Chapter 31: Operation find Julia

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

Kinda long chapter with a bunch of things in it. Enjoy :D


An hour passed. No Julia. Another hour passed. Still no Julia. Kris was growing worried. He started fearing the worst. Heck, he had started to fear the worst the second Luhan and Kai had come back, stating that you were really gone.

Kris was the one left in the apartment while the others were running around a city with who knows how many citizens looking for one specific girl. He was pacing back and forth nervously, hoping that someone, anyone, would burst in through the door and announce that Julia had been found.

It was getting close to mid-night and the other aliens slowly started to return to the apartment to see if anyone else had found Julia.   
As Xiumin and Tao at last came in through the doors as the digital watch by the TV showed 23:58 the number of aliens in the living room was complete at 12.

“What do we do now Duizhang?” Lay asked carefully. Kris sighed. He needed to fess up.

“I’ve got something to say…” he started slowly as he stood in the middle of the room.

“Noooo…” Xiumin exclaimed with wide eyes. Kris glanced at him with a raised eyebrow. “Did you really kidnap Julia to have her to yourself?!” Xiumin suddenly accused Kris who just rolled his eyes in return. “No, that was not was I was about to say.” 

“Then… What?” Suho asked.

“I… A while back… I saw B.A.P aliens…Here.” Kris stated as he looked around the room, meeting the other aliens stares.    

“Here in…New York?” Chanyeol asked. Kris nodded.

“When did you see these aliens?” Suho asked with furrowed eyebrows. Kris shrugged at first. “It…was a while back. We were in the mall. I… thought I felt the presence of other aliens and… it turned out it was them.” He explained.    

“How do you know it was aliens from Mato and not just some other aliens? Other EXO aliens even?” Kyungsoo asked. 

“I’m sure they’re B.A.P aliens. I recognized two of them as warriors.” Kris nodded slowly.

“How could you keep this information from us?” Suho stood up, looking accusingly at his leader. “Does the bosses know?” 

“No…” Kris said slowly, receiving a wave of sharp intakes of breathes from around the room.

“You’ve seen B.A.P aliens here, warriors at that, and you haven’t told us OR the bosses?!” Suho exclaimed.

There was nothing Kris could say to defend himself. Suho was right. “That’s it.” Kris stated simply.

It was quiet for a while until Sehun opened his mouth. “So what does this mean…?” he asked slowly.

Kris looked up at him. “It means, Sehun, that I’m fearing our soul mate has been kidnapped. By B.A.P aliens.”


“Why can’t you just let me go?” you asked as you suspiciously watched the sandwich Himchan had placed on the table in front of you.

“We could… But we need you to tell us why all those EXO aliens are here with you. Who are you even? You’re obviously not an alien.” Daehyun stated as he sat down on the chair across from you.

“No, I-I’m not an alien.” You promised as you hunger got the better of you and you carefully reached for the sandwich.

“You know, if you don’t want it, I’ll eat it.” Daehyun offered.

“Give it up you food monster. Make your own snack.” Himchan smacked Daehyun in the back of his head before sitting down as well. While Daehyun muttered something back, you took a careful bite and when you realized you didn’t fall into a lifeless pile right away, you took another.

Yongguk and the other three also joined the table. “Let’s get real Julia. We need you to tell us why all those aliens are here. Are the bosses on EXO onto us?” Yongguk asked you.   

You still weren’t sure of how much you could really tell him. Sure, they seemed kind and you pretty much bought their story but you didn’t want to risk anything.

“Come on Julia, just tell us.” Zelo whined.

“I…I don’t know… What I can say. Honestly, I don’t even know anything.” You stated as you wiped your lips with the back of your hand.

“You must know why they’re here. I hardly think they just barged into your house and you let them stay there.” Yongguk raised an eyebrow.

You remembered the day the aliens had arrived in your home. You had been too tired and confused to even really care. In your normal state of mind, you’d probably never let them stay. Now, you were at least glad you had.

“What was their story? What did they tell you?” Himchan asked.

“Seriously, they haven’t told me anything. I don’t know why they’re here… Can I have my phone back?” you requested.

“No.” Yongguk answered the phone question.

“You just let them stay with you? Without them giving you any reason? You must be desperate for hot guys…” Youngjae mumbled the last part but you heard him and rolled your eyes.


“I’m freaking out right now.” Chanyeol stated as he paced back and forth in the living room as he grabbed his hair and grunted out curses. Just like the rest of the aliens, he was now even more worried than before.

“What do we do now?” Baekhyun asked, scratching his chin in thought.

“We search for her again. This time, search for other aliens. If she’s with those B.A.P aliens, we’ll find her.” Suho gave out orders. Everyone paired up again and left Suho and Kris in the apartment.

“Look, Suho-“

Suho cut the leader off. “Seems like I’m not the only one who messes up, huh?” he said before leaving the apartment to search for you.


“I think I’ve got something!” Chanyeol exclaimed into his ‘phone’.

“Really?” Kris raised his eyebrows. He was still left in the apartment and the others were this time reporting back using their alien phones. So far, no one had gotten a single signal.

“Seriously! I’m getting a really strong signal!” Chanyeol almost yelled and Kris could hear the younger had started to run. For a few seconds, the only thing Kris could hear was Chanyeol’s breathing as he ran.

“What is it? Is it a B.A.P alien?!” Kris exclaimed when Chanyeol hadn’t spoken for long.

“It’s near!” Chanyeol called out.


Kris could hear another voice in the background. Did the aliens from Mato even know their names?

“Oh, hi Baekhyun.” Chanyeol said. “Have you also gotten the signal?”

Kris listened carefully as Chanyeol obviously had diverted his attention to Baekhyun rather than Kris himself.

