged in an ice cream eating competition that you came to loose against Luhan.


“I think I’m literally unable to move.” you said, voice groggy as you practically lay on the floor, only your upper back and head still left on your chair.

“How the heck do you think I feel?” Luhan asked, constantly looking as though he was in the need to puke.

“Don’t complain, no one forced you to eat that ice cream.” Kris muttered.

“I was forced by the idea of competition.” Luhan said dramatically as he collapsed on to the couch, practically on top of Xiumin.

“Lay, could you please heal my aching stomach?~” you whined, trying to sit up.

“I can, if you want.” Lay offered. Of course he offered. He was the sweetest ever. You shook your head. “No, no, I’m only being dramatic.” you smiled, patting Lay’s head and giving him a kiss on his cheek. Lay smiled at you and carefully pulled you down to sit on his lap.

“So who’s up for pizza?” Tao asked.

“Ugggh!” you exclaimed.

“Shut uuuup!” Luhan wailed.

“Oooh, I’m in!” Sehun exclaimed.


“So what should I do with my life now? I’ve graduated collage, it’s not like I want to sit here day by day and become some kind of house wife.” you declared, eyebrows furrowed, as you sat at the kitchen table the next morning.  

“There’s lots you could do.” Chen assured you, without actually having any ideas.

All the aliens had jobs. The jobs on EXO were certainly different from the ones on earth though.

For instance, Lay worked at a hospital, healing aliens for a living. He had gotten even better control over his power and was now able to heal dying aliens without feeling almost any pain at all.

Chen, Sehun and Xiumin were interns at WCC – Weather Control Center, making use for their powers of lightening, wind and frost.

Suho had a job at another company that worked with cleaning the water on earth.
And the list went on.

Considering the fact you didn’t have any cool superpower, those kinds of jobs weren’t alternatives for you.

“Like what?” you asked.

Chen shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“But you said there’s lots.” you whined.

“Look, honey, I’ve got to go to work, have a good day.” he reached over and kissed you quickly on the lips before putting his jacket on.

“Yah! What am I supposed to do?”

“You’ve just graduated collage. Enjoy your time to do nothing at freaking all.” Chen smiled before heading out. He was the last one to leave so now you had the house all to yourself.

You nodded. Chen was right, you were supposed to do nothing. At least right now. But you weren’t used to being lonely. For the past four years, you had pretty much never had a day alone, barely an hour alone. When the aliens were at work, you had been at school. During your vacations you had spent a lot of time on earth with your friends or at home with your parents.

Now you were alone on EXO and you were bored before the day had even started.

Picking up your special EXO-phone, you called Tao. He worked with planning how EXO would defeat other planets. He didn’t love his job, partly because EXO was currently in absolutely no war what so ever, so the job was pretty boring for the time being.  And partly because Tao wasn’t much for fighting to kill, and so he wasn’t too proud of his job, literally planning how to kill enemy aliens.


“Tao, are you busy?”

Not really, just fighting a little. Piece of cake though.” you could practically hear his smirk but also that he his voice was a bit strained and you could hear the grunts from whoever Tao was fighting in the background.  
“Hold on for like two seconds, babe.”

You stayed quiet as you heard a few grunts in the background, the last one louder than the previous. Then everything was quiet for about three seconds before Tao spoke in to the phone again.

“There. Now, did you want anything special?” he asked, just sounding slightly out of breath.

“I’m bored, Tao.” you whined as you lay upside down on the couch in the living room.

Tao chuckled. “Julia, for real? What do you want me to do about it?”  

“Make it un-boring.” you pouted.

I’m at work. And what would we even do if I was home?”

You thought you could hear another slight smirk in his voice but decided to ignore it. “Teach me wushu.” you stated.

No. You’ll only injure yourself.” Tao sighed.

 “Geez, thanks for the confidence boost.” you muttered.

Tao chuckled. “The least I could do. Now, I gotta get back to work, just, I don’t something.”

And with that, the conversation was over.


Kris was the first one to come home that after noon.

“Julia?” he called.

“KRIS!” you smashed in to him from out of nowhere and he let out a grunt.

“Geez, what have gotten into you?”  he asked, raising his eyebrows at your arms, which were pressed around his upper body in something similar to a hug.

“I’m lonely.” you mumbled into his waist.