“There’s no signal. It’s just me.” Baekhyun muttered. “Oh…” Chanyeol realized the signal had been his searching buddy all along.

Kris sighed. So still no progress then.


“Seriously Julia, just TELL US~!” Jongup cried out as he lay on the floor, bored and tired to his bones.

“I’ve already told you! They’re my soul mates!” You called out for the bazillionth time, wanting to sleep so bad. 

“We still don’t believe that. Tell us the real deal.” Himchan said as he opened up a bottle of peach juice and drank from it.   

“Maybe it really is what the EXO aliens told her.” Yongguk said at least. Himchan just cocked an eyebrow at his leader in response. “Though it’s probably not why they’re really here.” Yongguk said as he turned to leave “I need to go take care of the bar. Go to sleep everyone.” He called out over his shoulder as he left the room.

Jongup got up and stretched. “Finally.” He mumbled as he reached his arms over his head. “You can sleep on the couch there.” He nodded towards the big white, comfy-looking couch before leaving with Himchan.  

You glanced towards the door. The EXO aliens were probably wondering where you were. You just hoped they weren’t doing anything stupid trying to find you.






Luhan and Kai were running around the crowded Friday night, well maybe more Saturday morning city and calling for you in different voices. 

“Julia!” Luhan called out in something sounding like a British accent as Kai tried to imitate E.T. when he called your name again.   

“Dude.” Luhan stopped. “We’re getting ridiculous.” He stated. “Fine.” Kai stopped in his tracks as well, bending over, putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. “What do we do then?” Kai asked.

“I don’t know. I’m getting tired.” Luhan confessed as he also caught his breath.

Kai shook his head furiously. “You’re not suggesting we stop searching to sleep. We won’t stop until we find her!” Kai almost screamed the last part, not really at Luhan but just out in the air. He was also very tired and hungry as well. As if the timing wasn’t perfect, his stomach growled.

Luhan glanced at Kai. “Of course we won’t stop searching, but you gotta admit, we need to get something to eat. Think about it, we won’t have the strength to look for her anymore.” He stated.


“I’m hungry.”

“Shut up.”

“But I’m hungry.”

“Shut up.”

“Seriously! I didn’t even eat dinner.”

“I don’t care. Shut up.”

“Himchan I’m not kidding, I’m starving.”

“Then eat.” Himchan growled as he pulled his pillow over his face.

“But there’s never any food in the fridge. You gave the last sandwich to that human.” Jongup whined.

“Then go to a freaking 7 eleven. I don’t care just BE QUIET.” 

Jongup stayed quiet as he realized he was pushing Himchan over the edge. He contemplated going out to the bar and grab a snack but knew how annoyed Daehyun got whenever someone of them – in exception of Daehyun himself of course – tried to get free food from the bar. 

Instead, Jongup got out of bed and pulled on his jeans, a jacket and shoes before hurrying out of the home and towards a 7 eleven, just like Himchan had suggested.


“I just don’t understand this whole human money system.” Luhan muttered as he and Kai just had been denied paying with Monopoly money by the cash register.

“I’m starving~” Kai whined as he glanced at some chocolate bars. “Let’s just take them.” He mumbled.

“What?” Luhan widened his eyes. “We can’t do that! It’s stealing.” He hissed.

“So? What should we do? He won’t accept our money.” Kai nodded discretely towards the man behind the counter.

Luhan kept staring at Kai. “Fine. Let’s…take them.” He said at last. 

Kai wore a big baggy hoodie and put a handful of different chocolate bars in his pocket and Luhan tugged a small bag of chips in to his jean pocket, making the chips crush audibly.

“Let’s go.” Kai whispered and the two of them left as fast as they could. Before the door closed Luhan bowed to the man behind the counter who gave him a long suspicious look.

“I can’t believe we did that!” Luhan exclaimed as they came outside the store and started jogging away from it.

“I kno-“ Kai cut himself off as he was staring at a figure walking in the dark towards the door to the store. “Oh ! Luhan, that’s a B.A.P alien!” he hissed and pointed towards the person currently opening the door.

“Are you sure?” Luhan’s eyes widened.

“Well it’s certainly not one of us and there’s no other EXO aliens here.” Kai said slowly, not letting his eyes away from the store.

“What do we do now?” Luhan asked.

“Call Kris! Fast!” Kai hissed and Luhan fumbled with his hands and accidently pulled out the already smashed bag of chips and it fell to the ground. Then he got out his ‘phone’ and quickly called Kris.


“Are you serious?” Kris asked as Luhan hurriedly announced what he and Kai had seen.

“Yes, yes!” Luhan assured the leader.

“Okay… Wait outside the store and follow him when he gets out. DON’T get caught. If he’s one of the aliens who kidnapped Julia, you’ll find her.” Kris stated.


“For how long have we waited?” Luhan asked as he slowly chewed on a Twix bar.

“That dude must be buying the whole store.” Kai muttered as he took an aggressive bite of his Snickers. 

“So… his Monopoly money works…?” Luhan asked slowly just as door finally opened and the alien they’ve been waiting for, steps out, a banana milk in one hand and a sandwich in the other.

“Come on.” Kai whispered as he and Luhan carefully got up and followed the B.A.P alien.

They hadn’t gotten far until they heard noises from behind. Both ignored it but soon someone called out, “There they are!” and not 5 seconds passed before both Kai and Luhan had gotten their wrists tugged behind their backs and a hand pulled out the still unopened chocolate bars from the big pocket on Kai’s stomach.   

“I believe these weren’t paid for?” said the policeman from behind Kai. Neither of the two aliens knew how to respond. “You’re coming with us back to the station.” The one who had gripped Luhan’s wrists announced as the two incredibly confused aliens were being pulled towards a police car.

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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!