“Seriously? When haven’t you begged for alone-time these past years? And now that you’ve got it, you don’t want it?” Kris questioned as he wriggled one of his arms out of your grip to loosen his work tie.

“That was when I needed to study. Now there’s nothing to do.”

“Well, I’m all yours now, what do you want to do?” Kris asked.

If someone of the aliens had grown much as a person, it was Kris. The stiff, seemingly un-caring person who had been all about rules, was pretty much nowhere to be found now. He had loosened up remarkably and was now getting teased by everyone, including you, and he let the teasing happen. It was almost as though he enjoyed it. Which was good because you enjoyed teasing him.
He cared more about everyone now, he was a better leader.

“How ‘bout a Sing Star battle?” you suggested, excited.

“How ‘bout no.” Kris declined immediately and struggled himself free from your grip.

“But Kris~”

“But Julia, come on, you’re not 10, and you’re not Tao, don’t act like it.” Kris said.

You realized he was right. You had been sounding a little too much like a whining 10-year old all day.

“Then what should we do?” you asked after your slight self-reflection.

Kris looked like he was thinking. Before he was able to come with any suggestion, you exclaimed: “You can teach me wushu!”

Kris just looked at you with a face saying ‘what the hell’.

“Yes, yes, you can! You must at least know more than me so teach me everything you know!”


“What the heck is happening here?” Xiumin asked as he stepped inside the living room about 40 minutes later.

Kris lay on the floor, screaming. Chanyeol sat on Kris’ stomach and held on to his arms while you and Baekhyun tickled his feet.

“XIUMIIIIIIIN!!! HELP MEEEEE!!!!” Kris yelled. His face was read and he was trying to get out of the grips while Chanyeol literally laughed at his face while still sitting on his stomach, pinning his arms to the ground.

Xiumin smiled, joining in on the fun after his long work-day. Considering Kris was the one clearly in the need of help, Xiumin decided to be the good guy and be on his team.

He headed for you and lifted you away from the leg you were holding and the foot you were tickling.

You let out a slight scream as Xiumin swung you around for a bit before playfully throwing you on the couch. Baekhyun  was now getting kicked by Kris’ free leg and Xiumin froze Chanyeol’s hands and legs so that he easily could be pushed away before he had a chance to heat himself up with his fire power.

Seconds later, Baekhyun was the only laying on the floor, Kris tickling him while the victim was yelling “Kkaeb sooooong!” over and over again.

Chanyeol had his own team and he and Xiumin tickled you.

Luckily, Suho and Lay stepped inside the house and everybody calmed down.


“I don’t understand how a wushu-class could turn into that.” Kris still muttered hours later, when they were all gathered in the dining room.

“Probably because you weren’t a very good instructor.” Tao laughed and made Kris glare at him.

“Can you even imagine Kris doing wushu? He wouldn’t even be able to defend a piece of gum.” Kai joked.

“Hey, first of all, gum is hard to defend, everybody wants one and second, hello can we all remember that I have been at war?” Kris rambled, still, after all these years somehow trying to maintain his cold, leader-like image that was long gone.

“Yeah, and if I remember correctly that was a war we lost.” Sehun joked and everyone excluding Kris laughed.

“There, there stop fighting, it’s dinner time.” Kyungsoo announced once he stopped chuckling. And with those golden words, the 13 people around the dinner table all started filling their plates with the tasty food in front of them, and the usual chaos was to be found.

This was always the way things were at dinner. Everybody was practically fighting for the food though there was plenty for everyone. Then everyone talked about their day and there was always a bunch of teasing – not only towards Kris - and it had really become what you considered your home. Your family.


The End.



Wow. Every time I finish a fic, I feel half “Wow I’m so proud it’s done yeah that’s right I can do this I can write I can finish stuff.” and half “What the heck did I just write.”

Either way, I want to thank everyone who ever read, subscribed to, commented or in any other way supported this fic.

I’m quite relived that it’s done. I’ve been writing on this for over a year and there have really been times when I haven’t liked it at all. But there have also been times when I’ve really liked it. I guess everybody has those days.

I have a fic on the go, already about 9-10 chapters completed, but I’m not sure if I’m going to post it here or not. So for now, this is goodbye, but a very, very, very big thank you to you all and all your support.



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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!